Why the Moles Hadda Go


Enlarge this then notice how ‘Sean’ busts himself as a govt mole. This came in MINUTES after I banned him and he was ready with a bogus ‘new’ email address to post with. See the next image: Only a spook could get ‘abc’ at gmail as a phony address.

We’ve been having a minor problem with people trying to misdirect our conversations, either via their job as govt. moles or because they are… just plain ignorant, uninformed, and unable to think critically. With the latter I try to give them a chance to wake up (‘follow the evidence’), after which I ask them to leave (which never works), after which I ban them electronically (which I think I have figured out how to do).

With the former (moles) I tend to let them expose themselves completely, inarguably, before banning them, so as to show anyone paying attention how they can spot these scumfucks (and I have no problem using ad hominems with these individuals).


‘Sean’s email bounced back right after he used it to post a comment. How does that work, Sean?

‘Sean’ of course is a govt shill/mole (‘mole’ is a better term); most of you already know that but I’ll supply still more evidence, in the form of his attempt to jump back onto the blog after being banned. It took him just a few minutes to come up with his alternate, obviously bogus, email address to use to ‘try again’. If this doesn’t prove to you that we’re dealing with a pro disinfo agent, nothing will.

Here’s the email I sent to ‘Sean’ that bounced”

Hey asshole,
you sure are giving yourself away as a govt operative! Just pull up an email address out of nowhere! Wow. This REALLY is your job. You have kids? Do you tell them what daddy does for a living?
Explain your answer to the question using this address and I will publish it. No more crap like this one…

I have to admit I was ignorant of the concept of ‘uncountable nouns.’ Seems oxymoronic but I guess not…

Now, seeing that the email address isn’t even real — as if I shouldn’t have known that ‘abc@gmail.com’ was a bogus! — we have to assume that ‘Sean’ and his handlers have access to serious A.I. hacking apparatus. Which makes me wonder if/when they will simply hack into my blog and do some serious mischief. If such is the case, you heard it here first.

Addendum: Did you know there is such a thing as a ‘semi-uncountable noun’?:

…’apparati’ is incorrect in both English and Latin. You don’t actually hear the English plural apparatuses that often, because apparatus is often treated as a semi-uncountable noun: one apparatus, two pieces of apparatus.

It’s the ‘semi’ part that doesn’t ring right, but anyway, I thought you might be interested in the difference between ‘countable’ and ‘uncountable’ nouns. Here are some uncountable ones:

  1. There is no more ‘water’ in the pond.
  2. Please help yourself to some ‘cheese’.
  3. I need to find ‘information’ about Pulitzer Prize winners.

Interesting? I think so, in a minor way. So there is no such word as ‘apparati’ although ‘apparatuses’ is ‘sometimes’ okay (no red line through it), which I suppose is what’s behind the ‘semi’ in ‘semi-uncountable.  Just thought you should know. (Who makes these decisions/judgements is a matter for another day.)

____+Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 4.39.30 PM

This was another one I banned and who had a ‘spare’ email ready to go, although he might be simply… unbalanced, rather than a mole. I dunno. But is this… ‘streakypants’ fellow (I hope it’s a male)… someone whose comments you want to read?

I’m pretty sure ‘Bill’ is another mole, but I’ve come to realize that humans are even denser than I’ve been assuming, so who knows, he may be misdirecting out of mental issues. But he had to go too. With Chris (I think it’s his real name) I’m sure he’ll have to go, but I’m trying to give him every chance. That he posts multiple comments — veritable strings of yammers to himself — is actually enough reason to ban him. Why should you guys be subjected to that? So look for a brief string of Chris-comments below then watch as they disappear.

_____+Screen Shot 2019-05-12 at 7.07.19 PM

Sagan’s fraud-photo is used all over the place to buttress the no stars agenda and make us feel inconsequential. Don’t buy it.

Chris got outraged that I used his last name in my own comment. What a rich concept! He writes me an email (and a comment, I think) saying that I’ve put a bullseye on his back, words to that effect. Imagine! With all we have to worry about, this idiot (sorry) thinks his last name is dangerous. Okay, Chris, maybe this will work: In every irrelevant (my judgement) comment you post, I will add your last name to it (via my super powers at WordPress.) Think about that!

