Piled Higher and Deeper

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Thought I’d add some ‘masonic squares’ to this one, since the PTB are as much in charge of academia as H-wood. The grabs are from films/TV that are both well done and have… thematic implications. This is another from The Big Lebowski.

I was going to get into why this book, Possible Minds, aggravated the hell out of me, but then, while making coffee and mumbling to myself, I heard Roger Penrose in the back ground on Youtube saying (to me personally), ‘We’ll assume that you’re not unhappy with the idea of space and time being fitted together into one thing…’

‘I am unhappy, Roger!’ I was meanwhile noticing the double negative in Roger’s phraseology and how ‘not unhappy’ is a different concept from ‘happy.’ I mean if you think about it. But what does being happy or not unhappy have to do with physics?

‘…(‘one thing’ being) a four-dimensional ‘space-time’ as we call it,’ Roger went on from YT, and I suspended my coffee-making to get more aggravated than I already was.

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Carl Sagan’s Contact: A good movie and one with implications. And yes, I am saying that the squares are there for reasons other than aesthetic.

Addendum: The most interesting thing I found out about buzzards yesterday was their means of self-defense: They projectile vomit the stinking, rotten mass of carrion they’ve been eating into the face of a predator, thereby not only freaking the hell out of the predator but lightening their load for easier flight. Also, buzzards have an incredibly acidic digestive system (which allows them to eat rotten meat). So on top of the stench, you get acid sprayed into your face, if you upset a buzzard. Keep this in mind if you encounter one vandalizing your… boat, say. (Do not do a bull rush to shoo him away.)

Hearing this Nobel laureate spouting pure nonsense put me on one of my bad mood/Youtube rolls. But first, I let Roger show me a 2-D graph with ‘time’ on the vertical axis and three dimensional ‘space’ on the horizontal axis (with three arrows representing the three directions of space as we know it, all in one-dimension). Now we have some visual nonsense.

Tell you what. Go here (linked above also) and watch just the first minute and a half of Penrose’s talk. If you do this and come away thinking anything like ‘Boy, that guy is brilliant! He’s so smart that I can’t figure out what he’s talking about!’ then you are missing my point here completely… (You can and should stop watching after Penrose says the line, ‘But don’t worry about that.’ I say ‘should’ because going further in his talk could do physical damage to your synapses.)

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Veep has so many ‘squares’ that they even put them in the wall decor. Could not get enough of those masonic squares!

How to explain?… Yesterday, at least one of you said something to the effect that I’m smart, which made me uncomfortable. See, I’m not that smart, especially lately. I’ve glanced at I.Q. tests and am sure I would not do well on one, for example.

My only talent, intellectually, is an ability to spot bullshit. (‘Bullshit’ being defined as any sort of untruth.) I often cannot explain how I know bullshit when I see it, but usually with concerted effort I can figure it out. This ‘space-time’ concept is a good example. (I know: I’ve brought up the subject of ‘space-time’ before but if something is important, in my view it bears repeating.)

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This is from Hanna, an excellent flick about ‘creating’ a super-soldier by messing with DNA, in this case of a pubescent girl. The implications!

Addendum: One way of spotting bullshit via, say, Youtube (or any media), is to see if it’s often repeated by people with letters after their names. I realize that this sounds facile and smart-alecky (and should therefore be suspect), but I have done extensive research on the matter and can assure you I’m correct. We all know that 95% of what’s on Youtube is bullshit to begin with, but even stuff that’s basically true – if repeated by academically-lettered authorities – will have bullshit in it if you peel back a layer or two.

I did a YT search for ‘What is space-time?’ and came across a real piece of work documentary from good old PBS called ‘How the Universe Works.’

I recalled that I actually have the DVD set for this (it’s pretty old), and how I’d once sent a clip of it to Steve Crothers (back when he was responding to my emails). It was of a cosmologist saying that in order to form a star all you need is ‘A cloud of gas and time.’ She (it was a female cosmologist) meant that if you have a cloud of gas in space, it will eventually collapse into itself until it gets dense enough (via gravity) and therefore hot enough to fire up a fusion reaction and voila! you have a star.

