I have a bad feeling, folks. Although those who are running the Ukraine war are insane, they have to know that the truth of the situation is close to coming out. When it does, their lies about who is winning, who is losing 6 or 7 personnel for each Russian lost, and on and on, will be likewise exposed.
The only way these evil bastards can avoid a catastrophic revelation is a drastic elevation of the violence that can be blamed on Russia. I speak of a false flag nuclear incident, with Putin fingered as the instigator. The media lies and the chaos of a nuclear detonation, they think, will get them off the hook and bring NATO into the war.
World War Three.
I sure hope I’m wrong, but the PTB in the West are truly insane and may see no other way out for them.
Right. This is assuming that nukes are real. My view on this is that just because the photos are frauds (like the one here), it does not prove that nukes do not exist. (As mentioned in comments, they likely have DEWs and who-knows-what-else in orbit that could do the deed.)
By the way, I’ve gotten into the habit of listening to Glenn Greenwald on Rumble. He has a daily show, ‘System Update’, that is worth your time. He of course limits himself so as not to go too far, but if you need a news source, he’s better than most.
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