I was really going to deal with why Possible Minds bugged me but I have to admit I’ve been distracted by the moles/etc.-in-my-blog issue. I really hope that you (the personal you) are beyond being affected by these types. I have several reasons for deleting comments from moles or even true useful idiots and one is a concern that your reading the repetition that I’m this or I’m that might have a cumulative effect. I know: ‘Ye (or Me) of little faith.’ I mean I should have faith that you will notice that my detractors never get specific in their attacks — by explaining where I am wrong on an issue — nor do they answer specific questions. And when they do, we get an answer like ‘Sean’s to my ‘Why no stars?’ question re the ‘Pale Blue Dot’ photo. When he finally did give it a try, his ‘answer’ was so over-the-top that I left it in. Truly, give it another look:

As one travels close to a planet of the solar system, say Neptune, the planet itself should have the highest level of apparent brightness due to much smaller $d$ value. To avoid over-exposure, one chooses a relatively small $t$ value or fast shudder speed. [I, Allan, added the hyperlinks while trying to figure out what he is pretending to be talking about. As you will see if you click them, $d$ and $t$ are in essence jibberish. What a surprise!]
Now, if one checks the relative brightness of each solar planet as seen from three times its corresponding radius away, earth ranks the third while Neptune the dimmest. This advantage in planet luminosity compensates for the distance away elevating the apparent brightness and L* value of earth for the detector that’s currently near Neptune. Consequently the $M$ value for earth in the equation above falls into the acceptable range whereby the image gets captured.

Addendum: I guess ‘Sean’ and his handlers think we’re a bunch of ID/JITS, as the Kentuck expression goes. 

But let’s move on to some other good news, on another subject. See, I was and am starting to worry that it might be me. I refer to the utter insanity that is going on somewhere, with someone, somehow. Let me rephrase: As most of you know, I posted a video that (for me) proves beyond reasonable doubt that Elon Musk’s Spacex rendezvous with the International Space Station (ISS) was a fraud, and the images we saw were bogus. (Yes, this was only one of many of my video ‘proofs’ of Musk-fraud.)

____+Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 10.04.11 PM

These ‘NASA’ photos of Jupiter are four years apart. Notice that aside from the added pole lights, the images are IDENTICAL. Same clouds four years later. They hardly even try any more. (But no, this does NOT mean that the earth is flat!

Yet no one else in any sort of media outlet has picked up on this massive fraud and its staggering implications. No one. No, not Jon Rappoport (to whom I owe a debt of gratitude), not Joseph Farrell, not Richard Dolan, not C. A. Fitts, not the Dark Journalist, and the list goes on and on, and you’re favorite ‘source’ is almost certainly on it.

How do you explain that? Only two possibilities: They are all under PTB orders to shut up on these matters or they are all under ‘doublethink delusion’. There really are no other possibilities.

Yes, you can say, ‘No, Allan, the problem is that you are wrong about all this.’ In effect: ‘Allan, you are insane.’ Okay, then try lowering a palm-balanced broom to a spot on the ground, while keeping the broom upright… Go ahead, grab your broom and try it. I’ll come back…

Couldn’t do it, could you? Okay, not look at this compilation of Spacex early ‘test flights‘.

The reason I sent you to the early test flights was for simplicity, so no ‘Sean’-type could even bring up ‘grid fins’ or ‘ion thrusters’ (neither of which would work in the last stage of landing anyway). See, the ‘Grasshopper’ test flights – which have no fins or thrusters — are as impossible as your lowering a broom onto a spot with the only guiding thrust at the bottom (your palm/the gimbaling rocket engine).

_____buzzard attack

This is the buzzard trying to swipe a child. He didn’t succeed. (From my post on buzzards.)

So all those test flights were as faked as the absurd double-booster landings you can see all over Youtube. And out of all the scientists and academics and self-professed critical thinkers on the planet, none of them say a word on this subject. Yes, I’ve wondered about this before, but I have to repeat myself because this is an issue that is representative of the real problem with our species. 

