It’s getting very weird having a blog wherein I claim to provide ‘some thoughts on how the world really works.’ I mean, the way it’s all going where does one even start?…
With the now proven-beyond-a-doubt, mathematically and logically, that the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine they have forced upon people is actually poison? Literally poison. (If you have any doubt about this — and yes, I’m repeating myself — start here then get the guy’s book.) Somewhere around two million Americans dead from the jab. And, somehow — in spite of folks like Virginia Stoner and Ed Dowd — almost no one seems aware of this. (In short, the mob of limited hangouts are behind the ignorance.)
How did this happen? Was it planned ahead of time? Here’s some evidence that it was, and there is plenty more where that came from.
Of course it was planned. (Is there anyone else saying this?)
Thing is, though, that the COVID fraud/genocide was only a beta test for what’s to come. They needed to see how far they could push us before we said enough. Suffice to say they were very pleased with the test results. (Yes, they wanted to kill as many as possible and transfer huge amounts of ‘money’ to themselves, but these were side issues.)

I trust you get why the word ‘surprise’ is so important. The word means ‘you can’t see it coming,’ yet Fauci DID see it coming. Which means he was part of the planning of The Event.
Addendum: Although I no longer trust Cowan/Kaufman, they are absolutely correct in saying that no Coronavirus has ever been isolated, which means that ‘it’ almost certainly does not exist. (Again, read The Invisible Rainbow.) Which means, among other things, that if there is a new disease — as with the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ — it is not transmissible person to person.
To sum up: The Excess Death Rate did not rise appreciably in 2020, which implies that there was no new disease. Then, in 2021, when people lined up for the jab, it (The Excess Death Rate) skyrocketed. Get it? No? See Dowd’s book. (60,000 between 20 and 40 age group dead from the jab, and that’s only in the U.S. for 2021.)
Which also means: Since if there was a new disease it did not kill a noticeable number of people, all the hoopla about where the virus came from is more pure misdirection. But you know this by now, right? (if you don’t, you never will, no matter the proof.)
So it might be better to start with the motive behind the madness, and when I say ‘madness’ I would start not just decades back (JFK and so on from the 1960s) — plus both world wars — but centuries, even millennia (I fear lists before my lifetime since I don’t trust that any of it is actually history).
And the real fan-hitting shit is just now starting, with the bank failures, the ultimate goal being us all begging for a ‘solution’, like a new world currency, i.e., ‘we’re going to start over!’ and ‘Trust us!’ kind of thing.

Come to think, this was my first road trip, the VW my first ‘Casita Viajera’, bought in Hamburg, Germany, after a couple years on the North Shore. Wow, more than a half century ago?
The current war (Ukraine) is no more (and no less) — and COVID was part of this — than a way to sustain and misdirect. (Sustain the economic crisis while misdirecting from it, until it is truly too late.)
Addendum: NATO is saying they will send depleted uranium artillery ammo to Ukraine. The U.S. used this nightmare in Iraq and this was the result. (Click if you have the stomach.) The word/concept Evil comes to mind.
Meanwhile, the personages of Donald Trump/Joe Biden (plus BLM/January 6th and so on) were yet another distraction and (this is important) a way to keep us yelling at each other rather than at them.
Anyone who has anything good to say about Trump should keep in mind that the vaccine (Operation Warp Speed) was his doing, as much as Hitler was behind his holocaust.
(I didn’t actually shoot today’s portrait but did organize it: 1971, the Sebou River, Morocco. The others are Navy guys from a nearby base, one of which helped me smuggle back to the U.S. 20 kilos of fine Moroccan Blonde (worth about $40k in 70s money). The wave on the south side of the jetty was a great right-hander. Oh, that’s me eating something and looking out at the break, standing at frame left.)
By the way, you guys wanna see some hilarious horseshit? Still another great example of a beta test to see how much absurdity we will all swallow? It’s only about 15 seconds. There is no means by which this thing can alter its trajectory! And no one (aside from your humble narrator) is pointing this out.
I’m glad I came across the above (at the last minute) since it’s always best to finish up a prediction of calamity with a laugh.
One more thing: Any of you who enjoy Russel Brand (as I do), you know his actual function is misdirection/limited hangout, right? Try to find something important he says that you don’t already know. Never digs deep. Still, occasionally enjoyable. Sort of like Tucker.
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