A Half Century (at the least) in the Planning

(Sorry for the lame formatting. WordPress is driving me up the wall.)

I’d forgotten about this one, a white paper from the Rockefeller crew, Titled ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’, (underlined means a hyperlink!); I came across it via an unrelated search. I strongly urge you to take the time to listen to it (and read it) via one of these links. (I provide two in case one is taken down. Click the underlined text!) 

One reason it’s significant is its date of creation, 1979 (a half century ago, hence the title to this post). Like the Report from Iron Mountain, ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ indicates the longterm strategic planing that goes into black ops like the one we are experiencing now. But unlike Iron Mountain (from 1964), this one allows us to understand how far back goes the planning of use of the Internet (which ‘didn’t exist’ then) for ‘social engineering’ (mind control).

I’ll sprinkle some gems from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars throughout, for those too lazy or dumb to view the link.

As I’ve pointed out re ‘the alt media’ — how it was planned and created as controlled op far ahead of the technology that carried it (the Net) — our present catastrophic circumstance is just the beginning. Anyone who thinks we’ve seen the worst of the COVID/social unrest is living in a dream world. Our only hope begins with the knowledge of what is to come, as outlined (and so blatantly so!) in ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

So, before I move on, I ask you to click the link and listen to what they have in store for us.


I’ll next provide you with still more ‘iffy’ information, this regarding the possibility that the COVID black op conceals within it an already existing ‘second wave (as in a ‘Trojan Horse’) which may or may not be totally unleashed on us next; by which I mean that — if the source information is correct — some of us are already suffering from preliminary symptoms of what is to come. (The unreliability of the tests mean we don’t know exactly who is suffering…)

Right, Johnny: You have to click it to read it.

I do realize that the sources I will link to are not to be trusted, in the a priori sense (they are largely mainstream), but this does not mean that they are outright fraudulent. The other thing is that my medical contact in Australia has independently (via personal, although anecdotal, evidence) verified the drift of the source material. Which is this: It appears that those who ‘recover’ from COVID often suffer from various longterm symptoms, listed below. 

The implications here are so extreme that I thought it warranted my passing the sources along so the reader can look into it him/herself. 

Addendum: I realize there are some of you who still (against all the evidence) believe that there is no new pathogen (whatever it is), and this is all a hoax. We know your position but please let it lie. With the numbers (fatalities) indicating that COVID is no more virulent than the seasonal flu, it appeared that we were both right, more or less, so argument was moot. This new evidence — call it ‘the Trojan horse theory’, from questionable sources, true — could indicate some sort of binary assault on our immune systems. The ‘trigger’ that  activates  the  system  could,  almost  literally,  be  anything.  Yes,  including  5G.

AS they well knew even back in 1979, all this info would be easily available via the upcoming Internet technology.

If  is the case, perhaps I was correct after all, when, from the get-go I assumed full blown genocide was in the offing with COVID. I mean, do we think ‘they’ spent those billions since, say, 1979, engineering a simple ‘flu’ pathogen? (Not counting the new information this is what appearances told us.)

I’m not using the term ‘virus’ because I don’t know what the ‘pathogen’ is. 

Patients’ experiences of “longcovid” are missing from the NHS narrative

Thousands of coronavirus patients risk going without treatment and support for debilitating symptoms lasting months because of a lack of awareness of ‘long COVID’, according to a group formed by clinicians with extended serious after-effects of the virus…

I’m working on a post about how A.I. will fit in when ‘paper trail’ becomes digital.

…Some of these symptoms and patients’ experiences have been summarised in a video “Message in a bottle—long covid SOS.” Many individuals have been reporting symptoms that range from low oxygen saturations, breathlessness, chest pain, pericarditis/myocarditis, pericardial / pleural effusions, fast heart rate with minimal exertion, hoarseness, skin manifestations, new onset dysphasia, acquired dyslexia, headaches, severe fatigue, relapsing fevers, lymphadenopathy, joint pains, sore throat and diarrhoea. Symptoms may arise through several mechanisms including direct organ damage and changes in immune function. 

Addendum: If the above linked video looks like typical PTB propaganda (fear porn), I couldn’t agree more. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that the listed symptoms do not exist, or that they are not the result of the COVID black op ‘Trojan horse’. If I were them — an occult-worshipping psychopath — this is one way I might do it. 

The video was published two months ago, yet the MSM has yet to pick up on it. This is worrisome, in that the COVID-worst may be yet to come; they are waiting for the right time, i.e., as a coup de grace for folks like us, who poo poo COVID and the draconian measures either in place or planned. Keep in mind that they are all in with this one. And keep in mind Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars…

By the way, the first thing I do when I come across a possible chunk of Youtube PTB propaganda, I click the channel thingee and see what sorts of other films were made by the same outlet. With this one, I was surprised to find (out of the first ten films on their list) nothing at all ‘suspicious’: this is a slick, professional filmmaker (as his COVID effort shows), no more; no interest whatsoever in the ongoing human crisis. Until, that is, this film. This in itself is suspicious. 

Also notice that the COVID film has about 41,000 views. His other films have, on average, less than 50 views. Not 50 thousand. Fifty views. Whoa! What have we here? (Do you do this when you come across suspicious videos? Click to see what’s up with who made it? No? Why not?)


In a research letter published online July 9 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Angelo Carfi, MD, and colleagues from the Gemelli Against COVID-19 Post-Acute Care Study Group in Rome, Italy report that 87.4% of 143 previously hospitalized patients had at least one persistent symptom 2 months or longer after initial onset and at more than a month after discharge. 

  • Only 12.6% of the 143 patients were completely free of any COVID-19 symptom
  • 32% of patients had one or two symptoms and 55% had three or more
  • None had fever or other signs and symptoms of acute illness
  • 53.1% of patients still had fatigue, 43.4% had dyspnea, 27.3% had joint pain, and 21.7% chest pain
  • 44.1% reported worsened quality of life on the EuroQol visual analog scale.

The above can be found here.

Read this list from 1979 and see if it all sounds familiar. This is some serious afore-knowledge!

I just now got this email from Joachim, and which I reproduce in its entirety:

Today i put this preliminary list
Not looking good.
1. Thrombosis/thromboembolism
2. Guillain-Barre syndrome
3. Chronic cardiovascular damage
4. A 12-year follow-up survey of 25 patients who recovered from SARS-CoV (SARS-1)infection found that 68% had hyperlipidaemia
5. 44% had cardiovascular system abnormalities 
6. 60% had glucose metabolism disorders.
(Diabetes 1 being already 
reported due to pancreatic damage)

If these little random embeds don’t scare the shit out of you…

7. Myocardial damage

8. Cardiomyopathy
9. Arrhythmias
10. Decreased ejection fractions
11. Pulmonary scarring 
12. Strokes
13. Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) 
14. Critical Illness Polyneuropathy (CIP)
15. Critical Illness Myopathy (CIM)
16. Paediatric inflammatory multisystemic syndrome (PIMS)
17. Kawasaki disease shock syndrome
18.Toxic shock syndrome
19. Macrophage activation syndrome
20. Neurodegeneration, and cellular senescence which accelerate brain aging 
21. Chronic viral persistence in oligodendrocytes leading to immune-mediated demyelination 
22. Initially, delayed neurological sequelae resembling MS (ataxia and peripheral neuropathy) may be observed post-infection, while damage to limbic and cortical regions could cause retrograde and anterograde amnesia. 
23. If neural stem cells underwent senescence after viral infection, they would no longer be able to undergo neurogenesis in a brain region critical to memory consolidation.
24. Kidney injury
25. Liver injury

26. Longterm autoimmune disease

Read that bottom sentence.