And the Pale Blue Dot. The above utter jibberish — utter, utter, utter — jibberish by ‘Sean’ appears to be the best the PTB can do to buttress their continuing ‘no-stars’ agenda. (Okay, maybe ‘Sean’ isn’t the first team, but surely he’s on the Varsity!)

Addendum: I truly hope that there is not even one person out there who is worried that Sean’s ‘explanation’ is above you. This is NLP folks: Make them feel inferior and they will believe your lies. Go to the last part of this exposé of the flat earth psy op for another example, this one by ‘Jeranism’ (about the last 15 minutes).

And on and on and — with a few exceptions on this forum — nobody seems to care. 

____+ subscribers

Good news for the PTB and probably the reason they don’t actively harass me: In spite of the observations I offer that no one else does, my subscribership drops constantly. Or so it would seem. This is one of the only weekly updates that showed even one newbie.

It’s true: I’m losing faith in my fellow humans. I mean truly true. And yes, I’ve opened myself up — put the old bullseye on my own back — to anyone who wants to claim I’m nuts and so forth. But when the volley of crapola comes in (in comments) please notice that none of them explain how to lower a balanced broom to the ground, nor why we don’t see stars in the Pale Blue Dot.

Hey, maybe Noam Chomsky isn’t an agent of the state. But if not, the situation becomes only worse. It means a man of that intellect can utterly ‘ignore the evidence of his eyes and ears’ (Orwell). Which is worse? You tell me.


I may buy a houseboat tomorrow. This will change… everything about how Gus and I live. We’ll see how it changes what I write here… If I buy it.



  47 comments for “Why the Moles Hadda Go

  1. Bill
    May 23, 2019 at 12:57 am

    Alan, the Chomsky quote below is for you. I suggest you take time to seriously reflect on it when you are considering whether to censor someone on your blog simply because you disagree with their point of view.

    “If you believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech for views you don’t like. Goebbels was in favor of freedom of speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re in favor of freedom of speech, that means you’re in favor of freedom of speech precisely for views you despise.”

    Noam Chomsky – Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (film)

    Goebbels, Stalin – It looks like you are in good historical company in your attempts to stifle dissent on your blog.


    • Todd
      May 29, 2019 at 7:34 pm

      Bill, explain Chomsky’s comments about the lack of any conspiracy in the murder of JFK.

      “…the idea that there was any kinda of high-level conspiracy would have done any differently and the same on other issues and the assassination was a crime of an atrocity but the idea that there was any kind of high-level conspiracy behind it seems to me extremely unlikely on the basis of any evidence i can discover and I’ve looked pretty hard..”

      Anyone really looking into JFK knows this is flat out false!

      If you can’t see the forest thru the trees, there is no hope for you.


  2. Rob
    May 21, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    I suspect it’s a combination of these factors:

    1) Brainwashing
    2) Severe threats issued to any sizeable alt media who aren’t agents
    3) Aggressive removal of content from popular sites like YouTube (their censorship potential is greater than ever now)

    I’ve thought a lot about point 2 above. If you (anyone) put yourself in the position of someone who has achieved enough of an audience to attract not just moles but actual direct threats, what would you do?

    You can continue regardless. Obviously, in an ideal world, that’s what a truth-seeker would do. But you’re going to get aggressively shut down, up to and including being killed, and then your content would probably get removed very quickly anyway.

    Or you can be pragmatic, and accept the caveat, in order to still put out as much truth as possible.

    I’m not endorsing this second option, but I can fully understand it. It’s easy to say that you would tell the PTB to fuck themselves when they’re not actually on your proverbial doorstep. It puts one in a difficult position, because you obviously can’t even acknowledge to your audience that you are required to dance around certain subjects. So I do have some sympathy for honest people who end up having to compromise; as opposed to assets, who I have no time for.

    I find all of the deceit of the public extremely frustrating. I wish I could somehow wake everyone up. The thing that scares me the most right now is 5G. This could be the end-game. It seems almost unstoppable now, and they’re basically setting up total control grids all around us under the guise of fucking telecoms. I’ve emailed my MP but I expect they’re fully aware of what’s going on already.

