Starting a List

Let’s make a list of the ‘issues’ that are largely or wholly contrived to keep us arguing amongst ourselves, as a distraction or way to instigate crimes and violence (which further divides).

Now let’s do it so lies count: Some of the issues on my list do multiple duty; they are meant to divide/distract us while directly furthering a PTB agenda, COVID being a good example (an excuse to heighten surveillance ‘for our own good’ and so on).

War in Ukraine

The fraudulent Spacex missions now counts, just for being a massive lie.

The COVID ‘pandemic’

Gender dysphoria and all its permutations and implications


Racism/white supremacy

Climate change

Science/materialism as the basic answer to everything

Censoring of free speech based on the ‘problem’ of mis/disinformation (or anything else)

PTB-perpetrated acts of random violence, mainly with firearms

‘Entertainment’ industry’s propaganda aimed at the destruction of the family 

Comment additions:

People who think a bullet will solve any any and all problems

Charles says this:

Note: I screwed this up thinking I was only taking notes. Please ignore the disarray below and add you suggestions in comments. See my comment up top.
May 19, 2023 at 3:35 pm (edit)

The tidal wave of fentanyl being an injected poison into our country, with full-on factories just over the border of Mexico.

No bail “reforms” in many cities that release criminals, with the added no prosecution of people that steal from stores from District Attorneys that encourage lawlessness and that are turning many cities into dystopian nightmares. Witnessed this with my own eyes in Portland and Seattle. As a result, I will not venture into many others, like NY, SF, Chicago, Denver.

The pushing of group think in social media, academia, entertainment, and mainstream media. If you have an alternative opinion you will be cancelled, banished from banking, social discourse, a pariah.

Poisoning of the Earth, the active ingredient in Round Up is now worldwide, in all soil, water systems, in clouds, in rain, in our blood streams, ditto plastics. Why is this evil shit legal at all?

The pushing of fear as the first response and the destruction of community and distrust of all others. Hence why people are being shot and killed, when they pull into the wrong driveway, or knock on a stranger’s door.

May 19, 2023 at 2:43 pm (edit)

Population ‘crisis’. Our planet cannot support all us useless eaters

May 19, 2023 at 2:10 pm (edit)

CBDCs should have you at the highest level of concern. Plan is everybody will do something highly irrational. yes the technology exsists but is society ready accept this bs soon? or they prepping us? Social cedit scores? ultimate control.

APushing victim memtality

Get what I mean?


I think I’m starting to get the hang of infra-red photography. Having spent a lot of last summer here at Winchester Bay I already have shot the place in the usual way so I’ve stuck to infra-red this trip.

Yesterday was heavy overcast, which I like for portraits (the even light), so, since no one else was handy, I did a couple of selfies. I like the way infra-red catches skies (since it senses heat not visible light); it’s often a surprise how gray will render. I did a lot of fiddling in post, like desaturating my skin to give it that ‘died a couple days ago’ look I like so much.   

So click the photos for a better look then put in comments anything I missed on the bullshit list. If I found them all (unlikely!), fine, or if you figure something is a genuine, home grown, uncontrived problem, say so, so the rest of us can razz you.


A couple people have stopped by demanding to know what’s with my flag. Flying our flag upside down is a sign of distress, I tell them, plus the one I fly is also 90% askew, accentuating the effect (I figure). Then I ask if they have a problem with that, given the state of things. So far, no one has had a problem. Maybe it’s the look in my eye behind the shades (or the hat).


  53 comments for “Starting a List

  1. Rachel
    May 25, 2023 at 2:48 am

    Just listened to this discussion this episode of The Ripple Effect, host Ricky Varandas and Matt Ehret
    basically they’re talking about your list you’ve started, and the philosophy of truth. In the discussion they cover a lot of people and ideas you have covered in past post. It’s a long video, and covers a lot of interesting topics.

  2. Ea
    May 24, 2023 at 8:49 am

    Gender dysphoria —

    Double duty, as you say : divides and distracts, while furthering PTB agenda. Presumably there is to be a ‘drone’ class of ex-(post- or trans)-human permitted to survive the oncoming Events. Otherwise there is a hell of a lot invested in Rainbonautics for no discernible long-term gain.

  3. Patrick
    May 21, 2023 at 10:32 pm

    Dear Allen,

    I didn’t get the chance to react to the Simon Shack thing when you posted it, which I can only describe as a revelation, in relation to the Sun/Mars binary system hypothesis of Simon Shack/Tyge Brahe, I have recently started a business and I’m up to my neck in it, but honestly Allen, thanks for this heads up on another gem.

    As soon as I started looking at this, it made a lot of sense to me and it’s got the tell-tale sign in there that there’s truth in, in that the conventional narrative as established by Kepler has been completely delegitimised, and yet the mainstream sail on as if these revelations about Kepler’s falsification of the Mars data, and the implication of this for the heliocentric model, didn’t happen.

