Extended Minds

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20 phones ringing at once and I admit he had me going…

I’m not really changing the subject (from the Mandela Effect/magic(k)/demonology and so forth) by recommending this video by Rupert Sheldrake; I think ol’ Rupe is really on to something with his ‘extended mind’/morphic field theory of consciousness. I’m now reading his book, The Sense of Being Stared At, and have read Science Set Free, which I also highly recommend. The link from Rupe’s take on consciousness to the subjects we’ve been discussing will be obvious.

Thanks to the commenter who unearthed the exposé vid on ‘Dynamo’ and some of his tricks. What I (stupidly) hadn’t thought of is the lengths they will go to in their various methods of fucking with our perception of reality. I’d just seen a ‘street’ act wherein Dynamo got about 20 ‘bystanders’ cell phones to ring simultaneously and was thinking ‘they can’t all be stooges.’ Well of course they can all be stooges. The question being, though, is who is behind Dynamo, and many of the other ‘magicians’ of his type who have recently… materialized. If you look carefully at the various videos you have to come to the conclusion that something important is going on. It all has the feel of a major black op.

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Look into the European ‘terror’ shootings of the last few years and ‘find the shoes.’

In my view at least some of these guys (and they are all men, I think) have in some sense ‘sold their souls’ for the money/power/fame; it’s only a question of the identity of the buyer. The PTB of course have a great affinity for the occult, so one does not rule out the other.

But what is the agenda?

Are you guys interested in this subject or shall we move on?

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Ya think I’m nuts with my ‘shoe’ theory? Why is it the first image you get from ‘NZ crime scene photos’?

My other thought today is from what little looking I’ve done into the New Zealand shootings. As I say in a comment, it so far has all the tells of a flat out hoax, i.e., no real crime scene photos (plus photos that look fake), a lack of verifiable details, interviews with unemotional ‘victims’ (shades of Sandy Hook),  the immediate anti-gun rhetoric, plus the ‘shoe’ photo. The latter may sound nuts but if you look back at past hoaxed violent events, you’ll find most of them include a ‘lone shoe’ in the imagery. Just a single shoe lying on the street or wherever. And the classic  ‘revelation of the method’ film, Wag the Dog, outright told us about the shoe imagery. Check this stuff out…

More tomorrow…


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