(Note: It’s usual for me to include photos from my travels in my posts, so I’ll do so here; it helps, visually. Also, to my subscribers: I hope you will bear with my re-doing this subject and other subjects in the future. We all greatly respect Doctor Cowan and this was his idea.)
Doctor Cowan,
This is how I fly the flag over my RV rig. Upside down means distress. That we are in distress I think you will agree.
In your New Years Eve podcast you challenged us to ‘Pick a Subject’ about How The World Really Works (HTWRW) and through research become expert enough to debate any mainstream ‘scientist’ or figure. Since I’ve been doing exactly this for about 15 years I’m going to take you up on this.
I’ll start at the ‘beginning,’ with a bit about human origins. Since the whole subject would necessitate a book, plus you’re a busy guy, I’ll bend over to keep this short. On the other hand, ‘the devil being in the details’, I’ll ask you bear with me…
In your New Years Eve podcast a subscriber to my blog asked you a question based on a past blog post of mine. He asked how/why humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes while the other primates have 24. A subject I’ve looked into in great detail.
I was somewhat surprised when you answered that we are not descended from the lower primates; you added that the ‘chromosome count’ is possibly more PTB disinformation. In order to make a very long story a bit shorter I’ll just say that, based on my research, I’m pretty sure that in this case (the number of chromosome pairs), they are correct. They have found the two chromosomes that — via a spot mutation — were fused to bring the human count down to 23.
Although we’re being gaslit on the history of our species (biological, historical and everything else), this chromosome number issue is almost certainly valid. It’s on deeper issues that they start lying.
I bring this up because of the implications (of the chromosome number difference based on a mutation), and because you seem interested in the subject. I especially appreciated your reasoning in showing how absurd it is to posit a one-off mutation that spread to the whole species (‘Kansas City to the world’ I think you pointed out); this situation is the same: The chromosome fusing (chromosome numbers one and two) would have to have been a one-off, and should have prevented the individual creature from reproducing, let alone somehow passing on this non-beneficial (for survival/reproduction) mutation to the species as a whole. In fact, the concept is flat absurd.
Yet no one, no biologist, anthropologist, evolutionist/whatever EVER talks about this. It is simply never brought up. (This is also evidence that the count disparity is not a deceit, since it calls into question the mainstream view of human evolutionary history.)
IMO the number difference can only be reasonably explained via genetic engineering going far back (probably millions of years) in our evolutionary history.
Genetic engineering by whom?
I’ll get to that but first I have to deal with your specific comment that we did not descend from more primitive primates. Please bear with me while I posit a thought experiment to make my point. (I came up with this years ago and then was semi-horrified to find that Richard Dawkins also came up with it and uses it to make one of his dumb-ass points. I really dislike this guy.)
Imagine a Polaroid photo of one of your parents, dad say; now imagine a photo of your granddad; now your great granddad. (It’s a time traveling camera.) Add a photo of each generation great-dad going back, way back, way way back. You get the idea. Stack them horizontally so you can walk backwards in time and examine what each direct ancestor looked like.
You know where I’m going with this, so I’ll cut to the chase (avoid details): How, basically, does your ancestral chain change in appearance? A hundred generations back? A thousand? A million?
What does the last (or first, depending on perspective) photo look like?
But here’s where I’m really going: In the biological history of our planet there have been tens of millions of species (including extinctions). There are two and (I think) only two explanations for this:
Some sort of ‘common descent’, i.e., species evolving into other species (but not via random mutation/natural selection).
They all just appear out of thin air (poof!), a profound and magical version of Beam Me Down, Scotty! They just materialize in the dirt or in the sea! In other words, miracles. Tens of millions of flat out miracles. (Is there another way to put it?) This includes the appearance of Homo Sapiens. (I’ll deal with the genetic engineering in a bit.)
Is there a third possibility? I’m all ears. (At least Darwin had the implied question correct with his title, On the Origin of Species. This is the central question.)
Addendum: This blog post of mine from 2017 details my views on evolution, and reproduces my correspondence with New York Times writer Carl Zimmer plus the I.D. (intelligent design) folks. The failure of everyone to respond at all to my thought experiment, notwithstanding we’d back-and-forthed before, is a good example of how people will fail to deal with uncomfortable questions.
I’m hoping I will not have to add you to this list (notwithstanding your failure to answer my simple question involving Spacebusters and flat earth).
The question I’m posing to you is regarding the photo thought experiment (what your ancestors looked like), and if there is a third possibility on speciation. (I lean toward ‘some sort of common descent,’ although — based on hard, unimpeachable evidence — I do believe in the ‘higher power’; this will be the subject of a future ‘Pick a Subject’ post.)
In your view is there an ‘Adam & Eve’ in the first photo? This would seem to be the case if you don’t believe we have ‘lower primates’ in our lineage. (If so, are they wearing fig leafs?)
I realize that the chromosome number issue is slightly off-subject, but it is an interesting conundrum, and it does relate to human origins, in the sense that it was likely a lower primate that was ‘monkeyed’ with way back when. I mean, IMO.
Postscript: Okay, so how do we explain the fusion mutation that led to our difference in chromosome numbers, i.e., the ‘genetic engineering’ that must have been done?
Right. A ‘Higher Power.’ No, not God (too much baggage with that word) and not necessarily ‘god’ with a small ‘g’.
Yes, it could have been ‘aliens,’ as in UFOs and so forth, but since there are also other matters to explain (the ‘fine tuning’ problem, for example), I doubt this will work. As I say, I’ll deal with this subject in a future ‘Pick a Subject’ message (great idea of yours!)
Again, I’m looking forward to your response to the photo thought experiment. And I hope you see fit to use my research in your podcast; you did say you might do this. I mean, is this subject not important enough? Or if I am off-the-wall, how?
Link to my In Search of Captain Zero photos.
Link to the book (one of three of mine). It was bought for the movies by Sean Penn (a PTB spook/stooge, btw).
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