Two Frauds In One

The levels of disinformation on ‘climate change’ that we’re so relentlessly subjected to can rise to the comical, depending on your sense of humor. A couple days ago I came across a piece in the media franchise that calls itself ‘Vice,’ and found myself giggling at their latest scare tactic, i.e., how the rising sea level is likely to cause a ‘nuking’ of the South Pacific based on leakage from the ‘entombed’ nuclear waste from the U.S. bomb testing in the 1940s and ‘50s.

Notice the greenery on this supposedly poisoned island.... you'll see where I'm going with this.

Notice the greenery on this supposedly poisoned island…. you’ll see where I’m going with this.

Here’s what Vice tells us:

During the Cold War, the United States nuked the Marshall Islands 67 times. After it finished nuking the islands, the Pentagon dropped biological weapons on the islands. Once the U.S. was finished, it scooped the irradiated and ruined soil from the islands, poured it into a crater left behind from a nuclear detonation, mixed it all with concrete, and covered the whole thing in a concrete dome. They called it “The Tomb.” According to a report from The Los Angeles Times, climate change is breaking that dome open. Rising sea levels and temperatures are cracking open The Tomb, threatening to spill nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean.

GW marshalls2

Kwajalien, a.k.a. as Christmas Island, is the closest sea level station to Enewetak, where the ‘tomb’ is. Do the math: in the approximately half century since installation, sea level has risen about 3 inches.

Now the concrete coffin, which locals call “the Tomb,” is at risk of collapsing from rising seas and other effects of climate change. Tides are creeping up its sides, advancing higher every year as distant glaciers melt and ocean waters rise. [my emphases]

Problem is that the sea level in the Marshalls (see the graph) hasn’t risen more than three inches since the tomb was installed. So what we have here is another lie meant to scare us… this time about radiation. See, not only are we soon going to be up to our necks in sea water, but we’ll get irradiated too! All because of that nasty little CO2 atom (every sneeze brings us closer to armageddon).

But, wait, speaking of atoms, here’s the distraction – and in the category of ‘a lie about a lie’ — Vice’s latest also brings up the doubts any serious researcher should have regarding the veracity of the ‘nuclear bomb’ issue itself. I’ve covered this briefly in a long past post and will remind you of the basics. As I wrote recently, there is quite a bit of evidence – wait, it’s more than that, it’s proof — that imagery put out by the PTB that purports to show nuclear bombs going off is fraudulent.

GW marshalls nuked .3 inch yr3 mapFraudulent. My old pal ‘Miles Mathis’ (a PTB deep psy op), as part of his honey pot dangle (to get you to trust him), gives us maybe the best short version of the proof of fraud. For those who want to dig deeper there’s a book called Death Object; Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax, by Akio Nakatani, an expert in multiple science-related fields. Akio takes you from the science to the psy op that was the Hiroshima and Nagasaki ‘nuclear’ destructions. A good book; I tore through it last night. (You can get it on Kindle for free.)

If you doubt me on this subject, I urge you to go the supplied links and see for yourself, but what the book reminded me of – and you should all immediately see the logic here — is what an atom ‘looks like.’ As you should already know, an atom is mostly empty space. Maybe you’ve heard the comparison with a sports stadium: If we blow an atom up to that size, the nucleus would be about the size of a large mosquito (depending on the size of the stadium), with the nearest electron circling in the cheap seats.

A nuclear chain reaction of explosive force is based on ‘fast neutrons’ striking the nucleus, which breaks apart, sending its neutrons off to hit another nucleus, and so on, i.e., a classic chain reaction. Do you see my point yet? No? Okay, are you picturing the mosquito-sized nucleus? What are the chances that any neutron is going to make a direct hit in that stadium-sized atom?

Watch this classic ping pong ball/mousetrap chain reaction. Now imagine if the traps/balls were 100 yards apart; how would the chain reaction go? This is not an unreasonable comparison and we know even from mainstream accounts that this issue was one of the biggie problems. What if they never solved it? Think about Apollo. (And read the Nakatani book.)

A classic ping pong ball/mousetrap chain reaction. Now imagine if the traps/balls were 100 yards apart.

A ping pong ball chain reaction.

The above reminder of the scale of an atom is not meant to prove the point that an explosive chain reaction is very unlikely, but meant to get you thinking. What Nakatani does in his well-researched book – and does it better than anyone – is to show how the fraud almost certainly went down. In a sense, it’s similar to the Apollo fraud, in that the perps (those in charge of the Manhattan Project and the PTB above them) started out really trying to succeed in their endeavor; then, having realized that they would inevitably fail (due to the laws of physics), decided that ‘for the good of mankind’ they would fake success.

Given the situation (World War Two), we can almost forgive them here. Almost. What is harder to forgive – and ditto with NASA’s continuing frauds – is what they did next, i.e., continue and escalate their deceit to horrendous levels.

Addendum: Neither Akio Nakatani nor I am saying that nuclear power is a fraud. The impossibility is in the ‘explosive’ chain reaction that is needed to create a nuke as we know them. By the way, here’s a bit of Nakatani’s cv:

About the Author

gw trinity

From Wiki. Enlarge and read the caption. Now look at ‘Ground Zero’ under their feet. No crater, no ‘trinitite’ glass. The desert is unfazed! It’s just like the moonscape under the LM: no disturbance. This is an insult to our intelligences.

