A Tyson/NSF Postscript

I got a very nice private email from one of you, reading:

I thought your AI [artificial intelligence] article was one of the most thoughtful and tremor-filled (I was going to write tremendous and recalculated) I have ever read on the internet. I need to look back to when you wrote it and reread it.  Was it two years ago/ one?

___IMG_5322 copyI went back and looked at the post(s) she referred to, which are from October of 2017. It’s really a three-parter in the form of one of my open letters, this one to Professor Nick Bostrom, . The subject matter evolves and grows in the telling, from a critique on Bostrom’s (and others) Simulation Hypothesis (which I suspect most of you are somewhat familiar with) to the evidence for a ‘higher power’ (in this ‘version of reality’ or not) to an analysis of the state of Artificial Intelligence. Toward the end I came across a bit that relates to my recent post on Neil deGrasse Tyson and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Here it is:

Addendum: I finally came across an academic A.I. ‘expert’ who spills it outright as to who pays his salary (technically, he works for the U of Washington). His grant money comes from The National Science Foundation, he says, and… wait for it… The Department of Energy; both are Big Government Agencies laced with high tech and science spooks. He also informs us that he and his colleagues spend most of their time ‘writing proposals to various government agencies.’ Do you think maybe he and his colleagues do what they’re told? (Naturally, his Seti Institute talk on AI fails to mention any of the issues in this essay.)

A fellow Rubber Tramp and her pooch.

A fellow Rubber Tramp and her pooch.

Go about 43:30 in and you’ll find him saying this:

‘Most of the computer resources we get are from the DOE (Department of Energy) and the National Science Foundation… the large scale facilities…the way it works is we are always in proposal writing mode to get time on these machines… maybe ten proposals a year… the sheer number of people whose research needs the high performance computing…’

Get the idea? It’s not just Tyson who works for the CIA via the NSF but academia too, although Professor Beane is probably a simple example of mind-control/useful idiocy.  Through his years in our educational system he has learned to accept the tenets of the various ‘standard models’ of science, nonsensical or not. Toe the line — whether it be Neo-Darwinism or big bang cosmology — or you have no career.

Also in the email was an important link, which I’ll pass on. However bad you thought the coming 5g system is, it’s worse.

I’ll be back in a couple days with more to say about Spacex.


Most of the Open Letter to Bostrom stuff still stands up, IMO, to the extent that I found myself doubting whether I still have the energy to come up with something of similar depth and insight. I would ask those of you who have the time and who are interested in these subject matters to give these posts a look, even if you recall them from before. With the benefit of another year’s research, I can assure you there’s some worthwhile information there. I was on a pretty productive roll back then.

  21 comments for “A Tyson/NSF Postscript

  1. TTM
    January 20, 2019 at 3:51 pm

    Regarding the coincidences noted by Allan in his first letter to Nick Bostrom, there are much more of them besides Moon. The coincidences are everywhere in the whole solar system. It’s mind-boggling actually. There’s even a book about this, “A Little Book of Coincidences in the Solar System”, although it’s a bit short but provides a good start for those who are interested.

  2. Krustysurfer
    January 18, 2019 at 2:40 am

    Getting lost in the Trees is a waste of time when there is a forest to set a match to! … Come on folks are your blinders on? redundant boring circular reasoning … you find this titillating? and productive? not trying to piss in the lobster bisque but Come One People where is the true critical thinking or is this entertainment on the way to cocktail hour? – i personally dont find it entertaining (im not in the mood and i don’t drink so i don’t find this anything but a waste of my thought and time it takes to complain about it………. guess i will come back in a few weeks and see where this has devolved to………….. same old subject matter, only scratching the surface of the festering scab…………………..Aloha Allan and troupe

  3. Timothy
    January 18, 2019 at 12:09 am

    A few random thoughts

    > Does a secret cabal run the show and use the military and intelligence departments to manage the operation and control the narrative? Duh! Snake in the DeGrasses abound.

    > Is the Mandela effect real or another psy-op? I’m leaning towards the later until somebody can come up with real physical evidence. So far most of the examples are insignificant to anything. Why change Mr. Rogers’ song?

    > Civil War Dead photos. I did a quick search on duckduckgo and found quite a few

    > Worlds Fair Buildings. It is quite possible that many of the buildings were fake like a Hollywood set. I would need to see more evidence these are all real buildings.

    > Is it possible that time travel has messed with our timeline and history? Quite possible. My theory is that AI are time travelers coming back to “our” timeline to fix something (like they need a human soul to really function) and that is why things are becoming so chaotic.

