A Question for Miles Mathis, Part One

I think what I’ll do is paste in the first part of “Miles Mathis’s” recent essay on the Space Shuttle Program being fake and let you guys give it a look without any comments from me. See if you see what I see. No hints. Just read it and think about it. I’ll try to do my analysis tomorrow. If you want to use comments, great, and you might do what I will with my analysis: Add my observations in CAPS to his words.

You can find the essay at milesmathis.com.

You can find the essay at milesmathis.com.

Addendum: Most of you will recall my Open Letter to Miles Mathis from a while back, which lays out the evidence that MM is a psy op, probably out of Tavistock (based on the ‘Britisms’ I found).


The Space Shuttle Program was a Fake

by Miles Mathis

First published June 30, 2019

The Mandela Effect project is now really blowing up in their faces, since the last thing they wanted me (or anyone else) to do is look closely at the Space Shuttle program. But by including Moonraker in their list of Mandela Effects, they led me into this one themselves. In researching my recent paper on that, I had to go to Youtube and watch the official theatrical trailer from 1979. And of course that reminded me that this Bond film was made to sell the Space Shuttle program going online in those years. So one fraud keyed me into another.

Yep, he's right. The shuttle engines don't appear to be firing...

Yep, he’s right. The shuttle engines don’t appear to be firing…

I have no intention of showing that Space Shuttles never existed, or only existed as holograms or something, from a parallel universe. That is not what I mean by fake. The planes certainly existed: I saw one being carted around on a 747 in Texas back in the 1980s. What I mean is that the planes were another massive fraud upon the taxpayers, doing nothing taxpayers wished to see done, little or nothing that needed to be done, and few or none of the things we are told they did. They were supposed to help launch various satellites, but we now launch satellites quite easily without them, and much more cheaply. Each shuttle launch cost almost $2 billion in today’s dollars, which is no bargain. Over $200 billion was spent on the program over three decades, and what do we have to show for it? Some museum pieces. A handful of chubby planes that never got out of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and that haven’t morphed into more useful tech.

We now know that the Apollo program was an even more massive fraud, and that no one ever went to the Moon. That is what I would call common knowledge, although the governors wish it weren’t, and pretend it isn’t so. They are still trying to sell it, but have very few buyers outside of their government, university, and military hires. We also know the more recent SpaceX launches are fraudulent. They are so poorly faked even school children can see the seams. They have rockets flying backwards and landing on tiny spots in the ocean, while paid crowds of college students, meth heads, and gangbangers cheer and high-five.

Good point, Miles! The size of the tank does not match the other images!

Good point, Miles! The size of the tank does not match the other images!

Note: There is a lot more to it but let’s start with the above lead-in, which actually says everything ‘important.’ The rest of his essay is just more ‘evidence’ that the shuttle imagery is questionable. Not that he’s wrong; that’s not my point…

See how big the tank is in this one compared to the space shot image? Busted! So what's my problem with MM?

See how big the tank is in this one compared to the space shot image? Busted! So what’s my problem with MM?

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