Akio Nakatani is a Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. His research interests include Stochastic Systems, Parameter Estimation, Stochastic Optimization, Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation, Neural Networks, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Statistical Image Analysis, Time Series, Graphical Models, Nonparametric Bayes and Bayesian Hierarchical Models.

So keep in mind that I’m not saying radiation is a fraud, or, again, nuclear power. (On the other hand, listen to Galen Winsor talk about when he was a plutonium handler…)

The fraud is in the creation of an explosive chain reaction. What if it’s… impossible? 

But see where digging into one lie (climate change) can lead you? The media psy op called ‘Vice’ dumps a whopper on us about climate change and the Marshall Islands (where the ‘nuclear tests’ took place), and I end up spending two days looking into an even bigger fraud.

I’ve said a few times that the Apollo fraud is the biggest in our history, given it’s philosophical, metaphysical, and

Remember these images of stuff disintegrating? Ever wonder how the camera stayed steady, never mind survived?

Remember these images of stuff disintegrating? Ever wonder how the camera stayed steady, never mind survived?

other implications, but I’m now starting to see the nuke fraud as number one on that list. I mean, think of the angst it’s caused over the decades since WW2. And the money, the tax dollars wasted, diverted to who knows where. And the continuing whoppers that were needed to keep the fraud going.

Addendum: The ‘cui bono’ in continuing the fraud is obvious. Not only the money, but the fear that the PTB do love so much to keep us under.

Yes, I realize that there are problems with this one, which is why I’m not calling it 100% or even 90% a done fraudulent deal, like the Apollo, 9/11, or even the Spacex frauds. But it’s up there, over 80% on my surety meter.

At Heroshima, not only no crater, but no 'bald spot,' as their should be. Notice the pole still standing.

At Hiroshima, not only no crater, but no ‘bald spot,’ as their should be. Notice the poles still standing.

What are the problems? Mostly logistical and keeping a lid on it. Think of all the nuke weapons, the ballistic missiles, the B-52s, the… the… complications in faking all those H-bomb (‘thermonuclear’) tests in the South Pacific in the 1940s – ‘50s…

Addendum: Again, I’m not saying Chernobyl didn’t happen, or Fukushima, or Three Mile Island, or that you don’t really need a lead vest at the dentist. Radiation is real!… I think… Oh and by the way, Strangelove is still the best movie ever made.

But the trouble they went to in order to keep the ‘explosive chain reaction’ lie alive!

The mind boggles at the sheer magnitude of this continuing Big Lie; the rest pale in comparison. I mean, Who knows the truth? There must be scientists out there who are ‘in on’ the continuance, who know that the fast neutrons would not hit enough nuclei in the micro-second of time necessary for an explosive chain reaction to occur. The physics is all still classified, so there is no smoking gun. Still, an open minded physicist could probably spill the beans on the ‘impossibility factor.’

But Christ, I’d love to have been a fly on the wall with Oppenheimer and the gang when the equations told them a nuke bomb was impossible! Then how the bad news went ‘up the chain’ to whomever… and the decision was made to fake the Trinity Test (see both links for how obvious this fakery was)… then the Japan bombings… then… the rest is ‘history.’ (Yes, of course the Soviets were in on it, as they were and are with the space Big Lies. Interesting implications…)

See 'Miles Mathis's essay wherein he proves this image and others were fakes.

See ‘Miles Mathis’s essay wherein he proves this image and others were fakes.

But hey, the lie I started to talk about is the ‘Vice’ lie about the rising sea level at the Marshall Islands. Really, it’s sort of hilarious that this one is buried under the nuke one. I mean the PTB guys trying to keep all the lies straight must be pissed that the climate change liars didn’t get the ‘nuke lie’ memo to keep the ‘Tomb’ out of the spotlight! (This is a result of compartmentalization, of course.)

What if someone not in on the lie goes down there and finds out there is no radiation leaking from under the ‘tomb’ (yes, they could have used dirty bombs in their fake tests, but the radiation from a dirt bomb would not compare with what should be under the tomb… if you get my drift).

Yes, a tangled web indeed.

Addendum: If you’re going to leave a negative comment on this, make sure you read (at least) the ‘Miles Mathis’ (PTB limited hangout) essay, if not the Nagatani book. I suspect that some of you will be thinking about the hugely complex details a lie like the nuke bomb hoax would entail, and for so long. I know. I agree. But they have faked the imagery, there is zero doubt about that. You have to explain why they would do that.

But anyway, take your pick today folks! You wanna talk about the climate change lie or the nuke lie? They are both biggies!


Goddamn it, folks, I’m sorry I haven’t been up to doing a decent post in a while, but this boat problem is really distracting, mainly because of my aversion to being lied to. I thought I was tougher than this; maybe it’s old age really setting in. First my surfing goes, then my writing chops, now it’s this personal problem. But Christ, is it just me? Every time I turn around someone is fucking with me, usually for money. I’ll try to move along, put this out of my mind, but it’s tough.

A reminder: Anyone who can make it to the Virginia Beach area, you do me a favor (with my boat) and I’ll make it worth your while.



  79 comments for “Two Frauds In One

  1. ea
    November 15, 2019 at 10:12 am

    Snowball — There is a statue of Mary, scorched on the backside, said to have survived (face-down, i take it) the detonation of Fat Man over Nagasaki, in the main U.N. building on F.D.R. Drive. She is posed as you would see her in a chapel or grotto somewhere, though without the candles.