    • SUB
      January 18, 2019 at 1:16 am

      IMHO Timothy, I’ll just comment on those bullet-points I have an opinion/knowledge/personal experience.
      (Note! I’ve studied, worked and was married in US quite a long time ago now – so I’m not the smartest man in the room nowadays when it comes to “US-stuff” (goes for many other things as well. Have on the other hand lived in quite a few parts of the world in my life and therefore can make some (at least to me) interesting comparisons without fear – comes with age?

      1) “Secret cabal”. I wouldn’t say it’s a secret at my age. Personally, I prefer to P… them off by calling “them” the NLP-way: “Psychopaths That Be”. Whatever phrase used – sure “How The World Really Doesn’t Work” – I am convinced that ultimately Agendas have been set long ago with a timeline by the Psychopaths – what the majority of people miss is this final goal for the world. Most get caught up in the “steps” leading up to it.

      2) “Mandela Effect”. I’ve really made an effort to dig in to this in my personal life… Nada proof of its existence being “real”. However, knowing hypnosis – no problem to make people and with the “new” technologies even masses of people “fall” for this. How about the “Bolsonaro Effect”? When the people having most to loose in life voted for the guy..?

      3) Haven’t checked this out = no comment.

      4) World Fair Buildings. Which World Fair? This discussion/info I totally missed. Sorry!

      5) “Time travelling”. Interesting! What says that we 2019 know it all..?! Lived quite a while in Brazil where I experienced things in line with your thoughts… Also, the effects of Voo-Do etc. Science as defined to be accepted today rely totally on repetitiveness which with spiritual phenomenas are an impossibility due to its very nature. So, until “science” is redifined no “wo-wo” will ever be accepted. Personally, I have experienced too much in my lifetime to convince me of that you might be on track…

    • Eric
      January 18, 2019 at 12:52 pm

      Agree for the most part. Not convinced on mandela effect stuff, Civil War photos were due to the difficulty related to photo technology at the time (although any war didn’t play out exactly like we are told it did), and I had never seen the world’s fair stuff before but found it interesting. Agreed that the buildings may not have been as “permanent” as they looked. One explanation for the map stuff, like you said, could be related to timeline issues/time slips.

  4. SUB
    January 17, 2019 at 10:43 pm

    Just a “shorty” to let you know that I and supposedly many others are following your blog posts, even if the “comments” are down the last 6 months.
    Often interesting are the “different angled” perspectives of yours not found elsewhere today – appreciated!
    However, as always I do have salt at hand reading anything on the interwebs nowadays, even your blog.
    We both grew up in a different era which makes your blog-inputs extra interesting – my first “political memory” is the JFK assasnitation , followed by a decade of daily “Nam-news-TV”…
    Good 5G “caution”!!!
    My personal opinion has everything to do with the “Mood/State” mind control aspect/use in the footsteps of its intro (not so much “surveillance” – that’s already implemented big-way faaar beyond Orwell et. al.)

    Another decades long “observation” => the “Alternative sites” are perfectly directed & aimed for different people – i.e. “intellectuals”, “wo-woos”, “religion”, “independent thinkers”, “state-alerating suckers” etc. – important to have in mind re. podcasts/blogs etc…

    Last input: Especially China is today “attacked” as THE Censorship country, well Welcome to Scandinavia – as usual we are the “Best in the world” at this as well…

    T.G. You not yet have more “official followers” Allan!
    Otherwise your site as well would have disappeared by now as well…

    • SUB
      January 18, 2019 at 12:03 am

      Addendum = GASLIGHTING

      Seems to me after all these years that most “serious” followers/commenters here are well-informed & well-above average IQ’s (= Don’t apply to the Police academy as I tried some 30 yrs. ago, if IQ >130 = No way… you might be able to see the big picture…) & have “Insights on HTWRW type of people”.

      Therefore I assume most are well aware of one of the most used MO’s ( = Gaslighting) by the Cluster B’s:
      (= Histrionic, Borderline, Malignant Covert & Overt Narcissists and Anti-social disorder = Sociopaths and Psychopaths).
      This NO longer applies just to people but Even More so to:
      “Institutions”, NGO’s, “Politics”/Governments, Culture, “(S.)Societies” etc.! (Fill in the gap yourself – what you already observed/know/find..!)

