Taking a Break

I’ve come across some videos that seem to indicate that the state and MSM deceit may be on an even deeper level than I thought. Although you can’t trust ‘citizen journalists’ any more than the MS or alt media, a few are showing NYC hospitals with no COVID patients and no apparent preparations for them. Here are a few. 

This Youtuber is saying his videos (showing empty hospitals) have been taken down, censored. (It’s hard to know what these videos really mean at this early stage of COVID in the U.S.)

Addendum: The same source as above (Doctor Rashid Buttar) also did a video backing up in great detail Francis Boyle’s allegations that COVID was engineered as a bio-weapon at the University of North Carolina, with the participation of a Wuhan virologist. Buttar goes further, fingering Trump’s mouthpiece, NIH big shot Anthony Fauci, of approving and funding the creation of the COVID bug. The irony of having Fauci on the podium during Trump’s COVID press conferences is obvious. 

As a side-note, I would suggest that any alt media figure that doesn’t shout the truth about the provenance of the COVID bug from the rooftops should be lynched along with the genocidal little prick, Fauci. This includes ‘Mr. Corbett’ (as one of you referred to him) along with the rest of my Dirt List, none of whom have said a word about the Who, What, and Why of COVID. But I tend to overreact to this sort of scumbaggery. 

So be it. As I’ve said and had to repeat numerous times, apparently due to ‘reader’ inattention on the part of a few:

Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.

Right: If hospitals are not being overrun, we probably don’t have a pandemic. It doesn’t mean there is no COVID pathogen.

Many of the comments over the past few posts have indicated that I’m not doing much good with this blog, and even before coming across the above videos I was going to take some time off and work on my sky film. I dig deep to show you who in the alt media is dirty and the response is either ‘It doesn’t matter’ or there is no response. Who cares? Personally, I do.

I’ll look at the comments below when I have the time, between film editing and trying to get to the bottom of just how bad the state/MSM deceit really is. Meanwhile, the idiots can have a field day. I’ll delete the non-information ones at my leisure. Or take the blog down, save some money.


Do I believe there is a new virus out there? Yes. Do I believe we are being lied to about it? As I’ve said or implied in every post: Yes. Many recent comments truly indicate that the following is not getting through, so see if it looks familiar:

Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.

(My discouragement does not apply to everyone, obviously. Mainly the loud ones who don’t seem to have much to do, so they come here to ‘be heard,’ I assume. There’s even one in showbiz, if you can call 20 Vimeo views showbiz.) 

Big Time Addendum: Three or so hours after posting the above…

Well, this is interesting. Looks like the ‘idiots’ were right about a total COVID hoax (or close to it), and my litany (repeated twice above), especially the part that says ‘If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic’ (and if not, we don’t) is kicking in, so to speak. I suspect there is a COVID bug but, apparently,  it is not a factor in what’s going on with the government and the media. It appears that the doomsday hoopla from Italy (and other areas) is crisis actors and fake imagery (see the video below).

Bottom line is that I promised to shut this blog down if ‘it’s all a hoax’ and although I could parse my promise (as I say, there likely is a COVID bug, technically speaking), I’ll not do that. I still look into the mirror once in a while.

Although there are others, this video should do it.

Had I seen this a couple weeks ago I would have been on the ‘hoax’ side then. It didn’t occur to me that the truth could be withheld for so long, with so many people (doctors, nurses, etc., and I mean the real ones) aware that it’s all bull shit. The PTB are getting better and better at what they do. And they are co-opting more and more of us; this has to be true for them to have gotten away with this for so many weeks. 

The big reason for my having been fooled is my knowledge that they have been perfecting bio-weapons for decades now, so why not use one? They certainly would have no moral issue with this, and wouldn’t a real pandemic work better than a fake one?

What I underestimated is their ego and concomitant utter contempt for us. They want to prove they can make us believe anything under any circumstances, and by god, it looks like they are doing just that. I mean right in the fucking face of the truth. And why not, given that most ‘Truthers’ still believe the utter nonsense notion that airplanes struck buildings back on 9/11. 

Comparing this matter to 9/11, the ‘COVID virus’  is the non-existent airplanes, and the fake COVID deaths are the ‘VIC SIMS’ from 9/11: Very few died at the WTC and (the way it looks) very few are dying from COVID. 9/11 and COVID-19. Two black ops pulled off via the media, with just a liiiittle bit of reality in the mix.

