A Most Likely Scenario?

First, thanks to ‘Ray’ for posting the link I’ll provide below, a letter from Dr. Leonard Horowitz to the U.S. Government, giving his view on what I’m calling the ‘Chinese Scare’ (CS), since all we really, absolutely know about it is that it scares people (and well it should, no matter what it is).

I have about 100 of these still images, from which I'm making a short, dizzying video.

I have about 100 of these still images, from which I’m making a short, dizzying video.

Doctor Horowitz’s book on AIDS and Ebola, which I read years ago and have re-read since, is the go-to work on bio-warfare and who is behind it. I highly recommend this one, especially now, as one of the bio-weapon scenarios described in the book is almost certainly what’s going on with the CS. 

Addendum: I just remembered Doc Horowitz’s excellent documentary film, In Lies We Trust; The CIA Hollywood, and Bioterrorismand highly recommend it, not only for its take on bio-warfare, but also it’s general truth-telling. The film is from the 2000s, but hasn’t lost any of its pizzazz; it’s taking apart of the PTB propaganda epic The History of Bioterrorism is classic. Ditto his outing of medical school training for doctors as trauma based mind control (which explains how doctors could push vaccines in the face of overwhelming evidence of the damage they cause).

For anyone with an interest in the true history of the ‘AIDS Pandemic,’ this film is a must-see.

I’ve talked with William (Engdahl) about Horowitz and my growing suspicion that Western Intel is behind the CS (Horowitz believes this also, but for different, more technical reasons), and he is more cautious about Horowitz, adding that the complexity of the world socio/economic/military/ power system (the PTB) is such that a (relatively) simple ‘cui bono’ analysis — which is one part of my reasoning — could be misleading.



Please do this: Read the Horowitz document and see what you think. Do your own research and please do forward any information you come across that you think is relevant. This is the advantage of a forum like this; we start with a sort of ‘mob analysis’ that we can sift through, quickly eliminating the garbage, paring it down further (as each of us sees fit), and see what makes the most sense. We are not going to agree on everything but at least we can expose ourselves to all relevant points of view.

There are two main aspects to Horowitz’s thesis. First he analyzes the CS ‘virus’s DNA, and claims there are genetic ‘additions’ that could not appear via natural processes, most importantly an ‘AIDS-virus envelope gene,’ which is what he calls ‘the smoking gun’ pointing to the CS as a bio-weapon.

As I have said before, an accidental release of the virus is unlikely, given the extreme protocols in a Level 4 bio-lab. If the CS is a bio-weapon, it was unleashed with mal intent.IMG_0597

Assuming the above, what’s left is to find the culprit. Horowitz sees the West as the most likely source, and I tend to agree, based on the following:

Cui bono (Who benefits)? Obviously, on the surface, the Chinese are suffering most (so far), but as William Engdahl has pointed out, alliances at the very top of the PTB are so complex, with equally complex ‘goals’ among the several factions; surface repercussions can be misleading.

Okay, point taken, but in my view the Chinese’s handling of the media and their information leakage has been so muddled and transparently misleading that I tend to doubt they were directly involved in the engineering of the outbreak.

The net gain for the PTB is obvious, as many of you have commented: A world-wide catastrophe of this sort is the perfect rationalization for the launch of a totalitarian one world system, with the usual ‘It’s for your own good’ as the M.O.. Call this the Occam Solution. (The Climate Change strategy isn’t working fast enough.)

Here’s the Horowitz letter. Read it carefully and see what you think.


Logan and I are discussing his post, which deals with the possibility that ‘germ theory’ itself is a fraud, and that ‘viruses’ are produced by our own bodies as part of a reaction to disease. My problem with this paradigm is that it seems to negate any sort of communicable disorder. If there are no ‘germs’ then how is the common cold, say, spread? Give us a couple days.

Comments on this subject are welcome, but please keep them brief; our main current subject is the CS.

  31 comments for “A Most Likely Scenario?

