Here’s the email I sent to Jon Rappoport two days ago:
I’m sure you’re getting tons of feedback re your take on ‘COVID-19’, so I’ll make this short. As I say on my blog, I don’t understand why you are so utterly sure that there is no new pathogen. I don’t see how a hoax of this magnitude could be pulled off world-wide, with many many people in a position to know there is really nothing new, medically.

All but the last one are from the past three days. The smudges should not be there.
I see this as the next 9/11, wherein the Who did it and even How they did it are/were lies, but there WAS/IS violence done to many people (even given the many faked deaths). Why fake it when you’ve been developing perfect bio-weapons for decades? Release it then sit back and watch the show. With your thesis they are scrambling all over the place to keep the hoax believable.
Anyway, given my long-time respect for your work, I don’t take disagreeing with you lightly. But Occam would see it my way, I think.
I know Jon pretty well from correspondence. He wrote a spectacular review of
Water Time, which I put on (click and read it), after which we planned to meet, but I ended up in the Rockies that summer. Point being, though, is that he always answered my emails, until this one. This happens to me when I ask alt media people questions they can’t comfortably answer. If you’ve been here awhile you know what I’m talking about. i.e., my search for who is really on our side.

I hope I hear from him, but do not expect to.
I believe we are experiencing the next 9/11, done by the same PTB faction that pulled the last one. This one will be way worse, I fear; it may get out of hand even from the point of view of the monsters behind it. On the other hand, with their vast complex of underground ‘Elite’ bunkers they are ready for literally anything. Partying while Mad Max roams the wasteland above, once the supply chain is in ruins. (Do they even know how fragile it is? Remember what I said about truckers?)
I just watched Trump’s most recent press conference, maybe the last one I will be able to stomach, with his ‘fantastic,’ and ‘incredible’ and ‘brilliant’ dumb ass braggadocio about the job he’s doing and the moronic nodding fools standing behind him, their heads bobbing like the tchotchkes the tasteless put on their dashboards.
But the worst are the ‘journalists’ yelling their meaningless queries… Christ, do I even need to say this stuff? Not one question involving exponential math or why the United States should fare any better than China with whatever pathogen it is that’s making people sick.
‘No, there will be no lockdown,’ says our President. Hey, The Donald! It’s me, Allan! Wanna fucking bet?
And not a word about the provenance of COVID nor a mention of Professor Francis Boyle and his

The GoPro’s ISO (sensitivity) only goes to 800, so the stars/whatevers are faint. Click to see the streak that shouldn’t be.
documents proving that The Bug is man made. (I don’t know what to call it because I don’t know for sure what it actually is.)
Ditto the fucking pundits, medical and otherwise. Talk about an elephant in the room! That this thing is man made is given away, defined by, its genome, and its genome is vital in knowing how to fight it:
So how can they avoid talking about it?
They do. Somehow they do. Even the on-the-ground doctors. Such is the result of their trauma based, Big Pharma-bought mind controled education. Do as you’re told and don’t distract the panicky masses with ‘conspiracy theories’ about the bio-labs we’ve had working on weaponized microbes since WW2, is the logic, and the marching orders. Bat shit bullshit is less distressing.
Without missing a beat Trump and company have gone from ‘There’s a very low probability of danger to the American people’ to pleas (soon to become ‘lawful’ lockdown orders) that we stay inside to ‘Slow the spreading of the virus,’ and they do so without missing a beat. Right the fuck out of Orwell, when it went from ‘Eurasia to Eastasia’ as the sworn enemy we have always been warring against, and no one noticed.

I would really love to know what this really is, and what it means.
How could they all continue to ignore the number of cases and deaths, which are doubling and sure as gravity’s force will keep on doubling? Really, folks, it’s not much different from 2 + 2. But hey, don’t write the twos on the blackboard and you never have to say ‘four.’
Really, how could Trump be this stupid in cornering himself with the blithering optimism that all will soon be well? It’s literally insane, unless he’s agreed to throw himself under the bus for the good of world government and the culling of the rest of us. Does he seem the type to do that? Nahhh, uh-uh. (On the other hand, whodah thunk that three or four from this forum would be so naive — if that’s what it actually is — as to not see what’s happening, based on the evidence like Professor Boyle’s documents?)
Trump says he refers to ‘it’ as ‘the China virus’ because ‘it comes from China.’ A correction: It almost certainly comes from a Western Intel PTB faction, like the 911 in 2001. Bet a valued possession on that, the initial evidence being the Boyle documents fingering the University of North Carolina’s collusion with the Wuhan Chinese scientist who took the pathogen back to China. But the release of The Bug, I would bet, was not via the Chinese. When info starts to leak, though, they will be the patsy, the new Osama.
I’ve been wanting to move on from this goddamn subject, maybe to a search for ‘glitches in the matrix,’ stuff that can only be explained if the ‘higher power’ I know is out there (from statistical proofs) is fucking with us, or, on the more humorous side, is not perfect in his reality-creation. ‘Ooops, did you guys down there see that thing streaking across the sky and disappearing into the void?’ ‘Yeah,’ I say, ‘I not only saw it but got it on my GoPro!’ No problem, says the Big Guy, No one you show it to will get it.
My question being Is god more like Mister Magoo or some bumbling entity fiddling with his new PC in some other branch of reality (see my 1986 novel. Cosmic Banditos), and whose finger is hovering over ‘delete the Cyber-Universe you have created’ like a character out of vintage Vonnegut (remember the Tralfamadorian test pilot who poofs out the Universe while testing a new rocket fuel?), except this bumbler is no literary gag.