I don’t know if the whole bio-weapon meme is another misdirection or not; as I say, I suspect there is a real bug out there, but am not sure. (But Christ I’m not sure of anything anymore.)  I’ll be looking into it (privately). If there isn’t a bug on the loose out there now, you can be sure it’s in vials in various locations, in case a real pandemic is needed (like if too many of us call ‘foul’).

We are entering a whole new level of mind control. That much I can clearly see.

Anyway, I said I’d shut down this blog if I was wrong, and I was wrong, so as of today I am off the air, so to speak. If I knew how to shut down a website, I would do that. (On the other hand, if and when I finish my sky-film, I might use this page to notify of its release.)  Those few of you who have been contributing to my efforts, go ahead and cancel your Paypal donations. I don’t know how to do that either. 

I’m the idiot.

Good luck. 

  146 comments for “Taking a Break

  1. Metatoast
    April 8, 2020 at 2:14 am

    For Jay below: Do you people ever switch up your m.o.?

  2. Jay
    April 7, 2020 at 7:23 pm

    Meanwhile 12000 people in the US have died. I personally know someone who didn‘t survive an infection with this Covid bug. We all are loosing our jobs if there will be some kind of miracle. Only God knows what is still to come.
    Come on, are there really people around who still believe all this is a hoax? Every single country in the world who is concerned with the biggest issue since World War II, all it’s inhabitants, politicians, workers in the health system, and me, we war all part of some kind of conspiracy. You cannot be serious, wake up!
    Sometimes a virus is just a virus, not considering what you think about it.
    Uh, 9/11 is fake. The planes hitting WTC didn‘t exist.
    Landing on the moon was fake.
    Earth is as flat as a stamp and Elvis is still alive.
    Didn‘t you take your pills this morning?
    All you motherfuckers and first of all the POTUS make me sick, really.
    It‘s such a shame that Allan has to deal with such filthy pieces of toe rag, it‘s a shame and a disgrace to all people who are suffering from this crisis.
    Allan, you are one of the most honorable human beings on earth, please do‘nt give up and stay strong. Wish you all the best.

    • Pete
      April 8, 2020 at 1:30 am

      No, not 12000.

      • Chris
        April 8, 2020 at 6:29 pm

        Google gives the current total, by state, constantly changing.


      • Chris
        April 8, 2020 at 6:50 pm

        It’s taken from Wikipedia, though. Chances are there are a lot of people verifying that info, and keeping it updated. WHO will have their own numbers possibly a bit behind. It is a lot easier to verify people that died a month or more ago. 12675 is what it says today. As a matter of fact, look at the Wikipedia page

        They separate cases that started inside and outside of the us. So repatriated cases are ones where an American fell ill in another country, but was treated here (and possibly died). The 12675 does not seem to include repatriated cases. So the actual total number of people that died in the US from covid-19 is much larger.

    • April 8, 2020 at 5:09 am

      If you think Allan agrees with what you just wrote here, you obviously have some kind of reading comprehension problem…..and much deeper mental issues on top of that.

      Whatever ails your soul, I wish you some kind of healing.

    • Azzy
      April 8, 2020 at 10:38 am

      Sorry, man– but if you still think 3 buildings were demolished (not knocked down; demolished) by two planes on 911, you are fucking retarded.

  3. Lofcaudio
    April 7, 2020 at 6:26 pm

    This thing is starting to take shape, and it’s not good. It’s actually terrifying:


    If you need additional background:


  4. Miles MacQueen
    April 7, 2020 at 4:35 pm

    Anyone here who thinks they have got this thing figured out should probably check their head. I think Allan said it best – “But Christ I’m not sure of anything anymore.”

    The only thing those citizen videos prove to me is that this thing goes much deeper, and is probably much more far-reaching than even those of us who pay close attention to this blog would have guessed.

    No matter what is actually occurring right now in the hospitals, and with the sick and dying patients, it looks as if they are preparing up for mass casualties and civil unrest. The chess pieces are being moved around, folks.

    Why now? What’s next? Who can we trust? etc, etc, etc …

    Christ, I am not sure of anything anymore.

    • Azzy
      April 7, 2020 at 5:35 pm

      Memetic Warfare? Confused is where we’re all meant to be. I guess from *they’re* perspective, things are ticking along very, very nicely, thank you very much.
      I know people have enough shit to be watching and catching up on, but this guy sums it all up: i.e. it’s what’s coming after the Con-vid thing that we need to get ready for. Looking after our health is, it seems, only one ‘theatre’ of operations, unfortunately. (It’s scary stuff, beware– could it even be a ‘leak’ from TPTBe?