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The West Wing shows how creative they can be in working in the squares. Not only the pillow, but check out the pyramid on the wall…

Steve thanked me for the clip, saying it was a wonderful example of what’s wrong with physics these days.

This star-formation business is also a good example of what I mean by spotting bullshit. And how anyone can do it, usually via simple common sense.

This woman had spent most of her adult life studying star formation and could not even see that the ‘standard model’ (of star formation) violates common sense. (That she also could not see that it violates at least three of the laws of thermodynamics is perhaps an even more egregious example of what’s wrong with academia.)

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This grab from Scott Pilgrim vs the World depicts our educational system. Notice the squares on the ceiling. The kid is surrounded, subsumed by… what?

Let’s think about it. What happens to the gas that comes out if you open a soda bottle in a small room? Well, the gas expands and fills the room. That’s just common sense, right? I mean if you think about it.

Okay, what happens if you enlarge the room by, say, moving the walls further apart? Right. The gas expands further, so there’s more space between the molecules floating around. Right. And if you keep making the room bigger? The gas keeps expanding. How about if you disintegrate the walls? Now there are no walls. Theoretically, the gas will just keep expanding, right? Right. This is common sense.

But what this doctor of cosmology is telling us is that in the vacuum of space, a cloud of gas will do the opposite and contract — until a nuclear fusion reaction lights up a star. (Aside from violating common sense, this is a ‘system’ doing work on itself, which is impossible.) What we have here is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

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The Adjustment Bureau is a classic about freewill and… (fill in the blank but it has something to do with the PTB).

It really is that simple. (Hey, ‘Sean’! If you’re still out there, let’s hear how/why I’m wrong!)

But now that we know that Phd’s can and do spout utter nonsense (in PBS documentaries), let’s get back to ‘space-time.’ This is important, I think, because in a way, the idea of ‘space-time’ will tell us regular folks (non-physicists) why all of modern theoretical physics is bullshit. (I’m not talking about engineering kinds of physics. Big difference.)

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The Omen, a classic in good vs evil… guess who wins in the end?

You know what? Instead of me trying to explain what’s wrong with ‘space-time’ how about I let a real physicist explain it. Compare this video featuring Wal Thornhill to the bit I subjected you to via Roger Penrose. Oh, and first go to the Penrose video one more time (just for a few seconds!)… go to 14:30 and listen to him say this:

‘You can actually say what you mean by dividing the number by zero. It’s infinity. You might think that infinity isn’t really a number.. well it is here… that’s the nice thing about mathematics, you see, you can cheat… you can say you’re not allowed to do this but what happens if I do though… it may land you in trouble immediately but it may not, there may be a way of getting around that…and this is one of those things…’

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yep, good old Back to the Future.

If you don’t have the patience to go and listen to the above, fine: I’ve taken it down pretty much verbatim and the only ‘context’ that’s missing is… that nothing Penrose says here makes any sense at all:

First, when you divide any number by zero – even if you have a Phd – the answer is ‘undefined’… the answer is not infinity… Let’s quote wiki:

‘In ordinary arithmetic, the expression has no meaning, as there is no number which, when multiplied by 0, gives a (assuming a ≠ 0), and so division by zero is undefined.’ [end quote]

Then Penrose says that infinity isn’t really a number but it is here. No it fucking isn’t, Roger. It isn’t a number anywhere in the known universeBut wait: The nice thing about mathematics is that ‘you can cheat’? Doing it (dividing by zero) may ‘land you in trouble’?! By ‘trouble’, does Roger mean ‘making no sense’? Is this the result of getting a Phd and a Nobel prize?

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A masonic lodge.

The above is not an example of Allan cherry-picking, i.e., scanning YT videos for an example of a genius screwing up one time. Go to any ‘authority’-based video on modern theoretical physics and this is what you get. Pure bullshit. And you can usually uncover it with simple common sense!

Now go to the Thornhill video and see the difference. Then think about the fact that Thornhill is branded a crank by all of academic physics.



