A Zero Slide Show?

Good old ‘Miles Mathis’. I’d laid off him/them/it for quite a while, not sure why, maybe because the excruciating detail of my summation of what him/them/it  is (a psy op) pretty much left nothing unsaid.

Some images from the past couple days. This is my new home, probably for the winter.

But not so. If you know how to parse him, i.e., pluck the needles of wisdom from the haystacks of misdirection, Miles (assume the scare quotes from here on) is a wealth of deep knowledge.  (Miles’s silence or contempt are also major tells, as in his continuing disdain for the occult as a PTB obsession.) See, the acre of spooks which comprises the ‘Miles Mathis’ team, between them knows pretty much everything, and the team ego — they can’t resist showing off kind of thing — results in some edifying bean spillage.    

Addendum: Plus Mile’s beyond-astounding output is a continuous source of amusement/incredulity, how the ‘Miles’ team (Tavistock, I assume) assumes we are all stupid enough to buy it. For instance, if you go to his site today, you’ll find that from 10/16/21 to 10/21/21, five days, Miles published three heavily research-dependent exposés, the ones titled ‘The University of Texas Tower Shooting Was Faked’ and ‘The Kitty Genovese Killing Was Faked’, both running over 15,000 words. (Trust me, pieces of this length/detail would amount to at least a month’s dedicated work each; Miles pumped them out in a couple days.)

The other one (in this five-day stretch of superhuman pedagogical parturition), ‘The Alex Jones Trial Was Faked’ and is much shorter, but still (we must assume) involved copious research. 

Do you all understand how utterly absurd this is? Miles might as well have claimed to run a one-minute mile. (Miles tells us that the fourth piece [another five figure word total] is from ‘a reader,’ but a careful read indicates the writing style is 100% Team Mathis.)

One thing Miles does that I appreciate (it’s my MO) is to point out obvious stuff that others might miss. Like this (‘Fiston Ngoy’, you gotta love it!), in the Jones piece re a recent story you are all likely familiar with:

And in other news, two days after my previous paper on Kitty Genovese came out, the mainstream released a new fake news story about a guy raping a woman on a Philly train, and no one doing anything about it but filming it on their phones. The story hit the press on 10/18, aces and eights, indicating a fake. The assault allegedly lasted eight minutes and bail was set at. . . are you ready? . . . $180,000. Since this was a story about sex, we had to get the usual childish Langley jokes. It happened at 69th street station. The guy’s name is Fiston Ngoy. Or, Fisting a goy

In the same piece we have, the following, as Miles indicates that Alex Jones is a full-blown agent t of the PTB (as if we needed more evidence of that), via proving his trial was a fake :

In a defamation suit, there is no discovery on the defendant….  It is not up to Jones to provide the evidence against him, or incriminate himself. It is up to the plaintiff’s attorneys to show the evidence and prove it is libelous. Jones’ only required action in the suit is to respond, arguing it is free speech, opinion, and other protected speech, and therefore isn’t libelous. If anyone would be requesting discovery, it would be Jones, who has the legal right to know what the plaintiff thinks he has against him, so that he can prepare his defense. Yes, discovery is normally a thing defense requests from the plaintiff, not the reverse. Requests for discovery would come from Jones, not against him.

As you all know, I appreciate evidence that indicates the alt media is controlled opposition. (In a fake trial the ‘defendant’ would have to know what’s going on.) Still more on Jones-as-mole:

In this same article, we are told the judge had already sanctioned Jones by making him pay the plaintiffs’ legal fees up front, in the amount of $122,000. But that is legally impossible, since legal fees aren’t awarded until after a judgment. There is no such thing as a pre-judgment sanction of this sort. If the jury had found against Jones in a real trial, then they could have awarded the plaintiffs legal fees and court costs along with the libel award, but no one can award legal fees before the trial. Nothing could be more absurd, and it is beyond belief anyone would dare to print such garbage. Only the CIA treats its audience with such contempt, so we know who we are dealing with.

Miles compares the Jones trial to Jim Fetzer’s, indicating that it too was faked. Coincidentally, just yesterday I got back in touch with Jim (we know each other well, including in person, going back to the 2000s, and I’ve been on his show many times), asking if he’s familiar with the evidence of evil contents in the vaccines. He suggested I do his show. Here’s my reply (emphasis here, not in the email):

Thanks for invite, Jim. Yes, I think it’s time for a serious discussion. They are making their big move with this, as I know you know. 
With 60 minutes we have time to get into related, important stuff. Like how this vaccine issue (how deadly it is) is a litmus for who is controlled op. Look at Rand Paul, for example. Not a word about how deadly the vaccine is. Etc etc.
A friend of mine is doing some great work on the vaccines. Is it possible to do a three way? Here is an example of her work: Link to Virginia Stoner’s work.
When do you want to do it? 
Are you familiar with Dr. Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman? Check this out. The real deep truth is that germ theory is bullshit. There is no virus. All this gain of function shit is misdirection. Really, check this out: (Link to Cowan/Kaufman showing that there is no such thing as a ‘virus’)
Note: In a separate email I suggested he have Cowan and/or Kaufman on the show, with or without me, and sent along some other links re the fraud that is germ theory.
Reason I bring this up is that I’ve not heard back from Jim. What this could mean is that he doesn’t want to go near the subject of the falsity of germ theory. As I’ve said, the way the COVID op works, they are fine with any theory, ‘conspiracy’ or otherwise, as long as it doesn’t throw doubt on the existence of the Coronavirus. So what if Fauci and the Chinese are behind the ‘outbreak’? In fact, this sort of thing only strengthens their goal, i.e., make us believe that we are in mortal danger from the invisible invader. Any sort of bioweapon conspiracy is misdirection. 
And this even includes Miles. Although he’ll refer to the op as a ‘false pandemic’, he does not doubt the existence of the Coronavirus. Look at his recent ’30 Facts You Need To Know; The COVID Crib Sheet’ and you’ll find that Miles avoids like… well, like the plague, the fact that COVID hasn’t been isolated (which is COVID 101 in getting to the truth) or even the real deadliness of the vaccines, let alone the horror-movie ingredients. He describes the PCR test ‘inaccurate’ rather the truth, which is that they are meaningless. 
Addendum: One thing that stands out on Miles’s ‘Update’ page is the dearth of exposés of any sort on the COVID op. I didn’t have the patience to scan back more than about a year but there’s hardly a word about the most important survival issue of our lifetimes. He wastes our time telling us that Amelia Earhart faked her death while our deaths very well may be imminent. 
Anyway, I’ll give Fetzer another day then challenge him on 1. The existence of the virus, and 2. The vaccine’s deadliness and contents. See if he still wants me on his show. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes.
For some reason I was inspired to put together a slide show of images from my memoir, In Search of Captain Zero. It’s somewhat sloppy but still, viewing it fucked me up, made me melancholy as hell. Maybe it’s the music…. Or seeing myself so much younger and… 
https://youtu.be/R6-L2vvSGeA (Click the above link or paste this)
Note from the next day: I did hear back (as I say below in comments) but Jim’s view on anything COVID is completely unclear. We’ll see.



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