  2. Larry C
    November 15, 2019 at 2:34 am

    “every sneeze brings us closer to armageddon).” HAR!!!

  3. Richard
    November 15, 2019 at 12:05 am

    Hi Allan, Hope you are well.
    I will be brief. UFO’s and the occupants have subtly reinforced the desired narrative of the PTB. Yes, the UFO gives levity to the whole idea of nukes with the “concern” for humanity and the interest in certain airbases etc . I find it ironic, as some of the same people that deride critical thought about the actuality of nuclear weapons would be using the UFO (normally only crackpot worthy) as a sort of litmus test in the matter when, the water around the UFO question itself is distinctly muddy at best.

    • November 15, 2019 at 4:36 pm

      Yeah, the possible fraudulence of nukes gets you to thinking all right, but I’ll tell ya, if the whole UFO phenom is a psy op, it’s by far the most complex ever mounted. The idea that they’ve faked the tens of thousands of sightings, plus the declassified docs that SAY UFOs are real…

      The very idea that you use the words ‘crackpot’ and ‘muddy’ relating to UFOs is a good example of how successful the real psy op has been, i.e., marginalizing anyone who brings up the subject.

      Still, it’s a very good point — that UFOs would not likely fall for a nuke scam.

  4. Judith
    November 14, 2019 at 10:33 pm

    Well Allan it looks like you finally pried open Pandora’s Box. Comments are becoming a long-winded hate fest and painful to read. Focus on your talents and problems that need attention. Spare your mind and your gifts.

    • November 14, 2019 at 10:49 pm

      You don’t think this subject warrants attention? If so, this might not be the forum for you.

  5. November 14, 2019 at 9:45 pm

    All of this makes my head hurt………………….. I need to go surfing………… Aloha

  6. Philip
    November 14, 2019 at 7:54 pm

    Well I am out of my league in the science of this subject. But a thought came to me. We have all heard many stories from many sources of UFO’s hovering over nuclear weapon sites and deactivating the bombs. So if there are no weapons this also seems some kind of psyop doesn’t it? Just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

    • November 14, 2019 at 10:29 pm

      Great point, one that occurred to me also. A good example of the old ‘snowball effect’ — in other words, what ARE the levels of implications of nuke weapons being a fraud? Presumably, if UFOs represent alien beings, and if nukes were fakes, why would they make a big deal out of them? As you suggest, there’s a psy op around here somewhere. Good thinking, Philip.

  7. James
    November 14, 2019 at 6:20 pm

    I think that it is common knowledge that scientists at the time were fearful that by exploding one atom bomb it was theoretically possible that a chain reaction might ensue, however it didn’t and they were relieved.
    The idea that there is no such thing as thermonuclear bombs or nuclear power stations is totally false ,
    My father worked on the electrical switching mechanisms of atom bombs and was irradiated twice, all they did was put the poor devils under showers and scrubbed them down with nylon brushes.
    My dad brought home a Geiger counter one day which was faulty he fixed it and told me to go and get all the alarm clocks in the house. They were ones he’d salvaged when they were thrown away. He was horrified to find that the readings from the radium was over the safe limit and had to report it to his superiors who were annoyed because all the 3 services had to replace these clocks
    I appreciate that the photographs of the mushroom clouds may have been faked that’s because the cellulose film they used then would have gone white from the radioactive exposure.
    The servicemen working in the atomic environments wore small badges with Kodak cellulose film in them so they could check on radiation leaks .
    I’ve mentioned this before on this site and nobody commented so I will mention it again check out Dimitri Khalezov who is the only expert I’ve ever come across who exposes the Chernobyl and Fukushima events as sabotage and 911 as a nuclear event
    After all how comes the Bush Cartel went to so much trouble to change thousands of dictionaries to include 911 as being named Ground Zero and how comes to this day it is not allowed to take a Geiger counter onto the site?

    • Todd
      November 14, 2019 at 6:43 pm

      James, which father are you talking about? You appear to have two: One that worked in the RAF on planes and this new one now working on atom bombs? Nonetheless, your atomic father’s information is irrelevant to nuclear explosions and doesn’t disprove a hoax.

      • James
        November 14, 2019 at 8:12 pm

        Listen wise guy if you were even half way intelligent you would realize that my father along with a lot of technicians were moved onto different locations and tasks ie in the 50s and sixties he worked on the switching mechanisms of various atomic bombs as he was an electrician then he was seconded to ground electrics mainly checking and replacing batteries in aircraft such as the English electric Canberra bomber which was bought by the Americans and became the U2 in fact NASA has still got 3 Canberras which are modified with more pointed noses and longer wings
        After the Canberra he went on to work on the English Electric Lightning’s
        Who the fuck are you ,? This whole site could be a distraction site and you could be an agent of the state especially espousing Dr Judy wood who I know for a fact was brought in to hide the nuke reality comprendo Dumb fuck red neck yanks goodbye good luck with the Russians and Chinese when they come and kick your butts ha ha

      • November 14, 2019 at 10:35 pm

        Whoa, calm down. I agree with him (see my other comment on this) that your father’s experience is not directly relevant. Aside from that, ease up on the insults.