By the way, the title to this is what Ph.d actually means.

  52 comments for “Piled Higher and Deeper

  1. May 15, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    Alan Nice Pictures and captions of the Hornets nest 🙂 my (departed) grandfather in law(who i never met) has a lodge named after him… I have been asked to join one of their ‘secret’ orders twice and both times declined for “A golden cage is still a cage”
    I consider what (((THEY))) are doing is putting Bozo’s in charge of a Clown world meant to confuse, deceive, and enslave, on so many different levels, its bewildering when you actually start paying attention and the purpose of doing so is to create that confused apathy so one will just work and pay their taxes and enjoy the games on Sunday television in 4K .
    ((THEY))) are liars. most of what we see is a fabricated man made wonderland that will crumble to dust and burn to ash under fervent heat. I have personally noted (after 53 years of life) that the lies are mixed in with the truth to make them more palatable to most 6th grade physics experts, however, if one refuses to accept the narrative, stay awake, and keep their eyes open, there is a chance to wake others up from the dream (((THEY))) have woven, of the world they have built….
    if we all fall asleep and everyone is blinded, then the one eyed man will be king of it all – stay awake and the buzzards will keep at bay –
    blessings & aloha T

    • May 15, 2019 at 6:22 pm

      I could not have put it better myself. You have an occasional turn of phrase there, Krusty.

      • May 21, 2019 at 1:54 pm

        Hope you are catching some waves brother thanks for the kind remarks-“You have an occasional turn of phrase” same back at ya 🙂 blessings and aloha T

  2. Michael Nutt
    May 14, 2019 at 5:34 pm

    Have you guys heard the “Panpsychism” theory? It is that the Universe has consciousness of some kind.


  3. May 13, 2019 at 11:01 pm

    I’m not a fan of physics, although your thermodynamics video was interesting on how gravitational collapse violates the laws of thermodynamics. Just another reason mainstream physics is a bankrupt control mechanism designed to hide true science. Keep up the good work though.

    I did enjoy the Freemason square photographs, we’ve all seen those black and white checkers over and over throughout MSM and most of us don’t even second question how many times it actually appears.

    • May 15, 2019 at 6:26 pm

      It’s truly remarkable how they slip it in to imagery. At the end of my next post, there’s one from the movie Lincoln — Spielberg is trying to tell us something about Honest Abe, I figure. (I have a hard time picturing those squares on floors during Civil War times.)

  4. Cat
    May 12, 2019 at 9:27 pm

    Smart ability doesn’t equal Wisdom
    these elite so-called intellectuals are
    finally realizing the Truth…
    that said, I love astronomy and physics
    but neither trumps the Creator…
    so the subterfuge of those trying to educate
    but refuse ‘there is a creator’ in their teaching
    disturbs me… I would love it if they weren’t
    so wrong.

    • Chris
      May 13, 2019 at 3:22 am

      Wisdom doesn’t equal correct.

      • May 13, 2019 at 4:01 am

        Where on the spectrum between meaningless and dumb does this comment belong?…

        • Chris
          May 15, 2019 at 5:27 am

          It’s a pretty dumb and meaningless comment, Allan, and I am surprised you made it. Mine, on the other hand, was a brilliant insight into the uselessness of inaccurate passed down “wisdom.” “…that comment..” is what you meant.

    • May 15, 2019 at 6:27 pm

      I agree altho I have a hard time believing in the god of the Christian bible. In fact, I can’t.

  5. Andrew
    May 12, 2019 at 6:45 am

    Your quite right to be exasperated by this idiocy.
    Time and space do not exist as ‘things’, but…

    Time is only a measure of frequency.

    Space is only a privation of the disturbance of the ether (magnetism).

    I used to follow the EU crowd closely, but found Ken Wheeler whose sent my understanding to beyond stratospheric levels. Look for Theoria Apophasis on YouTube and look for his non-photography videos.

    This man has peeled back another layer on the onion of understanding and gets right to the core of the flaws underpinning the orthodox view.

    Where orthodoxy has tied itself in knots teing to prove a unified theory, Ken deftly shows us the truth.

