Still Another Fake Launch

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Notice the timer in the upper right: it reads 0.275, and ignition is just now beginning. The engines are not yet fully lit.

You guys are keeping me awake and alert and I appreciate it. This morning while working on a post about the origins of humankind I got an email with a link to India’s supposed launch of their moon mission. It took all of about three seconds to see that the visuals (the video) is not real.

First, check out the version I first saw, from The Guardian, and see if you spot the problem (the video is less than a minute, just the launch). See how fast this multi-ton rocket came off the pad? That is impossible, by the laws of physics.

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‘0.395.’ The engines are still not yet at full bore. The rocket hasn’t moved yet.

I’ll show you some freeze frames. Notice the time marker in the upper right. It counts thousands of a second. You will notice that in a few tenths of a second, the rocket goes from sitting on the planet to moving upwards. The gross weight of the vehicle, including fuel weight is said to be 640 tons, well over one million pounds.

As you can see from the freeze frames, the vehicle lifts off less than one second after first stage ignition. In fact, ignition is at 0.515 on the clock and lifts off (clearly) at 0.915, four tenths of a second after ignition. If you go about 2 minutes into this NASA video, you’ll hear them tell you that the Saturn V vehicles lifted off a full eight seconds after ignition. (Of course, this info cannot be trusted either, but even by official standards, the Indian rocket is doing the impossible.)

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‘0.515.’ Look closely. After barely two tenths of a second and already there is upward movement.

You can go to about 3 minutes in to this link to see how long it takes between ignition and lift off of the Saturn V.

It should not take a physicist (a ‘rocket scientist’) to know that over a million pounds does not move upward against gravity essentially instantaneously (four tenths of a second), as the Indian moon rocket seems to do in the live video.

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‘0.795.’ No question, over 1,000,000 pounds has moved upward. A miracle?

This should not come as a surprise to anyone who follows this blog. Ever since the Falcon Heavy launch in February of last year, I have been posting video proofs that have led me to believe that the only explanation for recent chemical rocket ‘feats’ by both private and government groups is that we are being bamboozled to the point where we can no longer believe our eyes. It’s not just CGI/video tricks anymore.

In a sense, they are now bragging about it. See this recent extravaganza wherein they’ve reproduced the Apollo fraud on the Washington monument. You have to see it to believe it, if that expression even makes sense anymore.

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‘0.915.’ Less than four tenths of a second and we have clear lift off!

That the tomfoolery has gone international – with national governments world-wide sharing the visual technology – should not surprise anyone who has been paying attention to world history.

The question really is only this: How long have they been fooling us, not only via video special effects but with… to quote ‘Miles Mathis’… ‘holograms or something.’

And now, with their show at the Washington monument revelation of the method, they are outright telling us what they are doing.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’ Arthur C. Clarke

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