Taking a Break

I’ve come across some videos that seem to indicate that the state and MSM deceit may be on an even deeper level than I thought. Although you can’t trust ‘citizen journalists’ any more than the MS or alt media, a few are showing NYC hospitals with no COVID patients and no apparent preparations for them. Here are a few. 

This Youtuber is saying his videos (showing empty hospitals) have been taken down, censored. (It’s hard to know what these videos really mean at this early stage of COVID in the U.S.)

Addendum: The same source as above (Doctor Rashid Buttar) also did a video backing up in great detail Francis Boyle’s allegations that COVID was engineered as a bio-weapon at the University of North Carolina, with the participation of a Wuhan virologist. Buttar goes further, fingering Trump’s mouthpiece, NIH big shot Anthony Fauci, of approving and funding the creation of the COVID bug. The irony of having Fauci on the podium during Trump’s COVID press conferences is obvious. 

As a side-note, I would suggest that any alt media figure that doesn’t shout the truth about the provenance of the COVID bug from the rooftops should be lynched along with the genocidal little prick, Fauci. This includes ‘Mr. Corbett’ (as one of you referred to him) along with the rest of my Dirt List, none of whom have said a word about the Who, What, and Why of COVID. But I tend to overreact to this sort of scumbaggery. 

So be it. As I’ve said and had to repeat numerous times, apparently due to ‘reader’ inattention on the part of a few:

Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.

Right: If hospitals are not being overrun, we probably don’t have a pandemic. It doesn’t mean there is no COVID pathogen.

Many of the comments over the past few posts have indicated that I’m not doing much good with this blog, and even before coming across the above videos I was going to take some time off and work on my sky film. I dig deep to show you who in the alt media is dirty and the response is either ‘It doesn’t matter’ or there is no response. Who cares? Personally, I do.

I’ll look at the comments below when I have the time, between film editing and trying to get to the bottom of just how bad the state/MSM deceit really is. Meanwhile, the idiots can have a field day. I’ll delete the non-information ones at my leisure. Or take the blog down, save some money.


Do I believe there is a new virus out there? Yes. Do I believe we are being lied to about it? As I’ve said or implied in every post: Yes. Many recent comments truly indicate that the following is not getting through, so see if it looks familiar:

Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. If you haven’t dealt with it, that will be your problem. Hopefully you don’t have a family that you have betrayed.

(My discouragement does not apply to everyone, obviously. Mainly the loud ones who don’t seem to have much to do, so they come here to ‘be heard,’ I assume. There’s even one in showbiz, if you can call 20 Vimeo views showbiz.) 

Big Time Addendum: Three or so hours after posting the above…

Well, this is interesting. Looks like the ‘idiots’ were right about a total COVID hoax (or close to it), and my litany (repeated twice above), especially the part that says ‘If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic’ (and if not, we don’t) is kicking in, so to speak. I suspect there is a COVID bug but, apparently,  it is not a factor in what’s going on with the government and the media. It appears that the doomsday hoopla from Italy (and other areas) is crisis actors and fake imagery (see the video below).

Bottom line is that I promised to shut this blog down if ‘it’s all a hoax’ and although I could parse my promise (as I say, there likely is a COVID bug, technically speaking), I’ll not do that. I still look into the mirror once in a while.

Although there are others, this video should do it.

Had I seen this a couple weeks ago I would have been on the ‘hoax’ side then. It didn’t occur to me that the truth could be withheld for so long, with so many people (doctors, nurses, etc., and I mean the real ones) aware that it’s all bull shit. The PTB are getting better and better at what they do. And they are co-opting more and more of us; this has to be true for them to have gotten away with this for so many weeks. 

The big reason for my having been fooled is my knowledge that they have been perfecting bio-weapons for decades now, so why not use one? They certainly would have no moral issue with this, and wouldn’t a real pandemic work better than a fake one?

What I underestimated is their ego and concomitant utter contempt for us. They want to prove they can make us believe anything under any circumstances, and by god, it looks like they are doing just that. I mean right in the fucking face of the truth. And why not, given that most ‘Truthers’ still believe the utter nonsense notion that airplanes struck buildings back on 9/11. 

Comparing this matter to 9/11, the ‘COVID virus’  is the non-existent airplanes, and the fake COVID deaths are the ‘VIC SIMS’ from 9/11: Very few died at the WTC and (the way it looks) very few are dying from COVID. 9/11 and COVID-19. Two black ops pulled off via the media, with just a liiiittle bit of reality in the mix.

I don’t know if the whole bio-weapon meme is another misdirection or not; as I say, I suspect there is a real bug out there, but am not sure. (But Christ I’m not sure of anything anymore.)  I’ll be looking into it (privately). If there isn’t a bug on the loose out there now, you can be sure it’s in vials in various locations, in case a real pandemic is needed (like if too many of us call ‘foul’).

We are entering a whole new level of mind control. That much I can clearly see.

Anyway, I said I’d shut down this blog if I was wrong, and I was wrong, so as of today I am off the air, so to speak. If I knew how to shut down a website, I would do that. (On the other hand, if and when I finish my sky-film, I might use this page to notify of its release.)  Those few of you who have been contributing to my efforts, go ahead and cancel your Paypal donations. I don’t know how to do that either. 

I’m the idiot.

Good luck. 

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