    • April 7, 2020 at 7:34 pm

      It should be ‘road kill’ crow for you – for breakfast.
      We told you the actual bug was a bullshit non existing non burger, with screeds of evidence & proof, and you were telling us to go away!! Lol!
      And I can’t believe you are still scratching your head , wondering whats been going on, and why.

      • Azzy
        April 7, 2020 at 7:43 pm

        One thaang is for sure, Brett: If the virus is real, and the chumps were fighting like beasts over toilet-paper right from the get-go– we all saw the videos; can you imagine what it’s going to be like when those same chumps get hungry?
        Hope you’re stacked up on brass.
        But give it the week, I did say that. We’re not even half-way there!

      • Miles MacQueen
        April 7, 2020 at 10:13 pm

        I just don’t understand, and am frustrated by, your certainty. Somehow you know this is all just a big hoax. So don’t worry about it, don’t wear a mask, don’t take any precautions and go have a ball. BUT –

        The university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been working with chimeric coronaviruses in gain-of-function research and publicly publishing their results for over a decade now. So the technology is there.

        There have been serious security breaches at Ft. Detrick, Ft. Belvoir, and at the Winnipeg Bsl-4 lab and a lot of evidence to support NATO operatives refining, amplifying, and removing materials from these locations.

        The world military games were held in Wuhan with uniforms and costumes supplied from Chinese garment workers working in Milan. The spread of the bug better follows the return of the participants to their home countries than a natural spread from a patient zero at the fish market.

        I could go on and on and on. Tell me again how you are so certain that there is no new pathogen and it wasn’t released intentionally.

        I mean 5g does seem to be dangerous but it can’t explain everything.

        And yes, the hospitals don’t appear to be overrun (yet) and of course the MSM is lying about that. But they are clearly making a lot of bed space available and they are gearing up for a round II.

        I did, one time, actually sat that you were wrong and I will apologize and eat crow for that. I am not certain that you are wrong. I am not certain of anything. But I fear that you are grossly underestimating your opponent.

        I can’t see how they can maintain a complete and utter hoax but maybe they can.

        Seems more likely that they actually released a bio-weapon and are currently leveraging the hype machine to maximum effect. What worries me is that they have many more tools in their bag of tricks. This is probably just the warm up and the bug 2.0 is on its way if, and when, needed.

        • Chris
          April 8, 2020 at 1:38 am

          The “fact” That covid-19 is man made Is the extraordinary claim that needs proof. Not innuendo or suggestions, but proof. Deadly pandemics happen all the time. They exist. They don’t need to be proved. Suggesting it is man made is a bunch of frothy, trollish conspiratorial nonsense that is neither correct nor helpful. It’s like you want it to be true to support your long-standing conspiratorial ideologies. So far everyone’s “proof” has been misunderstanding how viruses mutate, and being open and gullible to bad information sources.

          • Miles MacQueen
            April 8, 2020 at 3:23 am

            I dunno, maybe start with the smoking gun that Francis Boyle pointed out at the start of this whole mess.

            Or maybe actually read the five papers that JC on a bike linked to and go from there.


            Or don’t, up to you.

      • April 13, 2020 at 8:23 am

        Allan C Weisbecker, you have made a whole lot of assumptions, LIES, and B.S , about me and some others, up above on your ‘they tried to kill us’ thread.
        Your once COOL, investigative/detective writings have almost completely gone.
        You have turned into a story writer, who doesn’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.
        You have an Ego bigger than Texas & Alaska put together, thus hate being found wrong.
        You attack all and sundry, who dare to think outside the square, and bring great information and links to the table. Trouble is, you pull all the good and right posts too.
        Good people who once looked up to you, don’t anymore….and the ones that are left are walking on egg shells.
        You have to quit with the crusty , angry old school teacher act….a teacher that also lives in fear.
        Thus, I have had to give your gas money from me – the boot – again.
        The only way I will pay you another cent, is if you make amends on the mistakes up there.
        Maybe if your cupboards are bare of fodder for you & doggie, I will pay again….

    • Chris
      April 8, 2020 at 1:26 am

      A pandemic? Maybe it’s a pandemic. They cause mass casualties and civil unrest most of the time. Imagine them planning for something that happens every few hundred years. The nerve of them. Good thing Trump cancelled every preparatory thing Obama did for this sort of a predictable situation. Otherwise we might be in much better shape.