    Light, (di)electricity, magnetism, gravity are NOT 4 independent forces.

    They are four faces of the same thing which is behind ALL reality; ether perturbation.

    Worth familiarising yourself with his work.

    Another gem: light does not travel. It is inducted through the medium the so called (not constant) speed of light is in fact a rate of induction for the coaxial circuit of light. This is why light loses 66% iron so velocity in glass, but resumes full speed once out into free atmosphere or vacuum.

    Lux et veritas.

  6. Tim Rusling
    May 11, 2019 at 11:21 pm

    Penrose was a colleague of that other guy everyone assumes was just the cat’s ass of brilliance – Hawking [whose own mother said that not everything he said was correct].

    • May 12, 2019 at 6:30 pm

      Not only that, but I have to admit that one if ‘Miles Mathis’s’ limited hangout dangles is his expose on Hawking’s existence as an actual living human being. In other words, the Hawking we’ve seen and listened to for the past couple or so decades is a literal puppet of the PTB. Here’s MM’s post (how can you argue with the photo-evidence?)

  7. jnan
    May 11, 2019 at 6:49 pm

    Miles opening sentence “What is the cost of lies? Not that we will mistake them for truth. The real danger is, that if we hear enough lies, we will no longer recognize the truth at all.
    This, I believe is the biggest threat to mankind today. “The belief in untruths is the primary reason the world is so fuc#ed up”. We are drowning in lies and most people don’t have a clue.
    Your fight for the truth is THE FIGHT. I believe that’s why most of us are here (aside from you considerable writing skill) and I also believe that routing out the LIE rather than the liar is a more productive endeavor.
    Do not have access to Chernobyl so can not even speculate what information it might contain. Miles said that he works in a nuclear power plant so I will assume that he possesses knowledge most would not be privy to. To that end, I recently came across a man named GALEN WINSOR on you tube … He has a decidedly different take on the Nuclear Industry … I strongly encourage listening to what he has to say.
    Keep up the fight, Allan I’m in it for the long haul!

    • May 11, 2019 at 7:16 pm

      Yep, yep, and yep. Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I will look into GALEN WINSOR later today. Hey, folks, I might buy a houseboat for the summer months. I’ll be down to zero emergency funds but what the f….. I’ve always missed life afloat. I get back into it, might stir up something I otherwise would not have considered.

      • elpolvo
        May 15, 2019 at 4:02 pm

        Yep, yep and yep again on the houseboat purchase… though, rental would be better. We’re getting too old to buy things. …Maybe buy it and get a reverse mortgage on it. Talk to Tom Selleck about it. You’ll need a dinghy too, even if the houseboat is permanently moored at a dock because it’ll make you want to get out and explore on the water. A sailing dinghy will be the best choice – then you can SAIL too. Perhaps a Walker Bay so you can carry supplies (read – one case of beer, two cans of Spam, a loaf of bread and thee girl of your dreams).

        Just DO IT. You won’t regret it.

  8. Joe
    May 11, 2019 at 4:47 pm

    Gas in an atmosphere will dissipate equally as you outline. But in a vacuum the strongest force at work is gravity which is an attractive force. Over enough time and with enough mass/atoms stars form. Those stars eventually die, the large ones explode and create the higher order elements that exist in the universe. It’s a byproduct of The fusion reaction and it’s been replicated on earth. Hydrogen bombs operate on fusion reaction. The really big stars are believed to collapse into black holes when they die. This is the generally accepted theory in science. It may not be 100% accurate or complete but the math and experimental evidence does support it.

    • May 11, 2019 at 7:19 pm

      Joe! No, it’s not Joe, it’s ‘Sean’ folks!!! I was wondering if you’d be able to help yourself on this post. Seems you couldn’t. What I’ll do, I think, is use your comment as the inspiration for my next post. Thanks, Sean! You could not have better set me up to expose the rest of the cosmological bull shit! Almost too easy!

    • mellyrn
      May 13, 2019 at 3:16 am

      Umm . . . if I induce a vacuum in a sealed chamber, and then release a gas into it, that gas will clump together? Instead of, you know, *forming* an “atmosphere” dissipated throughout the chamber?

