Controlled Op!

All these but one are Montana. This is yesterday, a mile south of the Canada border.

In my search for cooler temps/thinner/clearer air/photogenic views I may be as far north as a human can go in the continental U.S., at least in a 27 foot vehicle with iffy clearance. I am in fact one inch below the Canadian border, by a Forest Service map with an inch equaling approximately a mile and a quarter. Although I’ve been on a steep up grade for the last hour of rumbling unimproved gravel I’m only at about 7,000 feet, a couple thou less than I’m looking for, for temps no higher than 80 F midday.

Heavily timbered mountains rise to the north and south. The breeze up here is fresh and cool. I’ll spend a day or two here. I’ll do a drone flight at some point (probably at sunset for the light) to get a better view of my circumstances. Drones are great for that. As opposed to the desert, the trees block out a good view. ‘Big Sky’? Maybe, but you have to clear the trees to see it. So I’ll do a straight up 600 foot zoom, then a slow 360. 

Don’t you love those rare occasions when a stranger is needlessly rude to you and you fuck him good a few minutes later, with the asshole having no recourse or complaint for your actions? No ability to say a fucking word?

About an hour ago I pull up next to a stopped van hauling a bicycle trailer, some sort of touring company, right? We’re on a very remote mountain road and I’m looking to ask him if he knows the area, likely campsites, running or still water and such. I approach his driver’s side and he glances at me then back down at something he’s writing on the seat next to him. I wait for him to finish his thought or whatever and wind down the window and say hi, what’s up?

This is the photo I did while the asshole waited.

I stand there for like three minutes. Yes, a long time. He doesn’t look at me again, although he’s done with his bullshit writing. Just sits there not looking at me. I stare at him. After the three minutes I get back in my rig and drive on.

What an asshole, right? 

A mile down the road I stop to photograph some cattle across a pond, their reflections shimmering perfectly in the morning light. Well here comes the asshole now and I know exactly what to do, which is to stand in mid road, between my rig and the other side and squint through my camera. The asshole has to stop; what’s he gonna do, run me over? 

Photogenic results of the fires out west.

I squint through the Canon for… for three minutes. Maybe more. I’m hoping that he’ll honk the horn so I can pretend I didn’t see him and make a big deal, a huge deal, out of apologizing, saying something to the effect that I’m sooo sorry for being fucking rude to a fellow traveler out here in the middle of nowhere. As the seconds and minutes tick on and on I know goddamn good and well that I’ve nailed the asshole perfectly.

Finally, I lower the camera and saunter the few steps to my rig. I try to catch a look at him but his windshield reflection is between us. I can’t tell if he’s reacting to my big grin.

Made my day.


What’s there to talk about that you don’t already know?… 

Controlled opposition is a subject you may not be thinking about to the extent you should. In my last post I repeated my claim that all the alt media are controlled op. Although my no exceptions attitude may not be strictly true, it’s the safe view. Let’s look at…

Smoky skies equals even Walmart looking better….

Project Veritas. I just viewed a PV extravaganza on Youtube. (What’s it doing on Youtube if it’s truth-telling alt media?) Check it out. Notice the professionalism. The tech expertise that went into it. The money it must’ve cost. A big red flag right there. And the smooth and overly enthusiastic delivery of James O’Keefe, the MC, his breathless intros of the various ‘whistleblowers’ he parades onto the stage. The Emmys got nothing on Project Veritas.

This looks weird from the ‘wildfire’ smoke wafting across the U.S.A.

But the real giveaway? After and beneath all the hoopla, ask yourself what PV has actually exposed. The whistleblower O’Keefe intros as the Most Important Is a Hasbro Toy company employee who asserts that Hasbro is promoting Critical Race Theory via its toy packaging. Big f-ing deal.

Here are some others:

A postal clerk who overheard his superior talking about back-dating some mail-in ballots in the 2020 election. That’s about it for their exposé of the crooked election. 

A CNN guy who ‘wore a camera’ at CNN and… blah blah blah… and I could not tell what he actually exposed. 

A Google employee did the same with a similarly mirky result.

The Houston local reporter who blew the whistle on her network’s preventing her from exposing… what? She never says? (The network was Fox, by the way, good old Tucker Carlson’s outfit.)

A CBS weather girl who ‘will expose CBS’s discrimination’, whatever that means since no details were forthcoming…

More unnatural weather.

O’Keefe also bragged about how PV Won its lawsuit vs The New York Times, the judge branding the paper as ‘deceptive.’ About what? Not clear.