      It applies to just about everything in MSM and “Alternative Media’s” output today!!
      With very few if any exceptions… Everything has an agenda (me too!) – hopefully(!) Benign or just “interesting(!)” since we usually see through the B.S./Agendas/LH’s/P-ops/”Mal”-NLP etc.
      The Majority today is (from my very personal experience) unfortunately = Malignant/deceptive/manipulative, i.e EVIL.

      OK! Just my short but important word of caution to anyone outthere that not yet has observed this Escalating “phenomena”!

      With best intents!!!

  5. Todd
    January 17, 2019 at 5:26 am

    Thank you Allan for pointing out the upcoming 5G issues.

    For more info, I recommend watching a presentation of the 5G harmful effects by Cece Doucette
    h ttps://youtu.be/JX3DS6cK53Q

    Generation Zapped Trailer and you can buy the DVD from Best Buy
    h ttps://generationzapped.com/#gen-trailer

    From LH James Perloff
    h ttps://jamesperloff.com/2018/12/18/james-perloff-interviews-wireless-educator-cece-doucette-about-the-health-risks-of-wi-fi-the-coming-5g-and-what-people-can-do-to-protect-themselves-and-their-communities/

    • marsh collins
      January 17, 2019 at 4:26 pm

      James Perloff seems one whose was directed to hold the line on real planes. Best litmus test deep cleansing of the Sept 11 so called truthers is those shilling for the real planes, especially those who clearly have the insight and awareness to know better. Do not believe Perloff legit after watching this and hearing him shill on other shows for real planes using faulty (fake) reasoning.

      • Todd
        January 17, 2019 at 5:34 pm

        Which is exactly why i preceded his name with LH…

        His interview with Cece Doucette is still worth the look.

  6. marsh collins
    January 17, 2019 at 1:56 am

    First time read of your AI open letter. Great read.
    I always avoid the alien , or AI high priced shill vids. I watched the Bostrom link first to give context to your three part open letter and related links. The Bostrom vid provoked the usual revulsion and anger brought on by the plastic fakeness , fearporn it is.

    Having never suffered through this crap, I would not know how to begin to analyze it or pick it apart piece by piece. Your letter and links do a great job of that, and entertaining and humorous to boot. Right on the money…… to bad this particular brand of psyop could not come with your open letter as an objectionable material, warning ” may be offensive to some viewers”, or at least a bullshit alert to the unaware before they click .

    At least half the vids I click on now come up with restricted warnings, no comments, no sharing, etc etc. Yet the high priced psyops litter our recommended feeds unabated, untouched.

    Your points on what questions should be asked if these AI expert analyzers were real , and were investigating AI dangers, were great and shows these frauds for what they are, and provides insight into the real face of AI which they do not talk about. What is not said is more important than what is.

    Aliens ?, bases on Mars and the Moon, etc? Someone is going to have to catch one of the little critters and hold him long enough so I can poke him, and make sure he doesn’t have a halloween mask on. Then I will believe. I think there are a lot of people who have been terrorized with this type of thing somehow. Mind control methods or live psyop, halloween mask terrorizing of individuals, I don’t know how they do it.
    The certainty of a pathocracy, a ruling society within a society, organized evil above the level of nation states, banks, alphabet agencies, militaries, etc , composed of insane psycopaths is what we are facing. The mystery of iniquity. Organized world wide evil, scary enough for me. I chalk aliens up to psyops, mind control, cover for hidden secret advanced tech originating from psycho’s with unlimited money (stolen from us) , bankrolling secret R&D by ruling society within a society, always under the guise of necessary secrecy of course always to keep someone safe from terrorists, communists, drug lords, mafia, muslims, nazi’s, whatever.

    I think psycho’s do fear what’s coming. They are insane, they have mental illness. They can go into a fury and rage at mention of possibility of judgement and just rewards for free will, good and bad. Good people suffer when they see evil, evil people suffer and have a visceral hatred of anything good. I think it actually caused them pain.

  7. Krustysurfer
    January 16, 2019 at 9:03 pm

    Interesting. however its old hat knowledge, not boring but old hat….Academia+$$$+ NSA (or any alphabet agency for that matter) = The Gatekeepers.
    Our Defense is Spirit to Guide us through the Morass of Untruths using the Litmus of LOVE as the lens to see thru the Garbage.
    There is Truth In The Half Truths and that is where Spirit gives discernment that sometimes *nagging(its not really) still small voice internal (sorry Creator no offense meant its my personal reaction to the truth my personal interpretation of that Cosmic wisdom that comes from the heart that my puffed up ego wants to mute at times) that says that is a lie and rubbish and that i am thankful for the trepidation it imbues (like not paddling out on a seriously heavy day knowing you might not come back up for air if you do paddle out) that same voice eternal internal saying that this is a setup By the Banking Hegemony steering everything and everyone into Bondage under their Rule and Care!
    That voice that says “A Golden Cage Is Still A Cage”
    so we find Solace in the Surf, in The Wild Places that still Exist.
    There is Grace for those who choose to dwell in faith and most Importantly Love…… Love is Eternal and they cannot Quantify it, Capture it, Measure it, Test It, or Blow it Up… like Gravity, it Just Is and you can see Effects of LOVE Everywhere……