  5. April 6, 2020 at 6:13 am

    David Icke explains carefully about the massive fraud going on with the covid19 diagnosis, and the so called huge death numbers…to all those Thick Mongrel Trolls , who used to laugh at him for decades.
    He is speaking slowly to get through their stupid thick skulls, but now they won’t be listening of course , to try and pretend they don’t have to eat crow > https://youtu.be/ujqyiQO8TFc

    • Azzy
      April 6, 2020 at 12:54 pm

      Sorry, friend– but David Icke fills Wembley Stadium in London (it’s big) regularly at 60 British Pounds (it’s a lot) a pop. While other British– and some American– researchers are de-platformed from Twitter, Google, Facebook and a raft of other providers for daring to question stuff like Satanic Ritual (child) Abuse, fake news and media, white-collar crime, etc. Even Veterans Today can only be accessed via Tor or a VPN in most European states.
      David Icke is not a trustworthy source– he’s a cutout and best, controlled opposition, at worst. But granted, like Alex Jones, he does weave some useful/true information throughout his narrative– in order to keep the chumps hooked, don’t’cha know.
      Don’t believe the Icke!

      • April 6, 2020 at 7:33 pm

        But he is so obviously right on this.

        • Azzy
          April 6, 2020 at 7:44 pm

          He’s right on a lot of things, for sure. But can you sort out the shit from the not-shit? What’s his role currently. He’s never de-platformed, many are– and hundreds of thousands of hits. Like Jordan Peterson: outta nowhere to King of the YouTubeWorld.
          I’m not buying it. But let’s see how this week goes and I’ll be the first one to eat craw. Promise!
          See below FYI– you’ll probably need a VPN or Tor to access it; but it might be worth a read! Makes perfect sense to me. Especially the China connection. The shit is being left up on YouTube for all to view; the real stuff is removed immediately.

    • Ron J.
      April 6, 2020 at 9:20 pm

      Thank you Brett and Thank you Allan the important thing is the seeking as one has to sort through all the info and the disinfo. It’s okay to hold a position and right to change when other facts prove otherwise. Sure most of us have once held beliefs then learned more that changed what we once held to be true. Important thing is our agenda is to find the truth.

    • james
      April 8, 2020 at 7:39 pm

      Removed for youtube violation.

  6. April 6, 2020 at 3:48 am


    I’ve been thinking, the reason all the hospitals are prepped and ready (but currently empty) is they’re getting ready to either gas the public in mass, or 5G is more than they say.

  7. Metatoast
    April 6, 2020 at 3:08 am

    After watching the Dana Ashlie vid posted in Allan’s article: Between the out and about free lance videographer in NYC, showing empty hospitals and quonset huts and refer trucks, and nothing of the sort being breathlessly reported by Democracy Now and the mayor himself; between that and this other one of Dr. Believable, Cameron Kyle-Sidell, detailing how respirators can aggravate the condition, that is not pneumonia, that is killing his patients and that a “viral” caused respiratory distress, namely, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, is not Covid-19, but rather a viral induced disease, most resembling high altitude sickness; what are we to believe? I’m sure real unnatural death is happening. Dr. Believable is, you know, believable, because his experience is real and his patients are dying. No sarc. Covid-19 is a name and we have no control over what it’s being applied to, nor independent means for verifying what we are being told. Mass unwarranted trust has swept rational thinking aside, at scale.

    So which is it? The reportage of Todd Starnes or Dr. Sidell. Or is that a false choice?

    After careful analysis of ops like Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon, why are we still questioning the brazen mind control abilities to psyop the entire world. I mean, why do we continually underestimate them, y’all?

    I’ll leave it as a mystery and recommend that to solve it we should tentatively suspend the idea of contagion.

    “For more than a week, the exercise continued behind the scenes as lab testing is done and emergency room departments around the state report mock surges of patients to emergency room departments, similar to what might happen during a real pandemic.” From Ragin Contagion, the Alaskan exercise in March of 2019.

    • Metatoast
      April 6, 2020 at 3:37 am
      • bill blaise
        April 7, 2020 at 11:02 pm


        somebody who has tried to
        talk to him

        • Metatoast
          April 8, 2020 at 1:34 am

          There is a huge disconnect between the activity we see very recently, at Maimonides Medical Center, NYC, the ‘epicenter of the Pandemic’, and what Dr. Sidell, who works there, seems to have hyped. Hospital workers appear to be coached and gagged. They are afraid to talk. Thanks for the post.

