Bugging You Again

I’ve moved from a beautiful spot up in the Carson National Forest in northern New Mexico, and am now ensconced in goddamn RV park. I moved here to get better reception for the research I’m doing related to the movie Bug.

A few days ago at Carson National Forest.

I’m still working on the analysis and am only posting this to maybe goose you guys into viewing the flick, in case my last post didn’t do it. In fact, I have an idea based on how the analysis is going. 

How about you all definitely find Bug and give it a good and serious looking at, so as to make my analysis more meaningful. I also have a challenge for you (I know a few of you are into challenges like this one). I want you to not only view the flick but write your own analysis of it, and put it in the comments section of this post. Pretend you’re writing, say, an Amazon review maybe. Whatever gets you going. It can be a sentence, a paragraph, or a full-blown essay. Just do it.

See, my challenge is that I doubt that you (you, the personal you) will understand the story, at least not in the sense of the storytellers’ (there are two) intent. Right: What I’m saying is that I got it right and you all will not.

Same campsite, different time of day and angle.

I assume that at least some of you are curious why I’d raise such a fuss about a movie titled Bug. So be it. Whatever works.

I’ll give you a couple or so days, as I work on and rework my essay. It’s a tough one, as there are many layers to my interpretation of Bug. It’s not just the story that’s got me going… there are implications… that’s all I’m going to say for now.

After I post my essay, we’ll compare it with what you all have done. I’m sure we’ll argue, with me having to justify why I think this is another example of my noticing something no one else has.. Fine.

Looking forward to what shows up in comments. (Remember it’s the Friedkin Bug, not some other ‘Bug’ flick!)


Moved to a different site, looking for a cell signal, which kept fading…

Oh, just a reminder that I’ve reposed Water Time on Bitchute, with a new subtitlle, A Road Life Interpretation of How the World Really Works.

The other thing is about the DVDs I told you I got hold of, and which you can purchase as a way of supporting my efforts. I popped one in to my player and was surprised to find that it’s not the finished version, which you may have already seen (and can now see on Bitchute). It’s a very early cut and I’d completely forgotten about it.

This cut is only 56 minutes and pretty much ends before I even get rolling on the truth about the JFK assassination. I now (dimly) recall that at the time of the cut I realized that the finished movie would be way too long. So in a way, I started over.

What it does have is a lot of stuff about In Search of Captain Zero, so if you liked the book you might like this early effort. (It sure reminded me what a long and lonely process it was, learning how to edit.)

There’s also a lot more road stuff and Honey stuff.

Be advised, it has no real ending. 

I have 30 copies, so there’s that limitation. Also, I haven’t been able to get help in altering my websites so pretty much ignore the pitch on the sales page after you click the sidebar DVD ad. Just click one of the $15 buttons (you can make me really happy by clicking the monthly donation one!); then send me a separate email with your mailing address (to allan (at) banditobooks.com). I’ll sign and send one DVD, not two.

I can’t send overseas, it’s just too much postage. (On second thought, if you click the monthly button I’ll send it any-fucking-where you are.)




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