  3. May 21, 2019 at 3:04 pm

    I might add one more thing to this conversation if I may.
    Our atmosphere is a concave lens when looking out into space which acts as a giant magnifying glass for the starry skies and other forms of visible light so i suppose things look a little different from outside of the earths atmosphere- or maybe I got that (concave/convex thing) backwards…
    and congratulations Alan on the Houseboat! Aloha

  4. May 21, 2019 at 2:36 pm

    Wow! we routinely make the cut! 🙂 I am honored! my thought train must have a shred of intelligence and truth to it or it could be pity or a little of both! Ha!
    Now about the moles and other troublemakers- Allan you have succeeded in gaining their attention vis a vis ‘face to face’ you must have hit a nerve and your doing something right to do so. You expose their Operators (((THEY))) do not like you doing so, and those of us who are like minded and aware that something is up, something stinks and are willing to share with whoever will listen (friends family coworkers and sometimes strangers) makes you and this blog a threat to the establishment, the status quo, and a target for operations like Talpiot 8200 (which i say that everyone here who follows you should make themselves aware of)who are running hot and wild trying to put the kibosh on sites like yours and others who are exposing the Hegemony.
    Keep exposing the darkness for the truth has set us free!
    Blessings and aloha Allan and tribe

  5. Cat
    May 21, 2019 at 6:05 am

    My 2nd cousin Randall Tyner worked for NASA communications
    during the ’60s & ’70s now still a satellite science/designer
    he grew up on the family farm near KY Lake
    I’m trying to get a hold of him for his take on some of this
    could be interesting…
    Hope you get/bought the boat !!!!!!!

  6. James Hedger
    May 20, 2019 at 11:25 pm

    Wow Allan, I normally read the blog very early in morning (as soon as posted) but today I read it early and late 6:30 pm. So much commenting goes on later in the day, I feel cheated I will have to go back and re read all posts to reap the harvest of humor some of the people post. Good luck with the boat.

  7. Alger Cavalloro
    May 20, 2019 at 10:26 pm

    Hi Alan,
    I enjoy the dumb comments (maybe a few of mine are in there) as well as the screwballs who don’t know and don’t know they don’t know, and even the operative types with an agenda or task, BUT at some point you have to go to the “rope”, but it is fun when you fuck with them. While I’m here what is your take on these supposed “official” images of Apollo 17 artifacts, this is in your strike zone.. The Made for TV Movie of the Moon Landings is not worth debating at this point. but I’ve often thought we went there in some fashion. http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/379

  8. James
    May 20, 2019 at 7:36 pm

    I’d just like to go a bit deeper into the UK and european Beagle 2 unmanned programme, I meant to explain that Beagle was Darwin’s exploration vessel.
    That’s why they named the Mars lander Beagle 2.
    What makes that fact highly interesting is that Darwin was a Satanist which had been a closely guarded secret until the internet era exposed his religion as being very dark as we now know.
    The thing I’ve noticed about the trolls/liars is that they never go into the mythology of the names of these space programmes for instance Appollo a Greek god I believe in the Greek tongue it is spelt Appollyon.
    How about the 3 Apollo astronauts is it a mere coincidence that they were all 33 degree Freemasons ? 3 is also known as the Trinity eg the first American atomic bomb test was called Trinity.
    The trident nuclear missile as supplied by the USA to the British navy in their trident class submarines.
    And so it goes on the clues are hidden in not so plane sight sometimes along with the satanic numerology staring people right in the face only they can’t see it or is it that they don’t want to see it?
    I dunno and I don’t care because I see it and that’s all that matters to me.
    And my message to the trolls is go back to the shithole you crawled out of and don’t come back we see through your pathetic made up pseudo scientific propaganda ha ha you are just really not clever enough to cross swords with people much cleverer than you.

  9. Chris
    May 20, 2019 at 3:56 pm

    Why can’t you see the stars during the day, even though it is the same atmosphere that you can see them through at night? Does anyone have a clue why? Seriously answer this question. If you do, you will have figured out why there is no stars in most pictures of planets and around planets. It’s the same mystery that’s not really a mystery.