Another message from J:

Chronic cardiovascular damage
A 12-year follow-up survey of 25 patients who recovered from SARS-CoV infection found that 68% had hyperlipidaemia, 44% had cardiovascular system abnormalities and 60% had glucose metabolism disorders7. Metabolomics analysis revealed that lipid metabolism was dysregulated in patients with a history of SARS-CoV infection. In these patients, the serum concentrations of free fatty acids, lysophosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol were significantly increased compared with individuals without a history of SARS-CoV infection7. However, the mechanisms by which SARS-CoV infection leads to disorders of lipid and glucose metabolism are still uncertain. Given that SARS-CoV-2 has a similar structure to SARS-CoV, this novel virus might also cause chronic damage to the cardiovascular system, and attention should be given to cardiovascular protection during treatment for COVID-19.

As you probably know, I trust Joachim without question. This of course does not mean his sources can be trusted (which he well knows), but he doesn’t send emails like the above without good reason, meaning multiple sources, which include his medical partners in India and Germany, all of which are highly accredited and trustworthy (not part of the Big Pharma cartel). 

Do your own research. And if you find conflicting information, put it in comments. (Again, please no ‘total hoax’ theories. They don’t make sense. Period.) 

Some of the data that we’re getting now from the China studies, one study that was just publishedTrusted Source in JAMA Neurology showed that 36.4 percent of patients had neurologic issues,” said Dr. Sheri Dewan, neurosurgeon at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois. “One of the review articles that came out at the end of February discussed the possibility of virus traveling into the olfactory neurons, through the olfactory bulb, and into the brain.”
Dewan said one theory was that COVID-19 can affect the medulla oblongata (the brain stem), which controls our cardiorespiratory system. “So in that way, it’s not only related to the lungs, where the patients can’t breathe properly, but also the medullary neurons that control our breathing are also affected. This is one of the first articles pointing that out.”

Thought I’d add this little doozy: Melinda Gates wearing an up-side down crucifix, in public, no less. Talk about blatant? Think about this. Is that facial expression pride or contempt?

Another email from Joachim:

It’s not the bloodveessels,
but the endothelial cardiovascular 
monolayer being inflamed and
backfiring on the coagulation!!!!
PALS1/Tight junction infected by SARS VIRUS as the cause
for all this trouble is probably the
most important finding so far!!!
There is a well-established link between inflammation and increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A potential explanation is that vessel wall inflammation initiates thrombus formation, through the activation of endothelial cells, platelets, and leukocytes that trigger the coagulation pathway.

Here’s the link.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this study of a cohort of German patients recently recovered from COVID-19 infection, CMR revealed cardiac involvement in 78 patients (78%) and ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60 patients (60%), independent of preexisting conditions, severity and overall course of the acute illness, and time from the original

 diagnosis. [See embed]

Joachim’s cited German study.

One circumstantial (logical) issue: If the longterm’ symptoms/illnesses were not true: Given the evidence I’ve showed you, why haven’t the PTB screamed them from the hilltops, in order to further frighten us? What this tells me is that there is something else in the offing. Something worse than these new studies show. ‘A surprise’ (that he knows about) as Fauci would say. 


In the ‘stuff we already know but need more evidence for’ category, we have this, on the negative effects of the lockdown.

This one, on transhumanism and vaccines is worth a view.

This one is a must-see. I’m really starting to like RFK, Jr. Here he even labels COVID a possible black op. Finally, I’m not the only one to say it. (Good old Prof Joe Farrell has come out too. Good for him! I guess at some point it became just too obvious.)


Addendum: Up until a few days ago I was working on a post that may seem off-subject re the above material, but I would bet a valued possession that the cabal (from ‘1954’, which should ring a bell, as in the first Bilderberger meeting) behind the current black op is the same that amuses itself with its show-biz pranks.

Anyway, here’s what I was writing when the (above) bad news came in:

I look back at my recent posts and find that the one about Google’s manipulation of its search engine is the most long-run relevant, even if aspects of the post were (based on my cyber-ignorance) a bit skewed. There is little doubt that the main point of that post is accurate , i.e., that Google’s search-result algorithm has an agenda; it’s not furnishing you with accurate information. What you see when you do a search is the main thrust of the mind control we are all of us subject to.

Most of us on this platform, most people period these days, actually, get their information from the Net, right? Keeping this in mind, I’ve showed you in many ways (like this video) the power of Big Data. I’ve also showed you how unreliable the alt media is, i.e., that most of them are almost certainly state disinfo/limited hangout moles, even the ones that usually produce useful exposés.


I was amused to come across this show-biz article’s surprise that so much of this summer’s movie product ‘saw the pandemic coming’; the story lines so often and in some way reflected or ‘enhanced’ being in enforced lockdown. Some wild coincidence, huh? For me, this reenforces what I’ve been saying since February: This black op (including the ‘social unrest’) is the result of meticulous longterm planning, the latter (the riots, etc.) being the classic ‘divide and conquer’ aspect of the agenda.

Speaking of good old H-wood, yesterday/last night I was digging around the stats to see what films were popular and to get a general idea of how their themes might be related to the black op we are living under. Given that I try to view a film every night as part of my research, last night I thought I’d chose one of the top five all time leaders in terms of box office gross. I was surprised to find that Avatar has been replaced as they top grosser, and by a film I’d never even heard of! Holy shit, but where have I been?

The Avengers; Endgame. Have you seen this one? Christ, I’m still in shock. The fucker has grossed 2.8 billion, and it’s only been out for a year. I don’t even know where to start… Look, Avatar and Titanic, which used to be one and two, are good stories. Maybe it’s just my eccentricity, but I’ve always primarily defined a ‘good movie’ via the quality of the storytelling, and this monstrosity (this movie) doesn’t even make it to the level of Plan Nine From Outer Space in terms of story. 

Listen: Unless I’ve completely lost it, lost any sense of reason or reality, this top grossing movie of all time is not even comprehensible, let alone a good story.  

As an exercise, I challenge you to view the thing and tell me even What’s at stake?

They couldn’t make up their minds about the poster. What does that tell you about the STORY?

Something about saving the universe? Something about some bad guy with superpowers… wait, everyone in the movie has superpowers so… some bad guy has killed half the living beings in the universe and… hold on… does this sound familiar? 

Killed half the living creatures in the universe? Right. Genocide. And all the heroes are… mutants… transhumans. The good guys are transhumans. Uhhh, get it?

