‘The Ticket’ (to survive the coming apocalypse)
Regarding this subject, I like the works of Graham Hancock (more on GH below); and Robert Schoch; and Anthony Peratt; Ben Davidson (Suspicious Observers). The crew at Electric Universe. They all understand that the earth has undergone cataclysms, extinction events, and not every 100 million years (or 65 million, as in the dinosaurs), or even every million years. It’s more like every 12 thousand years.
When was the last one? You might ask. Twelve thousand years ago, actually, meaning we are due, overdue, for the next one. The above researchers, plus others (Douglas Vogt is a good example), and of course plus the PTB, all know it, although the means of the coming catastrophe is debated. Hancock is sure it will be a comet, Schoch (plus Peratt, Davidson and others) figure it will be the sun. A ‘Carrington Event’ times several orders of magnitude. I agree; without doubt, it will be the sun.
Never heard of the Carrington Event? Click the above link, but suffice to say if even a minor solar burp like Carrington’s were to happen today, the planet’s electric grids would all go down, probably for years. Think about that. Within three days it would be Mad Max in the streets. And that’s only a burp.
What’s my point? For an idea, watch my video from a couple years ago, when a PTB stooge let slip a ‘state secret.’ I’ll embed it; it’s that important:
Addendum (a comment I left under my video): I just noticed that Rogan interjects, ‘Right’ as an instinctive reaction to Tyson’s blurt. Play it back and listen. Rogan rarely does this — inject a ‘yeah’ or other comment during someone’s rap — which means he took note of what Tyson said and knew it was inappropriate. Rogan knows exactly what Tyson is referring to re ‘the bunker I’m going to run to,’ likely because he has one too, for his service as controlled opposition.
Yes, the PTB know it’s coming, and if you’re one of them, or a stooge they made a deal with, you will likely survive. You’ll have a Ticket. The rest of us? Fuhgetabout it!
When you have time, view this, from Suspicious Observers. It’s not all correct; for reasons too complex to get into here, I do not trust Ben Davidson, but the film will open your eyes to what’s in store for planet earth, and the fact that the PTB have know it for a long time.
Although I’ve learned a lot from Graham Hancock, I cannot say that I trust him either. He goes on and on about how the planet’s remaining ‘hunter gatherers’ will survive the coming apocalypse, while the rest of us will not. The rest of us meaning ‘civilized’ folks. Well, I beg to differ; the PTB (and their pals) will ride out the storm and emerge to start the mess we’re in now all over again (see the above video).
That Hancock never mentions the DUMBS (deep underground military bases) shown in my video — which is further evidence that the catastrophe is imminent, given that the PTB are prepared for it, so Hancock has a motive for spilling these beans — is so mystifying that the only explanation (for me) is some sort of deceit, possibly of the Neal deGrasse Tyson variety. A deal has been struck, in other words.
Another indication that Hancock isn’t playing it straight with us is his attitude toward Michael Cremo, author of Forbidden Archaeology and other books blowing the whistle on the lies we’re told about our own history. In 1991 Hancock wrote the forward to Cremo’s The Hidden History of the Human Race. Then, recently, on (the stooge) Joe Rogan’s podcast Hancock agreed with Rogan that Cremo is a nutcase. Really, Graham? Yet a while back you wrote a forward to his book? What changed since then?
Cremo is definitely not a nutcase and Hancock knows it. Discrediting someone like Michael Cremo is one of the jobs of PTB limited hangout (LH) assets.
Hancock, in his half-assed pitch (damning with faint praise kind of thing) that humans have been on the North American continent for much longer than the text books admit, fails to mention Virginia Steen McIntyre’s Hueyatlaco, Mexico dig wherein she found human remains dated (by four methods) at 250,000 BP (before the present). Ignoring someone like McIntyre is likewise a job of PTB LH assets. Still, Hancock has awakened many people to aspects of human history you will not find elsewhere. Soooo….
Hancock (and others) figures there was an advanced civilization that disappeared from the last extinction catastrophe — circa 12,000 years ago, and which wiped out the mega-fauna and most of the humans in North America — and I agree (although not with the comet theory); there might have been more than one ‘lost civilization’ since Homo sapiens appearance on earth. Why do I think that?
There apparently (science has most everything wrong, so who knows) has been at least five ice ages in the past few hundred million years and I have a theory as to their cause. (Randall Carlson almost came up with this also, but not quite.)
Although mainstream science denies it, our sun periodically burps, belches and/or outright projectile vomits, and the approximate periodicity of these events is known, from the rock and ice core record; the worst of it is close to a ‘micro-nova’, i.e., a short-lived event wherein the earth is bathed in synchrotron radiation and various near light-speed nasties of the subatomic variety. But the destructive drenching of earth (sort of a pie-in-the-face for our dear planet) likely only lasts a few hours, so only one side of the planet would be wiped out; truly, any life forms in the open would instantly die. Those on the night side would have a shot at survival, especially humans, who know (from logic and from their myths) to run to the nearest cave. (‘I have a bunker to run to’ kinda thing.)
For an ice age you need a huge amount of precipitation, in the form of snow, and it takes heat, a whole lot of it, to vaporize liquid water (mostly seawater) sufficiently to create enough snow to create an ice age. But once the water vapor is airborne you need immediate cold, serious cold, so the precipitated snow does not seasonally melt. We need it to pile up and create ice, as in the North American ice sheet, two miles thick. Two miles. How much snow is needed to compact to two miles of ice? I believe the ratio is something like 10 to 1. Meaning you need 20 miles of snow to create two miles of pure glacier ice. A lotta water to a lotta snow to a lotta ice. How could this happen?
