WordPress Sucks

Note: Two things. Adopting a seven week old puppy is, at first, akin to adding a baby to your life, especially at night. Five times last night I was up and bringing Bruno outside to poop and piss (while Gus glares from her shotgun seat bed).

Plus I went to add some photos to this and somehow lost a day’s work. You all know how aggravating that is. Anyway, what follows is all I could do, under stress. And I still can’t upload images. Goddamn WordPress. I’m sending this out naked, which I don’t like.


As I’ve been saying in my comments, I want to like (and trust) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., mostly due to his work on exposing vaccines for the poisons they are, which he does, if about half way. (Then he claims he’s ‘not an anti-vaxxer’, which is saying he’s not anti-lynching.) Which is the problem with his book, The Real Fauci; Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Healthwhich, if you don’t already know that we’re being lied to about the basic reality of what human beings really are, is the most dangerous sort of misdirection, i.e., the real problem has nothing to do with the names/concepts that shout out from the switch-and-bait title, then the text itself. 

Kennedy is so sly and slimy (if unintentionally) that I was halfway through his book, thinking this is really quite good, when I listened to an interview with podcaster (and another LH, I suspect) Greg Carlwood (TheHighersidechats.com) and Carlwood brought up the subject of germ theory vs terrain, which precipitated a prolonged stutter plus a bizarre subtext claim from Kennedy, of not really knowing what Carlwood is talking about. Then Kennedy actually claimed he isn’t ‘qualified’ to deal with the subject, which is totally absurd given the technical expertise evident in his book, plus his decades of vaccine research. This about did it for me.

But the main LH/misdirection is evident via Kennedy’s very slick and effective lambasting of Fauci, Bill Gates, plus a plethora of other technocrat scumfucks. The skill and depth the book goes to in nailing these bastards is what distracted me from what is not dealt with, one example being the godawful (and unknown) chips, metallic and otherwise, that are as large as .5 millimeters, which is means blood clots aplenty when they flow to capillaries. But Jesus, how could he not bring that up. (This doesn’t count the sci-fi-esque arachnidoids waving their tentacles under the microscope cam, reminiscent of an Ed Wood movie.) 

But don’t get me wrong: For most of those who come to this blog, the book is very much worth a read, as long as you keep in mind that it is misdirection. As I’ve said many times, LHs, the really deep ones, always include important information; you just have to know what’s really going on with them. 

Addendum: Here’s RFK, Jr.’s ‘debate’ with that scumfuck Dershowitz, another good example of (unintentional, I hope) a deep limited hangout’s way of not going all the way with the truth, thereby persuading folks they need look no further for the HTWRW, when in point of fact, it all goes so much deeper (deeper and sideways). 

But you guys (should) already know this.

[What the hell else did I write and now can’t recall?…] Something about why he would lie about being qualified to deal with the evidence that germ theory is bunk… Right… For the same reason he doesn’t bring up the fact that no coronavirus (or any virus) has ever been isolated, an A-1 bombshell for any thinking human, and an obvious entrĂ© to germ theory debunking.  (Ditto that the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ was proved by a robust government study to be non-contagious person to person.)

People on the fringe, no matter that they claim to ‘follow the evidence’ do not want to be associated with other fringe folks (who follow the evidence), lest the ‘association’ be used against them by mainstream ad hominem blathering. (This is my gripe against Electric Universe, by the way. I tried to set up a podcast with Dr. Cowan and Wal Thornhill and was told Wal has ‘health issues’ and is passing; he then proceeded to do several Thunderbolts.info Space News episodes.)

The same could be said about the brilliant folks at the Discovery Institute — they’ve shown that Neo-darwinism is pure hogwash — who will not go near Electric Universe (or Prof. Pierre Marie Robitaille (Sky Scholar) and their proofs that expanding space (and all it implies) is likewise garbage.

This kind of stuff is depressing. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who accepts the evidence on all the various issues facing modern ‘science’. Present company (mostly) excluded. Also excluded is Dr. Tom Cowan, as evidenced in his New Year’s Even podcast, wherein he brings up all kinds of nutcase theories I happen to agree with.

Bruno’s yapping about something. Gotta go.


Speaking of Doc Cowan’s podcasts…

There is a layer to this existence that ‘knows’ about those who think critically. I do believe that. For evidence of this (if indirect) watch this. Prepare to have your minds blown:

Tell me that isn’t up there with the Mandela Effect (in a good way) in terms of high strangeness.


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