    • November 14, 2019 at 7:42 pm

      Interesting comment! However, the geiger counter issue is not directly relevant to whether an EXPLOSIVE chain reaction is possible. Re the reasons for faking the photos, Nakatami covers that in his book. (Briefly, your reason does not cover why ALL the imagery was faked, and really doesnt explain the ridiculous Trinity photos on Wikipedia.) I really suggest you read the book before making up your mind.

      You say:
      The idea that there is no such thing as thermonuclear bombs or nuclear power stations is totally false ,
      My father worked on the electrical switching mechanisms of atom bombs and was irradiated twice, all they did was put the poor devils under showers and scrubbed them down with nylon brushes.

      I don’t see how one follows from the other. With compartmentalization, your dad’s experience is probably not related to the physics of chain reactions. But I dunno. Read the book and get back to us.

    • November 15, 2019 at 9:41 pm

      As you will see from my new post, the shadows are also faked. How much faking do they have to do before you wake up? (You comment is not relevant to ‘explosive’ chain reactions anyway.)

  8. Todd
    November 14, 2019 at 6:06 pm

    Oh, and one more thing. Implications regarding 9/11. Micro-nukes (Jim Fetzer and Co.) vs. DEW’s (Judy Wood)… If nukes may be a hoax, why not micro/mini-nukes too. Therefore, my new question is, how did the towers get vaporized!?! Gotta now lean more towards the use of some type of DEW or something else I don’t know about than the nuke theory. This has opened up a whole snowball affect. Chain reaction anyone? 🙂 (ha!)

    • James
      November 14, 2019 at 6:30 pm

      No no no Dr traitor Judy Wood was brought in to muddy the waters the usual CIA trickery the towers could only have been brought down by neutron bombs I strongly suspect that any serious students of 911 reject her ridiculous claims, one glaring clue is the pathetic suggestion that the event was some kind of cold fusion because the firefighters were seen walking through orange flames she called cheetos after a candy bar I can assure you those were CGI fakery
      As we had the same thing in the Grenfell Tower fire in London using those same Cheetos.

      • Todd
        November 14, 2019 at 6:48 pm

        An I’m supposed to be assured by you with two Daddy-O’s! to not look into ridiculousness claims. I don’t think so…. So who are you really James?

      • Denis Oven
        November 14, 2019 at 8:49 pm


        “she has proven beyond doubt that some sort of advanced weapon ‘dustified’ some 80% of the millions of tons of steel, concrete, glass, and other materials that seemed to disappear that morning.” – ACW (

        In the TV film of the demise of one of the towers (perhaps similar film of each) we can see objects, mostly cuboidal, being ejected and progressively turning to dust during their parabolic flight. That spectacle is completely unworldly. (If you just watch the imagery, with your mind cleared of any story about what you’re seeing, you might perceive the surreality.)

        We know explosives can blast material into dust, but that transition is instantaneous, not progressive over a few seconds.

        Thus, I believe mere seconds of the standard, news media, video provides eye-ball proof that something beyond our knowledge was instrumental in the towers’ disappearance / disintegration. If you can explain how to create the observed effect, using conventional or nuclear explosives, please do.

          • November 14, 2019 at 10:55 pm

            Krusty, that’s a pretty interesting link, but how about you do as I’ve asked several times and quit with the multiple nonsense comments. Or are you out to aggravate me?

        • November 15, 2019 at 9:42 pm


          • November 18, 2019 at 3:54 pm

            ALLAN No I am not trying to piss you off.
            I’m sorry my comments seem off topic and do not make sense to you or connect any dots for you (I do not enjoy telling people what to think i leave bread crumbs instead so please excuse me). I am commenting on *Dr. JUDY Wood and DEW technology and recent fire storms considering “you could be an agent of the state especially espousing Dr Judy wood ” etc. etc etc. going off of and commenting on what You James, Todd, Brett and Gary have said in the comments about D.E.W.- Judy Wood and Dustification etc. etc. with the link I put up.
            Sorry we are not on the same page Allan- I will have use punctuation to create a cognizant thought so you can understand what im trying to say.
            Have patience with me and sorry this comment is over the two count
            my apologies

        • Gary
          November 17, 2019 at 2:44 am

          The Towers Did NOT get Vaporized.
          Judy Wood does a perfectly fine job
          of leading us astray. Lol
          She had me Detoured for months.

          All Video footage of the collapsing & dustification of Towers is CGI.

          Proven many different ways.

          We NEVER see actual footage of the controlled demo of Towers.

          That’s 1 of the reasons we saw the Actual
          demo of number 7. Diversion, Confusion & Reverse Psychology.

      • November 14, 2019 at 10:40 pm

        Sounds like you’re rejecting the hoax theory due to your theory on 9/11. If that’s the case, then we have another snowball effect. You should be aware of it, so you know why you may be rejecting evidence from a different subject.

      • November 16, 2019 at 8:42 pm

        I believe Judy Wood is on the good side, because for one thing, she pointed out that the pile of (tower) rubble on the ground, should have been much much bigger. But a lot of it was “Dustified” (on the way down).
        Hey that plane crash in that field was weird – no plane wreckage to be found!.

    • November 14, 2019 at 7:45 pm

      Yes, a snowball effect, with all sorts of implications, many of which I haven’t thought of. Re the WTC and DEW, I tend to think Dr. Wood is basically correct. Too bad she is not to be completely trusted (IMO). Her buddy Andrew Johnson… well, see my post on him. (Do a website search for ‘Johnson’ as I don’t recall the title.)