      A hydrogen bomb is a two-part bomb. In order to trigger the fusion reaction, you need a ton (ha ha) of energy — provided by the fission-bomb part, which goes off first, to *force* the fusion.

      At the center of the Earth you should be weightless, since you have (pretty much) equal masses to either side (and above and below), pulling pretty much equally in opposite directions. Your weight should be greatest at the surface, where the entire Earth is pulling one way. Iirc, fine tests in deep mines have indeed shown a slight “loss” of weight at depth, compared to the surface.

      So the gravitational force at the center of a gas cloud should be zero as well.

      • Chris
        May 13, 2019 at 3:49 am

        Gravity applies to big things. “Massive” things. Like the Earth itself, not some piddling chamber that fits in the atmosphere of Earth. The density of the massive gas cloud increases it’s energy as it is squeezed tighter and tighter, until the fusion ignition temperature and pressure is reached. It is artificially created in the bomb. Same. Thing going on, though.

        • mellyrn
          May 13, 2019 at 1:29 pm

          Gravity applies to “big things”? It does not apply to atoms? So how many zeroes (the gravity of a not-big thing) do we have to add up to get some gravity?

          Seems like the more your side talks, the deeper the metaphorical hole you dig for yourselves.

        • May 13, 2019 at 2:30 pm

          ‘Gravity applies to big things.’

          You are proof that you can disagree with disinformation and still be wrong. And yes, I deleted your string of short nonsense comments. My patience is wearing thin. (Keep in mind that every comment you make also shows up in my Inbox. How would you like it?)

          • Chris
            May 15, 2019 at 5:42 am

            Isn’t that a setting YOU chose? You’re blaming me? Give me a break.

        • Todd
          May 13, 2019 at 5:02 pm

          Hilarious – you are saying gravity is doing the same work as an h-bomb would. Talk about nonsense.

          Allan, time to 86 this entity.

          • May 13, 2019 at 5:11 pm

            I know, Todd. I am losing patience with this guy. It’s not only his nonsense but he sends strings of short comments I have to deal with. I hate to ban people but I am on the verge here.

          • Chris
            May 14, 2019 at 12:40 am

            Gravity is creating the same conditions as to start fusion, it isn’t replicating the effects of the fusion itself. Pressure and heat is created through synchronized explosions surrounding the fusion material. You guys are insufferable… I can’t argue anymore. Facts don’t mean anything to you, and you shun actual science and math (not to mention facts) for pseudoscientific horse manure. Waste of my time and effort. The sad thing is that it is a waste of yours as well. Cheers for a while…

      • May 13, 2019 at 2:27 pm

        Great points. You might add, ‘So where does that leave black holes?’ Answer: In fantasyland.

        • Chris
          May 14, 2019 at 3:52 am

          What is the big heavy thing that all the stuff in our galaxy rotates around? Nothing?

  9. Elvin Laton
    May 11, 2019 at 3:51 pm

    6 divided zero is 6. Zero is “nothing!”
    And as for space/time, it has always meant to me, to be a purely subjective observation, meaning; in our conscious state of mind, we (our minds) can physically only occupy one space at any given time.
    You floating on the water, are easing along the space/time continuim.
    And anyone zipping down a freeway, is zooming along it.

    • May 11, 2019 at 4:51 pm

      In answer to your first point:

      ‘In ordinary arithmetic, the expression has no meaning, as there is no number which, when multiplied by 0, gives a (assuming a ≠ 0), and so division by zero is undefined.’ [end quote]

      This is a strict convention of math. That Penrose thinks its ok to ‘cheat’ here is my point.

      Re your second point, how can a ‘subjective observation’ have any use in physics, since ‘subjective’ implies that any different observation is just as valid as yours? But maybe this is implied in your comment. I dunno.

