Haven’t been feeling too well lately. Had a few days with serious shortness of breath — no other symptoms, no fever, no cough, so it’s not COVID or anything like it. Don’t know what it was. Better now.
I’ve also been too disgusted to write much. I mean the way it’s going where do you even start? And what’s the point if I make an observation no one else sees? How many readers will even remember it in a couple of days? I mean, how many of you that hear friends talking about how amazing Spacex is even think to mention it’s all fake plus already been done back when Allan had a pimple problem?
Look at the comments (if you can stand it). There are some incisive ones, yes, but on average, not so much. Here’s the latest:
Soooooooooo, everyone still think Covid-19 is a fake and/or harmless thing? Are one of YOU a super-spreader? So many run around full of self confidence and deluded ideas about science. They are probably full of non symptomatic covid-19, too. “I don’t need no mask!” It’s all a big conspiracy to take over, blah, blah. Just like in 1918, right? No.
I don’t know if this guy (or female), Chris, is working for the other side of just flat out dumb. With his (assume it’s a male) comments, if he isn’t trying to mislead you with this sort of crap, he tries to annoy me. Have any of you noticed this? If not, good (you are not wasting time), but this means you’re maybe not noticing anything written on this blog.
If you have noticed what this person is up to, then you are wasting your time. This is also bad.
So now you know how people who make comments like this (or those who hire him) are motivated. No matter what happens, it’s bad, for me, for us. Lose-lose-lose-lose kind of a thing.
Addendum: If you think I got COVID wrong, you are not remembering/thinking clearly. I followed the evidence as it arose, waiting to see what would happen. Recall my reminder after most posts: ‘
Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. [No overrun hospitals = no actual deadly pandemic]
No hospitals were overrun, yet the evidence for a new pathogen is very strong (logic based on PTB past behavior also tells us they set loose a new flu bug). The evidence that COVID is a black op (combined with the ‘George Floyd’ fabricated event) is overwhelming. They set loose a relatively minor bug, so they would have control of its effect, via the media.
We are in the midst of a global reset.
Anyone who doesn’t see this is on the wrong web page.
By the way, anyone who doesn’t understand that the above comment (from ‘Chris’) is dangerous, look at this regarding masks. Masks are not only ineffective, but dangerous to your health. (I don’t take down comments like the above because I assume you all are smart enough to know an agenda when you see it, and I don’t want to add to the garbage by being accused of censorship.)
Logan sent me a link you should view. Go ahead and check your phone, as I did, and I indeed found the snoop app up top on my apps list, along with a notification that the app is not yet activated. It also says, ‘To activat turn on Bluetooth.’
Doesn’t basically everyone turn on Bluetooth at some point? I assume so. This way they have you turning on the app ‘voluntarily,’ without knowing you did so.
Thing is, they already have a tracking capability so this is probably just a back up, or a way to ‘tell us’ what they are doing, like they’re supposed to. Like knowing we never read the Terms Agreement of any of their illegal devices/back doors, etc.
They could put this ‘app’ on our phone surreptitiously, i.e., no notification, and instantly activated. That’s easy. So why tell us at all? The usual, probably, their ‘karma’ bullshit. Also, they no doubt find it very amusing. In the end they want us to beg for this kind of shit (‘contact tracing), anything to get us back to ‘normal.’
Assume the next COVID wave will be a biggie, maybe actually a virulent bug that kills more than the flu average; the present COVID-19 kills about half of regular flu. (If you’re thinking there is no COVID-19 bug at all, fine, but don’t put that in a comment. I’m tired of it that sort of stupidity.)
If I recall, at least two of you guys took my advice and stocked up on food and other supplies, which means this blog is not totally useless. (I have about 200 subscribers who pay attention, so this is 1%, an important number. Important because there might be one other person who will take my advice seriously. Someone who was on the edge (of listening to me) before and who might get nudged, now that he/she understands that I’m pretty much right about all the important stuff. One percent is worth it to me. The work I mean.
If you care about yourself and your family, assume you’ll need at least a year’s worth of supplies, not just a few months. The storm is coming, like at the end of the movie Take Shelter, with Michael Shannon (from Bug). By next fall. At the very least prices (especially food) will soar, due to supply chain interruptions. At worst, you’ll see Mad Max in your neighborhood.
The reason for the ‘defund the police’ movement is simple: They know that many local police will not go along with what’s coming (like disarming us), so they hope to get rid of them, especially small town sheriffs, who are elected locally. This agenda — and the support of the media — means they are getting close to the end game.
The global reset we are in the midst of will change everything, and none of it will be good. The reason it’s taken so long (after 9/11) is because of the planning involved. The ‘unrest’ in the streets — supposedly related to race issues (like the George Floyd fabrication) — was timed to coincide with the COVID op. This must have taken years to coordinate, given the number of people involved.
I have some other things to say but am not feeling up to it right now.
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