    • Todd
      May 20, 2019 at 4:52 pm

      NO Chris, you will need to logically tell us why you cannot see stars in the pale blue dot photo. Answering a Q with a Q isn’t answering Allan’s question(s).

    • mellyrn
      May 20, 2019 at 5:04 pm

      According to NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, we can’t see stars in the daytime because the atmosphere scatters so much light. Here
      is what they claim the daytime sky would look like with no atmosphere.

      There is no air in interplanetary space. Therefore the stars can’t be being obscured by atmospheric light scattering. Therefore the reason for “no stars in most pictures of planets and around planets” (to say nothing of completely airless bodies like asteroids) must be . . . DIFFERENT. You know, as in, NOT “the same”.

      Was that specious excuse for an argument your honest misunderstanding? ‘Cos that bodes poorly for your other presentations here and we are free to conclude you don’t know what you’re talking about. Or nobody at apod.nasa.gov is as smart as you: they can neither provide the right info nor do their own fact-checking. Or maybe you’re deliberately gaslighting.

      It ain’t my blog, but I for one am tired of you. (And that’s your cue to fail to say, “Oops guess I slipped up I was trying to talk about overexposure kind of thing even though if Earth is visible to a camera then anything of a like or greater brightness should also be visible and there should be *some* of those but I’m going to ignore that point….”)

      • Chris
        May 20, 2019 at 5:19 pm

        So too much light? Hmmm.

        • mellyrn
          May 20, 2019 at 6:14 pm

          Wait, what? There’s too much light in the Pale Blue Dot “photo” for that one bright pixel to be Earth, too? OK.

          ‘Cos if that camera can see Earth despite “too much light”, it can see anything else of similar brightness.

          In that photo, look at the rings: the camera even sees things *dimmer* than Earth.

          Just not stars, not of *any* brightness.

          Please go on digging your hole.

    • May 21, 2019 at 2:39 pm

      @Chris good comment however the dummies will still not get it……

  10. Todd
    May 20, 2019 at 3:44 pm

    Thanks for cleaning house Allan and throwing out the garbage. It will come back (as you already know), however.

    I agree with Whoever RE the email input. You can type anything in the box there as you wish b/c your setup doesn’t require anyone to enter a legitimate email address since it does no validation. You previously posted that anyone ‘new’ wishing to post comments would need to email you separately (implying a legit email address) before you would allow their comments. This would certainly reduce your SPAM.

    Keep up the great work, there are real people hear who can benefit from you tremendously.

  11. Whoever
    May 20, 2019 at 8:56 am

    You can enter anything you like in the e-mail box, e.g. allan.weisbecker123@gmail.com

    The problem you’re coming across is that the astute don’t tend to dwell on the fakery – once they understand its purpose.

    Yes, there should be stars in the background.

    However, when you know why such images are faked, you move on…

    And yes, the Earth isn’t flat, we’re not living in a simulation, there are no aliens, etc.

    • May 20, 2019 at 2:01 pm

      If the any-email part is true, I’ve been misled by WordPress, which is not a surprise. But I don’t understand why they would make it so easy for shills/moles.

      Before you move on do you consider the implications?

      Are you sure about the simulation and the aliens? If so, how?

      • Todd
        May 20, 2019 at 5:00 pm

        Allan, you may need a plugin (or configuration changes perhaps) for WP for email validation:

        h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BVM_9tEtGM


      • Whoever
        May 20, 2019 at 5:13 pm

        Word Press might check the domain is valid ( with any prefix before the @), but you no doubt need some other option or a plug-in to require that commenters must validate their e-mail (click on an e-mailed confirmation link) before their comments can be published.

        Once you know WHAT THE F IS GOING ON, then you know why the images are faked (why Apollo was faked, etc.) and why the gullibility traps (flat Earth, reptilians, simulation, one world govt., etc.) are fostered. You cannot censor the truth, you can only surround it with truthy distractions/diversions. Moreover, you do actually want the perspicacious to discover WTFIGO… (which they will know cannot really be communicated except to those who already know it)

        Once you know WTFIGO then you understand why what has been done has been done, and why what is being done is being done. That’s why you know it’s not sim or aliens. You can also see that it is encoded in modern and ancient architecture, and in mythology (biblical too). Even a Lascaux cave painting encodes it.