  1. Dee Cota
    February 19, 2020 at 3:02 am

    Some interesting info from the Mayo Clinic regarding germs check this website

    • February 19, 2020 at 6:00 am

      Sorry, I don’t like that article. The wheels fall off it where they say —> “Vaccines. Vaccination is your best line of defense for certain diseases”.
      There is such a giant avalanche of negative experiences out there, after people were vaccinated.
      And just look at some of these “Super Bugs” turning up in hospitals…germs that even eat spinal BONES away. And the hospitals can do nothing with their Big Pharma drugs & vaccinations.

  2. Larry C
    February 18, 2020 at 1:24 am

    For what it’s worth: I’ve done a bit of research on Microfiber cleaning cloths. These remarkable cloths reportedly remove almost 100% of all bacteria AND VIRUSES. To activate the cloth you simply soak in plain tap water, and wring out the excess moisture. (Apparently, the water activates the incredibly tiny fibers in to an erect position – in other words the germs are removed mechanically.) You can find microfiber cloths in janitorial supply stores and auto supply stores. I carry a damp microfiber cloth with me in a sandwich baggy and wipe my hands with it several time per day…(Follow laundering instructions to the letter.)

    • Dee Cota
      February 19, 2020 at 12:04 am

      Dear Allan,
      Took your suggestion and watch the movie In Lies We Trust. In fact, I saw this movie a few years back. I did my own research and I am forwarding this information regarding the so-called coronavirus. You”ll find the most up to date info here

      This article is long but it is worth reading all the info.

      • February 19, 2020 at 2:55 am

        Good report.
        And his best quote in there – – > ” Don’t be duped by all the fear-evoking news reports. Turn off the television.”.

  3. Arthur
    February 17, 2020 at 11:38 pm

    I second the endorsement of the GB4000 Frequency Machine. I got mine several years ago from David Dees, the political illustrator of world renoun. I sent the Horowitz letter to friends and family members as a trusted place to start understanding the situation. Always good thought provoking information coming from Allan’s posts and many of the comments that follow.

  4. Jean-François Aubry
    February 17, 2020 at 11:10 pm

    Barry talk of the “Human greed and voracious hunger for power at any cost.”….but IMH the source of those behaviour is not human, I mean if you create and release a deadly virus as a human you will be victim of your own disaster and you dont control your creature when in nature wich make no sense, but if some spirits or beings of a other realm or other world consider humanity like cattle it make a lot of sense…how humanity begin the last century riding horse and finish it with cell phone ?

    • Larry C
      February 18, 2020 at 1:12 am

      “…if you create and release a deadly virus as a human you will be victim of your own disaster and you dont control your creature when in nature wich make no sense, …”
      The sooner we disabuse ourselves of the notion that the guys behind biowarfare, chemical weapons, weather warfare and so forth are logical, the sooner we can figure out how to stop this madness. The bad guys are cunning, ruthless, and diabolical and they have a sense of entitlement that defies comprehension for most of us (e.g., they really believe that this is THEIR world and not ours). However, in the WISDOM department they punch in well below pond scum…

      • Jean-François Aubry
        February 18, 2020 at 3:11 am

        You will notice in WW2 even the Nazi did’nt use chemical warfare…Why ? because they were clever enough to realise it could be also deadly for themselve…so only fool will release a highly dangerous virus in the planet because a virus can mutate so even if the have prepare their own vax they will not be 100% sure of their protection…so they will not do this just for greed or money this is why i said it make no sense…just for the money…the thing is I talk of spirit, you should also recognise all those in death cult praise evil spirit…the world is not just compose what we can see, feel as a human

  5. Philip
    February 17, 2020 at 8:42 pm

    Glad to see Dr Rife getting the credit he deserves. I have a rife machine and use it every day and. have not been sick in years. About 10 years ago I developed bone cancer which was why I bought the machine. Well I am still here and as far as I can tell completely fine. Don’t know for sure because I never went back to the Doctor. If it is of interest I bought a GB4000 with the SR4 . amplifier . In my opinion the best rife machine going.

