Going through a rough patch out here in the boonies, folks. I was hoping to send out some words each couple of days. But I keep putting it off…
These are not only distressing but interesting times we live in and I find that writing for a readership (however small) forces me to self-reflect and think more critically. So thanks for reading this. (Although at the moment I’m not sure I’ll finish it…)
Distressing/interesting. Which takes precedence? Lately, the former (hence the rough patch). For example, which is more distressing, The Way The World Really Works (TWTWRW) or individual human nature (IHN), insofar as the two can be isolated from each other – I think they can. But let me back up and try to return to this subject in a bit.
I started the rough patch with a mistake: As a person who makes open source ‘exposé’ videos with serious implications should never have done this, but I did: A study of the comments to my videos. I was concerned about my ‘subscriber count’ as defined by my blog provider (MailChimp). As I’ve mentioned, every time I do a blog post I apparently suffer a net loss of subscribers. On average I lose about 15 (via formal ‘Unsubscribes’) and gain one or two, sometimes as many as four; but the net loss is always in double digits. Given that each post will usually contain a new video, I thought to analyze the video view count to see what the correlation is.
In the past two months I’ve gotten a total of about 90,000 vid views. Now keep in mind that each video ends with a suggestion that the viewer take a look at my blog. Yet, according to Chimp’s numbers I’ve garnered a total of about twenty new subscribers in two months. 90,000 views? Twenty subscribers? Right there something feels wrong. I know my videos; hey, I made them. I know I am basically correct in my observations and conclusions. Wait. Regarding the ‘car in space’ fakery, I am more than basically correct. In the two videos I made on that subject, anyone who can think critically knows those images were done in a studio. (Just in case, here is the first, and here is the second.) This would seem to be fairly big news, at least to a conscious human. So what’s with these numbers?

The image is a ‘plasma instability’ — a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora – seen in sky as ‘the world ended’…. not kidding. Do some research!
The numerical anomaly is why I’ve asked you guys to email me with a simple ‘Yep’ in the subject box if you find my blog of value. The numbers here might tell me something. Although it seems unlikely, it’s possible that I’m being gaslit by MailChimp, my blog provider, regarding subscriber numbers. Paranoia? I dunno. Keep in mind my ‘The Man With 300 Faces’ post, i.e., the cyber-spook I met who has 300 Facebook identities. That the PTB, through Youtube and maybe even blog service providers like Chimp, monkey (so to speak) with blog numbers is to be expected. Here’s a comment (this video) I got on this subject:
AC W; we deal with these Nasa paid shills every hour of every day…. I have one Nasa shill who [is] my mate and I argue with every day. He gets paid $10.00 US for every comment that he posts… This lot get paid to lie and debunk the truth. Check out our channel sometime and you will see how we deal with this lot. Cheers and great find!
I know: It’s a comment and to be taken with a grain or so, but it fits perfectly with all we know about Net ‘perception management’ by the PTB. I’ll not repeat it all here, but my Man With 300 Faces is a good lead-in to where I’m headed with this post, which is to one specific alt media ‘name’ that did reply to my volley of emails to her (and 29 more like her, the vast majority of whom remained silent). The emails – you might remember – were links to my videos proving Spacex/Musk’s ‘space flights’ fraudulent (mostly the ‘car in space’ aspect).

This petroglyph is from last year in Arizona. Ages cannot be determined but some may be 10,000 years or older.
Aside from the Flat Earth psy op crew, Why is the alt media dead silent on the Musk Space Fraud? This is the question I kept asking myself.
As I say in the above-linked post, the more skilled shills all have one thing in common: they try to sound as if they follow the rules of logic when in point of fact they do not. NLP (misleading through language) is a technique we are constantly subjected to online. In studying the comments to my videos, NLP has become a big wavy red flag.
These Net shills (‘anonymous’ commenters, etc.) are a couple notches down in the PTB hierarchy from the public disinfo-agents that make up the majority of the alternative media; the latter are more skilled at NLP. They are, in effect, infiltrators, undercover agents of the PTB. This is difficult to picture, I realize. Listen to someone like James Corbett: he sounds so sincere; as if truth, and imparting it to you, is what he lives for. Well, Corbett is a spook. And so are the vast majority of his ‘colleagues.’
Presumably (since you’re reading this), you understand that – at the very least – the ‘car in space’ imagery was fabricated, and you know this because of the evidence I presented in my videos. Now, if you were an alt media figure – a fucking ‘Truther!’ – and you were privy to this blockbuster (and I assume you see it this way), you’d want your audience/readership to know it.
