Enlarge this then notice how ‘Sean’ busts himself as a govt mole. This came in MINUTES after I banned him and he was ready with a bogus ‘new’ email address to post with. See the next image: Only a spook could get ‘abc’ at gmail as a phony address.
We’ve been having a minor problem with people trying to misdirect our conversations, either via their job as govt. moles or because they are… just plain ignorant, uninformed, and unable to think critically. With the latter I try to give them a chance to wake up (‘follow the evidence’), after which I ask them to leave (which never works), after which I ban them electronically (which I think I have figured out how to do).
With the former (moles) I tend to let them expose themselves completely, inarguably, before banning them, so as to show anyone paying attention how they can spot these scumfucks (and I have no problem using ad hominems with these individuals).
‘Sean’ of course is a govt shill/mole (‘mole’ is a better term); most of you already know that but I’ll supply still more evidence, in the form of his attempt to jump back onto the blog after being banned. It took him just a few minutes to come up with his alternate, obviously bogus, email address to use to ‘try again’. If this doesn’t prove to you that we’re dealing with a pro disinfo agent, nothing will.
Here’s the email I sent to ‘Sean’ that bounced”
I have to admit I was ignorant of the concept of ‘uncountable nouns.’ Seems oxymoronic but I guess not…
Now, seeing that the email address isn’t even real — as if I shouldn’t have known that ‘abc@gmail.com’ was a bogus! — we have to assume that ‘Sean’ and his handlers have access to serious A.I. hacking apparatus. Which makes me wonder if/when they will simply hack into my blog and do some serious mischief. If such is the case, you heard it here first.
Addendum: Did you know there is such a thing as a ‘semi-uncountable noun’?:
…’apparati’ is incorrect in both English and Latin. You don’t actually hear the English plural apparatuses that often, because apparatus is often treated as a semi-uncountable noun: one apparatus, two pieces of apparatus.
It’s the ‘semi’ part that doesn’t ring right, but anyway, I thought you might be interested in the difference between ‘countable’ and ‘uncountable’ nouns. Here are some uncountable ones:
- There is no more ‘water’ in the pond.
- Please help yourself to some ‘cheese’.
- I need to find ‘information’ about Pulitzer Prize winners.
Interesting? I think so, in a minor way. So there is no such word as ‘apparati’ although ‘apparatuses’ is ‘sometimes’ okay (no red line through it), which I suppose is what’s behind the ‘semi’ in ‘semi-uncountable. Just thought you should know. (Who makes these decisions/judgements is a matter for another day.)
![____+Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 4.39.30 PM](http://blog.banditobooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Screen-Shot-2019-05-18-at-4.39.30-PM-300x188.png)
This was another one I banned and who had a ‘spare’ email ready to go, although he might be simply… unbalanced, rather than a mole. I dunno. But is this… ‘streakypants’ fellow (I hope it’s a male)… someone whose comments you want to read?
I’m pretty sure ‘Bill’ is another mole, but I’ve come to realize that humans are even denser than I’ve been assuming, so who knows, he may be misdirecting out of mental issues. But he had to go too. With Chris (I think it’s his real name) I’m sure he’ll have to go, but I’m trying to give him every chance. That he posts multiple comments — veritable strings of yammers to himself — is actually enough reason to ban him. Why should you guys be subjected to that? So look for a brief string of Chris-comments below then watch as they disappear.
![_____+Screen Shot 2019-05-12 at 7.07.19 PM](http://blog.banditobooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Screen-Shot-2019-05-12-at-7.07.19-PM-300x188.png)
Sagan’s fraud-photo is used all over the place to buttress the no stars agenda and make us feel inconsequential. Don’t buy it.
Chris got outraged that I used his last name in my own comment. What a rich concept! He writes me an email (and a comment, I think) saying that I’ve put a bullseye on his back, words to that effect. Imagine! With all we have to worry about, this idiot (sorry) thinks his last name is dangerous. Okay, Chris, maybe this will work: In every irrelevant (my judgement) comment you post, I will add your last name to it (via my super powers at WordPress.) Think about that!
I was really going to deal with why Possible Minds bugged me but I have to admit I’ve been distracted by the moles/etc.-in-my-blog issue. I really hope that you (the personal you) are beyond being affected by these types. I have several reasons for deleting comments from moles or even true useful idiots and one is a concern that your reading the repetition that I’m this or I’m that might have a cumulative effect. I know: ‘Ye (or Me) of little faith.’ I mean I should have faith that you will notice that my detractors never get specific in their attacks — by explaining where I am wrong on an issue — nor do they answer specific questions. And when they do, we get an answer like ‘Sean’s to my ‘Why no stars?’ question re the ‘Pale Blue Dot’ photo. When he finally did give it a try, his ‘answer’ was so over-the-top that I left it in. Truly, give it another look:
As one travels close to a planet of the solar system, say Neptune, the planet itself should have the highest level of apparent brightness due to much smaller $d$ value. To avoid over-exposure, one chooses a relatively small $t$ value or fast shudder speed. [I, Allan, added the hyperlinks while trying to figure out what he is pretending to be talking about. As you will see if you click them, $d$ and $t$ are in essence jibberish. What a surprise!]