But wait. Why does this bad guy do that, i.e., kill half the living beings in the universe? They don’t tell us. How did he pick who to kill and who to leave alone? They don’t tell us. But the result is… they don’t tell us, but apparently all the garbage collectors were knocked off, given the street trash that resulted…. and the survivors are all… too depressed to get on with things (they even have a 12 step program so folks can… get on with things…)

By the way, speaking of being too depressed to get on with things, this monstrosity is three hours long. 

But so what, right? Is this what you’re thinking? A bad movie is the top grosser of all times? What’s the problem? H-wood has been making bad movies for… and so forth. No. What bothers me, what scares the shit out of me (as a former storyteller myself) is not the bad storytelling, it’s… it’s… the repeat business it had to have garnered to beat Avatar. (Trust me, repeat business is how you get blockbusters.)

I’m trying to conjure the… mentality… the mind set… of a human who would burn three hours of his/her life watching this utter garbage. It’s weird, the things that frighten me…

I’m not going to be able to verify this, but I’d bet my most valued possession that 90% of the viewers of this movie are wearing a mask as I write this. (The 10% that are not masked are those few who are asleep as I write and even some of them are wearing masks. Good. Some will die from hypoxia.)

(I just went to the Facebook The Avenger’s; Endgame fan club and told them they are an indication that the end is near, which pretty much sums up my point here.)

Addendum: As you guys know, I ‘enjoy’ keeping an eye out for PTB ‘calling cards’, my favorite being the Freemason black and white checkerboard motif that so often appears in feature films these days. Sometimes you have to keep a close eye out; the checkers may only be on screen for a couple or so seconds, as in Polanski’s The Ghost Writer, wherein a CIA asset’s kitchen floor is the classic design but is only visible for a quick beat in the back ground. Although it’s most often films with a somehow ‘spooky’ theme that uses this calling card, it’s now gotten to the point where — if you really pay attention — you’ll notice that almost any studio production is apt to throw it in. It’s presumably done mainly for an in-joke laugh, but it also functions as a subliminal message as to who is in power. (Right, I’m referring to the COVID black op.)

If you think the checkerboard’s appearance is merely coincidental, given that the pattern is so popular, I’d suggest you think again. See if you can find floors with the pattern out there in real life. Truth is, it’s very rare, the reason being that the pattern is not at all easy on the eyes. It fairly leaps out at you, which is not what floor designs are meant to do. Even red and white isn’t as stark.

More genocide from H-wood. The dumber kids get the ax. Gives a whole other perspective to the current crop of kids who sweat over the SATs….

Examples from recently viewed films and which come to mind, aside from The Avengers; Endgame: The Adjustment Bureau, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, The Fight Club, JokerThe Big Lebowski, and, my favorite, Jim Jarmusch’s Coffee and Cigarettes (mentioned in a previous post), which featured eleven set pieces, every one having a b & w checker pattern worked in, some subtly but most often right in your face. And it’s not always the floor. In Pulp Fiction, for example, the pattern is a wall-design — when John Travolta is blown away while taking a shit.  

Okay, but what’s the big deal? Well, it is a big deal if you give it some thought. Nothing is accidental in H-wood’s products and with interiors what you see is almost always a set, i.e., built from the ground up, with the color and design carefully thought out for whatever psychological or symbolic effect they’re going for. This is usually the provenance of the production designer but several other ‘below the line’ people are likewise involved. Again: None of what you see is accidental. 

I know: I’ve showed you this one before, from The Fight Club.

Supposedly mainstream ‘politically’ themed TV shows are a good example here. Look at The West Wing and Veep: The checkerboard floors are everywhere. Ask yourself why this is, given that the real White House and Capitol decor don’t sport the Freemason design.

Then ask yourself to what other lengths may they go to, to fuck with us? To control what we think and do. (More to come on this, in my A.I. post.) 

 What also comes to mind — and I have to ask this about a lot of issues — is why you’re only hearing this from me. We’ve got loads of ‘film analysts’ out there in Youtube and cyber-site-land, many of them boasting that they’re ‘awake’ and so forth. Jay Dyer comes to mind, with his ‘deep’ research books and philosophically airy podcasts. Jay’ll go on about predictive programming — 9/11 imagery/symbolism being a good example of his ‘revelations’ — but, and considering that the occult is one of his fave tropes, are you going to tell me he hasn’t noticed this? Or is he just not supposed to bring it up?     

Sorry for the long addendum. Getting back to the issue of Google’s search engine algorithm and mind control, the reason it’s important is this: If you know you’re being mind controlled you can, to some extent, beat it. So please, at least some of you, pay attention to this stuff I’m trying to get across.

Terminator. Freemasons and transhumanism. Good mix. Think the set decoration was random? How high and low (in the production team) did the knowledge of this symbolism go?

When you search something (and it’s likely the same with any engine, not just Google), try skipping the first two or three pages and see what you get. Whatever is at the top is what they want you to get. 

Not coincidentally, the movie I watched — or tried to since I only got a half hour in before moving on — just before I subjected myself to Avengers was a ‘Youtube Movie’ (it’s ‘free’) called The Thinning. It’s about the near future when kids will be tested throughout their schooling and a percentage of the lowest grades get exterminated, to ‘save the planet’ by ‘thinning’ the population.

Sound familiar? 

Look, I’m done. I mean for now. I’m really worried about this Trojan horse possibility. It makes too much sense to reject it out of hand. Look into it and get back to me. (Immediate negative comments mean the writer has not paid attention to this post, or even read it. And no, I’m not looking for echo chambers. I’m looking for people who pay attention, and are able to change their minds. Like I did.)


If you got this far without going to the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars link, why not do it now? 

Yes, it’s possible that this ‘long COVID’ info is an op within the big op, but if we just assume so and reject it without research… we are fools. Again I ask you: Do you think they’d spend decades and billions of dollars engineering a simple flu bug? I tend to doubt it. I think we have something else on our hands. Assume the worst and be prepared. Have you stocked up yet?


  86 comments for “A Half Century (at the least) in the Planning

  1. September 7, 2020 at 6:56 am

    Remember Allan said in his post above – *”Given that I try to view a film every night as part of my research, last night I thought I’d chose one of the top five all time …. and ” Addendum: As you guys know, I ‘enjoy’ keeping an eye out for PTB ‘calling cards’, my favorite being the Freemason black and white checkerboard motif …..

    Allan collects the çheckerboard bit’s & pieces – and he told us months ago.
    AND you have forgotten Allan is a researcher/filmmaker/director/ SCRIPTWRITER! – as good as it gets!!.
    You didn’t read Allan’s here blog.

    • Joki
      September 7, 2020 at 4:09 pm

      From where your post lies it appears you’re replying to me, and though you’ve not quoted anything I’m going to assume that you’re taking issue with my allegation of hypocrisy re: the Avengers movie.

