Looks like my sorry ass life is about to change once more (after five years on the road). I will be back on the water, living in a houseboat, probably as of tomorrow. Many of you will be happy for me, others not so much. I thank the former; the latter can of course go fuck themselves.
I don’t really have time to deal with the comments from the last post, but I will say that I now completely understand why I hesitated for several years before allowing comments. Those of you whom I have been deleting, you do know, I assume, that this is my blog and your presence here (by way of comments) is a privilege I can revoke any time and for whatever reason. Which means I don’t even have to give a reason. So there!
We’ll see if life afloat affects what I write here. Water is an amazing if not flat out miraculous substance. Who knows what will happen to my critical thinking skills as result, say, of sleeping over a vast and deep chunk of it.
I’ve scanned the recent ‘Pale Blue Dot’ comments. But holy shit, some of them are head shakers! The effect of an absolutely obvious ‘plain sight’ fraud — meaning the sudden realization of such — can be truly stunning in how it brings out pure doublethink.
I just found out that Jon Rappoport’s blog has been taken down by WordPress. Although I sometimes worry about Jon not covering certain subjects, the ones he does cover (especially vaccines) are important, vitally so, and Jon does a great job. We should all be outraged. I suggest an email to WordPress from each of us, at the very least.
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