Now, if one checks the relative brightness of each solar planet as seen from three times its corresponding radius away, earth ranks the third while Neptune the dimmest. This advantage in planet luminosity compensates for the distance away elevating the apparent brightness and L* value of earth for the detector that’s currently near Neptune. Consequently the $M$ value for earth in the equation above falls into the acceptable range whereby the image gets captured.
Addendum: I guess ‘Sean’ and his handlers think we’re a bunch of ID/JITS, as the Kentuck expression goes.
But let’s move on to some other good news, on another subject. See, I was and am starting to worry that it might be me. I refer to the utter insanity that is going on somewhere, with someone, somehow. Let me rephrase: As most of you know, I posted a video that (for me) proves beyond reasonable doubt that Elon Musk’s Spacex rendezvous with the International Space Station (ISS) was a fraud, and the images we saw were bogus. (Yes, this was only one of many of my video ‘proofs’ of Musk-fraud.)
![____+Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 10.04.11 PM](http://blog.banditobooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Screen-Shot-2019-05-18-at-10.04.11-PM-300x188.png)
These ‘NASA’ photos of Jupiter are four years apart. Notice that aside from the added pole lights, the images are IDENTICAL. Same clouds four years later. They hardly even try any more. (But no, this does NOT mean that the earth is flat!
Yet no one else in any sort of media outlet has picked up on this massive fraud and its staggering implications. No one. No, not Jon Rappoport (to whom I owe a debt of gratitude), not Joseph Farrell, not Richard Dolan, not C. A. Fitts, not the Dark Journalist, and the list goes on and on, and you’re favorite ‘source’ is almost certainly on it.
How do you explain that? Only two possibilities: They are all under PTB orders to shut up on these matters or they are all under ‘doublethink delusion’. There really are no other possibilities.
Yes, you can say, ‘No, Allan, the problem is that you are wrong about all this.’ In effect: ‘Allan, you are insane.’ Okay, then try lowering a palm-balanced broom to a spot on the ground, while keeping the broom upright… Go ahead, grab your broom and try it. I’ll come back…
Couldn’t do it, could you? Okay, not look at this compilation of Spacex early ‘test flights‘.
The reason I sent you to the early test flights was for simplicity, so no ‘Sean’-type could even bring up ‘grid fins’ or ‘ion thrusters’ (neither of which would work in the last stage of landing anyway). See, the ‘Grasshopper’ test flights – which have no fins or thrusters — are as impossible as your lowering a broom onto a spot with the only guiding thrust at the bottom (your palm/the gimbaling rocket engine).
So all those test flights were as faked as the absurd double-booster landings you can see all over Youtube. And out of all the scientists and academics and self-professed critical thinkers on the planet, none of them say a word on this subject. Yes, I’ve wondered about this before, but I have to repeat myself because this is an issue that is representative of the real problem with our species.
And the Pale Blue Dot. The above utter jibberish — utter, utter, utter — jibberish by ‘Sean’ appears to be the best the PTB can do to buttress their continuing ‘no-stars’ agenda. (Okay, maybe ‘Sean’ isn’t the first team, but surely he’s on the Varsity!)
Addendum: I truly hope that there is not even one person out there who is worried that Sean’s ‘explanation’ is above you. This is NLP folks: Make them feel inferior and they will believe your lies. Go to the last part of this exposé of the flat earth psy op for another example, this one by ‘Jeranism’ (about the last 15 minutes).
And on and on and — with a few exceptions on this forum — nobody seems to care.
![____+ subscribers](http://blog.banditobooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/subscribers-300x188.jpg)
Good news for the PTB and probably the reason they don’t actively harass me: In spite of the observations I offer that no one else does, my subscribership drops constantly. Or so it would seem. This is one of the only weekly updates that showed even one newbie.
It’s true: I’m losing faith in my fellow humans. I mean truly true. And yes, I’ve opened myself up — put the old bullseye on my own back — to anyone who wants to claim I’m nuts and so forth. But when the volley of crapola comes in (in comments) please notice that none of them explain how to lower a balanced broom to the ground, nor why we don’t see stars in the Pale Blue Dot.
Hey, maybe Noam Chomsky isn’t an agent of the state. But if not, the situation becomes only worse. It means a man of that intellect can utterly ‘ignore the evidence of his eyes and ears’ (Orwell). Which is worse? You tell me.
I may buy a houseboat tomorrow. This will change… everything about how Gus and I live. We’ll see how it changes what I write here… If I buy it.
47 comments for “Why the Moles Hadda Go”