Intense heat then immediate intense cold. How do you get this?
Picture this: Every so often the micro-nova is especially nasty with, say, the Pacific Ocean as ground zero for the worst of it. For several hours the sea surface boils, sending untold tons of water vapor heavenward, forming a planet-wide layer of clouds. This dense overcast prevents the now-back-to-normal sun from warming the planet, resulting in a long, long, winter, during which the snow, under its own weight, compacts to ice. Over a few hundred (or thousand) years, you have your full blown ice age. It does not take millions or even hundreds of thousands of years.
This is my theory, very much in brief. If you have a better one I’m all ears, but pul-ease don’t bring up the Milankovitch cycles. You need an outright climate catastrophe, not a feeble cycle, to get miles-thick ice. You just do.
This all sounds like very bad news, right? I mean that a catastrophe of this scale is not only inevitable but overdue. The good news is that we are here. We have survived it before. That’s good, no?
Problem is, though — and again, why Hancock never mentions this is a very bad sign — the humans that survive this coming catastrophe will be the PTB that have given us… well, you name it, from the world wars to JFK to 9/11 to COVID.
Some of them are no doubt looking forward to their time underground. Scumbags like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Oprah, and so forth are especially gleeful at the thought of a mass human die off. Again, see my video plus the work of Richard Sauder. Recall this great scene from Doctor Strangelove… Kubrick knew the mentality of the PTB as well as anyone.
I’m 74 (how did this happen?) and have no kids (that I know for sure of). My parents both died at 80, so odds are I’ll miss the show, and (odds are) many of you will likewise be gone too, but if you have children or, especially, grandkids, some of them will almost certainly not be so lucky. (Actually, I wouldn’t mind being here for the fireworks, but that’s just me.)
As I say, we are here now, so we (the human species) are survivors. Teach your children well (as the song goes): Some planning is in order if we are to carry on. But that’s another subject, for another time.
This is getting long and I know you, Doctor Cowan, are a busy man, but I’ll add one more thing, a bit from a post from a few years ago, and which further verifies what I’m saying here…
Some months ago I was ensconced at truck stop in New Mexico – I’ve found truck stops interesting places to linger for limited periods of time; I have a theory that truckers are valuable sources of information on how the world works, in terms of infrastructure: it’s difficult to think of anything (anything physical and of any use) that has not at some point been transported via truck. Whether they know it or not, truckers know things that I would like to know.
So I’m blabbing with this trucker, exchanging road tales. This fellow was an ex-Navy Seal, trucking with his wife and his dog, living on the road as I do, and I got an immediate good vibe from him. Quickest way to sum him up is that he reminded me of a more laid back version of Jesse Ventura.
After a bit he seemed to relax around me so I asked if he’d had any memorable experiences on the road and which he’d care to relate. There was a pause and I could tell he was thumbing through his mental memoir for something notable, perhaps also calculating how much of his time I was worth.
He told me that once he was on the road in the Washington, DC/Virginia area and got a call asking if he still took serious the ‘Top Secret’ clearance from his Navy Seal days (which were now a couple decades in the past). An odd question, he thought, but replied in the affirmative, adding a ‘Sir’ as punctuation.
He was directed to a Navy base where his rig was hitched to a trailer; he was given directions of where it was going. He was told that a vehicle would be tailing him in case of any ‘problem.’ Also, if he were pulled over by a State Trooper or the like, he should call a certain number and the Trooper problem would disappear. Under no circumstances was he to open the trailer he was hauling – he was given a key to the back but told not to use it unless told to do so.
His pay would be four times ‘normal’ (by the mile).
His destination was at the dead end of a rural road somewhere in Virginia, at the base of a tree and scrub mountain. He was momentarily at a loss. The coordinates were correct but he was in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly by his rig a couple of ‘big spooky types’ appeared, seemingly out of thin air. There were no buildings or vehicles that he could see.
Then, to his astonishment, the side of the mountain opened up. ‘There was a hillside, then suddenly a huge, gapping cavern,’ he told me. The spooky types suggested he exit the rig, which he did. One stayed with him while the other drove the rig and trailer into the cavern, which, he said, was ‘big enough to handle a submarine, a boomer’ (the biggest of the nuclear fleet).’
In a few minutes his rig was driven back out of the mountain, the loaded trailer having been discharged somewhere inside. My trucker acquaintance was paid in cash and told he could go now. Right now. He did and through the rearview watched as the cavern became the mountain-side again, trees, rocks, shrubs and all.
That, in brief, is his story. When asked if he would pinpoint the locale just described he just smiled, presumably taking his Top Secret clearance seriously.
In brief: One of the things I do as a writer and filmmaker is interview people. Based on fairly extensive experience I can say that my trucker acquaintance told me the truth as he remembered it.
See you next week, Doc, for another ‘Pick a Subject.’
Here’s a very short passage from Richard Sauder, Phd.’s Hidden in Plain Sight:
We are faced with a global system [of underground bases, clandestine labs, mini-cities, connective highways/railways] that is so secretive and so wildly out of control that the vast majority of us have no earthly clue as to what is going on, on this, the planet we inhabit.
On this subject Dr. Sauder is the most knowledgeable ‘civilian’ I am aware of.
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