Distracted, folks, thinking of adopting another dog, a very young puppy, a Husky, Shepard, and Pit Bull mix, and haven’t been able to concentrate on what I think is an important post, i.e., RFK, Jr.’s book on Fauci.
But meanwhile I went back to 2017 and scanned my post titled ‘My List So Far’ and saw how overblown it is, yet with some interesting stuff. It also occurred to me that many of you probably haven’t seen it; so I quickly (and sloppily) deleted as much of the crapola as I could stand, and will subject you to it here, maybe giving me time to deal with the puppy decision and a bunch of other stuff I won’t go into.
And hey, 2022, with my B-day — my last? your last at some point? — coming up in less than three weeks…. never mind…
Let’s all try to learn as much about HTWRW as we can over the coming year. Okay?
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