Below is a slightly edited (for anonymity) email from my friend in Australia. It came as a shock to me, as I did not know how awful it’s gotten down there.
I had written him/her expressing concern that social/career pressure would cause him/her to cave and accept the mainstream view of COVID. (The need for anonymity is another aspect of how extreme is the situation in Oz.) Here it is:
(Begin message) No way [no caving]. But you’re right, the pressure is excruciating. How to unsee what we see or how to unknow what we know…. However, I don’t know how to swallow the bullshit or how to ignore the alarm calls raised by people who just yesterday were highly regarded, highly esteemed senior scientists and advisors to these governing bodies… today they are persona non grata for ….what exactly? (I’m talking about Michael Yeadon, Robert Malone, Paul Marik, Christian Peronne, Kary Mullis the list goes on)
The [case fatality] numbers are fascinating… even this new release of hospital admissions across 47 states in USA this year …. This is a pandemic? Over here the mortality rate from covid is 0.01%. About 2-4 people are dying each day, while the baseline all cause daily deaths in Aus is 400 per day. This is the pandemic.
What I’m not seeing is what everyone else is – that this is a terrible lethal disease that’s gonna kill us if we don’t lockdown forever and vaccinate every human with an investigational drug. There’s also the eagerly anticipated vaccine injury statistics out of UK now… showing that more people in the UK have died of the vaccine than under age 65 died of covid
What’s happening here is this; and this
It’s our own fault. Majority of the population WANTS this … the police state, the
lockdown, the vaccine, the vaccine passport, the zero covid. They are consumed with fear and loathing and what I see as a state of total delusion – mass psychosis.
And this …. No one knows if kids really died but if you scroll down you’ll see the macabre Orwellian picture of the kids sitting around a big screen blasting propaganda speech by the state premier while they await their turn. As far as kids dying that day I don’t know, but what is strange is that we were expecting the
government to publicize the enormous success of the mass kids vaccination day, pat themselves on the back and rave about how the next batch would be ushered in. There hasn’t been a peep about the endeavour since. I find that very odd….maybe things did go wrong? [Yes, they did go wrong!]
So at present we’re in an indefinite lockdown, while cases have continued to climb because there’s plenty of evidence that lockdowns don’t work. [Based on PCR tests that are meaningless but totally manipulated.] So because the lockdown hasn’t worked for 8 weeks in some states, they are locking down harder, because repeating the same behaviour will eventually result in the desired outcome…. Some insanity along those lines.
State borders are closed and each state is autonomously functioning. If you remember I live on a state border where most of us live and work across two different states. Only health professionals are allowed to cross the border with a sheaf of clearance papers and certificates that are inspected at the checkpoint. All health support staff eg cleaners, cooks, porters are excluded from this privilege and can’t work. Until last week people had gathered at the border with tradies pushing wheelbarrows of gear across to their mates, husbands and wives exchanging baskets of laundry and supplies etc across the bollards. Now the army is deployed to put an end to that sort of behaviour. Once again, the majority are in favour – these governments will be re-elected.
The kids are homeschooling and unscathed, though I did make them watch this [This is an important link!]. They need to know what’s happening. A spanner in the works is of course that there’s a father who tows the mainstream line…. Means we can’t escape to the Tasmanian wilderness at will. I will do whatever it takes to prevent their vaccination.
There are some likeminded people around me and I keep in touch with them. Most of my information now comes from subscribing to a medical website which is very informative . Most of my resistance is passive and covert – signing petitions, cheering in the tea room when another protest march is aired, using humour, answering nurses’ questions, hopefully planting a seed of doubt though more likely people see me as a rogue practitioner. Being obediently doubly vaccinated has given me some license to say things I couldn’t before. Some doctors are in the soup for speaking out and asking questions – no compassion is spared by the medical board, it’s brutal.
I’m seeing complications after the vaccine, but no one else is. A stable epileptic who’d never been hospitalised with seizures had intractable seizures 3 days after the v; an ICU nurse miscarried at 20 weeks (very unusual in 2nd trimester); an old man inexplicably lost his visual acuity and coordination – all tests normal – no more golf, which is all he played everyday; angioedema; submassive pulmonary embolisms…. Etc etc…. It’s a pandemic of coincidences. Yet these people didn’t die, but their lives are changed forever. No one cares. I was so naive to think that no one wouldn’t care. The prevailing ideology is “I am ok, so this is the right thing to do”.
On a side note, interesting phenomenon: after my second dose of vaccine the whole family, who’d been isolated in lockdown, got sick with myalgias and cough – out of nowhere. And XXXXX has not been sick with anything for at least a decade. I hadn’t paid any attention to vaccine shedding until then but it actually fit the picture – I became a spike protein factory and was shedding it, affecting my family.
Coming back to the kids…. First I’ll compose an email to their father detailing all the reasons why they will not be vaccinated. That’s the first hurdle. After that I’m prepared to homeschool them – although as XXXXX warned, we have to obtain government permission to homeschool and this may be denied due to the sheer numbers of parents who will not vaccinate. Third is to stay in the loop with the local objectors and the Covid Medical Network for exemptions, alternative schools, etc. I worry that the kids will be vaccinated without informing parents under some new edict (there are new laws everyday and old ones cast aside… the constitution is null and void sadly with the support of the majority population). Open to any suggestions.
As far as hope goes, there’s growing unrest among people. I don’t think the growing numbers of protesters will shrink. There’s talk of a truckers strike on Tuesday . I live in hope. A revolt from the workers is crucial. The Covid Medical Network has collaborated with other medical groups around the world. I’ve got a Biocharger. In addition to ocean, sauna and energised water we now have as good a chance as we’ll get to survive bioterrorism!
There’s way more I can write but you must be asleep by now zzzzzzzzz….. Thank you for opening my eyes. I’m eternally grateful.
What you all have to understand is that what is happening down under will soon be happening up here. Does anyone doubt this? (Please take the time to study the links in the message!)
As most of you know, the PTB have already disarmed the citizens. They are isolating citizens and neighbors, through lockdowns and now military-manned borders between states, with no-travel restrictions.
You need paperwork and/or a ‘legitimate’ reason to merely leave your house.
And so forth.
This is coming to the United States (or wherever you live) soon.
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