      • Dee Cota
        May 21, 2019 at 12:42 am

        Allan, Your comment
        I’ve been misled by WordPress which is not a surprise. But I don’t understand why they would make it so easy for shill/moles. Did you hear that WordPress censured
        Jon Rappoport’s No More Fake News? Now I have been a fan of Jon Rappoport for many years as I’ve been a fan of yours for many years. I find it ironic that Jon’s website would be censured and you still have a blog with WordPress. Jon’s comments are never displayed as yours are and the shill/moles cannot use his website as a platform for whatever agenda is being implemented at this time. Your blog represents you the person Allan Weisbecker and what you are putting in print
        has to be a threat to whatever powers are in charge now and maybe in the future.
        The fact that you read the comments good, bad or indifferent you are exposing yourself to people who feel safe sitting in front of a computer typing whatever feels good to them even if they are insulting you in some way. IMP comments on your blog should not be taken as seriously as you seem to do. I hope you are not looking for approval or acceptance if the vast majority of your readers disagree with you. You are putting yourself out there with what you write about just as a salesman you are selling ideas, strong points, controversy and so much more. You almost have to expect people to doubt you question your sanity people feel safe and secure when the world is in order to their way of thinking and refuse to buy what you are selling.
        Let me ask you this why are you placing so much value into a negative stupid thoughtless comment why even answer directly to a shill/mole they are bulling you and IMP and you failing for their bate when you ignore a bully they go away real fast because the fun is over. The fun is you are now playing their game and guess what if you keep playing you will lose. Trust me ignore them ignor them ignor them and they will go away, Remember the most important opinion is the opinion you have of yourself.

      • drud
        May 21, 2019 at 4:10 am

        Ta-da! I lowered a broom to the floor! Far easier than standing up on a surfboard!

        It gets tricky when you bend your knees and try to balance the broom at the same time. What I did at the knee bend stage is go quick with the broom decent but not so quick that the broom smashes your finger. At the last millisecond slow your decent at 1″ above the floor. Easy-peasy.

        Of course, I could be extra ordinarily coordinated, and yes, I would like to think this of myself, but I think that others may be able to do this, but then maybe not.

        I might film it but only if I am the only one in the world capable of a soft landing of a broom.

        By the way due to the speed of decent some dog hair left the floor just slightly, proving to me, that yes some dust should be on the landing pads of the lunar landers of the Apollo missions.

        Are Elons and Bezos rocket stick computers and thrusters as coordinated as I? I dunno.

        But if they needs tips they know where to find me.

    • mellyrn
      May 20, 2019 at 2:17 pm

      But I *don’t* know why such images would be faked. Faking the vast body of images from (“from”) space represents an *immense* creative effort. I lack the imagination to come up with a purpose commensurate with that level of production. It’s so huge that I have to start invoking our human propensity for *self*-deception.

      But, as I’ve said before, my personal lack of imagination is not an argument for anything.

    • Doug
      May 20, 2019 at 6:02 pm

      We are NOT living in a simulation?

      We are in the Matrix. You can try to get out though but that requires facing yourself. Your true self is not that talking head IMO anyway.

      The solution requires loving each other hence the repeating dilemma. Being humble and dropping the Ego is hard work.

  12. THX1138
    May 20, 2019 at 8:51 am

    Now it’s time to leave the capsule if you dare
    This is Major Tom to Ground Control
    I’m stepping through the door
    And I’m floating in a most peculiar way
    And the stars look very different today
    For here Am I sitting in a tin can

    • May 21, 2019 at 2:47 pm

      THX1138 my parents snuck us into the drive in on Oahu as a young boy in the early 70’s (dad was in Vietnam on a boat) to see that movie………. the rest is history! still a great movie! aloha

  13. May 20, 2019 at 3:01 am

    Andrew’s reminding me of Vicktor Shauberger led me to this video, which I highly recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN3PBFxV3Xw

    Just the first few minutes should blow your minds. Water is miraculous stuff!

