Still More Iffy Data

I’m a bit gun shy after subjecting you to my last post, which I suspect is… inaccurate, at least in terms of the numbers. I don’t doubt the truth of the premise — that COVID has, in the end, resulted in less deaths over all than in past years. It actually doesn’t matter much. COVID is a black op perpetrated by the same PTB cabal that’s been fucking with us for decades. 

This one is from Veteran’s Today.

I know, I know, I don’t trust VT any more than you do, but even a LH has to tell some truths. For example, I did an article for VT fingering Snowden as ‘still and always’ CIA a few years ago. But guess what? VT took it down after a few months. But it was all true. So the following may all be true as well. I offer it for your perusal. I tend to believe its authenticity, but keep in mind it it tends to support what I’ve been saying from day one. To repeat: COVID is a black op perpetrated by Western Intel (the same folks who gave us 9/11) to usher in the New World fucking Order they’ve been telling us is coming since I was a kid. This is not rocket science.

Make of it what you will. (At least I can stop complaining that no one is dealing with Who Did It. On the other hand, the lead-in is poorly crafted, which doesn’t help.)

This little article by Gordon Duff (who scrubbed my Snowden piece) adds a few details to my scenario. Here it is, so you don’t have to strain yourself clicking:

We have multiple confirmations that a vaccine for COVID 19 not only exists but has existed for some time, since 2019, perhaps as early as 2017.

We are also told that COVID 19, as VT reported in March, was deployed against China, then Italy, then France, then Iran and Spain and then the US as a “fund raiser.”

COVID 19 is the ultimate “sanction” and ultimate tool to bring about that “New World Order” we have been hearing about.  Now we see it as a reality.

Let us remind, do note that Boris Johnson got it, and we believe that, but so many others have not and there is a reason for that, they got the “million dollar shot.”

Check the record of COVID 19 in Israel.

John Hankey reports that Trump and his inner circle were vaccinated in November 2019, only days after the virus was deployed against China.

Months ago, VT traced the creation of the current versions of COVID 19/SARS COV 2 to a USAID-CIA funded and peer reviewed study done by the University of North Carolina by scientists closely aligned with America’s defense community.

We questioned the history of this and other studies on Wuhan Horseshoe Bat Virus there, at Tbilisi and at other covert DOD-CIA funded facilities.  We noted published articles but we also noted funding for vaccine programs but nothing published on these.

We knew the CIA funded programs were to develop a SARS related bio-weapon but we also knew that this would not be done without a vaccine and that vaccine programs would be highly classified.  You see, vaccines make this a weapon, not the disease itself.

Targeting with a virus is impossible without vaccines and how they are given out or sold is what gives the power to those who control the vaccines.  Key to this was causing a massive pandemic in the US because the vaccine would be worthless if the disease were quickly controlled.

Billions in black funding would be lost, something particularly painful in an election year when a mob owned president has failed miserably and made the US the laughing stock of the world.

I tend to doubt that Trump or anyone else at a high level of government would accept a vaccine jab from anywhere, let alone from the psychopaths at a three-or-more lettered agency of the state. But the rest of it might be true. More or less.

This is such fun!


  77 comments for “Still More Iffy Data

  1. Larry C
    September 3, 2020 at 8:06 pm
  2. Joki
    September 3, 2020 at 4:36 pm

    I have a question which I have posed to many people over recent months and I have yet to receive a sensible answer in reply.

    Let us assume for the moment that masks work in blocking “microdroplets” of virus-laden particles.

    If YOUR mask works and protects YOU, then what does it matter whether someone else is wearing one? Your mask is either useful or not. It either blocks the virus or it does not. If it does, then it does so without reference to other masks or people, i.e. your mask doesn’t only work because other masks are worn by other people. That’d be a bit like saying a bullet-proof vest stops bullets… but only if everyone else wears one as well. Makes no sense, right?

    Perhaps the most common argument used in favor of compulsory mask-wearing is that it is to “protect others”, which is to say that since we can’t know at any given moment who has the virus or who does not that EVERYONE should wear a mask as a “precaution” or prophylactic, “just in case” they themselves are a “spreader”.

    Now, I beg you to stop and think for just a moment about this, and ask yourself how that situation, the situation of “not knowing who has a dread virus”, is any different at all from the situation PRE- “covid 19”.

    Do you see what I mean? Let’s go back to one year ago today. On Sept. 3rd, 2019, was there any way to know that the random person next to you on the train or at Walmart was healthy and free of a communicable virus? Answer: none at all. At any given moment any person on Earth could be carrying a “novel” virus.

    That situation, by the way, will NEVER change. Someone could be carrying an even “noveler” (sic) virus than covid-19 right now and you’d never know.

    What I’m getting at is that the very same rationale that is used to support compulsory mask-wearing could be used to justify wearing masks all the time. Like, literally forever. Since we can’t know when or where the next virus might appear, or how severe it might be, the “best” thing to do is to always wear a mask, “just in case”. If it is true that any given person could be a “typhoid Mary” today then it was true yesterday, true last year and true a century ago, and it will continue to be true a century from now. So under what circumstances might we EVER be safe taking off the masks?

    The same can be said for “social distancing”. Since we cannot know where or when the next virus might appear, at what point would it be okay for us to stand next to one another again?

