Let’s make a list of the ‘issues’ that are largely or wholly contrived to keep us arguing amongst ourselves, as a distraction or way to instigate crimes and violence (which further divides).
Now let’s do it so lies count: Some of the issues on my list do multiple duty; they are meant to divide/distract us while directly furthering a PTB agenda, COVID being a good example (an excuse to heighten surveillance ‘for our own good’ and so on).
War in Ukraine
The fraudulent Spacex missions now counts, just for being a massive lie.
The COVID ‘pandemic’
Gender dysphoria and all its permutations and implications
Racism/white supremacy
Climate change
Science/materialism as the basic answer to everything
Censoring of free speech based on the ‘problem’ of mis/disinformation (or anything else)
PTB-perpetrated acts of random violence, mainly with firearms
‘Entertainment’ industry’s propaganda aimed at the destruction of the family
Comment additions:
People who think a bullet will solve any any and all problems
Charles says this:
The tidal wave of fentanyl being an injected poison into our country, with full-on factories just over the border of Mexico.
No bail “reforms” in many cities that release criminals, with the added no prosecution of people that steal from stores from District Attorneys that encourage lawlessness and that are turning many cities into dystopian nightmares. Witnessed this with my own eyes in Portland and Seattle. As a result, I will not venture into many others, like NY, SF, Chicago, Denver.
The pushing of group think in social media, academia, entertainment, and mainstream media. If you have an alternative opinion you will be cancelled, banished from banking, social discourse, a pariah.
Poisoning of the Earth, the active ingredient in Round Up is now worldwide, in all soil, water systems, in clouds, in rain, in our blood streams, ditto plastics. Why is this evil shit legal at all?
The pushing of fear as the first response and the destruction of community and distrust of all others. Hence why people are being shot and killed, when they pull into the wrong driveway, or knock on a stranger’s door.
Population ‘crisis’. Our planet cannot support all us useless eaters
CBDCs should have you at the highest level of concern. Plan is everybody will do something highly irrational. yes the technology exsists but is society ready accept this bs soon? or they prepping us? Social cedit scores? ultimate control.
APushing victim memtality
Get what I mean?
I think I’m starting to get the hang of infra-red photography. Having spent a lot of last summer here at Winchester Bay I already have shot the place in the usual way so I’ve stuck to infra-red this trip.
Yesterday was heavy overcast, which I like for portraits (the even light), so, since no one else was handy, I did a couple of selfies. I like the way infra-red catches skies (since it senses heat not visible light); it’s often a surprise how gray will render. I did a lot of fiddling in post, like desaturating my skin to give it that ‘died a couple days ago’ look I like so much.
So click the photos for a better look then put in comments anything I missed on the bullshit list. If I found them all (unlikely!), fine, or if you figure something is a genuine, home grown, uncontrived problem, say so, so the rest of us can razz you.
A couple people have stopped by demanding to know what’s with my flag. Flying our flag upside down is a sign of distress, I tell them, plus the one I fly is also 90% askew, accentuating the effect (I figure). Then I ask if they have a problem with that, given the state of things. So far, no one has had a problem. Maybe it’s the look in my eye behind the shades (or the hat).