Although I’ve done this time and again, I’m going to prove that the May 31st ‘manned Spacex mission’ is a fraud. Any one of the proofs I’ll show you is sufficient to prove fraud, so even if one is somehow ‘wrong,’ we still have a Q.E.D. for fakery. So, please, if you think you found a mistake, don’t claim it debunks my premise; you’ll just look foolish.
I’ll put captions in the text blocks next to the images. Click to enlarge. These are from the live broadcast on May 31st.
First, the portholes. Notice that the one on the right (of us and the camera) is ‘open’ to an outside view, the one on the left is blocked, i.e., closed off.
The ‘continuity errors’ are proof that shots were done at difference times and places, i.e., the ‘astronauts’ cannot have been in rocket we ‘saw’ launched.
Notice that ‘now’ the porthole on the left (of camera) is open. Compare with #1.) This is enough to prove fraud.
But there is plenty more.
Enlarge and look closely at where the porthole on the right should be, i.e., just to the right of the door and beyond his leg, which is partially obscuring it. Now that one is blocked off (see Image #1).
As Dragon docks we can see that only the porthole on our left (as in Image #2) is open. Look closely at the lowest part of Dragon and you’ll see the door outline and the open port. But on the right of the door (our right), the porthole is closed, which again conflicts with Image #1.
Just to verify, here’s another shot with the porthole on the right (on the left from the outside view) shown open.
This ‘mission,’ like all fiction films, was shot ahead of time, out of sequence, on different sets/stages. It’s usually up to a ‘script girl’ to prevent fuck ups like these.
As they called out ‘Dragon has gone supersonic,’ there was no sonic boom. If they have an excuse for this, they didn’t mention it. Nor is there an excuse for no sonic boom.
Again, this shot of the docking. Now, notice the lighting. The sun was ‘overhead’ at this time, so what is lighting the Dragon’s belly? With no atmosphere to scatter light, where the sun hits is lit, where it doesn’t hit should be pitch dark (no shadowy areas). Here, the belly is even a bit brighter than the top: proof of extra lighting. (The sun is the only light; the earthshine as reflector could not light as bright as the sun. Impossible by the laws of physics.)
As I’ve proved elsewhere many times, it is impossible to land a rocket backwards from space with thrust only from the bottom, and stick the landing on a manhole sized target. (Upper atmosphere winds in the 100s of MPH.) Absurd by the laws of physics.
Try balancing a broom and lowering it to a spot on the ground. Can’t be done. Guiding it and keeping it upright simultaneously is impossible. Try it.
On the left, this shot of the earth is a pitiful fake. Clouds don’t look like that, nor would they cover that huge area of the earth. This shot went on for ten minutes as the earth turned and we saw no break in these phony clouds.
An earlier shot of the phony clouds. You would think they could do better and show some land, but they probably worried that it would be easy to spot fake land. Plus they’d have to coordinate the shots to match where the spacecraft supposedly was.
Too much trouble, considering the idiots (us) they have to fool. Or are they purposely laying in these errors, to see who would notice?
This is the moment of liftoff. Play this and you will see the rocket start to move before the flame shoots out from the engine. In real life it would take several seconds after ignition to start the huge weight moving. Notice no flame here, yet the rocket is moving. Impossible by the laws of physics.
Now it’s moved farther, even though the engine is not yet at full power. This isn’t as obvious as Image #11, but it’s still impossible. Watch ‘real’ launches and you’ll see that it takes several seconds to get the huge dead weight of the rocket moving. (Especially note the second launch in this compilation.)
The Spacex broadcasters told me to remember ‘this historic day’. Mmmm. This image (which I do remember) is from 1966, half a century ago. It was Gemini 8, which sent two astronauts into low earth orbit to dock with another craft. 1966. Before most of you were born. It’s you they are fucking with, with these fakes. They figure old idiots like me will die off, leaving you to be wowed by the same stuff we saw so long ago.
The Spacex fraud is a psy op whose partial purpose is to distract us from the fact that there has been no actual progress in space since the 1960s.
Meanwhile, I suspect that the real space program has gone way beyond even Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey; anti-gravity and free energy were both cracked back in the 1950s, but kept ‘black.’
Why fake it? It’s way cheaper for one thing. The money saved goes into the black projects.
Just a reminder, these two images are from my previous video on the 2019 faked Spacex docking with the (equally fake) ISS.
More continuity problems…
That no one in the ‘alt media’ tells you that Spacex has been faking it from the beginning is a perfect indication of the PTB success in co-opting all media, in order to get us to ‘ignore the senses of our eyes and ears,’ as Orwell put it.
Although I was disappointed by the lack of assistance in promoting my post on the film Bug and its implications, I do thank the few of you who pitched in. I’m doing this stuff for you.
Today I received the Bug, Special Edition DVD and checked out the director’s commentary. I’ll think about doing a post on it, but given the lack of enthusiasm for the subject, it may not be worth the effort. I thought a detailed look at the film industry’s attempts to mind control us would be of more interest. My mistake. If I do a post, it will be for those who do seem to understand how important the subject is.
Or I could summon up an essay on surfing, which I sorely miss.
Image #17 is one of the ‘astronauts’ ‘filming’ the view out the right side porthole (which, according to image #3, is covered over). Still another giveaway: The view of earth should be way brighter than the cabin, but it clearly is not. The earth-projection that’s ‘out there’ is too dimly lit to be seen against the porthole reflection. (Ask yourself why we can’t see the earth outside. See images 9 and 10 for ‘the view’ as it should be. They didn’t properly balance the exposures, inside and outside. Again, it should be brighter outside. The window-view should be blown out, not dark.)
Really folks, do any of you not understand how important this fake Spacex issue is? Do you wonder why I am the only one dealing with it publicly? Do you think about the implications of this, both the issue itself and the roaring silence about it?
Addendum: Re the George Floyd ‘murder,’ has anyone asked who called for an ambulance? Surely wasn’t the cops. All they had to do was let him up and put him in the car. For a lot of reasons, this is obviously another faked event to stir us up/divide us and distract us. It just never ends.
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