  10. Glenn Daniel
    May 11, 2019 at 3:28 pm

    My observations: Physicist are infantile thinkers who fanatically fantasize about their fantastically unknown universe under the constraints of an infinitesimal set of rules known as math. By definition they are Fanatics. Like children they are great at imagining things that aren’t “really” there. Notice Penrose’s mannerism. It’s almost childlike: no eye contact, a lot of smirking when he thinks he’s said something brilliant beyond his audiences comprehension, and he emotionally blushes when he fumbles and forgets the script of his former imagination. And yes, he’s quite proud of the fact that “he” can cheat if he has to…again followed by a snide smirk. It’s quite infantile really. And who are these other children that actually come out to watch and listen to him? Now it took me a while to postulate all this because of all the masonic checkerboards you surrounded your post with. Quite distracting and at first made it difficult to concentrate. Stop doing that. lol Last thought and then I have to go sculpture my yard: If “0” equals nothing and you multiply this nothing by anything, why in mathematics do they conclude that this anything becomes nothing when in this reality (the physical, aka physics) nothing has affected anything and you are left with anything. It’s fundamentally fanatical don’t you think? Anyway, I have to go smoke some weed and cut some grass now. Peace <3

    • May 11, 2019 at 4:57 pm

      I pretty much agree with everything you say here, especially the first part, but I would add ‘mainstream’ to ‘physics.’ There are some real physicists around, although they are all ‘cranks’ according to… the mainstream. (Penrose’s ‘pride’ in violating rules from Algebra 2 is indeed based on his Phd and Nobel Prizes, I’m quite sure. He hides his superiority complex with his self-effacing mannerisms. Very annoying.)

  11. Mark
    May 11, 2019 at 3:06 pm

    Glad to hear that you are working on another book.

  12. Pedro Leal
    May 11, 2019 at 2:22 pm

    Hey Allan!

    Hope you’re both doing well.
    Indeed,very revealling,the Roger Penrose lecture…These are the people we are supposed to believe,and the war is on the narrative. And they are losing it. The lies don’t come across anymore. Feels like a filter+intuiton. Like,when you have someone in front of you,telling you shit,and you know it. It’s not only the words,the body language speaks to our animic brain,raising little red flags.
    Interesting your choice of photos. Propaganda is a fact, the coding,less known. TY for pointing that. Beeing European,lived in Africa,somehow, less exposed to media (video,tele,newspapers,etc.) intox.
    Here’s a good one about Time (TP):
    Hope you keep posting things. Already told you, but I’m happy to have a notification from you. Scroogle and you’ll tube seem to be messing with the notifications. Happened to me with several channels,sites,etc.
    Take care! And keep them coming

    ps the buzzards do look impressive.

    • May 11, 2019 at 5:02 pm

      Yes! That Youtube link from Electric Universe is one of my all time favorites. You could get a proper education just by going through the several hundred ‘Space News’ videos they’ve put out. I especially love the last line (in the vid) about the Theories of Relativity being ‘thoroughly confused’ about the nature of time. A classic understatement!

      EU is unaware of what a threat they are to the mainsteam.

      • Pedro Leal
        May 12, 2019 at 4:56 am

        Hi Allan!
        I do agree with you about ‘Space News’,these are like little pearls.
        But I do think EU are very aware of the threat they represent to the mainstream ‘science’. They have to be…The thing is, ‘scientism’ can’t argue against the observed facts.
        Sorry for the link that directs you to Wikipedia. I don’t trust Wiki,although it is useful sometimes,as a online dictionary. I prefer paper ones.
        It’s almost 7 in the morning,here in France,hope you’ll have a great day!

        • mellyrn
          May 13, 2019 at 1:41 pm

          Wikipedia is useful when talking about what the mainstream (controlled) view of something is. When you’re arguing with a mainstreamer and you can quote his own resource back at him — score!

          I use wikipedia to show that the Apollo photography, at least, must all be fake: wikipedia gives the (alleged) radiation doses recorded (allegedly) for the Apollo astronauts and, however robust the human physiology might be at those doses, the film could not possibly remain that crystal clear if exposed to the same.

          The “argument from authority” is a well-known fallacy, ‘cos we get into “duelling authorities” — but arguing from *the other guy’s* authority traps him: he must repudiate either his authority or his argument.