    • Gary
      November 17, 2019 at 2:39 am

      The Towers Did NOT get Vaporized.
      Judy Wood does a perfectly fine job
      of leading us astray. Lol
      She had me Detoured for months.

      All Video footage of the collapsing & dustification of Towers is CGI.

      Proven many different ways.

      We NEVER see actual footage of the controlled demo of Towers.

      That’s 1 of the reasons we saw the Actual
      demo of number 7. Diversion, Confusion & Reverse Psychology.

      • Todd
        November 19, 2019 at 6:35 pm

        Hadn’t thought about complete CGI… Why bother putting in the squibs if complete CGI? as the presence of them is another good indication of inside-job via planted explosives? Nonetheless, the absence of material after the demolition is a big tell.

        Please provide references you feel prove this point the best.

        Thanks Gary.

  9. Todd
    November 14, 2019 at 5:27 pm

    Allan, regarding your picture with sub-text “At Hiroshima, not only no crater, but no ‘bald spot,’ as their should be. Notice the poles still standing.”.

    Take a look at the power lines too, they are still attached to the poles! They should have easily been vaporized or blown off! I guess the Japanese wiring standards back then are far superior than what we have today. Unless this photo was taken much later after the rebuilding efforts commenced. But, if so, where are all the power lines going to all the missing new/rebuilt construction.

    • November 14, 2019 at 7:46 pm

      Yep, good point. Those lines would not have survived. And no, this photo is not after rebuilding…

  10. Todd
    November 14, 2019 at 5:03 pm

    Just bought the book Allan – I had just put that on my to read list taken from a link Marion Plissken posted a few days back from your previous blog.

    My first thought here were the implications and the Cuban Missile Crisis between the US and USSR. After recently reading JFK the Unspeakable and Mary’s Mosaic, I’m trying to understand how much upper ‘management’ (i.e. Kennedy, Khrushchev) really knew (about reality) back then. And, of course, what does ‘management’ believe today. The back-door channels between the two and their letters that wished for common peace and a goal for supporting the atmospheric nuclear test ban treaty. Knowing compartmentalization is everywhere and such, but man, this is a big topic GLOBALLY as it seems ALL nations are perpetuating this (possible – I’m about 75-80% in agreement) hoax.

    • November 14, 2019 at 7:48 pm

      Really good point, and still another ‘snowball’ effect. I strongly suspect that Presidents are way down on the totem pole of knowledge. JFK no doubt assumed that nukes were as advertised. (As did Stanley in making Strangelove — just as important!)

  11. Paul
    November 14, 2019 at 4:59 pm

    I should also mention that I can think of several reasons why they might have faked tests, films, photos, and even Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I do not think Faultless was faked.

  12. Paul
    November 14, 2019 at 4:56 pm

    I don’t pretend to follow the physics here but I can relate some personal experience with one nuclear test that seems worth mentioning here. Back in the early 80s I worked on a big cattle ranch that included Moores Station where Project Faultless was done. Here’s a link with details:
    I’ve personally been all over that area on horseback gathering cattle and in a pickup truck and I can confirm that the earth is collapsed about ten feet in a (mostly) circular radius around ground zero. The surface vegetation is intact. This effect is consistent with what I’d think was a really big underground explosion that burned up a lot of material and rearranged things underground.

    I can corroborate the details in the article above as much as is possible from what you can see on the ground and what I saw in the surrounding area. Based on this and my uncle’s firsthand account of the Bikini Atoll tests, (he was in the US Navy) I don’t doubt that the nukes are real.

    Here’s another really good link:

    Another supporting detail, I was in the cattle business for years both before and after working there and while I saw cattle several times on that range in Nevada with cancer, I never saw it anywhere else. People who lived around there for their whole lives confirmed this was a common thing. We were told to shoot any cows we saw that had this. The cancer I saw was always on the head, it was really gory with a big open weeping wound. Horrific really. I only worked on that ranch for a year and saw 3 cows myself that were like that. I suppose a lot of them just died, the ones I saw were trying pretty hard to live. Not sure what that would mean statistically out of the 1000 head of mother cows we had.

    I’d encourage anyone to visit the site of Project Faultless and draw your own conclusions, it’s an otherwise beautiful location.

    It would be a great spot to spend the winter Allan! You can get a motorhome really close to ground zero. There’s plenty of water at Moore’s Station. No light pollution out there and you might get a pic of an experimental aircraft from TTR. I saw some weird planes flying up that valley.

    • November 14, 2019 at 7:59 pm

      Now I see why you believe Faultless. Great comment, the kind I like. But the underground test could have been normal high explosives, no? The cancer thing is a good point, see, something we would not know about except for your comment. It is possible that they mix in dirty stuff with the tests (a ‘dirty bomb’) to fool us via this very thing. Just playing devil’s advocate here.