    LOVE IS THE UNIFIED FIELD……………… Aloha Allan

  8. Fast Freddy
    January 16, 2019 at 8:39 pm

    Without a doubt, the PTB are malevolent. Megacorps will do anything for a buck – they don’t mind killing (enjoy it, perhaps) lots of people for profits; re: Link to 5G lecture. All very interesting and believable; ever increasing amounts of RF waves and microwaves in our environment all the time are surely harmful. but then, he throws his credibility out the window citing the ridiculous fraud that is NASA and its research and the fraudulent In’tl Space Station. (There are super bugs – bacteria – falling onto the earth from space. Probably, but they are not the movie studio ISS. )

  9. elpolvo
    January 16, 2019 at 5:01 pm

    Thanks for including photos.

    • drud
      January 16, 2019 at 9:05 pm

      I can buy that we’re living in and are a simulation built of atoms. I very much doubt we are run by simulators in a game.
      “They” just put this crap out there to keep us distracted from what “they” are doing. If you are contemplating simulation
      you’re not contemplating us.

      We run you, not the simulators, dummies! If you don’t run the way we want we run cops after you! Capiche ?

      Lisa Randall gets it.

      “Randall admitted she did not quite understand why other scientists were even entertaining the notion that the universe is a simulation. “I actually am very interested in why so many people think it’s an interesting question.” She rated the chances that this idea turns out to be true “effectively zero.”

      You can run your bag of atoms any way you wish but there are consequences. No free will no need for regulation or enforcement of such. What highly evolved intelligence wants to bother creating and observing 7 billion people essentially eating, sleeping and working?

      Tegmark remarks.

      “My advice is to go out and do really interesting things,” Tegmark said, “so the simulators don’t shut you down.”

      What kind remark is that? You can’t go out and do something interesting unless your simulator programs you to do so. He/she/it got bored a longtime ago and put you on autopilot so you eat, sleep and work/not work. What simulators in another dimension call NPC. As above so below.

      What really happened is we got left here by starship enterprize entities that got bored, or the situation got out hand,and they left, drug in the moon for observation, and went somewhere else to find peace. That’s my theory.

      Tyson is 50-50 on this but I say he is at least 50% NPC.


      • Larry C
        January 16, 2019 at 11:19 pm

        ““Randall admitted she did not quite understand why other scientists were even entertaining the notion that the universe is a simulation….” MY THOUGHT: A lot of ‘scientists’ are high-IQ idiots …

        • frank
          January 17, 2019 at 8:14 am

          > ” MY THOUGHT: A lot of ‘scientists’ are high-IQ idiots …
          Exactly my experience. High (so-called) IQ does not help you to escape group think, and dissolve cognitive dissonances.

          • SUB
            January 30, 2019 at 12:04 pm

            Couldn’t agree more.

            “Scientists” today rely totally on being pc & having cd and follow the official “narrative/agendas” – if not => no funding = “job”.

            IQ = just another “scientific” model, measuring a small amount of a vast amounts of human skills & “gifts”.
            EQ would be a good complement to weed out some MF’s.

            P.S. The Menza annual meeting 2018 in Sweden goes to history in moral depravation: hotel-wrecking, staff-abuse, Co-k measuring etc.
            Says it all!

        • David Whalen
          January 18, 2019 at 12:56 am

          It is foolish to discount any hypothesis which she has not tested herself. To malign others for exploring alternative theories while sticking with the herd and its theories (many of which are deeply flawed) is an exercise in dumbassery group think and dead ends.

      • Eric
        January 17, 2019 at 8:13 pm

        I think we were guided by a higher being from when we were apes, and may have actually been genetically modified at that time. They may have placed the moon for our sake and for their own base. Our moon is STRANGELY similar in size and composition to the Jovian moons. I think some highly advanced being could have grabbed a Jovian moon, the best fit for the Earth system, since they had the foresight to know that it would aid life on Earth. They may still be around monitoring life on Earth, and by extension, humans.

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