Still another one that appeared briefly, then blinked out.
Point being, I have to ask myself if all this bull shit we’re going through lately is another fucking glitch in the Ma-Ma-Ma… the fabric of… ‘reality.’ At least that would explain what I…. seem to be seeing.
Speaking of what I’m seeing (and thinking of Kurt V), I continue to photograph ‘objects’ that should not be there in the night skies here in the high desert. Every night at least one shows up on my cameras’ sensors. (Makes waking up more interesting…)
Are these sightings a hint of How The World Really Works? A wink hello from that higher power? Time travelers from our future blinking in and out, quickly quickly so they don’t fuck up the wrong timeline with some version of the Grandpa Paradox? Or are they like the disappearing stars astronomers can’t figure out or the inconsistencies in ‘star visibility’ from everyone who claims to have been ‘up there’? (I know, I know, our beloved astronauts are either lying or mindlessly repeating lies they’ve been told, like all the rest… all the rest… of the lab-coats with astro-Ph.D.s. But who knows? Fun to think about.)
That would put the COVID Bug in proper perspective, no? Tell me this isn’t a more interesting subject than some microbe cooked up by the Western Intel PTB, as the coup de grace to the last of our liberties, and a way to cull all the old farts collecting their entitlements, and so on down the Elite line. And leave it to the Israelis — PTB partners in everything ugly — to be the first to
make it ‘lawful’ to surveil us as part of the ‘war on COVID‘.

My backyard. Would prefer a point break but…
You’ll love this one! Did you know that the melting of glaciers from Climate Change is loosing upon the world sleeping viruses from back in Age of the Cambrian Explosion (or some time). But shit, they don’t miss a trick, do they? Really. Check it out:
Ancient Viruses Trapped in Glaciers for Thousands of Years Could Be Released By Climate Crisis
“We’ve opened up a Pandora’s box with climate change,” observed one Twitter user.
Comes a point, you really gotta love the balls they have…
In their paper’s conclusion, the scientists sound the alarm over the warming climate.
“Glaciers around the world are rapidly shrinking, primarily due to the anthropogenic-enhanced warming of Earth’s ocean-atmosphere system, and this will release glacial microbes and viruses that have been trapped and preserved for tens to hundreds of thousands of years,” they write.
News of the microbes led a number of people on social media to start preparing for the apocalypse.
“Well, it was nice knowing everyone but ‘finding ancient viruses in a glacier’ is absolutely the beginning of the end,” tweeted author S.E. Smith.
Ahhh! Yes, another fucking Apocalypse is Now, and of course It’s all our fault, us Walmart shoppers. But really, combining two apparently unrelated black ops! Genius. (I sense my old H-wood cronies gearing up for The Thing from the Melting Glacier, The Mini-Series.)

Back at Quartzite a week ago.
Sorry for this wild and crazy mood but it’s either lunacy or depression, my choice of moods that is, and fuck it, we are all jokes for letting them get this far, so why not a good guffaw?
Hey, pretend the world as you know it (TWAYKI) is an old b & w TV set and the voice over the static is telling you ‘The-ah the-ah, that’s all folks!’
Not to belabor the point but assume we’re in a slow roll out 9/11, with a little Great Depression of the Twenties to come, with One World Everything the only solution.
Been reading the comments and am proud to have assembled or attracted or whatever such a smart and savvy crew. (Bet you’re good-looking too, each in your own way.) Bless you all, minus the small handful of mole-trolls and idiots. You guys plus Gus make my days.
Last minute addendum: I am done with that asshole Arthur Danu and anyone who would say something like I’m hoping for sickness and death to prove I’m right. You have anything like that to say and you are out of here.
Just heard from a friend (one out of two) back at Montauk, the town I bolted from to dodge the thrown rocks and smarmy sarcasm (see the end of Water Time). Apparently those who ignored my warnings years ago and then weeks ago and responded with snideness are currently wild-eyed with surprise at the naked store shelves. (I’m half convinced that the ‘Montauk Project’ radar tower back in the 1980s put an experimental MKULTRA zap on their critical thinking abilities, all except mine (and two others that I know of) that is. Seriously.
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