      I dunno, but the imagery evidence and the science (in the book)… lot of cumulative and unrelated to each other evidence… I mean how do you explain the Trinity photos of ground zero with normal desert surfaces and no crater? That sort of thing is very powerful evidence that the first test was faked. Plus they did that ‘100 ton’ test just before Trinity. No explanation for that…. (look it up, but it was really 108 tons of TNT, a number with occult meanings…)

      • Paul
        November 17, 2019 at 5:25 am

        I agree with you that Trinity looks faked. As for why Faultless might have been real and Trinity a fake, couple of reasons. Maybe building the things was harder than they let on, not every project or test succeeds, perhaps more disinformation? Hard to tell. The nuclear shadows definitely fake. The power lines still standing? Not likely. They’ve definitely got us chasing our tails and that is a likely desired end result. As for fakery in general, the moon landing hoax had many benefits to the PTB. They got to steal incredible amounts of money and intimidate the enemies. I don’t have experience with explosives but have seen a lot of rock pits blown. Faultless isn’t consistent with what I’ve seen and it’s hard to imagine what else could have made that ground, rock really, sink like that. Would be a fun experiment to try recreating it with HE to see if it would work. Just need lots and lots of money. And a good explanation of what you were doing with all that HE. And a lot of vacant land. My impression at the time was that all that rock underground got burned up somehow and it really spooked me looking at it.

        Sorry for the delayed reply, farming keeps me away from the internets mostly.

        • Todd
          November 19, 2019 at 7:02 pm

          What I find interesting is that the pipe went unscathed.
          Good comments Paul, but I have an observation about the pipe.

          It’s claimed…”Before the detonation the top of the pipe was level with the ground. The force of the explosion caused the ground to collapse, leaving the top 9ft. of the pipe exposed.”

          If there was an explosion of that magnitude deep underground, the lower part of the pipe would have blown away with it, thereby removing most of it’s lower supporting structure causing the pipe to also go down with the land. And if there were supports attached along the way all the way down between pipe and said land, the pipe, in theory should fall with the land too.

          Just sayin’.

    • November 14, 2019 at 9:50 pm

      “It would be a great spot to spend the winter Allan! You can get a motorhome really close to ground zero. There’s plenty of water at Moore’s Station. No light pollution out there and you might get a pic of an experimental aircraft from TTR. I saw some weird planes flying up that valley.”
      that sounds dandy!

  13. dconway
    November 14, 2019 at 4:23 pm

    It just dawned on me that the atomic bomb hoax could have been the catalyst for the Apollo hoax.

    Once they realized they couldn’t create the atomic bomb, and decided to fake it–even for the best of intentions, to end the war–it wasn’t hard to imagine faking another impossible feat.

    You might be right, this could be number one.

  14. Philip
    November 14, 2019 at 2:43 pm

    Now that you mention it. I happened to be in Hiroshima several times in 1960 and it was already a booming metropolis. I always wondered about the radiation and how did they rebuild so fast with very little evidence of of lasting radiation, or nuclear blast damage.

    • November 14, 2019 at 4:25 pm

      No crater, okay I can accept that, given the air burst, but no bald spot and all the vertical stuff still there at ground zero — this is the tell. Or one of them. Check out the book.

  15. GB
    November 14, 2019 at 2:05 pm

    Hi Allan. Interesting. My understanding was that since a neutron is a quantum particle it travels in a wave. Its position in space is the sum of all its possible possibilities until it is collapsed by ‘observation or measurement’ into its eigenstate of (in this case) position.

    This is similar to what is thought to be the way in which a UV light photon is able to penetrate the cell of a chloroplast and invariably ‘knock off’ an electron from its perch as part of the process of photosynthesis. Although the inside of the cell is incomparably large compared to the electron within it the photon hits it because it arrives as a wave in a similar way to which we can describe that we are sure a wave is going to hit a particular grain of sand on a beach.

    Doesn’t mean to say nuclear tests weren’t frauds though of course.

    • Dennis ONeill
      November 14, 2019 at 3:50 pm

      The analogy of the stadium to an atom is so imprecise as to be nearly useless and your explanation shows why. How is it that anything which is mostly “empty” space, and, as we are increasingly understanding, space is not empty, not even a vacuum, can appear and feel solid? It was Heisenberg who showed that measuring an electron’s momentum and position could not be done simultaneously with equal precision. That’s due to the wave-like, probabilistic nature of particles. That wave like distribution is partly, with the nuclear forces, what make matter appear solid and enable fission in controlled explosions.

      I am a skeptic so I am uncertain about the reality of the Apollo missions and the atom, hydrogen, and neutron bombs. I tend to believe that both were legit but there is substantial evidence that the Apollo missions may have been hoaxes. I am more certain that nukes are real but Allen’s questions need to be answered.

      Maybe the joke really is on us. It’s purported that Stanley Kubrick helped hoax the moon landing and Dr. Strangelove, as is Full Metal Jacket, is a brilliant look at the psycho and sociopathic narcissists who rule our world. Great artists always draw their art from reality. It’s purported that he may have been murdered for some scenes that didn’t make the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut, staring pedophile Antony Kidman’s daughter who was married to Tom Cruise, a Church Of Scientology nut, which was started as an intelligence operation by the operative L. Ron Hubbard and which is where the first controlled remote viewers who later worked with government funded CRV programs came from.

      I am far more certain that.human-caused climate change and any proposed human solutions are huge scams. Researchers were caught cooking data, legit papers by hundreds of scientists who poke holes in the scam go unpublished by the College of Cardinals of the Climate Change Church, estimates of human-generated CO2 are a minuscule portion of the earth’s carbon cycle, and any efforts to reduce fossil fuel consumption cannot possibly do so beyond a minimal, meaningless reduction unless the criminals who raided Tesla’s apartment and lab to steal his work allow it to come to fruition to supplant hydrocarbon energy. The Nazi Prescott Bush, and his closeted homosexual son, who was a pedophile, a CIA Director, nd a fascist creep, GHW Bush, who Tesla named Curious George because as a young boy he often lurked around Tesla’s lab probably spying for his dad, was involved in the cabal that stole Tesla’s work.