    I imagine that most people would object to the idea of mask-wearing and social-distancing forever, yet what is the alternative? If those things work, and viruses are so unpredictable, etc., then what else could we possibly do?

    Oh. Wait. That’s right. We could all get vaccinated! Well that solves those issues I guess. But hang on…. What happens when the next bug is discovered, next year or next decade or whenver? I guess it’s back on with the masks, back away from your neighbors, stock up, hunker in the bunker and wait for the next vaccine. Rinse, repeat. Forever.

    It seems to me that Veteran’s Today is selling that same idea, just slightly cloaked. VT, just like the “mainstream”, appears to want me to believe that a vaccine is the only way forward out of this mess. After all, according to VT, all the important bigwigs have already secretly had their jab. I assume this is meant to make me feel as if I’m being unfairly treated. If I can be made to believe that the bigwigs have received preferential LIFE-SAVING treatment then I might start to wonder why I’M not receiving it, too.

    In support of that I offer you another VT article by Gordon’s wife Carol, from yesterday:

    “The entire world needs to pull together to create a vaccine that will help to halt the rampant spread of coronavirus…..Carol”

    Politico provides a quote from Duff that, if true, is interesting and relevant to the current discussion:

    ““About 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn’t write false information I wouldn’t be alive.”

    To be fair to Mr. Duff: Politico provides no source for this quote. My assumption is that it is genuine, however, or Mr. Duff would’ve taken action against them by now.

    Duff’s comment appears to me to be implying that if he didn’t lie about some things his life would be in danger. Whether that’s true or not, he might want to rethink his numbers a bit before tossing off a comment like that in the future. Why do I say that? Well, if only 30% of what VT writes is untrue, yet at least 40% of what Duff writes is untrue, that would mean he’s responsible for more than his “fair share” of the lies printed by VT, wouldn’t it?

    Curious that he would admit this in this way. Phrased another way he could just as easily have said “Read VT and there’s a fair chance you’re reading utter bullshit, but read any of my stuff specifically and the odds go up even further.” Duff is admitting that he writes precisely 33% more bullshit, on average, than VT in general. What an interesting number, no?

    Hell, just look at the tagline on the site itself:

    “Serving the Clandestine Community”.

    Umm… yeah. Who would that be, then? There’s nothing clandestine about the public, is there? So who exactly is VT “serving”? The Clandestine Community. That wouldn’t be yet another 33 would it? CC? 3rd letter of the alphabet? It couldn’t be that simple, could it? VT wouldn’t have the balls to out themselves so openly, would they? They’d have to assume most of their readers were complete idiots who couldn’t recognize the truth even when it was printed right under the name of the publication.

    Nobody’s that dumb, right? Right?

    • September 3, 2020 at 6:47 pm

      To answer the section on masks, you say:

      ‘I imagine that most people would object to the idea of mask-wearing and social-distancing forever, yet what is the alternative? If those things work, and viruses are so unpredictable, etc., then what else could we possibly do?

      Oh. Wait. That’s right. We could all get vaccinated! Well that solves those issues I guess. But hang on…. What happens when the next bug is discovered, next year or next decade or whenver? I guess it’s back on with the masks, back away from your neighbors, stock up, hunker in the bunker and wait for the next vaccine. Rinse, repeat. Forever.’ [end quote]

      Although it’s unclear what your actual position is, that you would write this shows you have not done your research, but only listened to various MSM outlets. I’m tempted to say ‘Just fucking read my posts’ as an answer to the question you ‘have never heard answered.’ but I’ll just say this: Virtually all the peer reviewed studies (pre covid) I’ve read say that masks do no good in preventing viral spreading. Got that? I’ve supplied numerous links as evidence, but you seem unaware… yet you write this lengthy screed. What’s up, here? (Did you read any of the studies that show that exposure to ‘germs’ is GOOD for the immune system — which is why we evolved with babies putting everything in their mouths, etc.)

      Re Gordon Duff and VT (implying that everything on VT should be assumed a lie), I guess you didn’t read MY piece for them. I don’t trust Duff, but AS I SAY OVER AND OVER, there is a lot you can learn from LH and disinfo agents.

      Etc. I’m busy. Use some critical thinking next time. Please.

      • Joki
        September 3, 2020 at 8:25 pm

        You must not have read my comment or, reading it, you have completely failed to understand it.

        See that word “assume”? As in, “Assume for the moment….”? The question then being, IF masks work, then what does it matter to the masked that some are unmasked? That is the question I’ve never gotten a sensible answer to, and now you have just added more nonsense to the pile of nonsense answers I’ve already heard by reacting as if simply asking the question is somehow a promotion of compulsory mask-wearing.

        It’s unclear what my position is? I’d have thought it’s perfectly clear. Why would I bother asking people the above question if I thought it was okay to try to *force* people to wear masks? If someone wishes to wear one more power to them. No one should be forced/coerced, however.

        Neither did I say or imply that “everything on VT should be assumed a lie”. Where do you get that? I quoted Duff himself, who tells us very clearly that at least 30% of it is lies in his opinion.

        I even stated what I thought he was spinning with that particular article, and provided reasons for it, i.e. he and his wife are pushing a vaccine just as hard as anyone in the “mainstream” is, and that is his self-estimated 40% bullshit contribution on this particular topic. Everything else he says in the article may be true. That a vaccine is the only way forward is the b.s.