    • February 18, 2020 at 2:19 am

      That is amazing and fantastic that the Rife machine is available!.
      Is it sort of being made “ünderground”? – easy to get hold of?…expensive?.

      Maybe don’t answer if the PTTTB /BigPharma/Money- Junkie Scum are reading this blog.

      Everyone should have this machine at home – in case.

  6. Spaarta Spy
    February 17, 2020 at 6:22 pm

    AF sent you an email in a reply to your new post updates, regarding the true story of the Flu and Pneumonia vaccines and proof of those 2 vaccines’ as being the cause of mass annual illness as well as deadly carnage on elderly in nursing homes.

    • February 18, 2020 at 6:36 pm

      The Rife story is amazing and an important example of the PTB’s fear of genuine medical breakthroughs. Does anyone have inside info on the availability of his device?

  7. Barry Williams
    February 17, 2020 at 3:51 pm

    There was some skulduggery at the level 4 bio-lab in Manitoba. Chinese researchers were working there, some were fired and another left Canada to permanently return to China.

    Shortly afterward, the severely alcoholic lab manager died suddenly at a conference in Africa.

    Dr. Horowitz’s letter is frightening in that it reveals we are up against something much larger and more dangerous than coronavirus.

    Human greed and voracious hunger for power at any cost.

    Im going to watch Leonard’s documentary today but his valid opinion has answered many questions for me like; why would the Chinese refuse initial assistance and why should we NOT be vaccinated in preparation for the really big show.

    I really appreciate your research and writing Allan. Your curiosity and brilliant intellect has helped me become a a wiser, more informed decision maker.

    • February 17, 2020 at 6:24 pm

      Yes, I highly recommend that documentary! Multiple viewings will do you no harm.

    • Ea
      February 18, 2020 at 1:36 am

      Dr Qiu Xiangguo was ‘escorted out’ of the Level 4 National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg last July 5. Suspicious, but in retrospect.
      Dr Frank Plummer, the former head of said NML, died in Nairobi Feb 4 — with the corona hullabaloo well underway and hence immediately suspicious.

  8. Rex in St Louis
    February 17, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    Sofia Smallstorm did a few interviews on “Germ Theory”about a year ago. Pretty interesting for anyone wanting to invest a fewer hours listening.
    Last three videos on this page.

    • February 17, 2020 at 6:24 pm

      I made it through about half of it. Sofia is a LH (based on her friendship with David Weiss and flat earth, among other issues) but as I often say, LHs have to come up with some correct info to hook folks, so listen but be careful….

  9. Dun
    February 17, 2020 at 1:49 pm

    Having fun leafing through Hulda Clark’s The Cure For All diseases. Wish the cat hadn’t decided to spray-stink it, otherwise I’d take off the glasses and read closely. Here are some links: https://drclarkstore.com/the-cure-for-all-diseases/
    Go ahead.Explore those sites. They’re all worthwhile.
    And this is directly related to the Chinese Scare.

  10. February 17, 2020 at 2:13 am

    I’m starting to sniffle a lot and am feeling a lump in the back of my throat. Have I caught the corona virus? I live close to a town that just recently celebrated the Chinese New Year!

    Should I be scared?

    Is it possible I caught it over the internet from reading these posts about the China Scare?

    Allan, please help me to see the truth in what’s happening to me right now! How does the world really work?