      • November 14, 2019 at 4:22 pm

        Good one. Yes, as I say, my stadium comparison was a simplification to get you thinking. Neutrons are also on some level particles with a defined path. Not sure how to answer your point about them being waves. Got ME thinking all right.

        You really ought to look into Apollo, put that one to rest. Seems a cop out at this point (of information awareness) to be ‘unsure’ whether it happened. How much evidence do you need? Here’s my contribution to the pool:

        I’d really like to hear your debunking of my above stuff. If you can’t, how about you quit with the uncertainty?

        • Dennis ONeill
          November 15, 2019 at 8:31 pm

          I think my uncertainty is a self defense mechanism of refusing to entirely believe we have been so conned. On the other had, it’s well established that JFK, MLK, and RFK we’re all wacked by the deep state thugs. That’s not to mention all the dead bodies around the Clinton Crime Family, many related to the drug running GHW Bush was doing through Mena, AK when Clinton was Gov before out of nowhere he magically became president, I always thought that was weird. The preponderance of evidence on 9/11 is that it was an inside job and Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon and so many other false flags and a complete erosion of civil liberties under moron GW Bush and Obama all make me know that faking moon landings with the Apollo missions is really nothing. It’s just par for the course. We live in a truly fucked up world.

          • X
            November 15, 2019 at 10:40 pm

            It just seems as if the world is ‘fucked up’ from a particular perspective.

            From another perspective, it’s not at all fucked up.

      • November 14, 2019 at 9:53 pm

        ” How is it that anything which is mostly “empty” space, ” That would lead one to believe that we are trapped in the matrix…….

      • Andrew Llewellyn
        November 15, 2019 at 11:07 pm

        Long time lurker here, love your work, no there is no chain reaction, i think the same for nuke plants, yes they make power(???) but when they go bang they say everything organic in 3 miles radius will be dead and won’t grow back for god knows how long, have a look at the surrounding vegetation(organic) around these sites and it is thriving!

        Anyways one of the big lies!

        I am sorry to tell ya but CUBED BRICK Kubrick is a high priest of his craft and always was!

        Thats a pretty tough read on that blog please do not read if you are easily offended

        • November 16, 2019 at 1:17 pm

          Quote: “Thats a pretty tough read on that blog please do not read if you are easily offended”

          I second that re: “easily offended”. I should know. 🙂

          FWIW, I’ve been doing stuff like this for nearly 20 years.
          That Sept 2019 post has literally melted my brain centres. I’m spent. Out on my feet, as it were. Am going to take a break. I’ve been boiling-over in recent months – and it really shows in my blog writing. Have a godd one.

          No doubts on Kubrick. None whatsoever. He was one of the worst.
          Married into the Nazi 3rd Reich’s top film-making dynasty. Yeah, Ashken-NAZI satanic ‘666’ JEW, Kubrick. A paedophile too, just like his 2001 pal homo-paedo ‘Lucifer’ Clarke. 2001 was a giant homosexual propaganda piece, as well as a 9/11 (mockery based) mass mind control preditive programming device. Some of Kubrick’s Freudian sodomy programming, which is legion in his work, is just insane. These types are so evil that most of what they do is also totally drenched in superiority-based nose-thumbing. They don’t think the hypnotised masses are dumb puppets dancing on their programming strings – they know they are.

          Here’s one from the archives.

          • Andrew Llewellyn
            November 16, 2019 at 6:28 pm

            Hay Phat(pun)

            I really hope Allen has the time do read your blog as it is the best expose’ off this kind of content!

            As far as i know Allen was the only one to have spotted the Miles Mathis project and spoken about it!

    • November 14, 2019 at 4:23 pm

      Yep, you and Dennis make good points. Glad I got you thinking. Now how about reading the book?

  16. Daniel
    November 14, 2019 at 1:34 pm

    so I can seal up my fallout shelter ? the atomic bomb is a big hoax …
    sheesh what a relief.

    • Dennis ONeill
      November 14, 2019 at 3:51 pm

      Yes, but don’t drink all your water and eat all the canned goods you have stored in it.

      • November 14, 2019 at 4:16 pm

        Right. Are you all aware of the October record cold? And the weather has all but destroyed many of the crops this year? Look into it then buy storable food is my advice.

  17. Manfred
    November 14, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    Curiously HG Wells and Winston Churchil were best buddies

    When you realize the first atom bomb test that occurred in Dresden was organized by Churchill, it’s not much of a stretch to consider he was also involved in the 2nd & 3rd tests in Japan, which they evidently decided were remote enough to be goers and could be changed from simulation to actuality.

    • Manfred
      November 14, 2019 at 1:29 pm

      I was trying to reply to Chuck. Oops.

    • November 14, 2019 at 4:15 pm

      Not sure what you mean. Nuke Bomb tests in Dresden and Japan? Maybe you didn’t read the article? But yes, Churchill and Wells were PTB minions, certainly…

      • Manfred
        November 14, 2019 at 5:10 pm

        Allan, I meant that Dresden was a ‘Hiroshima’ that they decided wouldn’t fly – wouldn’t stand up to significant scrutiny. So they went with remote towns in Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki).