        So as far as your reply goes: use some critical thinking next time, please?

        • Chris
          September 3, 2020 at 9:15 pm

          The masks prevent you from sneezing, coughing, or yelling an enormous cloud of COVID laden droplets Into an enclosed area, forcing everyone else in the vicinity to breathe them in, unless they are wearing n95 masks, which are uncomfortable and not commonly used, keeping them for health workers. Surgical masks, and cloth masks do not protect you from a giant cloud of COVID laden droplets. They protect everyone else from you. That is why it is important that everyone wears them, not just you. They protect you, you protect them. One maskless dickhead sneezing in a convenience store can ruin a lot of people’s days, even if they have masks on. Unfortunately there are a lot of asymptomatic cases, where people don’t know they are infected.

          • Bmseattle
            September 3, 2020 at 9:24 pm


            A truly asymptomatic person would not be sneezing, right?

            Sneezing is a symptom of something.

          • Joki
            September 3, 2020 at 10:33 pm

            “Surgical masks, and cloth masks do not protect you from a giant cloud of COVID laden droplets.”

            Then what use are they?

            “They protect everyone else from you.”

            Wait, what? I thought they didn’t protect against a cloud of covid-laden droplets? Now they protect *others* from me, the very source of those droplets, but not me?

            “That is why it is important that everyone wears them, not just you. They protect you, you protect them.”

            So now they *do* provide protection? You seem to go back and forth on the effectiveness of these things.

            ” One maskless dickhead sneezing in a convenience store can ruin a lot of people’s days, even if they have masks on. ”

            That’s what you’re going with? That mask effectiveness for a given individual relies on the group? None of those people in the store are truly “protected” unlesss ALL of them are wearing protection? I”m not protected unless you’re protected, and vice versa? Really? Sounds like an odd argument. Actually scratch that: it sounds like complete nonsense.

            “Unfortunately there are a lot of asymptomatic cases, where people don’t know they are infected.”

            If someone is sneezing all over the place as you suggest then I can hardly agree that they’re asymptomatic. In any case it doesn’t change anything in my opinion. Again: where does it stop? When are we allowed to exit the merry-go-round? When there’s a vaccine? But then won’t you be arguing along the same lines, saying that we must ALL be vaccinated in order for the vaccine to be effective for ANY of us?

          • Chris
            September 4, 2020 at 4:02 pm

            Are you two yokels serious? I was very clear.

        • Bmseattle
          September 3, 2020 at 9:20 pm


          Regarding the inconsistency in the narrative about the safety of mask wearing…
          The same things holds true for the vaccines themselves.

          If vaccines are effective, then, conceivably, those who get them will be protected, regardless of there being people who arent vaccinated.

          Why should anyone who is vaccinated, fear those who arent?
          Unless they arent truly protected?
          And if that’s the case, what’s the argument for getting it?

          To be clear, I dont believe the vaccines are effective in this case…but even taking the mainstream story at face value, those who choose not to vaccinate should only be a threat to others who choose not to vaccinate.

          That shouldnt be offensive to anyone.

          • September 4, 2020 at 12:33 am

            Hi Bmseattle, and you are so exactly right! (big thumbs up to you again).

            * Why should anyone who is vaccinated, fear those who aren’t? * ….

            What is going on today is the biggest rat tail pile of lies and fearmongering ever pulled in history. It is a new rehash of this >
            Lets not forget what happened back then…..I swear people have had their grey matter destroyed by fluoride, and some kind of death ray out of their TV news box at 6.

        • X
          September 3, 2020 at 9:23 pm

          Joki, the only sense there is in having the world’s population wear masks of the beast is in carrying out the script you can find in Revelation 13:16-17, which presages Revelation 7:3, i.e. that which is described in Revelation 6:14 (cf Isaiah 24:1 & 34:4).

          That The Bible can inform you as to what is going on, does not require the existence of supernatural beings, or that you believe in them. The point of The Bible is to enable TPTB to communicate with you. This is a critical juncture. It is the eschaton.

        • X
          September 3, 2020 at 9:28 pm

          Joki, the only sense there is in having the world’s population wear masks of the beast is in carrying out the script you can find in Revelation 13:16-17, which presages Revelation 7:3, i.e. that which is described in Revelation 6:14 (cf Isaiah 24:1 & 34:4).

          That The Bible can inform you as to what is going on, does not require the existence of supernatural beings, or that you believe in them. The point of The Bible is to enable TPTB to communicate with you. This is a critical juncture. It is the eschaton.

          • Joki
            September 3, 2020 at 10:40 pm

            It occurred to me a while back that everyone was starting to look like a chimpanzee. The shape of the faces when wearing the masks, you know? And I thought, “Huh, if I were a religious conman, and a complete scumbag who wanted to play on people’s fears and stoke up yet one more blaze on the hearth of the END TIMES, I’d mention it to my congregation, and then I’d point out that you can’t shop without a mask, can’t go to the bar without a mask, can’t visit the Post Office without one and so on, just to tie it to the ‘Mark of the Beast’. I bet some of those fundamendalist types would eat that shit right up.”

            And now here you are.

        • Philip
          September 4, 2020 at 3:55 am

          Your post although long seemed spot on to me. Great analysis in my opinion.

