The little rural town of Lincoln, Montana had a wild ass 4th of July concert with the all-girls Hell’s Belles. Wow. They liked these concert photos; I may go on the road with them.
No, re the title of this nothing great has happened, but I’m in Eureka, Montana so I thought I’d confuse you all for just a moment.
Eureka has cell coverage; I’ve been offline for a couple weeks, with a few pockets of connectivity here and there, but not for long enough to come up with a post. Montana is a problem with cell coverage, to say the least. Good for them, I’m tempted to add.
Try no ‘net for a few days or even a few hours and see how it goes. They’ve got us really hooked, don’t they? I may settle down here in Eureka, a little Verizon Island (population 3,000) in mid-nowhere. I’m ensconced in a little park on the outskirts of the village, a creek running through it (the park) and a charming little historical section with old buildings, farm machinery, and so forth from the old days before net coverage to wonder at.
I’ve not been able to keep up with the godawful goings on in the worlds of COVID, freshly faked rocket launches, demented U.S. presidents and their scumfuck sons, our wandering magnetic poles/fading magnetosphere (oh yeah!), the latest humbuggery from academia, and on and on lately, although last night I did a marathon Youtube session lasting into the wee hours; I came away with more of a feeling of hopelessness than I can hitherto recall. It was probably a result of the net hiatus; nothing, after all, was really new so what’s to get upset about? I also came away thinking maybe it’s better not to know the goings on…
Wow, that’s scary.
I got over it, though, thinking about you all. I owe you — for your time, attention, and even for the financial contributions some of you still make… I owe you a try at putting our present circumstances in some kind of perspective. So I’ll hang here at Eureka, Montana, until I finish this post. I have three days, the sign says. We’ll see how it goes.
Here’s my list of thoughts, in no particular order:
‘The White House is flagging problematic posts on Facebook’…. meaning ‘misinformation’ an ‘disinformation’ about COVID and other matters… you’ve maybe heard the above quote, from the WH press secretary. You might ask yourself what does ‘flagging’ mean? And what will ‘flagging’ lead to? You can bet it’s just the beginning.

You have to look at this one carefully to appreciate the subtext. Note the sign, the elk antler on the porch, and the doe’s shocked expression as she takes it all in…
I got so agitated by the endless lies from the various media (including the alts) that I ended up watching tennis, a game I’ve appreciated since my Venice (California) days when I lived a few yards from the paddle tennis courts (a great scaled-down version of the game) and within a year of playing every day got good at it.
Addendum: Last night, whilst watching an old Jimmy Connors Wimbledon finals from the mid 1980s, my most amazing experience on the courts from that era came rushing back, although it was only peripherally related to the game itself. I was in the midst of a spirited doubles match in what passed for center court when I noticed that the games further along the strand had stopped, some in mid-point, so the players could gawk at this spectacular version of the female form gliding along Oceanfront Walk. An awestruck silence displaced the pat-pat-pat of dead ball passing shots (paddle tennis is played with punctured balls). Holy shit.
I’ll not attempt a detailed description of this individual except to say that she could have stepped out of a Playboy centerfold (Miss Whatever Exact Year It Was); she was doing a showgirl sashay, completely aware of the stupefaction she was causing on the courts.
I’ll make a long story short here: I dropped my paddle and chased her down, and yes I was as full of myself back in those days as a screenwriting/Porsche-owning/ex-international/private jet traveling smuggler and current asshole could be… and a half hour later, after some strip bumper pool in my oceanfront apartment, we were rolling around naked, while the bathtub next to my giant bed…
But why am I telling you this? Christ, am I this… hopeless?
But there’s a point to this tennis interlude: I found myself switching back and forth between archival games from back in the day to current highlights from the likes of Djokovic/Nadal/Federer and noticed — by god it was sooo obvious — how much better the current crop is, compared to the McEnroe/Connors/Borg gang from… well, going on half a century ago. Seriously, folks, fire up some Youtube archives and compare tennis eras. Watch the McEnroe/Borg finals from 1980, or just the marathon tie break that settled that match, then compare with a Djokovic highlight reel.
And surfing — a pastime I likewise know something whereof — is another example. Compare the athleticism of any of the top ten today to any of the superstars from the 1960s, 70s, 80s, whatever. No comparison. Even take me! Until I… I lost it, my timing, reflexes, whatever, at about age 62, I was as good on a longboard… let me rephrase… I was in the same class as any of the golden era longboarder from way back when… (Hey, look up Corky Carrol down in Saladita and ask him.)
Here’s my point: Rupert Sheldrake is right! Rupe is all over Youtube; check out his lectures on The Science Delusion and Morphic Resonance. His theory is that there is a cosmic mind with a memory and how skills (like tennis or surfing) are cumulatively learned, i.e., past efforts by members of our species (or social groups) help present and future members learn faster and better. This even applies to the non-living: Rupe has proved it with experiments and analyses of historical data.
(Seriously. As an exercise in mystification, check the above tennis links and if you agree with my observation about skill levels, try to explain it. After you give up, listen to Rupe.)
Please give Rupert Sheldrake a serious look! Start with this one. (A banned Ted Talk…)
Zuckerberg. Did you all see The Social Network? Not that we can count on its accuracy but the scene where Zuckerberg’s girlfriend rejects him and he insults her breast size online is probably accurate enough. Imagine this two-bit obnoxious jerk off in charge of your first amendment rights, because he is. He believes he has the right to reveal a female’s breast size — and who believes small breasts are to be mocked — and to decide what is ‘misinformation’ and therefore should be censored! (Yes, I know: He’s following orders…)
Right: This is not news, but I’m asking you to actually picture… say, some jerk from your own past now deciding what you can and cannot say publicly.
I met a woman yesterday in Eureka walking her dog and who brought up COVID and insisted she is a believer in science and will go along ‘with whatever the experts say’ about the ‘pandemic.’
‘Like Doctor Fauci’ she says when I ask her to name an expert. I recall the twinge of hopelessness as I groped for a response; hopelessness because I knew absolutely that nothing I could say would have any effect on her. I suspect most of you are familiar with this knowledge. I thought of my friends and acquaintances back at Montauk, how virtually all of them were like this woman. Hopeless.
I assume since you’re reading this you know the extent to which the mass media is under the control of the PTB, the scumbags who in effect run this sorry ass world. And, as I’ve said before, the alt media is no better. Why else the roaring silence about who is controlled opposition. But I’m repeating myself, aren’t I?
Fox. Much as I like Tucker Carlson, he and his network are classic controlled opposition. I only wonder if Tucker knows this. Almost certainly he does. The problem with Tucker and those like him is how he/they (any alt media) give the impression that there is an opposition.
Aside from a very few of us, there isn’t. Nope. It’s all controlled to some degree.
But I’m repeating myself, aren’t I? Doubly so.
Delta Variant!
The Big Lie (re the last election)!
The Big Bang!
There is no end to it!
I’ve been working on a documentary film/slideshow about my seven years on the road (July 2014 – July 2021), attempting to concoct a true blend of the two. The soundtrack will be key and I’ve already had problems with YT banning my films for copyright infringement. So I’m doing a test to see if they’ll harass me about a song I want to use.
See if you like this. And let’s see how long it lasts… (It’s uploading as I write. With my slow cell connect, it might take a while…)
Going up into the hills tomorrow, working without a ‘net (so to speak). Dunno when I’ll be back in touch. I’m trusting you all to make nice (and relevant) in the comments.
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