    • Doug
      May 20, 2019 at 5:53 pm

      So I watched the video and it was as you stated but when you research Grander Water it’s very odd.

      That video has lots of examples of the Grander water device being incredible yet I called the Canadian distributor and got a lady sniffling ready to sell me a Grander whole house unit for $1750.

      I asked if it includes shipping. She took a minute and then stated yes that should cover it all.

      I found a Vice link saying Grander products are nonsense not that I have the bit of faith in Vice mind you.

      I googled Grander inventor and they knock him down as some Austrian gas station attendant. He sure did something right.

      Do I believe it’s possible that the product actually works, sure. Will I send $1700 to a sniffling Canadian for one, don’t think so. I asked if she has any reviews and she told me that she has one person that bought one and loves it and carry’s a bottle of the water with her in the car and gets better gas mileage.

      What a shame. After hearing the baker and the swimming pool story I was ready to buy one.

      Structured water I have read about and it sure seems to be related to the spinning of water naturally as in a vortex.

      I would love to have such a product if it was real. The

  14. mellyrn
    May 20, 2019 at 2:48 am

    As for deleting the moles, I can and do scan and skim over the repetitive ones. Sometimes one will provide a foil for me to riff on, but I wouldn’t miss them if they were gone. I do dislike the vulgar ones, and I greatly appreciate your weeding them out — and don’t envy you the job. Thanks.

  15. Chris
    May 20, 2019 at 12:55 am

    Also, it is usually considered very poor form to post personal information about someone because you didn’t like what they said. It is intimidating, as intended. It doesn’t further your arguments any, though.

  16. Chris
    May 20, 2019 at 12:32 am

    $d$ = distance to object
    $t$ = exposure time
    L= luminosity
    $M$ = magnitude (brightness)

    Look up:
    apparent magnitude
    absolute magnitude

    He is talking about how the Earth is so bright that even though it is so much farther away from the camera than Neptune, that the magnitude (brightness) of both objects is similar when measured (a picture taken) from the camera that is just far enough from Neptune. So from the camera, Neptune seems the same brightness as Earth.

    • May 20, 2019 at 2:10 am

      Why no link to show us that this is what those symbols mean? I just did a search for ‘$d$ = distance to object’ and came up empty, but no matter, how does his utter gibberish explain why we can’t see stars, given that the magnitude of the earth from Neptune would be way dimmer than most stars?

      Why are you defending an obvious mole? Are you partners?

      By the way, I just got another attempt from Sean to comment here, via still ANOTHER phony email address, this one ‘idiotAllan@gmail.com’.

      You want to explain how and why he got that email to use, Chris? Do you think he’s doing this just for fun or is this his job? I’ll allow another comment if you answer these questions.

    • mellyrn
      May 20, 2019 at 2:43 am

      “So from the camera, Neptune seems the same brightness as Earth.”

      Irrelevant. What I find incredible (in the sense of not-credible) is that, in the Pale Blue Dot photo, the universe beyond (from the camera’s perspective) the Earth contains not one *star* of equal — or greater! — magnitude to the Earth’s. Or, heck, even some fainter ones: Earth’s not the dimmest pixel in the image, after all.

      The panorama of stars visible from Kitt Peak at night is breathtaking. It should be even more breathtaking from, say, the ISS — but no one aboard ever points the camera out, away from Earth and Sun into the distant starfield. People on Earth take lovely pictures of the heavens, and you can download or even buy computer-background “wallpaper” images that are photos or paintings of starfields, so it’s not like no one’s interested. Just people on the ISS, apparently.

      • May 20, 2019 at 1:56 pm

        Apparently. That or the women wear fright wigs in a studio on earth, etc. And yes, the Pale Blue Dot is another hidden in plain sight lie that no one has noticed, and that has profound implications.

    • Chris
      May 20, 2019 at 7:26 pm

      Have you ever seen Venus near the horizon at sundown, despite the fact you could see no stars?