          • X
            September 4, 2020 at 7:18 am

            Well Joki, it’s the answer you’re looking for, even if it’s the answer it appears you will also reject out of hand.

            Just think how much effort TPTB are going to, just to bring about this ‘mark of the beast’ shit. And why? To wake up a tiny few who won’t reject the resonance out of hand.

            It’s certainly nothing to do with suppressing the spread of a highly contagious disease.

        • Sheena
          September 4, 2020 at 2:37 pm

          Wow I want to memorize your arguments Joki, what a fantastic and the first really intelligent rebuttle I have come across.

    • September 4, 2020 at 5:13 pm

      You’re right, I didn’t read the comment carefully, my bad. I suppose THEIR logic is that the prevention of spreading the droplets is in itself good, as droplets are better kept to ‘oneself’. Otherwise they will land on stuff, which will then be ‘hot’. Best they are collected in the mask, which has its own disadvantages. But no, it doesn’t make sense anyway, since viruses are too small to be stopped by a mask.

      Btw, that masks don’t work is indirect evidence that germ theory is questionable.

      Useful comment tho. I was tired and the comment seemed long. I’ll do better next time.

    • Philipski
      September 7, 2020 at 5:26 pm

      What I don’t get, and this is very un- P.C., is why in the 1980s was the media not suggesting people wear masks, gloves, goggles, etc. to protect yourself from one stupendous new virus… um, HIV. That’s the kind of thing (and most Americans I know have little sense of history) that should automatically prove that, yes, this is a “drill”, a Government-Media Industrial Complex Conspiracy, as is anything where the media or govt is LOSING money … where they are instead pushing a Political Agenda! Don’t look for any consistency among these folks who would force you into masks or goggles, I’d think having AIDS is probably a lot worse than the Covid, yet somehow their level of control was less than what it is now in the 1980s? (Stunning , as this is before there was any real viable alternative media.) I won’t claim to know whether this virus’s existence is actually truthful (or whether viruses spread the way we think), but we all should have known since, yes, March, that it was far less Dangerous, or transportable, than was being claimed…

  3. September 2, 2020 at 8:16 pm

    We must watch this again – a reminder of their track record >

  4. September 1, 2020 at 10:34 pm

    GAVI Event 201 *LOCKSTEP……..
    Same Dooshbaagery that’s been fomented for 2000 years under a different method of divide end conquer con job.
    THEY are quite the Magicians. However, if you know the outcome then nothing is too surprising.
    Their day in the sun will be brief. While rotting in hell will they be asking themselves-“was it really worth playing God for a day?” Eternity is a long time…….. They are choosing their karma.
    God help us all in the meantime.
    Allan go catch some waves.

  5. August 31, 2020 at 7:03 am

    Azzy, I have heard you are in trouble with your boss’s , and you are dog food that has gone through the dog!.
    Because you have failed to scare us, or tell us what we already didn’t know! (Allan has known all this stuff for years).

  6. Jean-Francois Aubry
    August 28, 2020 at 3:28 am

    It seem what they give them a orgasm is to fake something huge…they seem to like fake thing…probably a kind of challenge…make people believe the biggest lie possible.

    – 9/11
    – Sandy Hoax
    – Las Vegas

    And now their master piece Covid-19

    Im more and more convice a invading specie is under all of this, from outer space or other dimension…it is too unhuman

    • August 28, 2020 at 6:34 am

      Hi Jean-Francois, yes I think you are dead right they simply can’t be human.
      The list is large – and I will never forget that ridiculously fake Boston Bombing.
      And of course the latest large explosion at Beirut stinks to high heaven of corruption – with out even researching it.

      • Jean-Francois Aubry
        August 28, 2020 at 11:41 am

        Yep Boston with the Cow Boy, people taking selfie while lying on the street apparently “serverly” wounded.

        You can add San Bernandino, Fort Lauderdale Airport, Orlando, London Bridge, Berlin Chrimas Market, Brussel Airport, Bataclan (Paris), Charlie Hebdo, Christchurch, Quebec city mosquee…

        The list is very long. To be me more precise its like the more they fear people with the biggest nothing (fakery) the more they seem happy.

        I dont know but i feel its a plan to lead camly the cattle to the slaughterhouse. If you are a invading specie, out numbered by your cattle what the best way to control them…fear

        I dont know if those being are eternal, i dont know if 2000 years before Atlantide disappear a prophet come on earth to tell them to live in peace and people wrote a book of Apocalypse…i mean it is maybe a repeated proccess. You make your herds grow and when it reach your desired number you harvest…

        • Jean-Francois Aubry
          August 28, 2020 at 7:23 pm

          For me the next good question is : What this vaccin is really about…and for sure chaos is coming. Mad Max took place in 2021…lol

    • Nigel
      August 30, 2020 at 4:02 am

      Very inhuman and very clever . Covid has in fact turned out to be sinisterly divisive in forcing most humans to take a fearful self preservational side according to their situational viewpoint .
      Another important side to all this is the current tech race (google post covid automation) for a post covid future with less human interaction , a more mechanized society and more automation to meet our ever increasing materialistic needs . Long term global landscape changes are afoot and it all seems very demonic.