  11. James
    February 17, 2020 at 1:18 am

    I am convinced that this coronavirus scare is just that another MK Ultra scare the sheeple PSYOP first of all China is the Big Brother Totalitarian Super State, the facial recognition cameras track everyone especially foreigners who could well be spies, incidentally the facial rec cameras use a dangerous to human health system of 5g urban radar to scan faces i believe they have introduced this system in some airports and possibly railway stations maybe bus stations and shopping malls in certain parts of the US . The coronavirus is patented and so is the vaccine it could be that it was invented in a secret US lab and sold to the Chinese or maybe swapped for chinese made 5g components for the US authorities to integrate with their 5g rollout . The World Powers would buy chinese 5g tech as it is cheap . My opinion is that the last thing the NWO planners want is a third world war they are content to engage in smaller regional conflicts like Yemen Syria Afghanistan etc it is a lucrative profitmaker for the Military Industrial Complex of all the big powers plus the stealing of oil. It is a big mistake to think they are at each others throats far from it they are working in concert together. The usual satanic Gematria is discernible in all these events the usual muddying the waters tactics ie the chinese are hiding the true figures etc One ominous sign in the UK was the prime puppet minister announced that anyone diagnosed with tha virus could be held in quarantine against their will scary stuff ! However the flu is only the flu and the reason why not many people have died from it is that hu.an beings themselves develop an immunity to it . One example of the satanic Gematria was of an English party from China or a cruise ship were cumpulsorily quarantined out of all the subjects tested 1 person was tracked as having infected 11 people but low and behold none of them actually went down with the full blown flu and were released, it seems that more of a panic has been generated in the US than anywhere else as soon as something like this happens suddenly Americans are going bananas chicken little style “the skys gonna fall in look out killer flu is coming world war 3 help economic collapse ho ho ho get a grip witcha ! The time is not yet Relax sit back and smoke an extra large reefer laters j

    • February 17, 2020 at 6:21 pm

      Right. Okay, okay, but don’t tell people — while they are relaxing with a J — to not make sure they can hole up for at least three months. Also, people would pay better attention if you picked one subject/issue at a time and paragraph your essays so they are easier on the eyes. I found myself skipping down to see how you end it.

    • February 17, 2020 at 6:47 pm

      No one is going to read a rambling discourse like this, James. I just realized you did the same thing in your comment on the last post. Are you not paying attention? I am an actual writer trying to give you some advice.

  12. February 17, 2020 at 12:06 am

    I wish I could report otherwise, but sorry – Germs (bacteria) exist. And they are EVERYWHERE, most are good, a few are terrible & horrible. Makes one question the creator.
    And I have seen them with my own eyes under my microscope, when I was checking what could possibly be in collected rain water, and I accidently popped one of the bird lice I found, and it was chockablock full of writhing bacteria.
    Are all these operating theatre’s trying to hoodwink us, with the $Millions they spend on sterilizing?..No. And I mean, I’m only talking about the less dangerous run of the mill germs.

    • GB
      February 17, 2020 at 11:50 am

      Yes bacteria do exist – they form roughly half of our Biomass. It does not follow however that they CAUSE illness. Proliferation of one type of bacteria over another could be as a result of more or less favourable conditions in the body (ie the dis-ease comes before the disease) ; indeed I see this as the more intuitive hypothesis. The same goes for viruses although I have always been suspicious of these as an independent ‘life’ form. I had a high regard for the work of Royal Rife and his microscopes and he always maintained that bacteria produced viruses; IF this is the case, then it stands to reason that the bacteria that are symbiotic with the body (as opposed to pathogenic) can also produce them.

      • February 17, 2020 at 6:18 pm

        As I say, stock provisions, avoid public places (depending on how this goes), and see what happens. Logan’s upcoming post goes into Rife, with which I am also familiar. An important story.

      • February 17, 2020 at 6:56 pm

        I have found out 100% certain, that they DO INDEED cause illness.
        And that is why Dr Roy Rife invented that exceedingly powerful new microscope, so he could see the little suckers with his own eyes, as he destroyed all and sundry of them with his special & adjustable magnetic microwave.
        Dr Rife is the greatest Pioneer/Inventor/Doctor who ever lived, and I put him right up there with Nikola Teslar.
        All about the great Dr Rife, and what those Mongrels did to him > https://youtu.be/nkQLlZxXLeI
        Everyone should watch this, and realize what is going on in the world.

        • February 17, 2020 at 7:10 pm

          ….If I remember rightly, Dr Rife’s microscope went to a whopping 6000x magnification. It’s bloody hard to get much above 2000x with out problems galore.
          Microscopy is one of my hobbies.

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