    This area of inquiry fascinates me, and I think it is probably the ultimate issue, the deepest layer of fabric which constitutes the Emperors wonderful new clothes. Clearly it becomes apparent when you start looking at the conventional space narrative that there is fraud going on, the moon landings look to have been fraudulently staged in some way, NASA appears to be a massive boondoggle. None of the the accepted theories, Newtons Laws, or Einstein’s Theory of Relativity properly hold water. They require countless adjustments and work arounds to even halfway make them tenable. They’ve had tack on Dark Matter and String Theory and all the rest of it, just to keep these theories alive.

    In my view there have been a number of interesting revelations of the method type operation coming out, from the likes of Electric Universe, Miles Mathis and Suspicious Observer. The difficulty in my opinion is that they all seem to be Spooks, and seem to be playing games and leaving the conventional picture largely unaltered, but with some additions. In the case of Mathis/Electric Universe, they add electromagnetic charge to the picture. With Suspicious Observer the conventional picture is simply explained differently, as part of an ongoing 12,000-year Micro Nova/Pole-Shift disaster cycle. And then of course you’ve got Flat Earth delegitimating any inquiry into the validity of the conventional narrative.

    In my opinion this thing with Simon Shack has a ring of truth to it. The Mars retrograde motion in particular, when taken in stop motion style photographs, each day at the same time and in the same direction, makes no sense in the conventional narrative. The fact that these major difficulties with the heliocentric model are studiously ignored is very revelatory, but how do we make any sense of it all.

    If I was to attempt to cobble together some sort of sense out of it, I would say that the Miles Mathis/Electric Universe addition of electric magnetic charge to the equation is probably true, the Suspicious Observer cyclical nature of the pole shift makes sense to me, but his whole line of inquiry is dependent on the CIA release of the Chan Thomas classified documents and he gives off an enormous spook vibe in my opinion.

    If what Shack is saying is true then the last 400 years, and in particular how that relates to the Solar System and the Cosmos, has been the greatest deception ever pulled. I didn’t see anybody really comment on this Simon Shack thing and I’m genuinely curious to know what you and your readers think about this? If this guy is some sort of Tavistock Spook, it is even more reason to be worried, if they’re allowing us to understand the reality of the situation, it probably means one of only two scenarios are playing out:

    1. We are at the absolute end of the line and are about to head over the cliff, and so it doesn’t matter, and its release absolves them of the deception in some way OR;
    2. They’re revealing the truth and are about to release humanity from it’s mental chains.

    I can’t say that I see 2 as being in any way likely, but you never know.

    One final point I would make relates to Kabbalistic considerations, in that the name “Simon Shack” is an exact alphanumeric match for “Life on Mars” and “John Carter”, across multiple cyphers, and similarly “Shack” is an exact match for “Sagen”, again across multiple cyphers, which doesn’t fill me with confidence that this is not some type dummy run once again.

    S is the 19th letter of the alphabet so SS = 1919, and Solar System/Simon Shack are an exact match in the Pythagorean reduction cypher

    Solar System = 40 (Reduction)
    S o l a r (20) S y s t e m (20)
    1 6 3 1 9 1 7 1 2 5 4

    Simon Shack = 40 (Reduction)
    S i m o n (25) S h a c k (15)
    1 9 4 6 5 1 8 1 3 2

    Shack’s original Norwegian name is Hytten, which is an exact alphanumeric match for Kronos. In my opinion these type of matches don’t just crop up by accident, they are constructed and put in place as subliminal cues, and as markers to those in the know.

    Yours in fascination,


    • May 22, 2023 at 1:33 am

      Very interesting comment, thank you for the time and the thinking. I’d sort of ignored that post after not getting much feedback but you’ve awakened me, no question. Truth is, I didnt know there was this major problem with the solar system mechanics. I am not surprised. Do you have any links or references that haven’t been redacted about the specifics and mainstream explanation(s).

      Of course, and as you say, that Shack came up with this is at the least confusing, since based on my personal experience with him tells me he’s not at all what he claims and is probably from the same cabal as Mathis. As you say, this does not necessarily mean it’s all bunk, but… confusing.

      You appear to be aware of just how nebulous is the paradigm we are living with, and how it might to deep deep, maybe to the very nature of reality. I cannot come up with a reason they would suddenly ‘tell us the truth’ on this or anything, other than as a dangle, which neither Shack nor MM really need at this point.

      Has anyone else even brought up the ‘Mars anomaly’?

      Stay in touch if you anything else useful.

    • Rachel
      May 25, 2023 at 3:22 am @ about 1:39:00 Kepler is brought up in the discussion, you might find of interest. Matt Ehret also mentions that he is going to be having a class on Kepler. His classes are free, and are on Sundays I believe on The Canadian Patriot website. Simon Shack is disinformation hack.

      • Rachel
        May 26, 2023 at 1:24 am

        Was wrong about Sunday and patriot, the website is rising tide and he is on the third session of Kepler and remind it is free.

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