        • November 14, 2019 at 10:43 pm

          Shit, I still don’t get your point.

          • Chuck
            November 14, 2019 at 11:09 pm

            Dresden was firebombed into oblivion, with repeated sorties to obliterate all building and exterminate all possible trace of life, well beyond mere military disablement (even though Dresden was insignificant militarily). The same technique was used in Hiroshima/Nagasaki (perhaps not as overdone as in Dresden).

          • Manfred
            November 14, 2019 at 11:34 pm

            Thanks Chuck.

            My point was that if the fakers had thought it would wash they might have claimed that Dresden was destroyed by an atom bomb, by accident (or heroic double-agent), and the ‘discovery’ that Dresden was a secret Nazi atomic weapons research facility, or other story.

            Dresden was at least a test to see if they had the means to simulate the effect & aftermath of HG Wells’ atom bomb.

      • November 14, 2019 at 9:55 pm

        Masonic bedfellows I believe………….. not that there would be anything wrong with such a thing…… Friends of Albert Pike i presume

  18. Denis Oven
    November 14, 2019 at 12:37 pm

    are you picturing the mosquito-sized nucleus? What are the chances that any neutron is going to make a direct hit in that stadium-sized atom?

    I chanced upon the following video, shortly after reading the article, and I sensed it may have some relevance. I am far from understanding what was being explained, and so I apologise if it’s just fantasy, or, more likely, the relevance I’ve perceived is illusory.

    Anyway, the nucleus is (apparently) surrounded by a volume of “magneto dielectricity”. The neutron, I would assume, is similarly surrounded. Now, just guessing: could not those two volumes, or, rather, the magnetic and dielectric fields (if that’s the correct description) within them, react spectacularly when they (the two volumes) begin to be superimposed, in the “right” way?

    More generally, our model of the atom being almost entirely empty space is (at best) based upon the results of some experiments in which particles were fired at atoms. Technically, these results are valid solely for the exact experiments that produced them. They cannot preclude a subtly different experiment from having a radically different result.

    The video probably ties in with the electric universe model, but that is also something I have far from fully grasped. There may also be some relationship with the Hutchison Effect, and perhaps an application of some configuration of Hutchison’s fields is used to enable the reaction.

    The above reminder of the scale of an atom is not meant to prove the point that an explosive chain reaction is very unlikely, but meant to get you thinking.

    OK, it did, but, as with most of your pieces, Allan, the consequence was predominantly an increase of my awareness of how much I don’t really know.

    • November 14, 2019 at 4:12 pm

      Another good one. I’m gladder than ever that you included my caveat that the stadium comparison was just meant to get you thinking. If you read the book you’ll see that it’s a very small aspect of the argument.

  19. Chuck
    November 13, 2019 at 11:36 pm

    Radiation is real.
    Radioactivity is real.
    Atomic decay is real.
    Alpha & beta particles are real.
    Gamma rays and x rays are real.

    The atomic chain reaction (invented by H G Wells) is not real.

    The chain reaction is necessary for atom bombs and for nuclear power (moderated chain reaction).

    • Todd
      November 14, 2019 at 5:18 pm

      See, here’s one anomaly that doesn’t seem to fit with your conclusion about nuclear power. How do submarines get their quite power? I understand question everything, but with nuclear power, I haven’t seen any proof presented that that too is faked. So how about providing some proof for all us to research on this topic.

      • November 14, 2019 at 7:52 pm

        Exactly. And it’s laughable that there are people out there who think Nuclear is fake.
        Just look at Fuckushima (that no MS media gives hardly a mention), THE greatest toxic event on earth going, and killing the Ocean & Northern hemisphere – at least, as we speak.

        • Todd
          November 14, 2019 at 8:12 pm

          As far as Fukushima, the Galen Winsor talk Allan linked to has caused me to pause on this criticality to re-evaluation the ‘danger’ of nuclear material to us useless eaters. Mainstream certainly pushes the danger so so much, that I have to re-think this assumed truth. Reminds me of the Tom Cruise movie Oblivion where he’s warned not to go into the ‘radiation zone’. But he ignores the warnings and goes into it to find the truth. I’m not sold either way at the moment. More research is required.

          • November 14, 2019 at 9:44 pm

            Yes we are lied to sooo much, we have to double-check everything, that’s for real.
            What little old Finland are doing about their nuclear waste – costing $Millions…
            another hoax?? , no way!! >
            This documentary is brilliantly filmed.

      • Chuck
        November 14, 2019 at 9:27 pm

        Nuclear subs are battery and/or fuel cell powered – and guarded with the utmost secrecy.

        • November 14, 2019 at 9:46 pm

          Would you have more information, or a link to anything on this?

      • November 14, 2019 at 10:48 pm

        I don’t doubt nuclear power, as in electric plants and submarines but that is a wholly different matter from an explosive nuclear chain reaction, which is the subject here. By the way, Miles Mathis’s essay on the Bikini tests is pretty comprehensive. Just keep in mind that he’s trying to gain your trust with some ‘good info’. It’s likely that not all he says in this is accurate. He’s a sly one (Tavistock):

    • November 14, 2019 at 9:56 pm

      or is it just what what one believes that allows them to perceive?

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