Yesterday/Last Night

Sorry for the long silence, folks, but I’m having a tough time of it with this one. Too much stuff! I’ve decided on another Open Letter, this one to Sam Harris. If you’re not familiar with him: He’s an interesting character and worthy of note, if only for what he represents. I’ll be a few more days in working this out. In the meantime, if you like to follow my thinking you might take a look at this guy. He’s quite the ‘intellectual,’ along the lines of Christopher Hitchens. If you do a search on ‘Sam Harris’ on Youtube you’ll get the idea.

Bear with me and notice in the credits that Franco's last name is spelled with an 'o' at the end.

Bear with me and notice in the credits that Franco’s last name is spelled with an ‘o’ at the end.

What pushed me over the edge with Harris is his recent eBook titled Lying, in which he assures us that he had an epiphany while in college which resulted in his making the point in his life of never lying. According to Sam Harris, even ‘white lies’ are extremely destructive and should never be indulged in. And so forth. Right: When I come across hypocrisy of this magnitude… I just cannot help myself. (In Water Time I make the point that there is no English word or term to describe monumental hypocrisy; ‘Unspeakable’ was the best I could do.)

So stay tuned.

Meanwhile, here’s a little (very little) ‘video-photo’ from the last couple days. And hey, thanks for the encouragement.


Oh. One of you sent me an interesting link. The person was wondering if it’s for real…. I’ll give you a moment to check it out…

Many of you will be way ahead of me here, but this is my take on it: It’s part of the PTB A.I. algorithm that keeps track of Who Believes What, no matter how ridiculous, and, further, What They Do About It. In other words, the key part of this hilarious piece of work is not so much who listens to it, but what they do immediately afterwards. Like me, now, writing this sentence.

In this grab from Pumping Iron his name is spelled with a 'u.'

In this grab from Pumping Iron his name is spelled with a ‘u.’

One more thing. I re-watched an old documentary called Pumping Iron (1977), which I recalled from back then. (Pretty entertaining, especially re Arnold.) I watched it to see how they’d handle famous bodybuilder Franco Colombo’s last name, which (in our ‘current reality’) is now Colombu, with a ‘u’. I may have mentioned that as kid I got Franco’s autograph, in which he spelled it correctly, with the ‘o’.

Interesting. In the credits and even on the cover of a magazine from back then it is spelled the ‘new’ way, with a ‘u’. But the three times Franco’s name is mentioned (quite clearly) in the flick, it’s ‘Colombo’ with an ‘o.’ Taken in context of what I know to be ‘historically’ true, this is inexplicable.

Credits from Pumping Iron. A 'u' now, yet in the film it's spoken with an 'o.' There is 'real' nonsense going on here.

Credits from Pumping Iron. A ‘u’ now, yet in the film it’s spoken with an ‘o.’ There is ‘real’ nonsense going on here.

I’ve also been delving into the ‘changes’ made to the Bible. I have to tell you that there is no doubt whatsoever that it’s different ‘now.’ It may be worth your while to give this a look.

Bill Bean is a well-know Bible thumper. Take your pick on these videos/podcasts.

A grab from a CERN music video. Why the fuck is a physicist holding a 'Mandela' sign?

A grab from a CERN music video. Why the fuck is a physicist holding a ‘Mandela’ sign?


  129 comments for “Yesterday/Last Night

  1. elpolvo
    February 19, 2019 at 4:00 pm

    Thanks for the little ‘video-photo’. More please.

  2. Nigel
    February 18, 2019 at 10:09 pm

    On the subject of CERN and the occult again , it’s a vast subject but a core belief seems to be that reality is energetic or vibrational, along the lines of what enlightened people have been claiming for centuries and it’s possible then to interact or effect.
    Then we have quantum physicists stating that particles exist in 2 states the other being a wave state and that it’s consciousness that’s collapsing the wave. Interesting to say the least eh? None of these are my claims btw. And the CERN logo which resembles an occult sigil and what’s with the series of what looks like numbers, 6’s or 9’s (numbers are also big in occult).

  3. marsh collins
    February 18, 2019 at 7:46 pm

    Who is Weisbecker? Where is Weisbecker?
    Who is Kimberlie?
    I have a paranoid mind and it is starting to look like

    tweedle dum and tweedle dee
    working on a psyop spree

    • drud
      February 19, 2019 at 4:20 am

      Will Weisbecker save himself from the fiery realms of hell? Or will he succumb to the Lord Jesus Christ? That is the question.