      Here’s why you’re wrong:

      The only “logical” reason to cast all those other movie goers in a bad light *simply for having watched the film* would be if it was assumed that they knew going in that it was *bad* or “utter garbage”. Allan didn’t say he wondered about the mentality of people who *enjoyed* the film or *disliked* it or anything like that. He “wondered aloud” about thte mentality of anyone who’d watched it, at all, which I (correctly) pointed out includes him.

      And in fact, if we take your offered excuse into account, Allan comes off looking worse. Why? Simply because those other movie-goers he denigrates didn’t know what to expect, but by your reasoning Allan *did*. You allege he went into viewing the film to look for clues or whatever. The point being that he did so *willingly* and with the expectation of finding something he didn’t like, i.e. “calling cards”.

      The same cannot be said as part of a blanket description of all those other movie-goers, so who’s worse in the end? The clueless public who are led by the nose or the guy who thinks it’s all shit and propoganda but *then watches it anyway to seek out yet more propoganda*?

      To be clear: I am not saying either “side” is WRONG for either watching or not watching such films. All I did was point out the contradiction.

      So yes, Brett, I did read it. I was completely aware of the “research” and checkerboard angles when I did so and how in god’s name could I forget that the man’s a writer? Conflicted writers are a bit cliche but from what I’ve seen the last couple of days Allan fits the bill nicely. He’s called me a liar, implied I’m a “trained” operative or agent of the Matrix, implied that I’m actually Metatoast in disguise, deleted some posts, edited others, etc. All because of … what, exactly?

      Who is it that isn’t reading what’s in front of them, Brett? It ain’t me. Hell, Allan apologized to me just a few days ago for not having read one of my comments and then overreacting to his mistaken impression of what I’d said. He’s doing it again now. Making a mistake, that is, not apologizing. I don’t see that coming any time soon, do you?

      • September 7, 2020 at 7:56 pm

        Hi Joki – all cool & peace 🙂
        But here is why I am not wrong, I have been reading Allan’s blogs and thoroughly enjoying them for about 10 years….for me Allan is one of the few entertaining, human and inquisitive and brilliant writers in the world – he notices things NO OTHER blog writer in the world EVER gives a mention to. And frankly, I am constantly amazed at the new words I have learnt off Allan, or even good old words that I haven’t heard in decades – he dusts off, it’s learning & amusing – often makes me LOL.
        Now look, I will take your word that you knew Allan sifts through movies for “signs” ( after all, their plans & wishes are exposed in the films).
        Joki – did you see Allan’s great blog on the movie BUGS?…well he made us watch that movie for an exercise and come back with our findings…I think we all hated that movie (including Allan of course)….but he taught us a few things (signs) we had missed, and how evasive and SECRETIVE directors can be!.
        So yes, I still say I know Allan watched that latest Avengers movie – which has an 8.4 vote out of 10! on IMDB – for research, and he won’t watch it again (unless he has to, to recheck the research).
        And from what I know of Allan, I will definitely take his word it is garbage.

        Hey!, lets pray “they” haven’t destroyed the next JAMES BOND movie coming along – were always mostly top notch or fantastic even!.

      • September 7, 2020 at 8:59 pm

        boy are you making a mt out of a mole hill. I MEANT TO write ‘those who go again, for another viewing.’ it’s so trivial a matter that i won’t bother correcting the text.

  2. Andrew Llewellyn
    September 6, 2020 at 7:49 pm

    None of which is to say that the things presented in the document are untrue. Most of them have the ring of truth, in my opinion, but I am *strongly* reminded of the “Protocols” by this document. It’s not quite as over-the-top as that paper in it’s condemnation of all things *human* but it comes close. Where the Protocols ultimately laid the blame for your ills at the feet of “the jews”, Van Dyke’s document appears to lay them squarely at your own doorstep. You’re a dumb, stupid cow incapable of responding on anything but an animal level and as such you deserve to be led to the slaughterhouse.

    Damn good comment, however any response to this level of tyranny is simply suicide.

    I have said this before and maybe this is key but i am not yet brave or desperate enough to try, if the game is indeed rigged then the only way to not take part is to take ones own life, the only way to stick it to the man so to say, no one wins if no one takes part!

    Dangerous times indeed!

  3. September 6, 2020 at 7:45 pm

    Re the document, have you actually read it? As with Report from Iron Mountain, it’s much more likely that the ‘debunking’ material is bogus, not the doc itself. As you say it has ‘the ring of truth.’ Add to that the question of who could have written that — or gone to the trouble to do so — that was not the real thing?

    To what lengths would the PTB go to in order to discredit it? Serious lengths, i’d say.

    • Joki
      September 6, 2020 at 9:06 pm

      Interesting developments. First you didn’t withhold the post, because you don’t do that kind of thing, and you called me a liar for even suggesting you might have. Then when I offered to repost it you deleted *that* post and suddenly came up with the withheld post that, of course, you claimed you didn’t have. Yet there it is, correct timestamp and everything.

      So you didn’t bother to actually check and find out when I first mentioned a missing post, instead just knee-jerk calling *me* a liar, yet you somehow have found it now, which means I wasn’t lying. Instead of apologizing, you delete all the other context and leave it all sort of dangling here with no connections.

      From *my* end it makes for an interesting thread, but that’s only because I have screenshots and thus a clear chain of events. On *this* end it now appears as if… nothing really happened. You were never challenged, never called me a liar, never then deleted another post where I offered to re-post, and so on.

      You have hinted below that I’m “trained”- to disagree with you, apparently. But absent the rest of the chain that accusation appears to be come out of nowhere, doesn’t it? It does to me, anyway. Well, people will make up their own minds. Or they would if you actually provided the entire exchange which I’d have thought someone interested in, y’know, *dialogue* would.

      You demand short replies to your extremely wide-ranging posts, except if the long replies are in general agreement with your posts in which case they’re allowed to skate. You get pissed off about multiple replies unless, again, they tend toward agreement, and the saddest part about that is that if you really wanted to draw more attention to your posts and the arguments you present for consideration then I’d think the best way to do that would be to encourage *more* discussion, and a series of people agreeing with one another is *not* a discussion.

      The only “training” I have, Allan, is that I was taught to type in the 6th grade. I’m not here at anyone’s behest. I’m here because I find your articles interesting, frequently funny or witty and worth talking about. When I offer criticisms or rebuttals it is always in the hope that they might help you *improve* your arguments and presentations. Some of them may be wrong in your view, I grant you that. They have never been written in malice, however.

      I wish you’d left all the posts where they were and not edited everything because I think the exchange would’ve been of more potential benefit to anyone reading it than the truncated and misrepresentative mess that’s left. As I said, on my end it’s a much more interesting conversation than what you’re now presenting. I read every word of the paper you offered before I typed up a single word of my own. I did lots of searching, found a lot of very strange things and posted some of them. So yeah, of course I read the paper. And my conclusion is that the info in it is largely true and that’s exactly *why* Van Dyke plays the part of an “anti-gov’t/sovereign citizen/jew-hater” whatever he is: to make anyone who stumbles on it think it’s a crazy idea. That’s *why* I offered the info in the original “disappeared” post that you have now found.