      • Kevin Taylor
        August 30, 2020 at 3:33 pm

        Great assessment of situation Nigel….Thanks

        • Nigel
          September 4, 2020 at 9:32 pm

          Thankyou Kevin …. We need to be aware of important times ahead .. we need to be very vigilant in only allowing *pro freedom* focused technological advancements or it will be weaponized and enslave us . Most of everything else is distraction .

    • Philipski
      September 7, 2020 at 5:30 pm

      That’s a good point! Then there is the factor, if some of these “people” consider themselves “magicians”, well, a lot of them types do sho’ ‘nuff not believe they Magic is effective unless their peoples gives them some kind of Consent!

  7. Terence
    August 27, 2020 at 11:32 pm

    Slightly related, just so you know. In Ireland (pop 4.9 million), the government are planning in the next few weeks to give a new nasal spray flu vaccine to anywhere from 650,000 to 750,000 school children. That is probably most of the school population.

    Apparently the kids have to social distance and wear face masks in school and yet no child has died of Covid in the whole country. There is a good chance most parents will be unaware that 1) they are even getting this and 2) it is a vaccine.

    This is clear the beginning where they will get the parents used to the kids getting regular vaccines and then probably not in the first one, they will contain something that will sterlize them.

    VaccineImpact are reporting a Covid vaccine being rushed through and also are reporting on hear this: New Study Proves Microscopic Robots Invisible to Naked Eye Now Can Now be Injected into Blood Stream

    One puzzling question is this. Russia said they produced a vaccine. If so, do they have the same monetary incentive? -possibly not. How come they managed to get one so quick? What is in it? Does it work? If we accept they have one and I am very suspicious whatever it might be, then they could only have it from two possibilities. That they have tracked US bio-weapons research over the years and tried to second guess potential weapons (or even got hold of them) and to create vaccines for them in advance, as part of their counter measures. Thus they already had all the research done. Or else, they are part of the global police state plan, and have the same vaccine that the PTB have and they are simply pretending they are completely independent. Because for the latter for people to be aware that Russia has one, lends credence to the whole hoax that Russia takes it serious too.

  8. Kevin
    August 27, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    Thank you Allan from a supportive and grateful “lurker”!

  9. Philipski
    August 27, 2020 at 5:16 am


    I know you’re tired of it, but I just HAD to go and check out Miles Mathis’s site to go and see what “He” was up to. The last sentence of the third paragraph of the third page is one of the dumbest things I’ve read in a long while. Actually, the whole paragraph and article are dumb.

    I’ll admit that I was so interest by the Miles Mathis Phenomena that I signed up for a Facebook group discussing his “Physics Theories Only”(!), he’s not a member! this mysterious science genius with his theories, but nothing interesting so far has shown up on my feed.

    • Jean-Francois Aubry
      August 27, 2020 at 2:09 pm

      Left, Right…same shit

    • Fred straeter
      August 27, 2020 at 3:18 pm

      Hi Allen its Fred straeter the artist .we met @ la saladita. Your still an always b one of my heros!! Salute my friend.

    • Metatoast
      August 27, 2020 at 9:27 pm

      The Mathis article that Philipski posted is interesting in spite of the left-right same-ole’ that Sean referenced. The dichotomy of the political spectrum is a weapon for those skilled in it’s use, and to talk about it in forum is to invite a morass of complication, which would defeat it’s ostensible purpose of abbreviation. FPS, the false political spectrum is a meme meant to destroy the concept of politics, the process of balancing the needs of freedom and obligation. The widely held uncontested program of FPS keeps politics front and center while depriving it of definition and principle. It’s a meme that sits quietly in the mind because the true nature of it’s operation goes largely unexamined.

      By not going into that morass, it’s easier to see that Miles is pointing out the method of incremental destruction of important concepts like social justice. The programming technique, whereby ‘fat screaming lesbians with red hair’, acting badly, crowd into mind at the same time the word is used, results in disdain for the idea of social justice. Another good example is programming the demise of the popular desirability of a world without fascism, and when associated with violent nitwits, who are acting the role of violent nitwits, being opposed to fascism is less attractive to those susceptible to the method.
      The same method may be applied to anti-war movements. If they can no longer bring them low by patsies like Manson, produce an act that attaches very subtle dishonor. Demeanment by pejorative association.

      We know about the requirement that these tyrannical forces must reveal the basic plan, but we also know the basic plan is to deceive. Reveal with one hand, conceal with the other. Isn’t it magical? I doubt if they are keeping close track of what is given as true, and that which is given false. Mr. Mathis, and it isn’t relevant here if he is a committee, is pointing out how whole sections of meaning are ruined by the repetition of ops designed to do just that.

      • Philipski
        August 28, 2020 at 4:39 am

        Yeah, I would just say I find it really stupid the idea that these recent riots, fires burning, etc., are “fake,” then all being committed by hired actors/sons of the elite… The ?s raised about the Manson thing are to my mind very interesting, so much so that I did a free trial on a site linked to the SSI death index… Sharon is not on there, I’d already heard the only one in it was Leno LaBianca. I also ended up coming away wondering if the famed Lindbergh flight was a hoax… or, um, NOT Transatlantic. Did anyone just 👀 LOOK at that plane he’s supposed to have flown…?