At about this point in the show I realize that the high end hoopla, flashing lights and continual audience applause/approving hoots were meant to distract me from the fact that I could not suss out what these whistleblowers actually exposed.

But what’s the point of the PTB concocting a phony whistleblower outfit that — notwithstanding its phoniness — infers the actual truth, I.e., that we are being lied to about… well, you name it.

Doing some astro-photography.

There has to be an opposition. And as Lenin (Vladimir not John) tells us ‘The best way to handle the opposition is to run it ourselves.’ What better way to control it? All of it.

And think about some exposés that PV does not mention. Like COVID. Like the fact that the PCR test — which is behind the ‘case stats’ that are used to rationalize lockdowns and the vaccine lies and… all the lies — is not only utterly useless for diagnosing any disease, but completely manipulatable? All they’d need do is find a reason (via any whistleblower) to quote the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, who died young and healthy just prior to the COVID outbreak in 2019.  

‘Testing positive’ for COVID is meaningless in every way. How about that for a whistle to blow? 

Another reason to run an outfit like PV is to keep an eye on who contacts it as a whistleblower. This way they can control what new info is actually made public. The stats — who is listening to whistleblowers — are also easier for the PTB A.I. to keep track of. (The actual ‘whistleblowers’ may or may not be part of the op. Many are just useful idiots.)

Rand Paul. You wanna talk about controlled opposition? Notice how he’s lately been grilling Fauci at the Senate hearings, accusing Fauci and the NIH of supporting the Wuhan lab’s ‘gain of function’ crapola? As mentioned in a recent post, Rand Paul’s rants are all old news, via this very blog, almost a year and a half ago. All of it, the Wuhan ‘Batwoman”s’ ties to the U of N. Carolina and the NIH funding. All of it was on this blog way back when. What possible excuse could Paul (or anyone) have for the delay in spouting this ‘revelation’ when it was all public knowledge at the very beginning of the ‘pandemic.’

Why the delay in spouting this crap? Because the Wuhan/Fauci/gain of function revelations are more red herrings, irrelevant lies. They (with Rand Paul as the mouthpiece) needed some ‘new’ info to keep the lie ‘current,’ to keep up the lie’s momentum See, where the ‘pandemic’ originated is irrelevant, as long as people believe there is an actual pandemic. (Yes, there is a new ‘flu’, but it’s no worse than the seasonal malady we are all used to. The stats — even though they are bogus — prove this. Less than 1% mortality rate, even using their numbers.)

You guys understand this, right? This latest ‘bombshell’ about Fauci/NIH support for gain of function also massages lightweight truthers’ belief that someone like Rand Paul is looking out for them. No need to dig any deeper (than Fauci’s Wuhan support) for a ‘shocking’ truth. Rand and his ilk are on the case!

Here’s a quote from my linked blog post from February, 2020:

A 2015 document Boyle unearthed fingers the Level 4 bio-lab (BSL 3) at the University of North Carolina as the U.S. participant in the engineering of the ‘COVID 19’ virus. Names are named, including the Chinese scientist from the Wuhan lab who bought and then transported the pathogen back to China. The deal was sponsored by the NIH (National Institute of Health) and the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), aside from the university bureaucrats. As Professor Boyle says, all involved should be prosecuted under the Bio-terrorism Act of 1989, which, again, Professor Boyle wrote.

Right out of Rand Paul’s Rant. Why did he wait a year and a half to spill these beans?  How could know this stuff and the senator didn’t?

The irony, of course, is that the above is a lie to begin with. Whatever COVID is, it did not originate at the Wuhan, or any, lab. And it is not contagious human to human, any more than the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ was. 

Controlled opposition spouting limited hangout lies. Right out of the playbook. 


Next day. I found a campsite with good cell reception and will be here for a few days. I’ve ordered more canvas prints to tack on to the side of my rig, making me a traveling photo exhibit. They look good, why not?

Another deer photo I like.

Which reminds me. I want to start a photography website and need a webmaster/designer. Someone out there must know someone. If you do, email me at allan at


Just to be clear: I’ve come to believe Dr. Tom Cowan in his observation (and it is an observation, not a theory) that ‘viruses’ do not cause disease. See his Bitchute videos for more on this, and maybe start with this one. (The audio is sped up.)

Futzing with in-camera double exposures yesterday, I came up with this on my first try…

And as I’ve recommended before, a read of Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow and Cowan’s The Contagion Myth, will enlighten you on the horrendous lie that germ theory really is.

Okay, I just came across this. I have not looked into the veracity of this. It was first published in June and I haven’t heard anything else, so there is likely a problem with the info. Still…

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