      Anyway, ban me if you like. Continue to chop this conversation to bits and sweep some of the bits out the door, whatever. It is indeed your site and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone claim otherwise. Call this a “lengthy screed” or denigrate me as simply “verbose without content”, as you have before, if it makes you feel better but you’re killing your own arguments in the process, and in my opinion hurting your own site and material. It is precisely the fact that your posts interests me that motivates me to think so deeply about the issues they raise, and offer so much (volume) in return. I think you should *welcome* that. It is, of course, your choice.

  4. Andrew Llewellyn
    September 6, 2020 at 7:08 pm

    Sorry for second comment i know it drives you nuts, the previous was the 33rd, oh the irony.

    Do you know who your owner is Allan, i guess you just like me have a birth certificate, well some owns that particular Title and it ain’t you, mines say copyright of the crown, CC crown corp-oration(dead men taking), they are a subsidiary of the vatican, the Holy see/sea, see what i mean, all roads lead back to Rome, always have always will do.

    I do not profess to be a smart ass but i can’t sea why more can’t see.

    As for the video above it is mearly a collage that can be created by one individual with a comp or even just a phone now.

    If you are not sold on media fakery i can recommend a uk guy that just tears that shit to peaces, it has landed him in a court room on a number of occasions.


    Its all fake, nothing on the TV, media(medium) is real.

    Remember the fake tesla in space, it really should of melted, the plastics and rubber should have just turned to goo, only in the fake world is that possible!

    • Jean-Francois Aubry
      September 9, 2020 at 1:17 pm

      These day all roads lead back to Davos

  5. Andrew Llewellyn
    September 6, 2020 at 6:51 pm

    Can’t see it, can’t smell it, can’t touch it, can’t quantify it.
    Where the hell is the proof, smells like more weapons of mass distraction to me.

    After years of feeding us tons of bullshit most think that this bullshit is sooo differant than the other bullshit.

    I go outside there are no peeps convulsing in the street, there are no ambulances running 247 it is simply not there, however the terror is palpable and imho much more dangerous.

    Ring up your Doc, any doc and ask them for the proof they have been given, they have none if they did it would settle this in a heartbeat but no the emperor still has all his clothes on, soon we gonna have to start repeating the mantra that a mask is the only thing that will set you free.

    We are being punked, has it really ever been any different??

    Cognitive dissonance 101

    They say it is to protect the vulnerable, what a fucking joke that is, here in the uk after the 2008 crash they blamed it on the disabled for making fraudulant ss claims, in 2012 the the nhs got together with the gov and developed a policy called the Liverpool care pathway(cinicly titled), it withheld food and fluids from elderly vulnerable patients by sedating them so severely, can’t eat when your not conscious.

    I think this is a response to a lot of peeps becoming aware that Acts and Statues are not laws but individual contracts that require consent and seeing as that consent is usually obtained surreptitiously they are ALL null and void.

    Ask for proof there should be an absolute abundance, when there is none it is simply because there is none.

    testing for corna viruses will only prove that we have all had a cold at one point in life!

    • September 6, 2020 at 7:33 pm

      Correct in general but you’re last sentence is key.

    • Chris
      September 7, 2020 at 5:08 pm

      Where would “proof” of something about a new, novel corona virus that no one is experienced with come from? How would the massive lack of any information at all on COVID-19 suddenly turn into the “proof” that you want? Meanwhile, the bodies are piling up. You can only pretend like you are unaware of them for so long. We have no idea what the long term effects of catching it might be. Obviously there is a bunch of them. I’m glad to live somewhere that people take this seriously and wear masks. Btw, sedating drugs given in a caretaking setting are usually more expensive than food. It would be cheaper to feed the elderly. Also, your “concerns” are very UK centric. What about the rest of the world with the identical medical problem?

      • Bmseattle
        September 7, 2020 at 8:59 pm


        Your statement… “We have no idea what the long term effects of catching it might be. Obviously there is a bunch of them.”

        So we have *no idea* what long term effects are… but at the same time it is “obvious” that they exist?
        I hope you see the contradiction in that.

        And just what do you consider “long term”?
        Seems like we’d have to have a “long term” amount of time go by before anything starts becoming obvious.

        your claim… “meanwhile the bodies are piling up.”
        If you personally know of bodies “piling up” in your locality, you are indeed unfortunate.
        There are no bodies piling up in my area… and no one I’ve talked to in my community knows of *anyone* who has died of covid. (And I do talk to people… in person).

        Did you take my suggestion and ask friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and homeless people in your local community, how many people they know who have died of covid, to get a sense for how prevelant the deaths are in your area?

        As you correctly pointed out in one of your previous posts, there are conflicting news reports everywhere you look, so we can’t honestly say we *know* anything about bodies piling up, unless we either see it for ourselves, or talk to people we trust who claim to have seen it.
        Do you agree with this assessment?

        • Chris
          September 8, 2020 at 1:19 am

          There are widespread reports of various long term effects, but they are inconsistently different and to varying degrees. It thus makes it difficult to determine which are legitimate long term effects from exposure to COVID-19, and which might be from other illnesses or conditions.

        • Chris
          September 8, 2020 at 1:26 am

          Btw even a million deaths wouldn’t make you satisfied. That would “only” be one in every 380 people dead. How many people now are dead… You don’t seem to really care much. It’s rising, though. Maybe you live under a rock or something.

          • September 8, 2020 at 9:25 am

            It’s only rising on your silly TV news box.
            And you still haven’t woken up to the fact that the whole “covid19” *show* on your TV is invented, owned, and put onto the airwaves by the Rockefeller Institution.
            And they want you gone!.

          • bmseattle
            September 9, 2020 at 1:43 am

            your comment…
            “How many people now are dead… You don’t seem to really care much.”

            Regardless how how I “seem” to you, your question of how many are dead is a good one.
            We can’t know, can we?
            I reiterate that the best way we have to really get a grasp of how *deadly* this virus is, is to do our own investigating locally. Use your own eyes and ears and see how it’s effecting your own community.
            Do you not agree with this, or do you think it is a poor idea to do so?

            After all, we are all under a presumed state of “emergency”, that has lasted for months, that has completely eroded our rights and destroyed many lives and businesses.
            The threat of imminent death should be readily apparant to anyone doing the most basic investigation of asking friends, family, co-workers, random strangers and homeless people in your area. It should be simple to get a good grasp of how many deaths are happening locally…. at least if there are enough to justify an indefinite state of emergency.

            your comment… “Maybe you live under a rock or something.”…

            Well, I’ve mentioned to you more than once that I’ve been out and about in my community, locally, so I do have some first hand knowledge of things here.

            For instance, I work at a place that is considered “essential”, and my job involves first being in an office environement with almost 200 other essential workers in the morning hours… then going out into the community, in multiple areas around downtown Seattle.

            Furthermore, for the first few months of the “pandemic”, during which time, Seattle was called an “epicenter” of the disease, we didn’t have masks to wear.
            At the time Fauci was telling us they weren’t effective, but we didn’t have them to use, regardless.
            You’d think that 100-200 people, all sharing the same indoor space, handling materials that have been passed between several people, during the height of a pandemic, (the epicenter, no less), with no masks, would lead to a lot of illness and deaths…right?