  10. Metatoast
    August 26, 2020 at 11:59 pm

    Apart from the problem of whether we should be giving the UN-CDC the honor of being a reliable source of data, the Dr. Colleen Huber article was easy to understand. The 2020 all death rate was lowest compared with the other years within a decade, before covidiocy was unleashed upon the world. Unequivocal simplicity combined with documentation is not to be tolerated by the Covert-19 planners, and we should be on alert to the possibility of a ploy that is active against her. Before we were told about the problem; the ease required to comprehend the data; it’s simplicity and logic; was gladly taking us away from futile arguments about the arcane science that is deliberately beyond many who must try and make informed decisions in order to give or refuse that extant requirement of consent.

    A vast number have been indoctrinated into the presumed need and utility of faith. The inclination toward faith is a precondition that requires little persuasion to get the targets to transfer it to substitutes, as long as the key secularized benediction is spoken and a pious demeanor is employed. The substitute is modern medicine.

    “Targeting with a virus is impossible without vaccines and how they are given out or sold is what gives the power to those who control the vaccines.” No Mr Duff, vaccines which are predicated on viral theory are no more reliable than the ever shifting concepts of virology. He who controls the propaganda is he who controls the people who are plugged into the propaganda matrix. They have learned that contrived data and false reportage is more powerful and safer than any real biological weapon. Defeat the enemy by crushing their economy; reassure them that lockdowns are the answer to extinguish the spread, and not their weapon of choice.

  11. BJW Nashe
    August 26, 2020 at 7:37 pm

    Allan, I think you may be correct that this pandemic is a black op, or you may be incorrect. I simply don’t know. I am trying to take in as much information as I can from diverse sources. That’s why I am here on your site. I enjoyed Cosmic Banditos and In Search of Captain Zero very much. I liked your work on the “moon landings” and 9-11. The official versions of those events do not hold up under scrutiny. The same may well be true of COVID-19. I encourage you to keep digging. I have little doubt that black ops are undertaken by the PTB. But I am also skeptical of a rush to conclude that most everything is a black op. Sometimes shit just happens. And often the PTB do not seem to be in control as much as they would like to believe (or like us to believe).

    One comment I will offer up in regard to COVID-19 as a possible black op: If this is in fact an op designed to usher in a “new world order” of near-total control, it is a pretty piss-poor effort in that direction. I look around, and I see a lot of chaos and not much control. I realize that could change in time. But right now the economic turmoil caused by the pandemic does not appear to be supporting an agenda of control. It seems to be doing the exact opposite. Most governments and most communities are very eager to “return to normal” as soon as possible, i.e. reopen schools and businesses and resume daily life in late capitalist society (which is quite a nightmare in itself). As of now, I don’t see much evidence of a larger agenda being effectively served. Unlike 9-11, for instance, where the immediate goal of invading the Middle East was pursued with frightening rigor and determination. It was all clear as a bright sunny day.

    I could be wrong, of course. I just don’t see evidence of a “master plan” at work here. I don’t see any plan at all. Just chaos, incompetence, and corruption.

    Stay safe, Allan.

    • August 26, 2020 at 8:51 pm

      “Most governments and most communities are very eager to “return to normal” as soon as possible” > you said.
      Well you are damn lucky! , ours are all the complete opposite, with heads I swear if they were opened up would be empty….or maybe filled with stuffing like wood dust!
      As for – you see no evidence of a larger agenda here – boy oh boy are you in for some surprizes coming down the line!!.

    • August 27, 2020 at 6:33 pm

      You don’t see coming the collapse of the world as we know it? And you don’t see how that will inevitably bring about a world economy and govt? You don’t see the ultimate surveillance state already 90% in place?

      You don’t see any plan at all? (Speaking of Apocalypse Now, it’s so close I can smell it.)

      • BJW Nashe
        August 28, 2020 at 7:17 pm

        The “collapse of the world as we know it” is quite probable. Ditto apocalypse (due to nuclear war or climate change). I just don’t see any master plan at work. Again, I see chaos, incompetence, and corruption. World economy? We already have this, and it is an unfolding disaster. World government? Good luck with that. The “advanced” western world is barely able to keep NATO and the EU intact. The world is so unstable right now that it is, for the most part, incapable of being effectively governed.

        So I agree with you that we are headed for disaster. I just don’t think anyone is in control of the situation. I don’t see evidence of any workable plan to come out on the other side of this mess with any kind of “control.” Sure, there are fantasy “plans” hatched by various oligarchs, but they are all BS, disconnected from reality. These corrupt fools will bumble into the apocalypse without a clue as to how to proceed when shit gets really heavy. Bill Gates? Elon Musk? Lightweights. They will be cowering in their secret bunkers once the real trouble begins.

        • Todd
          August 28, 2020 at 8:59 pm

          Did you forget the lead-in events.

          1. 9/11 (included just by chance [their definition] simulated airplanes hitting towers the same day) – false flag.
          2. Event 201, Oct 2019 – simulated Pandemic just like now.
          3. JFK Murder by government (mostly CIA)
          4. MLK Murder by government
          5. WW2 intro for the US due to Pearl Harbor “Let it happen”
          6. US’s Vietnam entrance to War due to “Gulf of Tonkin” false flag
          7. Spoiled “Operation Northwoods” to invade/go-to-war with Cuba – false flag attempt (in writing)
          8. World Economic Forum’s “great reset”
          9. Rockefeller’s “Lock-step scenario” 10 years ago.
          10. Council on Foreign Relations
          11. Trilateral Commission
          12. Word Economic Bank
          13. WHO and NATO organizations placed into unelected positions of power.