          • bill blaise
            April 8, 2020 at 2:22 am

            For what its worth. I have my doubts about Mr Goodman. He keeps hitting on a DrPaul Cottrell. I gave him everything to show the guy is not what he represents, Crickets.

    • Pedro Leal
      April 7, 2020 at 1:43 pm

      I share your views Metatoast. There’s something big, just starting, but not what we are told to believe in. It’s not about ‘what’, it’s about ‘Why ?’.
      I live in Grenoble, France, near the Italian and Swiss borders. The decisions the government took, don’t make sens. If it really was a deathly virus as told, we would see people falling dead in the streets. I know no one who knows somebody who as been contaminated.Here, you need a ‘certificate of derogatory displacement’ to circulate, and if it’s not absolutely vital, you can only be out for one hour max, per day. French people are boiling about their civil liberties. People just realise how fragile everything is. For the moment, the worse casualties are all the small family business that make the French fabric of society, middle class. The fact is, they have us neatly tieted to do whatever they want.
      Of couse, everyone has cellphones,here, too, but we are supposed to be 4G, for the moment. Don’t want to make it too long (sorry for my bad English).

      ps It happens I live with a Soudanese neighbour who knows the young man implicated in the supposed ‘terrorist attack’, in France, this week. It has nothing to do with terrorism. The ‘terrorist’ was out from a two months stay in a psychiatric hospital. False flag event.

      • Metatoast
        April 8, 2020 at 1:29 am

        Good to hear from you Pedro. In order to circulate, a certificate of derogatory displacement is needed!?; sounds like police state Newspeak.

        The alleged assailant was 33. The cult can’t resist leaving their mark, can they? Multi use false flags target as many agenda items as they can. In some cases, both gun ownership and “mental illness”, and all it may be stretched to include, like nonconformity, or Aspergers, or pissed off human being, or in the knife case, ‘mental illness’ and ethnic/racial/religious conflict. Turns out, I was reading two different attacks involving a knife. Worldwide, things like this have become so common and we have become somewhat inured because of it. Therefore, because of non investigation they get away with more and bigger of the same

        I share your grief over the loss of liberty and human scaled businesses.

    • Lynda Craig
      April 8, 2020 at 6:38 pm

      Bill Blaise

      “Dr” Paul Cottrell’s credentials have been called into question. His doctorate is in finance management and his linkedin page has apparently been deleted.

      This link still exists, for what it’s worth.https://www.amazon.com/Paul-Cottrell/e/B07DSPV44D%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

    • Metatoast
      April 8, 2020 at 2:07 am

      Thanks for the post. To him I would say thanks for nothing. Wrecking the economy is not going to fix this thing, whatever it is. Stay at home orders are wreck the economy orders. He seems so well conditioned, it’s doubtful he’s even aware of the true implications of what he is saying.

  8. April 5, 2020 at 11:09 pm

    Drud , I won’t be finding anymore links for you because you don’t even look & LISTEN to them.
    And the way you are talking – do you think I am actually Bill Gates or his right hand man or something???
    You go do your own research now.

    • Azzy
      April 6, 2020 at 1:05 pm

      Maybe Gates and his simulation folks are being used as patsies?
      Like how *they* hid the 911 attacks behind a massive military exercise in order to delay Air Force and Marine fighter intercepts– as well as NRO birds zooming in on the action, of course– on that fateful morning. (Not that it would have made a difference, the buildings were demolished internally.)
      Gates is hated by many– as is Soros– and the power being wielded globally as we speak suggest operators waaaaay beyond the scope of Gates and his nerdy ilk. Maybe someone’s also pissed off at Gates for moving major MS functions and operations to Israel. Or even wants to destroy his bid for the Pentagon Cloud?
      Honestly, who’d ya rather trust: Gates, or that maggot Bezos? Subjective, maybe, but ever take a look at the Washington Post lately?
      Does that read like the mind-farts of idiot-writers with America’s interests at heart?
      Not subjective. Take a look, some time, if you haven’t already.

  9. April 5, 2020 at 6:11 am

    Allan, I wish you well in your time off!

    But I’m sure your readers will appreciate this link to a video of Dr. Fauci practically ADMITTING that this whole corona-virus pandemic is one big fucking SCAM!


    Despite the harsh treatment we give to one another, I still consider you a good soul and a worthy sparring partner. I believe your readership was served well by our back and forth!