This would especially be the case if your ‘truth’ specialty was something along the lines of ‘The Secret Space Program.’ Although I’ve given you a list of people of this description, let’s zero in on one: Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Undersecretary (of Housing and Development) for the G.H.W. Bush administration (if you consider this a red flag, we’re on the same page). Since I’d met Ms. Fitts at the Secret Space Conference in 2015 (and had exchanged emails afterwards), I contacted her (along with the rest of my list) in Mid-February, alerting her to the evidence of fraud I’d uncovered regarding the Musk Space Fraud (MSF). I kept all of them abreast of my research as evidence of fakery became more and more inarguable.
Here’s how my communications started (this was worded differently to those I did not meet at the conference):
We all met at the SSP in Austin a couple years ago: I’m assuming you all have an interest in space flight… or fakery thereof…
Attached is a clip of the Spacex fairing door opening. You must watch frame by frame. questions:
1)How could the light start to brighten BEFORE the door opens at all? (one frame). It appears that the lighting guy (the DP) turned on ‘the sun’ a tad too soon.
2)With the door open just a crack, there is way too much light in there for it to be the sun. (I’m a pro photog and filmmaker)
3)There is one frame that is totally blown out. How could the blackness of space be ‘over-exposed’? (It’s utterly impossible. That frame was probably to cheat a cut/edit.)
4)The fairing door is supposed to be long gone but you can see it’s still there on the far left edge of frame before the earth snaps into proper exposure. (This may have been the cause of the ‘panic’ that led to these anomalies.)
5)the speed telemetry gives the game away that a frame is repeated over 30 times (from 10,277 km/h to 10,262 km/h) — then the earth snaps into proper exposure. This suggests pre-editing of the whole sequence, although something else may be going on (like getting rid of the fairing door edge).
5a)The un-degraded imagery is also a bust, given that it was done in the Van Allen Belts. I sent you examples of what even a bit of radiation does to video. (The cameras are Gopros, which I know very well. The company gave me a score of them over the years. I know how they behave. Even if they beefed them up, they couldn’t stop gamma/x-rays/etc. from entering via the lens.)
6)Many of the car/earth images don’t match in the lighting. At all. As a photographer I was insulted by some of the anomalies. (Why take down the rear view mirror? To avoid accidental views of the ‘fourth wall’?
7)Why isn’t the spacecraft tumbling? Without adjustment jets it would not stay on its unlikely (and oh so perfect) heading/attitude after the last burn. Ask a physicist.
8)No stars. Pu-lease. No land in many passes. Mickey mouse earth CGI. What are those little lights going from down to up at DIFFERENT SPEEDS (means they can’t be stars.)
Christ! Etc etc.
If you’re going to get into high octane speculation, how about this: aside from the above fakery, the launch was faked with holograms, which they are beta testing for some future ‘armageddon.’ Plus of course their A.I. is keeping track of who buys the fraud and who does not; many etceteras here.
If you have questions or need clarifications, fire away. The above is just a summation of the work I’ve done. Truly, some of the ‘tells’ are so blatant that it reflects poorly on all of us if we don’t expose this fraud somehow in unison.
The above was sent before I made my formal videos. Not one of them out of thirty responded.
Undaunted, I sent them all links as soon as I uploaded my first two finished videos to YouTube (I had already sent clips). Although I got three responses, none them were what you’d expect, given the content of my information. (None showed any interest in the Musk fraud, and gave excuses for not dealing with it.)
Finally, I emailed Ms. Fitts the following [cc-ed to Ms. Fitts, the addressees were Alexandra Bruce of Forbidden Knowledge TV and Daniel Lizst of The Dark Journalist]:
On 3/9/18 11:40 AM, Allan Weisbecker wrote:
I forgot to include the two of you in my emails to alt media folks so I thought I’d combine you here (at the last minute I decided to cc Ms Fitts).
Since February I’ve been amassing evidence that Musk’s space imagery is fraudulent. So much evidence!
Since the two of you are interested in human space flight, by definition (almost) you’d want to know about Musk. You can go to my blog at:
Or go directly to my video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWg-iLBrQxA&t=3s Alexandra, if you can’t debunk my info, I’ll assume you’ll put it on Hidden Knowledge TV. This would seem to be perfect for you. |
My subscribership is limited. You could be a big help in spreading the word. Oh, and Daniel, you might ask Catherine A. Fitts about my evidence. I haven’t heard from her, but she certainly should be interested…
allan weisbecker
[Keep in mind that Ms. Fitts had already gotten a half dozen emails from me as my evidence built, and then I finally sent my videos; so the following is actually a response to all my emails she never replied to, in spite of our having corresponded before and met at the conference. This reply is, in effect, her way of explaining why she had not reacted to my evidence.]