          Items 10-13 are clear indications of global concealed efforts between private corporations, governments and people of money and power.

          The Latin phrase “Ordo Ab Chao” – Order out of Chaos comes to mind.

          They planned all the above well in advance, so therefore, this is exactly what they intended. Hopefully they are getting more unanticipated resistance that they didn’t account for etc..

          • BJW Nashe
            August 29, 2020 at 6:41 am

            I am well aware of all the “lead-in events” you have listed. I know more about some of them than others. I don’t claim to have total knowledge. I just don’t see how these events cohere into any “master plan.” Most of these events were undertaken with short-sighted goals pertaining to money and power. I think you give the PTB too much credit. These lunatics may well lead us to ruin, and even extinction. But I don’t see any evidence that they have a legitimate plan going forward. Not for “order out of chaos,” not for anything other than short-term gain for a bunch of deranged oligarchs who don’t have a clue how to deal with what’s coming. I see ENTROPY, more than anything that might be considered a plan.

      • Philipski
        September 1, 2020 at 6:29 am


        I think that Nashe is about “half-right” in what he said. There’s just so much chaos all around us, and there isn’t too much that state and local governments actually DO competently. And I’ve long heard it surmised that Huxley’s version of things (a big part of it being to do with people loving drugs) was a more accurate prediction than Orwell’s. On the other hand, I’ll admit to some fears that this 5G is about to zap all our brains!

      • Philipski
        September 1, 2020 at 6:34 am

        I thought of something else. Could it be that some hackers will find “code” words in old e-mails related to this “Big Change”. We all know about the code bust around the time of last year’s election, not that normies deigned to consider it as any more than “Fake News“!

        • Chris
          September 1, 2020 at 11:48 pm

          Especially if it originates from the asshole Russians like last time. Fake news it was, indeed.

          • Philipski
            September 2, 2020 at 5:20 am

            Huh? Nothing was debunked, “Real News” sites (Ny times, etc…) just said it was “debunked” and then people accepted that it was debunked. Where can you prove that any of those captured e-mails or twitter/instagram pages were “faked” ????

          • Chris
            September 2, 2020 at 9:10 am

            Right, no, of course the Russian troll farms aren’t at it again via Facebook and Twitter. Fool. They can trace those accounts right back to the Russian govt supported hackers.

            Imagine political operatives emailing each other about a “big change” right around an election, which is, indeed, a big political change. Gosh, that would be really surprising, and indicative of a huge conspiracy *rolls eyes*.

  12. James
    August 26, 2020 at 5:55 pm

    I read with interest the portion of Gordon Duff’s article however i don’t believe that there is an actual vrus called covid 19 and its obvious that the ridiculous image they pretend is covid 19 is obviously CGI.
    Also it seems apparent to me that Duff is spinning the misinfo that the virus was developed in one country and then unleashed on other countries, its obvious that all the Great Powers China USA Russia in fact all the countries of the world have been hacked by the New World Order cabal and are all working together to roll out this totalitarian nightmare one world government. Duff’s theory that these countries are at loggerheads is false but hey Duff is one of them.Anyways i am certain that the 1918 spanish flu epidemic was caused by electromagnetic fields due to the fact EMFs were new and it is said that Tesla was fiddling with Directed Energy Weapons at the time. This theory fits in with the fact that nuclear radiation also causes flu symptoms which i believe was caused by non ionising radiation when the Chinese turned up the 5G kill grid in Wuhan also Italy and Spain.

    • Chris
      August 26, 2020 at 7:15 pm

      It is a computer enhanced image, not a computer generated image (cgi).

      “ In their most common configurations, electron microscopes produce images with a single brightness value per pixel, with the results usually rendered in grayscale.[14] However, often these images are then colorized through the use of feature-detection software, or simply by hand-editing using a graphics editor. This may be done to clarify structure or for aesthetic effect and generally does not add new information about the specimen.[15]”

      You seem very sure of things that aren’t true.

      • August 26, 2020 at 8:44 pm

        Sorry, but their outrageously “puffed up” and utterly played with “lethal” looking & brightly colored images are nothing like the real animal under the microscope.
        Their virus pictures are closer to ship mines for similarity.
        And this is another super obvious & telling detail about the biggest black psyops hoax ever pulled in world history.

        • Chris
          August 27, 2020 at 12:50 am

          Can you look at a virus under a light-based microscope? Or are the sub-microscopic?

          • August 27, 2020 at 1:29 am

            I have a 1200x ordinary light microscope, and a 2000x lens USB microscope, and they are nowhere near powerful enough to see them.
            Has to be done using a mega dollar Electron microscope. Sorry I don’t have that 🙂

          • Chris
            August 27, 2020 at 9:04 am

            You see my point? There is no color at that scale, because photons are too big, so they use electrons, which produce a grayscale image.

          • August 27, 2020 at 8:50 pm

            I don’t understand your “see my point” …. – this is what I mean, I hope these pictures come through here (nothing scary or exciting sorry) …
            Here >

            Where the hell are all those *lets be shit scared* big spikes Mr?.

