These are screenshots from the past week. They are pretty much self-explanatory.
Note: Today’s post is a reiteration of information I’ve brought up before. Thing is, In my essays and in the comments to them, we cover a wide range of subjects, and I can’t stress too strongly that what follows is the current subject of greatest import. (Plus, there may be new visitors here who are unfamiliar with these matters.) Also, since germ theory has been so constantly ingrained in the public mind, no amount of repetition of the truth is excessive. Also, problems with getting online delayed this post.
Below is a comment I left on today’s video from Senator Rand Paul:
How, Senator, did I have all the information re Fauci/gain of function/Wuhan/U of N Carolina/’Batwoman” in FEBRUARY OF 2020 (going on two years ago), and you have just recently brought it up? Do I (retired senior, living in an RV with my dog) have better research at my disposal? Here is an excerpt from my blog post from back then:
Addendum: The same source as above (Doctor Rashid Buttar) also did a videobacking up in great detail Francis Boyle’s allegations that COVID was engineered as a bio-weapon at the University of North Carolina, with the participation of a Wuhan virologist. Buttar goes further, fingering Trump’s mouthpiece, NIH big shot Anthony Fauci, of approving and funding the creation of the COVID bug. The irony of having Fauci on the podium during Trump’s COVID press conferences is obvious.’
Here is my post: https://blog.banditobooks.com/taking-a-break/
Are you a controlled opposition for the powers-that-be, Senator?
Here is a separate comment I made on the same video:
‘Why don’t you ask him [Fauci] if he’s making money from the Moderna vaccine via owning part of the company and their patents? And is that a conflict of interest? Huh?’
I’ll be curious to see how long these comments last before they are taken down.
Addendum: Whoa! I just now checked, a couple minutes after posting, and the first one is already missing. We’ll see how long the other survives. [After nearly three days,
The irony, of course, is that Senator Paul’s accusations are themselves misinformation, a distraction from the truth, which is that there is no new ‘virus’… the double irony here being that even this statement is misleading since ‘viruses’ are not the cause of disease in the first place, any more than the maggots on a dead animal caused that animal’s death. ‘Viruses’ have never been shown scientifically to cause disease, but rather (like bacteria) are in essence the ‘clean up crew’ when there is cellular damage caused by poisoning, starvation, EMF pollution, and/or stress.
The reason Senator Paul waited nearly two years to point the finger at Fauci is this: Psychological operations such as ‘COVID-19’ need continuing distractions from the truth, the truth in this case being that if there is indeed a new illness on planet earth, it is a result of one of the above causative factors, i.e., poisoning, starvation, EMF pollution, and/or stress, with the last two being versions of ‘poisoning.’ In my view, the most likely cause of ‘the COVID-19 Syndrome’ (assuming it exists), is 5G EMF pollution/poisoning.
The real takeaway from Senator Paul’s recent accusations is to reenforce the idea that the pandemic is real. In fact, the idea that it is a bioweapon developed in a laboratory (whether in China or at the University of North Carolina) only gins up more fear, fear-creation being the essence of any psyop. The conflict between Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci is a powerful and perfect distraction from the truth.
This means that my comment, taken at face value, is actually playing into the hands of the perpetrators of this psyop, since it presupposes that the virus is real, and the cause of the recent deaths and illnesses said to be the result of the ‘pandemic.’
As I have suggested in previous posts, anyone wishing to get to the bottom of the present psyop can start with
this interview featuring doctors Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan, then read
The Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenberg. It was reading
Rainbow that first woke me up to the falsity of germ theory, which is the foundation of medical/pharmacological cartels in the U.S. and around the world. (The one worrisome aspect to Cowan/Kaufman is that they claim there is no new illness at all, and COVID is completely ginned up via manipulating the numbers. As a reading of
The Invisible Rainbow‘s history of flu epidemics implies, flu outbreaks always follow an increase in the world’s EMF environment. Wuhan had just fired up city-wide 5G when people began to fall ill in the fall
Addendum: As is often the case with epiphanies, it only took one realization to launch me into a paradigm change: Reading the study that showed beyond doubt that the devastating worldwide pandemic known as the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ was not contagious person-to-person, at least not in manner demanded by germ theory. Again (yes, I am repeating myself), this is the study that did it. But the real shocker was that the ‘scientists’ who did the study ignored its findings and continued to believe the illness was spread person-to-person. (This is a perfect example of what is wrong with ‘science,’ or, rather, those who practice it.)