  17. brian
    May 19, 2019 at 9:08 pm

    Allen, You could lower that broom to the ground, balancing on your palm if it had gyroscopes installed. Did you ever play with those when you were a kid? I did.

    • May 19, 2019 at 10:43 pm

      Brian, I’ve played with gyroscopes very recently, as a matter of fact, and their use in ‘steady cams’ is wonderful. But the fact is that they cannot impart thrust in two different directions simultaneously, which would be needed to keep the broom both upright and on course to the spot on the ground. Look into it and maybe get back to me. I’m curious to see if your theory/explanation will survive (your) true scrutiny.

  18. James
    May 19, 2019 at 8:33 pm

    Hi Allan I’m glad you decided to have a clean sweep and give the moles and trolls the brush off .
    It really is hard work having to listen to their bullshit especially as your tax dollars are paying the sobs.
    The photo of the planet Jupiter being exactly the same really shows their incompetence.
    And I am really tired of these professional liars trying to justify the ridiculous notion that stars don’t show up
    I think that it’s more than obvious to most critical thinkers that they never went to the moon or anywhere else, I saw one video of a NASA scientist explain that nothing could get past the Van Allen belt because the radioactivity is so high that they haven’t developed a method of sceening craft from it .
    That means that all the claimed unmanned probes is also bogus and just another heist of US citizens tax dollars.
    The fake British and European Beagle 2 probe to Mars failed because they theorised that the antenna failed to deploy after it landed on the surface.
    And so it goes on space exploration is a complete fraud the greedy elites exploit to the maximum degree.
    Take just one ridiculous claim that Apollo got to the moon in 4 days, the moon was 250,000 miles from the earth so their rocket was travelling over 50,000 miles per hour do you buy that? No neither do I
    If the ship hit a piece of meteorite the size of a pea it would have blown the tin can to kingdom come ha ha it really is mind numbingly stupid to think that they could get away with a fraud so flawed.
    Having said that I myself believed for many years, yes we were naive back then.
    All I can say to your idea of buying a houseboat is that I myself have been living on boats for the past 4years and I’m gonna abandon ship due to respiratory problems from breathing water vapour .
    Keep up the good work .
    Regards James

    • May 19, 2019 at 10:45 pm

      Yes, boy, we were naive back then. I shutter to think… Sorry about your having to abandon the watery life; I’ve been missing it and have maybe found a compromise to get me back afloat in my declining years.

    • le berger des photons
      May 20, 2019 at 8:26 am

      travelling over 50,000 miles per hour do you buy that?

      no. try 50,000 miles per DAY.

    • May 21, 2019 at 2:59 pm

      “Apollo got to the moon in 4 days, the moon was 250,000. miles from the earth so their rocket was travelling over 50,000. miles per hour ” your math is bad sir. 😛
      At 50k mph it would only take 5 hours to get to the moon… 50,000. X 5. =250,000.
      At 2,605. mph X 96 hrs = 250,080.
      not being a smartazz just trying to straighten out the obvious.

    • TheOldBadger
      May 28, 2019 at 12:22 pm

      “That means that all the claimed unmanned probes is also bogus…”


      I have presented this question to others of scientific analytic reason.
      We are fairly certain that many technological advances have been hidden from us. I think that some may have been aided by extraterrestrial influence, in one form or another. If either are true, is it not possible that some of that technology has been applied to those various extraterrestrial adventures/crafts, and they simply, once again, lied to us?

  19. Andrew
    May 19, 2019 at 7:47 pm

    The very few authentic voices within the alt media are all under heavy assault at the moment so perhaps consider yourself in good company.

    Have you at all familiarized yourself with the work of Viktor Schauberger? He is often described as the ‘Tesla of water’ and may be a fitting study if you chose to go the route of houseboat. His motto was to ‘comprehend and copy nature’ and came up with some fascinating theories on how this (natural) world really works.

    • May 19, 2019 at 10:48 pm

      I do know of Shauberger and am impressed by his work. I suggest folks do a search for his talks/etc. and give him a look. Water. Yes, truly miraculous stuff. I hope I’m back living on it presently.

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