Interesting Times, My Ass

I’m not real familiar with the Catholic Church, especially it’s more arcane aspects — it always seemed over the line of The Occult with its bizarre liturgies/catechisms/rituals — so take this as you will if you feel the same, but I came across (via a Voo link) an interview with a full-blown Bishop of the Church and found myself fascinated with how well he understands what’s going on with Covid.

Let’s start (and end) with an image that isn’t catastrophic…

These first two are what’s in the vaccines. This is a metallic ‘chip’ that is big enough to kill you via a blood clot.

Although the Bishop is retired (whatever that means in the Catholic Church) and is 80 years old, he is amazingly quick-witted, astute, and able to plum the depths of HTWRW down to the abyss — especially impressive given English as a second language — in terms of the New World Order/Elite/Great Reset/etc.; in spite of his bizarre mindset (being a Catholic), he appears to see the Church for what it is, i.e., another arm of the PTB.  

The interview is very long but is worth it if you have the patience, in the sense of parsing The Occult aspects of the present era of Covid/Great Reset/depopulation. That the PTB are seeking to destroy organized religion as it’s known today there is no doubt, but we have to wonder if this is merely a ‘technical’ struggle — meaning as only a means to an end — to rid the world of a ‘competitor’ — or a genuine spiritual duel to the death (so to say) between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is an interesting, maybe vital, question. Hey, it may be the question.

Speaking of Grade B horror flicks, this beast is alive and well in a vaccine. You want this swimming in your brain?

But holy shit (so to say), I’d love to get the Bishop’s take on the Mandela Effect and Bible changes. I believe that if he examined the evidence he would immediately see a connection with the Great Reset.

Speaking of which, I occasionally do searches, especially on Youtube, using ‘Supernatural Bible changes via Mandela Effect’ or the like in the box, and have found that the various search algorithms have themselves changed.  This is an important development, as it would seem to indicate that the PTB are taking the ME seriously and don’t want us thinking about it and what it means. 

On the left is normal blood. On the right is your blood after the jab.

As you may recall, I first became aware of the ME a couple or so years ago. Back then a search using the above quote would bring up the The EYA Channel links filling the first page. Now you can hardly find the channel with searches. (Not that the info on the channel is all that profound, but it is super-dedicated for born again types.)

The links you now get with a search are almost all debunking bullshit, which is a dead giveaway that the PTB are taking the ME very seriously. As I’ve tried to say here, the ME is by far the strangest phenom we are confronted with, and with the most profound implications vis a vis HTWRW. Talk about ‘Living in Interesting Times’! 

Please give the images I’ve included a good look. The first two are from a batch of vaccine (not sure which) under a normal light microscope. Up top is a one of many metallic ‘chips’ found in the vaccine, some as large as 0.50 mm. That’s half a millimeter, which is huge, and explains the blood clotting problem many adverse effects involve. Imagine what happens when a chip that size, with the sharp edges you see here, reaches a capillary, i.e., the narrowest part of a vessel. Boom, a blood clot. The second image is even scarier, at least for me. The doctor who shot this image says the goddamn thing moved its tentacles; it’s a living thing in the vaccine. Morgellon Syndrome anyone?

Maybe cheer ourselves up a bit with this sunset at Saladita, Mexico, late 2000s…

The third image is a side-by-side of blood smears, the one on the left from a healthy, non-vaxxed person, the one on the right, vaxxed blood after a month; the difference is startling.

Here’s the link for these images.

Yeah, it’s surreal, like a Grade B horror flick from the 1950s. And I cannot find anyone, not a soul in the alt media (if they have souls), who says a word about the deadliness of the vaccines, or any of the studies showing the bizarre stuff that’s in them. I’m sure there are a few, but aside from Rappoport, plus Virginia Stoner’s work, I haven’t see them. Please send me the link if you come across any alt media that really exposes the ‘vaccines’ (they are not vaccines) for what they are.


By the way — and this may be related to the Mandela Effect — here’s a link to a mainstream report on the fact that about 700 stars have ‘mysteriously disappeared.’

Stars disappearing? Are we next? ‘May you live in Interesting times’, my ass!

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