            Well, since February, we’ve had 2 different people test positive.
            They both recovered.
            Zero deaths.

            My office is not the only office in the greater Seattle area, either.
            There are approximately 15.
            Not all of them have the almost 200 workers that my office does… but the fact remains, that not one of my co-workers has died of Covid since it all began.

            So, no… I have not been under a rock.
            I’ve been out and about, apparantly at high risk, interacting with people in the community.
            I still have no direct knowledge of anyone who has died of Covid or know anyone who knows anyone who has died of Covid.

            Please understand, Chris… I am not claiming (at all) that no one has died of Covid.

            I am claiming that what is happening in our community does *not* justify the state of emergency and the lockdowns, and the masks, and the businesses closing, and people losing their jobs, and the elderly being kept apart from loved ones, and all the other loss of our rights and liberties.

            Perhaps you are fine with all that, based on your own first hand evidence… if so, so be it.
            I am simply suggesting that others do their own research, locally, personally, and decide for themselves.

          • bmseattle
            September 9, 2020 at 2:29 am


            just a footnote to the above…

            If you *do* decide to take it upon yourself to gather firsthand knowledge of how many people are dying of covid in your local area, I’d also suggest seeking out people like me… “essential” workers who have actually been most at risk during this pandemic.

            I’d just suggest not getting emotionally triggered if you don’t get the answers from them that you anticipate.

            Based on your comments here, you “seem” emotionally invested in the notion that “bodies are piling up”, and your reactions to anyone who’s experience differs from your own, tends to devolve into name calling and ad hominem attacks.
            Probably best not to react that way to people in person.

          • September 9, 2020 at 8:16 pm

            Chris, it’s this sort of BS comment that has me wondering about your real agenda.

      • Philipski
        September 16, 2020 at 5:20 am

        Um, the burden of proof is on, yes, Them! And another bunch of they, not the complicit criminals promoting this hoax in media and govt., but a lot of hospital workers, I think you know a lot of them are just killing a lot of people. It’s a perfect job for certain “nice” modern dictatorial types

        • Philipski
          September 16, 2020 at 5:22 am

          Plus, they have proof. They’ve seen and they have “shown” Us that nerf ball looking virus image under their microscope!

  6. Lin Bennett
    September 6, 2020 at 2:24 am

    I’d love to know how many people who have actually suffered from C19 and now suffer from long term issues received a flu vaccine recently. Free flu shots have been everywhere for years for school children, public employees, health care workers, the homeless… And when insurance is involved you’re paid to get them by employers, given gifts by the pharmacy, and gift cards from retailers. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a single product pushed the way flu shots are: billboards, lawn signs, banners, door/window stickers, stand alone signage. I know vaccines are profitable, but this is beyond what the profit would warrant.

  7. Metatoast
    September 5, 2020 at 10:13 pm

    ACW: I just found out that Metatoast is using a phony email address to comment here. I don’t allow that given it usually means a troll with multiple ‘names.’ I assumed he was a troll, but now we know what kind,i.e, a paid one.

    I asked you to deal with the possibility that COVID (or something out there) has long term effects and not repeat the tired notion that this black op is strictly and solely a media hoax, i.e., no one is actually getting sick and there is no new pathogen of any sort. You ignored my request completely. I’ll leave this up today then take it down.
    The way it looks is you’re trying to misdirect readers to another subject; while readers are trying to parse your dense prose, they forget to think about the post itself. You give no actual information, do you?

    Come to think of it… You wonder if I’m ‘at the helm’ any more. Let’s find out, as I hit the delete button…

    • Metatoast
      September 6, 2020 at 12:48 am

      Thanks Joki,

      Not off topic at all.

      I don’t use Google directly except YT, and it follows me around about queries made on other engines. Perhaps I’m not giving close enough attention, but, it’s uncanny, some of the “recommended for you” tags on videos can and do lure me in. Other than frequent deletion of cookies I don’t know how to stop them. A good etymology track is always welcome.

    • September 6, 2020 at 4:40 am

      I try to impart information based on research, information that may be of some practical use or inspiration. You might give that a shot, rather than abstruse faux erudition. Maybe it’s just late but truth is I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Certainly has little or zero to do with my post.

    • September 6, 2020 at 4:47 am

      Well, Joki, maybe you can explain what he’s going on about. That what was worth consideration? Did you actually understand any of it? Did he have anything to say about the information I provided? If so, what?

      • September 6, 2020 at 5:30 pm

        What are you talking about? i didn’t censor anything of yours. So I guess you’re lying. One more time and you get the boot. You’re ‘beginning to have doubts’ are you? Take your doubts somewhere else. My doubts: You are either dumb ass or a troll.

      • September 6, 2020 at 7:38 pm

        As usual. I ask a question that merits a specific answer and get nothing.

        It’s obvious that two commenters here are mainly trying to annoy me. They supply no specific information, altho they have been trained to make it seem they have.

        I’m busy and will not be distracted by trolls, whether paid or b/c they are just nasty people. If a comment adds nothing to the discussion (re the post) I’ll just delete them. (Btw, before today I had not deleted anyone in several weeks.)

    • Ea
      September 6, 2020 at 1:58 pm

      These H-words are not related etymologically, which is the only way i take seriously.
      However, as to the poetic-ludic, that is playful, they sure do rhyme or resonate.
      We have to consider the ludic, in a truther-infested rainforest where Martin Luther King connects to pagan/dark sacrifice through his very initials. (Acronyms taken as echoes of the triliteral roots typical of Canaanite and all other Semitic languages)
      i second joki’s estimation of Metatoast. it is to Allan’s credit that MT’s comments stay up,
      however much they appear to come from another mind he ‘can’t get along with.’

      • September 6, 2020 at 5:34 pm

        I asked everyone to not repeat the tired notion that COVID is only a media hoax.He ignored me. And Joki is insulting me as well. I’m not putting up with it and will take their comments down from now on as a matter of course.

        My blog, my rules. Mainly: Deal with the post and don’t just write your own essay. You can’t deal with it, go somewhere else. Hard to understand?

      • September 6, 2020 at 7:40 pm

        If you actually read MT’s comments, they are usually either irrelevant (to the subject matter) or just meant to annoy and distract me.

        • Ea
          September 8, 2020 at 4:29 pm

          Of course i “actually read” ’em. (not always, but this time). Jeez.

    • September 7, 2020 at 3:46 am

      I’ll delete your bullshit tomorrow when I’m back on my mac. Don’t have time or desire to deal with you. Look at the length of the crap between you and your buddy (you?) Joki. This is my blog not yours. Take your trollIsms elsewhere.

    • September 7, 2020 at 5:20 pm

      Let’s see if you’re lying, metatoast. (I tried to email you privately but of course your phony email bounced.)

      Here’s your claim:

      ‘ I use an old email address because I’ve gotten used to that demeaning avatar and didn’t want to get used to another. How demeaning! You have my correct email filed with my subscription.’