          • Pedro Leal
            May 14, 2019 at 8:24 am


            The other day, I was having a conversation with a Math student,a friend of mine. I advise him to go and check Thunderbolts Projest and Electric Universe and the SAFIRE project as he is interested in Electricity.
            He told me would. 2 hours later he calls,scandalized and venting hard and told me :
            ” Hi I checked the channels you told me and never passed the 15s mark. I checked wikipedia and this guy (Wal Thornhill) isn’t even a scientist! Wal Thornhill is a computer programmer that has nothing to do with science. What they are saying is the equivelent of ‘flat earth’. It makes me sad that you believe such things. That’s why the world is so fucked up. You should check your facts mate, this charlatans don’t even use scientific methods”
            Quiet baffled by his words and emotional state, I asked: “Did you checked The Safire Project?”,and ” are you shure you got the right Wal Thornhill?”
            “No, I don’t even bother to watch, this is ‘flat earth stuff’, and Wal Thornhill is a programmer”…!
            Here,we use the term ‘flat earth’ as a pejorative term and sometimes as a way to make fun of something, (and I have yet to met someone who believes the Earth is flat…No one around me believes it).
            Well this ‘friend’ of mine pretends to be a scientist, ‘he knows better’ and even tried to explain me how I should think, scientifically… yet,his references were… Wikipedia! Everything that goes against the official narrative either is in-complete, mis-quoted, or deformed. Just check the definition of ‘Gnostic’, it’s very revealling.

            ps sorry for my bad English. Not my native tongue.

  13. mellyrn
    May 11, 2019 at 12:26 pm

    a = b
    a^2 = ab
    a^2 – b^2 = ab – b^2 <—subtracting equal amounts (b^2) from both sides
    (a + b)(a – b) = b(a – b) <—-simplifying expressions
    (a + b)(a – b)/(a – b) = b(a – b)/(a – b) <—dividing both sides by the same amount (a – b)
    (a + b) = b <—removing the (a – b)/(a – b) terms
    (b + b) = b <—substituting b for a, since they're equal
    2b = 1b <—simplifying expressions
    2 = 1 <—dividing both sides by the same amount (b)

    This is what happens when we try to divide by zero — (a – b)

    • Jean-François Aubry
      May 11, 2019 at 1:33 pm

      By design when number 9 always give 9
      Number 8 give: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,

      8 sequence countdown
      2*8=16 (1+6) = 7
      3*8=24 (2+4) = 6
      4*8=32 (3+2) = 5
      5*8=40 (4+0) = 4
      6*8=48 (4+8) = 12 (1+2) = 3
      7*8=56 (5+6) = 11 (1+1) = 2
      8*8=64 (6+4) = 10 (1+0)=1
      9*8=72 (7+2) = 9
      10*8=80 (8+0)=8
      11*8=88 (8+8)=16 (1+6)=7
      12*8=96 (9+6)=15 (1+5)=6
      13*8=104 (1+0+4)= 5
      14*8=112 (1+1+2) =4
      15*8=120 (1+2+0)=3
      16*8=128 (1+2+8)=11 (1+1) =2
      17*8=136 (1+3+6)=10 (1+0)=1
      18*8=144 (1+4+4) =9
      19*8= 152 (1+5+2)=8
      20*8=160 (1+6+0)=7

      This is why at pool we finish with the 8 and 7 is the lucky number

      • Pedro Leal
        May 11, 2019 at 3:21 pm


      • May 11, 2019 at 7:21 pm

        Whoa! You’re above my pay grade here (note my near failure in Algebra 2). Can you sum this up using only language?

        • mellyrn
          May 12, 2019 at 1:51 am

          Allan, did you ever notice that if you have a string of numerals
          1 13 923 8774 5 281 (or whatever)
          and you add them all together,
          1+1+3+9+2+3+8+7+7+4+5+2+8+1 = 61
          and then you add the numerals of your answer,
          6+1 = 7,
          you wind up with the same number (in this case, 7) as you would if you subtracted out all the numerals that add to 9?
          113 (strike the actual 9) 23877 (strike the 4 & 5) 2 (strike the 8 & 1);
          then take out one of the 1s and the 8; a 2 and a 7; the other 2 and 7;
          we’re left with 1 3 3 — and those add to 7.

