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Bill Engdahl sent me a link I want to share; it’s an eye-opener from Peter Vincent Pry (retired spook) regarding the current Ukraine crisis (but not limited to that). Best you just give it a look rather than my trying to explain it. This fellow, Peter Vincent Pry, may be ‘one of them,’ but he’s telling the truth. You all know I’ve been mentioning the inevitability of another Carrington Event — a solar outburst that would blow out the world electric grids — or worse.
What occurs to me is the slice of the PTB that would welcome a Mad Max situation on the ground. They’d go down to their luxury bunkers reemerge when most civilians (us useless eaters) of the world had killed each other. It would solve the ‘overpopulation problem’ many of the PTB psychopaths have been blabbing about.
The link above outlines another possibility along those lines.
are overdue for a solar ‘micro-nova’ like the one that ended the last ice age (a theory, but I agree with it). Ice core and other proxies tell us that these events occur about every 12,000 years. So we’re overdue. Now we have the heightened possibility that it could happen by our own hand. (What Pry fails to mention is the possibility that the world war scenario he describes could be launched via mutual PTB agreement, with ‘both sides’ being able to claim ‘It ain’t our fault!’)
All we can do is be as prepared as possible. We (our species) has survived several (if not many) of these sorts of events. We can do so again. I would prefer that when they crawl out of their bunkers some of us (armed) will be waiting for them.
Pry also explains how U.S. policy makes a Russian first strike more likely than it’s ever been.
Contemplating recent world events resulted in my thinking back over past posts looking for one that particularly affected me, in terms of what we are facing. Strangely, or perhaps not, the one that I keep coming back to is the analysis I did of the William Friedkin/Tracy Letts film, Bug. This was a couple years ago so some of you may not remember it or maybe you were not a reader of this blog at that time.
Or maybe you recall it but not the real point of it, which is the mind control effect H-wood’s output has always had upon our perceptions of HTWRW.
I re-read the piece and did some work on it. I think it’s important, mainly because of the 600 Amazon and critics reviews, which demonstrated that virtually
no one who saw it understood it, on
any level. And neither, apparently, did the authors of the work, i.e., Friedkin and Letts. A horror movie all right, but not the way they meant it.
Another recommendation is David Icke’s
Perception of a Renegade Mind. I’ve always been suspicious of Icke, mainly because of his high profile, but as far as I can see he’s on the nose in this book, which is very up-to-date on the COVID fraud.
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