      Does anyone buy this? And no, all i can search/find is your metatoast@earthlink.net phony email.

      What’s this about an avatar? you don’t know how to change your avatar? is that what you’re saying? How about you send me proof of what you’re saying?

      by the way, does this even make sense?:
      ‘I use an old email address because I’ve gotten used to that demeaning avatar and didn’t want to get used to another.’ No it doesnt make sense, and why would you get used to a ‘demeaning’ avatar?

      how many I.D.s do you have, anyway? How many do you post under?

      • Chris
        September 7, 2020 at 7:49 pm

        Psst, you can change your avatar? How? I guess I’m a dummy. Avatar = little picture that pops up by your name in a post. I see a 3 eyed bat winged thing by my name.

      • Metatoast
        September 7, 2020 at 9:17 pm

        Here is the subject line from an email that I sent to you recently. Covert 19 PSA: Wear a mask, keep your distance, go to hell. Background picture kyped from YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3t8lM3rKLU The Cancer Conspiracy (Ambiguous)
        Search for that please in your email records. I have never posted on your site by any other name than Metatoast.

        Also, are you forgetting that when I say I’m subscribed, that I’m subscribed under an address that I actually receive mail at.

        For example:
        Read this post and more at my blog.
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        Posts from Allan C. Weisbecker 
        A Half Century (at the least) in the Planning
        Sep 03, 2020 05:57 pm | Allan Weisbecker
        (Sorry for the lame formatting. WordPress is driving me up the wall.) I’d forgotten about this one, a white paper from the Rockefeller crew, Titled ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’, (underlined means a hyperlink!); I came across it via an unrelated search. I strongly urge you to take the time to listen to it (and read it) via one of these links. (I…
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        Cris, they all suck.

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        Posts from Allan C. Weisbecker
        A Half Century (at the least) in the Planning
        Sep 03, 2020 05:57 pm | Allan Weisbecker

        (Sorry for the lame formatting. WordPress is driving me up the wall.) I’d forgotten about this one, a white paper from the Rockefeller crew, Titled ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’, (underlined means a hyperlink!); I came across it via an unrelated search. I strongly urge you to take the time to listen to it (and read it) via one of these links. (I…

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        • Metatoast
          September 7, 2020 at 9:21 pm

          I apologize for the redundancy. Copy paste error.

    • Chris
      September 7, 2020 at 7:44 pm

      Look at Allan’s avatars. Or mine. What are you talking about?

      • Metatoast
        September 7, 2020 at 9:25 pm

        They all suck.

        • Chris
          September 8, 2020 at 1:29 am

          And you found that demeaning? What a bunch of disingenuous BS.

  8. Azzy
    September 5, 2020 at 5:09 pm

    Addendum: 90% accuracy.
    Or you could just scoff and snicker.
    It’s up to you.
    Think this guy is up by accident?

  9. Horst
    September 5, 2020 at 7:56 am

    Yes there’s much in the movies. The concept of binary assault was presented by Jack Nicholson, as Joker, that commercial. More on the current situation, which is unbearable for me, can be found in the “Escape from movies”. The later, from 1996, got it all, the one eyed guy with great hair is getting tricked. He is given the common flu, but thinks he has to comply to get a fancy vaccine. In the end, he is literally begging for it. His name is snake, snake poem, he is an allusion to the current POTUS.

  10. September 5, 2020 at 2:01 am

    Thanks for another great post Allan.
    We also know a lot of these Ills & Chills can/or will, be caused by – poisons in our air + water + food, excessive EMF’s, 5G, Nuclear Fallout! (Fukushima still pouring it out), and DRUGS from Big Pharma.
    Lot’s of great posts from cool folks on your blogs lately.

  11. Larry C
    September 4, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    And yet another impetus to rush a dangerous vaccine to market – and into our veins – to fight the alleged COVID 19 virus: A Nationwide, Collapsing Real Estate Market.


    • Coronald McDonald
      September 5, 2020 at 5:52 pm

      Hmm … if i were an invading civilization and I could empty the major cities with no shot fired, saves a lot of money on spackling and mops later, right?

  12. Jerry
    September 4, 2020 at 8:33 pm
  13. Lofcaudio
    September 4, 2020 at 5:58 pm

    A couple of things…

    If you want to support your immune system and if some of what they tell us about COVID is true, I recommend supplementing your diet with Vitamins C and D along with zinc. There is plenty of research which show that these three things are doing a good job of beating the virus and protecting against any long-term effects.

    As for Google searches, along with Allan’s suggestion of ignoring the first few pages of results, I also recommend that you resist the urge to let your web browser autofill your searches. It makes it even easier for them to funnel you to where they want you to go. Lately, it’s getting creepy how accurate the suggested autofill searches are…almost as if they are reading your mind.

    I haven’t yet followed the Silent Weapons link, but will do so shortly.

  14. September 4, 2020 at 5:26 pm

    Just an added bit about the video I linked (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIeOoS_A4c8&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2r2Npabsmo5W7H3YllN63jOx9zWSzHAopUD5q-n94Eo2K6uXanZ1WeGck):

    I went back to ask a question in comments, about why, after 6 months of no mention of covid in his videos did he suddenly make one? I was going to wonder where he came upon all those photos of ex-covid people holding signs. Then I saw that comments are turned off, which is usually a bad sign re the veracity of the info.

    That he was likely paid to do that ‘infomercial’ does not mean it’s all untrue, however. See my next post (maybe later today) about how A.I. works for more on this.

  15. mellyrn
    September 4, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    What post-covid effects are due to covid, and what are due to the *treatment* given?

    • Christiana
      September 5, 2020 at 12:06 am

      In response to mellyrn/and all: The following is a text on June 28 that someone copied from a doctor named Alvaro Sarriq urging everyone to wear a mask. Someone posted a picture of the text in my facebook feed.

      “In the Covid ICU we use medications like vecuronium to completely paralyze your muscles so we can control every aspect of your breathing. So now you are paralyzed but we dont want you paralyzed while alert and awake that would be inhumane. So we add at least 2 sedation medications. One is usually propofol (the one linked to Micheal Jacksons death) and the other is fentanyl. Of note, these medications usually go on an IV but not on your arm like they would do in an emergency room, we put IVs right into your jugular. But hey all this sedation also lowers your blood pressure and you need adequate pressure for blood to reach your vital organs, like your kidneys, you don’t want kidney failure. So now you are on another medication called levophed to keep your blood pressure up. But being on all these medications wwhile completely unable to move and with a tube down your throat…where do you get your nutrition from? So we put another tube into your stomach, we put another tube in your urethra to make sure you are urinating…..(he goes on but you get the picture) So when you are bitching about having to wear a mask, think of these patients I take care of. Already battling Covid 19 with a pair of sick lungs, completely paralyzed, alone and fighting for their lives #wearamask”

      If this is accurate, how can we know whether it is the treatment or the disease? I personally am on the fence but think we need to know what IS exactly going on in these hospital rooms.

