Friday, third of September (8 AM) finds me in the town of Spotted Horse, Wyoming, human population 12 (at the moment), about 50 goats, one dog, assorted chickens and so forth, although it (the pop) will shrink to 3 or 4 (humans) come dead of winter. Being partial to small towns (in this case small) — and having buddied up with mayor/sheriff/fire chief/etc., Brian, by sharing the (first) embedded aerial yesterday — I may hunker here a couple or so more days.
My timing is good: In a few hours a cadre of some 200 bikers is due to arrive for their annual Sheridan run, a Spotted Horse Major Event; Brian says last year the bar did a couple grand’s worth of business in two hours. I’ll get back to you (via imagery) on how the day goes — I’m looking forward to the photo ops that will surely result from a Spotted Horse Biker Overrun.
(9 AM) Doncha loved it? On good old NPR (National Public Radio) I’m listening to the dems going berserk over the Texas law upheld by the Big Court, saying you can’t get an abortion down there once there is ‘a fetal heartbeat.’ Thing is, they (the dems) are unaware of the irony/hypocrisy in yelling ‘My body, my choice!’ over abortion while also demanding we all get injected with god-knows-what against our will, plus semi-smother ourselves with a fabric muzzle. (Also ironic is that neither the jab nor the mask are efficacious, unless disease/death/suffocation is the goal.)
Seriously, folks, this sort of dearth of self-reflection indicates humans who are capable of anything. So the humor is double-edged.
Also via NPR: These same nutcase dems are now throwing Biden under the bus for ‘his’ ‘catastrophic’ withdrawal from Afghanistan, the scare quotes indicating that the ‘catastrophe’ was (of course) the PTB plan from the get-go, i.e., Biden’s only role is as patsy, his apparent incompetence the motive for dumping him ‘for cause’, or, rather, for a cause that ‘makes sense’. (IMO we have entered ‘The Era of the Scare Quotes,’ meaning nothing is as it would appear on the surface any more.)
Addendum: My view being that the cabal that fingered Biden as the next ‘president’ knew he could not last a full term, given his dementia plus baggage (the list is endless, starting with his son/family’s blatant criminality), although it’s difficult to imagine they want K. Harris at the helm for any extended period either. So the motive for the Afghan meleé is unclear at the moment. We will know soon enough, however.
(The next day) Okay, the crux of this post…
You all may recall my interest in the good old ‘Mandela Effect.’ For the past year or so my focus has been elsewhere, the subject only occasionally and briefly surfacing. A couple days ago, however, I was going over some past posts looking to gauge the extent of my writerly disintegration — is my current absentmindedness a symptom of incipient dementia and so forth — and while reading about my confrontation with the Amish (worth a read) down on the Gulf Coast in 2019 I recalled I’d done a video that included inarguable evidence that the ME is a genuine conundrum, the only ‘solution’ indicating that reality itself is… not to be trusted. I remembered my vid’s title and when I did a YT search for it (‘Why the Mandela Effect is
Even Stranger Than You Think’) I came up empty. So I added ‘AC Weisbecker channel’ to the back end of the search. Empty again. So I scanned my other relevant posts, found the vid, and clicked the link. There it was all right (see above link), dated February, 2019, over 2,000 hits, and a 61 thumbs up to 9 thumbs down ratio. I recalled that as of two years ago, ME videos didn’t get big hits, and most had a poor thumbs/down ratio.
Meaning mine should have been near the top of any ME YT search, let alone a search that included the actual title of the vid, plus the channel on which it appears!
My video had been blackballed by the YT search algorithm. It still exists but no one can find it. Strange, I was thinking. Why would they bother to fuck with a ME video at all? It’s not like Vaccine Truth or Stolen Elections or the like. Unless…
So I did some YT searches using ‘The Mandela Effect’ plus various adjectives and subjects, a good example of the latter being ‘Ed McMahon’, since in our ‘current reality’ he is said to never have worked for Publisher’s Clearing House — anyone born before around 1990 well ‘remembers’ Ed’s Clearing House commercials wherein he pulls up to some suburban residence and blows the minds of the MiddleAmericans therein with his giant check for a million dollars. (And so forth.)
Addendum: I recalled a ME video showing Ed McMahon on the Johnny Carson Show brandishing a giant Publisher’s Clearing House check, proving that in some ‘branch of reality’ (to quote my old book, Cosmic Banditos) he certainly did promote their sweepstakes.
The video is currently unsearchable on Youtube. You cannot find it (at least I can’t.)
The list of blatant ‘residue’ like the above is endless. And you cannot find any of the relevant videos doing a YT search.
I then tried to find videos from a Born Again Christian called Cat I’d corresponded with back in 2019, her channel moniker being ‘EYA.’ I recalled it listed Bible verses that had been supernaturally/satanically changed, some of which (the changes) were, even to me (not yet born again/saved), blatant and obvious, a good example being from Isaiah 11;6, the famous ‘The lion shall lie down with the lamb’ quote; EYA (and others) had dredged up all sorts of residue (movies, videos of sermons, paintings, etc.) to back up her point that the verse had been changed. (The verse ‘now’ reads ‘The wolf and the lamb, etc.’, which is especially upsetting to the Devout, given that the wolf has always been a symbol of Satan/Evil/whatever.)
And it gets worse: The ‘current’ bible has men suckling infants, okays homosexuality, and so forth. It even now has emoticons.
But as I say, the list of apparent anomalies is huge, and I recall that as of 2019 the best and most inarguable video-proofs (including Scriptural ‘blasphemies’) were right up at the top of the search page listings. Now — and I’ll tell you, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I scrolled down and down — I was unable to find even one video that was not a PTB debunking of the Mandela Effect.
I could not even easily find the ‘EYA’ channel, when back in 2019 it was all over the search pages. I did find it but all the powerful videos I recalled were gone, minus one or two. The YT search situation is comparable to the current one if you search for something like ‘COVID vaccine deaths’ or anything of that ilk: You will only find blatant propaganda, ‘debunking’ the anti-vax position.
Most of the junk/proganda videos use the Mandela Effect as evidence that we cannot trust our own memories, minds even, a sentiment which is, of course, right out of Orwell.
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” (Orwell p. 34) In the novel Orwell reveals that the citizens of Oceania have a very short memory, and are willing to believe anything that the Party tells them.
The PTB know full and well the implications of the Mandela Effect and — whether or not they are in control of it — will use it to further confuse and frighten us, when in truth the implication (no matter whence it derives) is that their materialist view is untenable.
This is unacceptable.
Please put your critical thinking cap on and try to come up with a reason they would try to eliminate references to the ME…
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