      Elementary my dear Watson. Or is it exactly my dear Watson? 4 beers and perfectly normal…

  4. drud
    February 18, 2019 at 6:45 pm

    If we all thought the same and had the same truths nobody would talk to each other as your truth would be their truth. No reason for discourse except for the learned to the unlearned. The learned would have only have banal things to say like, “How was your day”

    “Fine and you?”

    Political correctness may get us there.

    There are thousands of god names. An atheist rejects the authenticity of only 1-3 more gods than the Christian true believers. If folks take a look at all the religions before adopting to one they might notice something they are not aware of.

    As of now it’s ok to believe what one wishes to believe. And believe they will!

  5. Andrew
    February 18, 2019 at 5:55 pm

    Fun to read through the twists and turns this discussion took. Even in this group of folks who see through mainstream illusions we are so fragmented as to the understanding of reality that it’s no wonder humanity finds itself in it’s current pickle.

    ‘They’ have done one hell of a job and we certainly have our work cut out for us.

    My feeling is that ME is in some way a cousin of deja vu. Scrambling of collective time lines or temporary thinning of the veil that might result from attempts at time travel, portal use, even the increased use of ayahuasca, say, wherein dimensional time travel is a thing. Perhaps ME is the resulting ‘blip’ in the collective radar.

    And can’t underestimate word magic. Take the term impossible… a sixteenth of an inch makes it I’M POSSIBLE. how about that for a slight of hand?

    I’m eager to hear more about your experience with the Amish. I’ve spent some time among them, interesting bunch.

    • Chris
      February 18, 2019 at 11:37 pm

      Hey look Morty, I’m a pickle!

  6. drud
    February 18, 2019 at 1:19 am

    10 commandments from the Masoretic text. Apparently some inspired folks thought a change was needed.

    «You shall not make a covenant with the people of this land, you shall break
    down their altars, groves, images, and worship no other gods»
    «You shall not take this land’s daughters for your sons»
    «You shall not make god of cast metal»
    «You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the month of Abib»
    «His are all the male firstborns; all firstborns of your sons you shall redeem with
    «You shall observe the Sabbath after working for six days»
    «You shall observe the Feast of Weeks» (harvest, year’s end ingathering…)
    «Three times a year shall all your males appear before the Elohìm»
    «You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with anything leavened, or let the
    sacrifice of the Feast of the Passover remain until the morning»
    «The best firstfruits of your land you shall bring to the house of the Lord»
    «You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk»

    Translation from Mauro Biglino

    I recently found my god. NIN.KASHI or Ninkasi. I had been inadvertently worshiping her a longtime unbeknownst to me.

    • drud
      February 18, 2019 at 1:46 am

      Beer was also the drink of the gods. This is evident from a number of myths such as the poem Inanna and the God of Wisdom where the goddess Inanna and the god of wisdom Enki get drunk together and Inanna is able to trick him into giving her powerful elements she needs for her city.

      “In this poem, Enki loses face through drunkenness and, in the poem Enki and Ninmah, the goddess Ninhursag loses prestige when she is beaten in a drinking game by Enki. The inability to “hold one’s drink” is regularly depicted as a weakness but beer itself is never criticized; it is the fault of the drinker if he or she is unable to maintain self-control while drinking. Beer was created to make the heart feel light and the goddess responsible for such elevation was Ninkasi.”

  7. February 17, 2019 at 11:25 pm

    By the way, I really wanted to ask them about autism (whether any Amish kids have ever been diagnosed, given their aversion to vaccination) and also what’s with all the suspenders, but communications utterly ceased before I could get around to it. A damn handsome bunch of humans, though. Genetically well done.

  8. February 17, 2019 at 11:19 pm

    A big bus from Pennsylvania pulled up this morning, just ahead of Gus and myself here on the beach; it was loaded with Amish folks on holiday. I couldn’t help myself re the Bible and the Mandela Effect. I thought to learn something and also to inspire research… To say the very least… it did not go well. I have to write about it, but will do so in the morning.

    • Kimberlie
      February 18, 2019 at 5:19 am

      Allan~ I look forward to your telling of your experience with the Amish!

      • Kimberlie
        February 18, 2019 at 5:01 pm

        Hi Allan~
        Here’s a bit about the Amish in America that I’ve copied and pasted: (Oh, there’s much more… fascinating people, simple people who’ve managed to stay away from the intrusion of modern technology)….

        The Amish are non-evangelical protestant Christians. There are more than 250,000 Amish people living in America today, but their strict adherence to a policy of separation from the secular world causes them to be something of a mystery to many Americans. Amish practices such as the avoidance of modern technology, adherence to an extremely simple dress code and conscientious objection to military service may seem radically different from many other sects of Christianity, but each of these Amish practices is supported by scripture.

        Kind regards,

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