    • Chris
      April 5, 2020 at 8:23 pm

      Pandemics happen periodically. So people in the future will definitely have to face the same problems that their predecessors had to. History shows repeated pandemics. That’s what he said. You hear what you want to hear, not what people say.

    • April 5, 2020 at 8:34 pm

      Christ, how does what he says mean COVID doesn’t exist, which is still your dumb ass view? I have better things to do than respond to your crapola.

      • April 5, 2020 at 10:26 pm

        To take this down to a level that a fourth grader could understand….

        Dr. Fauci is connected to a group of people helping to create a NEW WORLD ORDER.

        That group of people constantly uses FEAR and CHARADES (misdirection) to get people to move toward that new world…see Bill Gates and “Event 201″….see George Bush and 9/11…etc.

        These people created an UMBRELLA name called COVID-19. The UMBRELLA covers every kind of death AND murder that can be accomplished during this “operational window”. (people naturally dying of flu-related illness….every year….deaths by “medical intervention”,,,like ventilators and toxic antiviral medicines….and perhaps, some 5G related shenanigans,….as well as ordinary, environmental, toxic poisoning that goes on everyday on this planet, like in WUHAN, China, among others).

        The large NUMBER of deaths scares people into giving up their freedoms and surrendering their own authority, making the New World Order easier to accomplish.

        Friends of the New World Order join in on the feeding frenzy to make money through fraud and the elimination of competition. (small businesses are being destroyed while the Walmarts and Costcos thrive….politicians rape the treasury via a “stimulus bill”)

        NEW BEHAVIORS are “normalized” without much inquiry or resistance (mandated vaccines or travel permits, anyone?).

        Alt+ Media IDIOTS spend time debating whether there is a BIO-WEAPON in play, chasing a phony boogeyman, even years after the “crisis” has passed.


        Dr. Fauci didn’t just say that pandemics will happen in the future. He specifically said a “surprise outbreak” WOULD HAPPEN during Trump’s administration. If that doesn’t sound like “INSIDE INFORMATION” (especially in light of “CLADE X” and “EVENT 201”), then please explain what you are doing here besides licking Allan’s asshole clean?

        • Chris
          April 5, 2020 at 11:13 pm

          Best wishes Arty. I just want to stress how important it is to stay safe for the next 2 or 3 months, so we don’t over saturate (too much) the capabilities of our healthcare system. You can believe whatever you want, just trust enough to social distance for a short while. My mom is 83, has had cancer, is diabetic, and has copd, so think about other people.

          I disagree with Allan about some things, but ultimately it is his blog, not mine. And gross, dude.

          • April 6, 2020 at 12:57 am

            I AM thinking about OTHER PEOPLE by trying to get people to realize that this country is UNDER ATTACK right now…not from a VIRUS….but from a PSYOP.

            Social distancing plays into the psyop, so no, Chris, I will not be social distancing, or locking myself down. I will not VOLUNTARILY cooperate with a Police State…whatever the consequences are for me. I do not endorse this fraud!

            I thought most of the readers of Allan’s blog would be of a similar mind, but I guess I have been way wrong about that. Fear is nice and comfortable and safe, so let’s eat more of that. As I said in 2013….R.I.P USA. Now, we see the rise of the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE.

            Serve it up, Allan. You know your promise to quit wasn’t a serious one. You’ve got too much time on your hands not to write.

          • April 6, 2020 at 12:59 am
          • Todd
            April 7, 2020 at 4:30 am

            Thanks Brett for Lincoln Karim’s material. Looks like he’s been closely watching the none events and the deception occurring in NYC. Good stuff. The US military has setup shop (at least as of March. 29) in the Javits Center and the wonderful 5-star hotels near there and shopping at the local Target. Documenting the mayor’s BS press conference. Deblazio and Co. are not donning the full PPE and not practicing social distancing they espouse on TV. What BS.

            If they were really worries about something of grace concern, they sure don’t show it in their behavior in the press conferences, or the daily 7pm thank-you events for the medical personnel. They all come out cheering and what-not without much concern about any bug. All seem pretty happy and not overworked or stressed about anything. Just weird.

  10. Eric
    April 5, 2020 at 3:02 am

    Stay safe my friend.
    Travel well, eyes open.
    Hope to see you further on down the road.

    • April 5, 2020 at 8:36 pm

      gracias, but I have to come back to alert you to an important issue. It would be… my bad to keep silent on this. Give me a couple days.