          It’s a game my mom taught me, to watch car license plates & keep me amused on long drives. Afaik, it’s of no value beyond this. I call it “reducing” numbers, but it’s not a technical term.

          Jean-Francois is pointing out that you can “reduce” multiples of eight in this way, and as you go up one multiple, the “reduced” value goes down one — two times eight is sixteen/16, which “reduces” to seven; three (one *higher* than two) times eight is twenty-four/24, which reduces to six (one *less* than seven).

          It’s an interesting pattern but beyond that I don’t know what his point is. Mine was “dividing by zero is worse than ‘undefined’ — we can use it to prove the ridiculous”.

    • May 11, 2019 at 5:05 pm

      I almost flunked out of Algebra 2 but then got the highest grade in NY State on the final exam in Geometry. This may explain why I didn’t understand your equations but completely understand the final result. I think.

      • mellyrn
        May 12, 2019 at 1:56 am

        I love showing this to people who do understand the equations. I get to the result and they stagger with the cognitive dissonance: they’ve followed it all right, it’s algebraically correct — but they’ve lost sight of the fact that, since a = b, a – b must be zero and we must not do that divide-by-(a – b) step.

  14. Miles MacQueen
    May 11, 2019 at 12:17 pm

    “What is the cost of lies?

    Not that we will mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, we will no longer recognize the truth at all.

    What can we do then?”

    Opening scene from HBO mini-series “Chernobyl”. I highly recommend everyone reading this blog to tune in. Promises to be a great production and, coming from one who currently works in a nuclear power plant, an important one.

    What an interesting series of posts since the Sky Dance interlude –

    Behind the spooks – holy crap did those comments go off of the rails. Amazing what happens when you openly challenge the theory of relativity. Makes me really appreciate what the folks working with the electric universe model are up against.

    Two Sean’s, one question – that’s a really good question but, as the comments show, the physics / engineering of the visibility of anything from space can be debated ad nauseum. I’m still more floored by the clip you provided that shows the Apollo astronauts claiming that they did not see anything but empty black space (and future astronauts condraticting them). Can’t counter argue technology /optical limitations on that one. A real head-scratcher, that one. Still probably the biggest “tell” that you have revealed for me. Thanks.

    Open letter to Sam Harris – I couldn’t give a shit about Sam Harris. Didn’t even know who he was, and I am not a fan of your “open-letter to” tactics. Even though I find them entertaining, they seem to end dialog rather than promote it. But this was an epic take-down. One for the ages. Nice work. As a parent of a young child, I can attest to the insane difficulty of trying to have an open discussion about vaccine safety (I repeat vaccine safety, not anti-vaccine). Every voice that speaks out on this issue is much appreciated (by me). Again, a heart-felt thank you for your efforts on this issue. I was pleasantly surprised to hear a clip on NPR that flipped the msm script re: who the so-called “anti-vaxxers” really are –


    Maybe the tide is turning.

    The Americans – correct, great show, worth the investment. Look into Chernobyl, see above.

    Family Cathartidae – my first thought was also raccoons. Maybe set up your time-lapse gopro and find out?

    Piled Higher and Deeper – how much higher and deeper can the pile go? Unfortunately, it looks as if we might find out. Although they are telegraphing that changes might be afoot –


    Keep up the great work man. I, for one, enjoy every bit of it.

    • May 11, 2019 at 5:11 pm

      I much appreciate the time and thought involved in your comment. The first bit is critically true! This is where FE believers come from, for example.

      I’m planning on watching Chernobyl and am stoked to have someone here who knows something about the subject. i would appreciate any thoughts you have on the series as it progresses. Put comments in the current post, not (necessarily) in this one — as I say, I get so much spam that I have to ignore moderation prompts re ‘old’ posts. If you get my drift.

      I’ll now view your links…

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