          • Chris
            August 28, 2020 at 8:53 am

            Here Brett, this explains it pretty good, but boring.

            Basically, I didn’t explain it quite right. Viruses are too small to see with eyes using light, even through a microscope.

          • Phil
            September 4, 2020 at 3:45 pm

            Photons don’t exist.

    • Dun
      August 26, 2020 at 9:41 pm

      Hi James, That’s an interesting angle on electro-magnetic fields. Plenty of warnings about 5G sprinkled around the Web. I haven’t yet encountered a reference to flu-like symptoms from nuclear or other radiation. Do you have anything more on that, that you recall, or even links? I have read (and tested) flu-like symptoms (tight cough, slight fever) coming from fluoride, commonly by standing over a Teflon frypan on high heat, the fluoride ions gassing off. Don’t know enough of anatomy/body systems to know exactly what’s affected and how. On that topic, here’s my gift link: Apologies a bit off the main thread – but there’s lots going on. Here in Asia, seems peaceful, normal enough, except damn hot. And… early mornings, late at night, peeking between clouds, there is once again regular aerial spraying of some junk by aircraft at high altitude. Used to be, next day after big sprays, noticeably more coughing on the jam-packed trains. Wait and see.

      • Spondive
        August 27, 2020 at 1:55 pm

        Very interesting website and information… fluoride Compounds as being one of many toxic compounds PTB use in their arsenal for full spectrum warfare against us “useless eaters” One wise man said water, salt, iodine, and fresh air are major needs for biological organisms to be healthy and survive… look to these as things to be potential delivery mechanisms

  13. William Petty
    August 26, 2020 at 3:02 pm

    Deception is the stock and trade of the PTB. None of us really know what is real and that’s the way they want it. I have lost my family due to masks. Think about it; to wear or not wear a mask with my own children and grand children is the litmus test that I have failed. I am now persona non grata.

    • Bmseattle
      August 26, 2020 at 8:46 pm


      What are you calling bullshit on?
      It looks like you are responding to William Petty saying that his family has ostracized him because they are mad at him for not wearing a mask.
      Is that what you said bullshit for, or something else?

      • Chris
        August 27, 2020 at 12:46 am

        He didn’t lose his family, he chose to not follow their rules. HE wanted to make the rules.

        ACW: So he chose not to follow the rules, eh? My rule here is you get one comment, no more. You are breaking the rules with your troll comments. My rule as of today is stay off my website. Understand? Now follow the RULE.

        To everyone: when this asshole makes PTB comments like he has here, how about letting him know how you feel? Run him out of here. I can’t do it alone. He’s almost certainly a state troll. If not, a moron. Right?

        • Kevin Taylor
          August 27, 2020 at 5:21 am

          @Chris William Petty is the father. He has authority over his children and grandchildren.
          That started back in Adam and Eve. They are disrespecting their father and grandfather

          • Chris
            August 29, 2020 at 6:17 pm

            Wrong. You get to make rules surrounding your own children.

            CHRIS: I don’t think we should run off bmseattle 🙂

  14. Thomas
    August 26, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    Just to let more openminded English speakers know: Here in South America where I live, thousands of covid diagnosed patients have been cured in days using Chlorine Dioxide Solution. The solution is derived from the original MMS promoted by Jim Humble. CDS is more effective and is easier on the tummy than MMS. If you are concerned about preventing and/or curing just about any infectious or even chronic disease, you can find protocols at German biophysicist, Andreas Kalcker’s website
    Doctors at risk in Ecuador are using CDS prophylactically with near 100% success.
    We could stop all this mask/distance/vaccine/newnormal bullcrap in a heartbeat if the first world would make use of this substance that has been in use in water purification for over 60 years and has been present in every US transfusion blood bag since 1994.
    To Hell with the NWO!

    • Chris
      August 26, 2020 at 7:17 pm

      Dangerous BS

      • Spondive
        August 27, 2020 at 1:46 pm

        So what is not dangerous BS?

    • Thomas
      August 27, 2020 at 11:47 am

      Declarative statements with no real rebuttal. Which part is bullshit? The part about water treatment?Bloodbags? Did you even look at Kalcker’s website?

    • Spondive
      August 27, 2020 at 1:29 pm

      It is a strong oxidizer so food grade h202(hydrogen peroxide) should have a similar effect. Also iodine is an oxidizer so these non chlorine based oxidizers maybe just as effective if effective with less potential of harm. Of course the dose is important

  15. Jean-Francois Aubry
    August 26, 2020 at 2:07 pm

    Exactly…shitload of fun, with a perfect mad clown as POTUS, amazing time to be alive

  16. Chris
    August 26, 2020 at 7:48 am

    You know, when you trip and fall into a rabbit hole, you have to dust yourself off and climb out. Or be lost in a maze of downwardly spiraling rabbit holes.

    • Philipski
      September 7, 2020 at 5:34 pm

      That’s pure propaganda, Chris. And you know it! “Watch the MSM instead!” (Or as the peeps’ll say, the “News”.)

    • August 26, 2020 at 7:15 am

      Very easy to know what to believe when you see the sources – throw that lot in the bin.

      • Ea
        August 26, 2020 at 3:02 pm

        Note that VT generally and Carol Duff in particular are way PRO VAX.

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