  11. April 5, 2020 at 1:33 am


    ΝYC ΙCU DR with nothing to gain shares INCREDIBLE insight…
    Apr 4, 2020
    Dana Ashlie

    • April 5, 2020 at 8:48 pm

      Yes, a good link. People ARE dying. Of what is the question.

  12. Lee
    April 4, 2020 at 5:02 am

    Why? Because someone turned off 5G in Houston as NYC was ramping up its phase 1, LIMITING the apparent contagion and cytokine storms that accelerate flu progression, and lessening morbidity (heightened in those compromised by other illnesses), until 5G gets turned back on. Maybe Texas turned off 5G because it’s not cooperating, resisting the forced globalization! That would be something very great! I think the PTB are planning to extend this panic, in waves. Need 18 months to roll out 5G nationally. Need to stagger the death events. Don’t need all 5G cities dying at the same time—a little too evidentiary. Maybe Houston will simply resume 5G when instructed, when the herd gains a little too much awareness. Now it’s set firmly in public awareness that a 5G city (Houston) has no covid— that’s an important controlled-confusion on the ruse scale—it gave you pause, and many of us as well. Certainly, 5G aggravates flu and other diseases. This does not mean that there arent weaponized contagious versions of coronavirus 19, 20, 21 in the game plan—and like the regular flu, they can be lethal, and an essential, critical part of the psyop —It’s just that the PTB can now ALSO accelerate progression and death with 5G. Patented nanotechnology triggers in food, vaccines and pharmaceuticals are another stealth vector for command and control by 5G frequencies. There is a lot happening (decades of happenings) and it may not be a simple 1:1 virus/5G event. Nonetheless, there are growing numbers of peer-reviewed scholarly papers that clearly document adverse reactions between human cellular functions and 5G. I will collect the scientific papers, scientist talks, and patents, and post here.

    • Azzy
      April 4, 2020 at 5:46 pm

      Only thing is, 5G’s all about commerce and making money, and stuff. About buying shit faster, and buying other shit that talks to your ‘fridge, TV, car, etc.

      So what would be the point in killing off millions of chumps just in order to roll it out? Surely, *they* could roll it out under our very noses if they wanted to– deadly dangerous, or not, without crashing the trillion dollar economies 5G is premised on in the first place. I mean, they demolished 3 buildings (with 2 planes, heh heh!) using space aged weaponry, downtown NYC, broad daylight, with the whole world watching. Then went on a 20 year demolition derby costing trillions based on a fiction– not to mention the military casualties on our side alone in terms of destroyed lives, suicide, substance abuse, domestic violence, and more– wtf knows the levels of suffering in the already chaotic fiefdoms they pulverized.

      And nobody questioned jack-shit. So rolling out a 5G network under everybody’s nose while using some black op propaganda technique in order to ‘sell it’? Surely not a problem.

      Nah, it’s not about 5G. It’s about destroying the economy to such an extent that only a major war could ever possibly kick-start it again. A war with China, and Co.
      They did the same in the 1930s, remember? Then a mere few years later the economy was in full swing, and I’m sure we all remember against whom.

      • Metatoast
        April 4, 2020 at 7:44 pm

        it is about 5G, although not exclusively. Of course there would be no point in killing millions of ‘chumps’ to roll out 5G. The point is that 5G is a useful cofactor for killing off millions of ‘chumps’.

        Destroying the economy, as excruciating as that may be, is not the central objective, but a means to an end. The debt based economy needed to be replaced with a non-fractional, intrinsic value, promissory currency one, since forever anyway, but the extant economy is an enslaving one where money is no problem to the powers that own it, and, the basic depopulation agenda is affordable to them. It’s the ‘chumps’ they want to kill and not profit from, as the the lower classes are apt to do.

        Your antiwar sentiments are well taken.

        • Azzy
          April 4, 2020 at 8:21 pm

          As are your points– fair, all. And the Georgia Guidestones are there for all to see. Not erected by chumps, clearly.
          The destruction of the economy is not the main objective, surely; nor is war with China, another important objective– but on the path to what?

          I think we’ll have a better picture by this day next week– you know what you are talking about, I sense that, but you also seem to infer some kind of reset for the Good is underway. I hope you are right; but short of MAJestic shifting the collective world-line, so to speak– which undoubtedly they have the ability to do– I struggle to see that happening. But hey, maybe we’ll see a miracle. In the meantimes my cash is out f the bank and under the bed just in case.