      • Coronald McDonald
        September 5, 2020 at 6:12 pm

        Many, many years ago as a teenager I watched my brain-dead father, after a massive aneurysm / stroke, being “animated” in exactly that way for several days to milk the insurance presumably.

        I decided then and there I would prefer an honest death, thank you very much, to a tortured machine-driven prolonging of the inevitable.

        I am sure that experience — not to mention much consequent school of life hardships for my mom and little sisters — colors my ability to see through this shit. Beginning with my dad’s business partner having embezzled the company life insurance premiums for several years, leaving my mom uncovered. These people will do anything for a bit of coin.

      • September 9, 2020 at 8:35 pm

        Do you have any scientific studies that indicate masks are effective? If not, quit with this sort of comment. Do you not read my posts? If not, don’t comment.

        • Christiana
          September 12, 2020 at 12:02 am

          There are no good scientific studies for wearing masks. I was quoting from a nurse’s text (not a doctor as it turns out) about the ventilation treatment given in hospital rooms around covid. The nurse advocated for masks not myself. Nurses testimonies who are speaking out have been pretty insistent that the scene was disastrous in certain areas in the beginning. Is the poor treatment part of these lingering health scenarios? That was what I was addressing. Sorry for the confusion.

          According to my research, those ventilated had a 3-5 percent survival rate in New York. Who sticks with that protocol when faced with those numbers?

          And, yes, I do believe that the medical system may be a part of the tertiary assault on our immune systems as evidenced simply by what my children have endured because of vaccines.

    • September 6, 2020 at 7:41 pm

      Why not do some research then tell us?

  16. Nick
    September 4, 2020 at 3:25 pm

    So I got send this yesterday…I don’t know who owns the site or where the info is from, but if you pick the 2025 forecast and your country of choice, you’ll get the current population and the 2025 forecast…which for many countries is a shocking difference in numbers…don’t know what to make of it so thought I’d add it to see what others make of it…https://deagel.com/forecast

  17. Andrew Llewellyn
    September 4, 2020 at 2:25 pm

    Well this covid shit is turning out to be as elusive as the famous WMD’s.

    Everytime i ask anyone that parrots that narrative to simply provide me with the proof they have been given, noone has been forthcoming.

    Silent weapons for quiet wars indeed!

    Hope you are well Allan, try to avoid the big cities!

    • Coronald McDonald
      September 5, 2020 at 6:15 pm

      WMD = weaselly medical doctors ? 😉 They ain’t too elusive at all these days…

  18. Jean-Francois Aubry
    September 4, 2020 at 1:34 pm

    You are right, these days movie are piece of crap, no more story, they are just collage of prejudice and nones subtils messages, the actors are bad as they can. Same shit happen to the music. IMH is to depress people, WHY LIVE IN THIS WORLD IF EVERYTHING SUCK. People will go to the slaughterhouse with a smile

    Here in the province of Quebec the number of deads du to Covid per day is less than 2 since the 18 of july (if you die of a cancer with the Covid, your death cetificate will say you die of Covid). But the mask is mandatory in public close place, the kids must wash their hand 9 times a day at elementary school, over 10 years old the kids need to wear mask out of the class. And they close school as soon they report 1 positive test wich can be a false positive…but hey we are fuck up. Our top official in Public health security say he will be a “Bad Boy” if we dont wear the mask as he wish. We have some comedian making Instagramm video telling us to “Shut our mouth and wear our mask”. And even if the death rate is ridiculously low the Prime Minister think to return all of us in our room

    Personnaly i think Freemason name should be more Evilmason. And the use of black and white chess board should be change to a all black floor…BTW Floyd is just a other pure drama fake setup…The guy begin with “Dont shoot me”…and repeating every 15 seconds “Dont want to die…Oh man ” a other very bad actor…but hey the kids cant see the difference, their brain is full of McDo crap

    Finally dont forgt to wear your mask slave (mask is use by Freemason) be ready for the vaccin dear cattle, and make USA Greater again the turd of november

    • Larry C
      September 5, 2020 at 7:03 pm


      As if the news isn’t depressing enough….the “entertainment” is equally vapid, inane and depressing…all of which furthers increasing anxiety, paranoia and cognitive dissonance…. a steady diet of which tends to lower our immune systems.

      Its a nasty, vicious cycle which is why I take occasional breaks from all of the above…

      • Jean-Francois Aubry
        September 6, 2020 at 3:47 pm

        Did’nt eat in a evil Clown resto in the last 30 years (im 46 years old…and in the last 10 years rarely in other fast food like A&W or Subway…stopped totally in the last 5 years) . I never eat frozen food coming from the grocery. My dairy is lactose free, my bread and pasta are gluten free, i eat tuna salad or barley salad at lunch time. In the last 3 years I dont eat beef or pork anymore .My protein come from cheese (lactose free), chicken, chick peas, tofu and fish or sea food occasionaly…feel really better, no digestion problem at all, feel light and healthy, take almost every a walk of 1 hour or more…some day 3 hours walk, im against jogging because it is too stressfull for the join…this Covid affraid me the same as the regular flu…what you eat define who you are. I convince my cousin to begin to get ride of pasta with gluten and she said “Was thinking it was normal to feel ballooned like that”

      • Jean-Francois Aubry
        September 6, 2020 at 3:49 pm

        BTW eat fruits…bio one if you can affort, we are monkey, monkey eat fruits

  19. September 4, 2020 at 12:29 pm

    The Trojan Horse tactic makes sense from the perspective of the controller. Recent polls have indicated that perhaps as much as 50% of the surveyed population are resistant to this “new” vaccine. It would make complete sense that an intense “second wave” is necessary to scare the shit out of the herd just as the vaccine comes online. All this effort on the part of the would be controllers is for naught if the voluntary uptake of the vaccine is not at least a clear majority of the world population. If you start with their end it mind, this makes complete sense. And I don’t believe we’ll see a mass hard kill so to speak…that would be messy, expensive and counter-productive. I think you’ll see a steady rise in profitable chronic illness and a huge rise in sterility. Both of which won’t be self evident in the short-term. By the time it is the clear outcome, it is too late to undo. Future procreation will only be possible with the approval of the scientific authorities. Scientism will be the new one world religion and its high priests the totalitarian administrators.

    • September 4, 2020 at 2:16 pm

      One other supporting point. The main recommendation from the mainstream medical authorities are all immuno-suppressive. Masks lower oxygen, increase CO2 and are a breeding ground for destructive bacteria and fungi. Our immune systems are strengthened by our interactions with our fellow humans in numerous ways. And the normal bacteria that coat our skin are one of many layers of our immune system that is so much more elegant and nuanced than just antibodies alone. Wash your hands for certain…with simple soap (Castille is great) and water. Lastly, the never ceasing fear porn is without question a key immuno-suppressive stressor.

    • Nigel
      September 10, 2020 at 11:04 pm

      Excellent points and we’re still early days in this age of scientism . Humans to be more and more controlled according to govt preferences . Choices limited as govt social experimentation increases .

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