A couple days ago I met a woman, a fellow ‘rubber tramp’ in her RV, here in the Arizona desert, a medical researcher and biological. ‘scientist’ who at first seemed awake; she knew Fauci from the days he was perpetrating the HIV fraud and is aware that he was/is an arch-criminal working for the medical/pharmacological cartels. A good start, right?
Then I tried to wake her up to the real COVID fraud and got nowhere — even after patiently explaining (in science-speak) that the COVID virus has not been isolated — so I asked for her email so I could send the above Cowan/Kaufman link to get her started down the road of awakening. I sent it and got the following reply:
‘Go away.’ (This sort of experience keeps recurring and recurring and so on, to the point where I truly wonder why I bother. I truly see very little hope for our species.)
But the real point I want to make today is the degree to which — and the current methods used — we are being brainwashed by the purveyors of public (dis)information into believing in paradigms that are quite easily shown to be false. Aside from germ theory, Big Bang/expanding space/dark matter/dark energy/black holes/etc. is almost certainly false, as is Neo-Darwinian evolution (random mutations/natural selection as driver); the history of civilization and of the human species specifically is likewise suspect (to say the least). What these false paradigms have in common is the base belief in strict materialism, which itself is easily debunked (which I have done in past posts).
So add academia (pre-school through university) to the list of disinformation purveyors.
But you may not be aware the degree to which
social media has become
the propaganda arm of the current psyop (and the psyops on the above list). We all know about the blatant censorship (deletion of videos, tweets, Facebook posts and so on), but it goes way beyond that, via the various search algorithms these platforms are built upon. A good example of this is a Youtube video I posted a while back. Based on footage and outtakes from
Water Time, and titled
Vaccines, Autism, and Denial, the video presents irrefutable evidence linking vaccines to childhood autism (a true modern holocaust). It has less than 600 views in four years, in spite of its 100% ‘thumbs ups’ and rave reviews in comments.
The vid’s poor view count was explained when I tried to find it via searching for its exact title plus ‘from the ac weisbecker’ channel and could not find it at all; it was missing from the results pages altogether. In fact, virtually all the results were videos with the exact opposite message, i.e., there is no connection between vaccines and autism. (If you view the above link, which I do recommend, skip the first 3 minutes.)
The blatant censorship phenom has now spread to Youtube comments (presumably, comments anywhere), as we saw up top (and as I have found through other attempts at commenting): My comment was deleted almost instantly, which indicates that some sort of A.I. is constantly sifting the web itself for ‘bad thoughts.’ This is fairly new, or at least the brutality of it. They are not fucking around now, and, again, they don’t seem to care that their censorship is blatant First Amendment breakage, or that most of their shenanigans are of the ‘Freedom is Slavery’ archetype.
Addendum: Speaking of obvious psyops I just visited good old ‘Miles Mathis’s site and found the most ridiculous string of posts I’ve come across. Here’s the email I shot him:
Hey, how stupid do you figure we all are, with your bizarre and physically impossible output? At 60 words a minute I couldn’t TYPE as fast as you (your Tavistock team) pump them out.
This is another modern phenom: The PTB no longer care if they expose their own psyops for what they are. This is worrisome on two levels. First, their A.I. must be telling them that there is nothing to lose here, meaning that the vast majority will not notice the blatant tells (like MM’s output). Independently, I have noticed this also. People are that fucking stupid. Second, they must not fear any amount of pushback; it’s like they are saying to those of us who are awake, ‘Whaddya gonna do about it, asshole, given there are so few of you?’
One last thing: You are all no doubt aware of the recent promotion of transexuality, but it has now spread to include children as young as five years old. HBO’s documentary,
Transhood, actually promotes this nauseating notion, as does the MSM in general. This is, I suspect, an extension of their desire to destroy the nuclear family, a mammoth psyop that’s been ongoing for decades. That Youtube has not deleted
videos like this one — which indicates that our former ‘First Lady,’ Michelle Obama, was actually a man — is an indirect set up of this op.
I’m reading a book titled When Harry Became Sally, which exposes the horrendous results of premature transexual surgery, but had to do a real search of online bookstores when I found that Amazon has deleted it from their list, saying it ‘offended the LGBTQ community.’ Imagine that.
Okay, I am Mexico-bound, for some cheap-but-good dental work.
The next day: I came across
an interesting podcast. Go 34 minutes in, where he speaks of the difference between dictatorships and totalitarianism, and how there are about 30% (of the population) that are hopelessly ‘hypnotized’ by ‘the narrative’, 40% who just go along with the narrative, and 30% who are awake. It’s quite insightful re the current ‘narrative.’ Give it a look.
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