          • Metatoast
            April 4, 2020 at 9:51 pm

            No reset implied. That is their attitude, and if one were to drop in while slumming for a listen, I would suggest that they read Level 7 by Mordecai Roshwald. Underground, 4,000 ft., and self-sufficient for 500 yrs., where they are destined when things get really bad. All out nuclear war is that time. Spoiler alert. It gets them.

            BTW, cash under mattress is not safe. Time to buy precious metals at the best price you can get.

          • Azzy
            April 5, 2020 at 10:48 am

            Yes, I wouldn’t discount that for a second. But I’m also positive that very powerful forces will not permit that to happen. People who know what’s *really* going on; require this to come to pass for some reason; and have the ability to do something about it.

            (Referred to me from a source I trust implicitly– old school friend with an interesting ‘job’. At least scan b4 you roll your eyes. I did– roll that is– now I’m not so sure given what we know, so far, about HTWRW:


            Interesting to note the whole ‘CV 19 escaped from a Wuhan lab’ thing is making an appearance in MMMedia, this morning. Surely, surely, *they* wouldn’t be so DUMB (heh, heh!).
            Or maybe there just isn’t any other choice– on this world-line, anyhoos.
            Speaking of precious metals: here’s some facts, with less of the drama. And it is sobering. Have followed this guy for years and he’s rarely wrong.

            (Sound American pragmatic advice still exists, despite what they tell you in the newspapers and on their ghastly TV shows. But then again, Netflix is owned by the Bernays family, go figure: think any old chump with a good idea would be allowed to out-profit and de-platform Hollyweird in a matter of mere years?)


          • Todd
            April 8, 2020 at 5:07 pm

            Thanks Azzy for the MAJestic link. However, knowing what most of us on this blog know, how can this MAJestic/metallicman state this:

            “MAJestic Notes

            All organizations ultimately revolve around the improvement of the lives of people in one way or the other. This is true whether or not it is the FDA, the FCC, or NASA. There is a lot of nonsense on the internet. While there are conspiracies and a host of “bad actors”, most organizations serve a prime purpose which is to improve the lives of people.”

            We all know that the FDA, FCC and NASA are NOT improving the lives of people, quite the opposite.

            Elsewhere he states the purpose of the MAJestic disclosure is to serve the purpose of Americans. If these were truly entities outside humanity, it would highly be unlikely to only support Americans. That would be outlandish to ignore that position of his. What is the agenda behind metallicman’s website I wonder? I’ll still look at it cautiously, however.

            The ‘American’ emphasis:
            “..At the very start, MAJestic was established to improve (and protect) the lives of Americans. That hasn’t changed. However, the understanding and the scope most certainly has.”

    • Lynda Craig
      April 4, 2020 at 9:41 pm

      Thank you for your comment.

    • Chris
      April 4, 2020 at 10:58 pm

      No there is not numerous scholarly papers clearly documenting adverse reactions between human cellular function and 5G. That sounds nice when you say it, though.

      • April 5, 2020 at 12:18 am

        Chris, when 100’s of Doctors air their BIG concern for 5G safety, and recommend it be dumped, I listen up. There is a ton of documents, – don’t care if the NWO has or has not given it their tick of approval.

        • Chris
          April 5, 2020 at 12:26 am

          Oh, now you listen to doctors? Right. What a joke.

          • April 5, 2020 at 1:55 am

            Not just Doctors. You are gonna be the frog in the slowly heating water.

        • drud
          April 5, 2020 at 8:53 am


          Do you have a link to your doctors airing their concerns? I don’t know sh#t about 5G.

          • April 5, 2020 at 9:18 am

            It’s in here somewhere > https://youtu.be/jNlABeggOBk

            Have you really found nothing on the Doctors & 5G dangers??….AND did you watch that video that was already posted above by Lynda??

          • April 5, 2020 at 9:20 am

            …..this – watch again about the Sinister 5G https://www.bitchute.com/video/WCjc6RR1W7Wo/

          • drud
            April 5, 2020 at 9:05 pm


            I read a little- says it can disrupt immune response. If you believe this I wonder why you are pushing ‘herd immunity’ like Boris was. If 5G messes with your immune system then you would not want go with the ‘don’t worry about social distancing’ now would you? If 5G is the problem then the method you were advocating wouldn’t work due to not considering 5G suppressing your immune system. In other words you don’t make sense.

    • April 5, 2020 at 8:50 pm

      Right. 5G is bad. No doubt. But 5G is not contagious…

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