Bold is either for emphasis or my commentary.
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: The Spacex fraud
The question is who has the expertise to review and authenticate the merits of what you are saying. [I’m hoping my first two videos are somewhat fresh in your minds as you read this. Make no mistake: I’m openly accusing Ms. Fitts (and the others) of being an agent of the PTB. I consider her emails evidence of such.]
Not me, not Daniel and not Alexandra. [A look at the video/podcast/claims made by these three ‘alt media’ names and you may realize how absurd this statement is. Ms. Bruce, for example, with her ‘Forbidden Knowledge TV’ service bombards subscribers with third party videos ranging in subject matter from UFOs to time travel theories (‘The Montauk Project, etc.). A statement this misleading amounts to a lie, IMO.]
Alexandria does not have funding or expertise to go through this and debunk – the burden of proof (expense) is not on her and your suggestion that it is sorely harms your credibility. This is the behavior of unprofessional people and disinfo agents. [‘Disinfo agent’? You’ve seen my videos… the unwarranted hostility/accusation angle is the usual from someone who is threatened by my information and just wants to shut me up. It was Corbett’s reaction, J. Farrell’s, J. Dyer’s, J. Irvin, and on and on.
So I suggest – if you want to accomplish something real and of value – you start identifying the people with the time and funding to go through what you have found and the knowledge and expertise who can authenticate what you have have found instead of bullying the people who have neither. [Does anyone see any ‘bullying’ I’ve done? Accusations like this are meant to put me on the defensive. This is classic NLP-misdirect.]
That way independent media will have something useful.
Rather than returning her hostility I replied:
On 3/9/18 1:35 PM, Allan Weisbecker wrote:
Ms Fitts,
Okay, I’ll go that route. I’m a former professional photographer who has done covers and multi-page spreads for magazines like Smithsonian (for which I crossed the Atlantic on a tall ship, a 13 page spread), Mens Journal (cover, back page photos and written articles), Popular Photography and too many others to list.
Since most of my proofs are photographic in nature, do you not consider a pro shooter and current filmmaker qualified to judge matters of exposure and lighting? Am I not qualified to read technical papers about thrust and tumble in the vacuum of space and make simple deductions?. [One of my observations was that without jet thrusters, the ‘car in space’ stage could not have given the view of earth we saw in the ‘live stream’, since satellites tumble without them (I cited Popular Mechanics’ fact checkers as proof of this). In other words, ‘Independent authorities’ are not needed. A quick trip to Wikipedia will do for any observations/deductions in my videos.]
So Fitts comes back with:
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: The Spacex fraud
Authentication is a professional process involving MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT people from a variety of the relevant backgrounds. [This is pure misdirection: Seeing the truth in my videos only requires some critical thinking. It is not ‘rocket science’, as (I hope) you all know.]
NO ONE PERSON CAN AUTHENTICATE. This is why professional journalists are typically required to get 2 sources for something anyone can authenticate without expertise. [What does this even mean? Keep in mind that my emails/videos were sent to these people for these reasons:
1) Alert them to a new and major deception.
2) Suggest that they pass on my information to their readership/audience.
3) Use their own resources to further my research.
Fitts is responding as if I’m asking her to condemn someone in a jury trial. My videos are observations with conclusions that follow logically. What she is trying to do here is NLP for avoiding passing on my information. That’s what the hostility is about. Since none of the alt media names I sent my info to have responded appropriately, my deduction is that they are all under orders to avoid exposing the Musk fraud.
It is a complex process which is why good manners are important to achieving it. [‘Good manners’? What do ‘manners’ have to do with the information I sent? Is a video link somehow… ‘rude’? Do you see how this nonsense is still more misdirection?]
My reply:
On 3/9/18 1:51 PM, Allan Weisbecker wrote:
I’ve just scanned one of your SSP lectures. You don’t bring up ‘MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT people from a variety of the relevant backgrounds’ there or in any of your limited hangout BS. In this one you seem to know a lot about satellite technology:
…and I found that in 30 seconds. [Here I’m pointing out the utter hypocrisy of her ‘supply independent support’ bull shit, since she routinely does what she is accusing me of doing.]
Your huffy response is nothing new; when someone wants to avoid an uncomfortable truth, they do exactly as you did: Accuse me of something, cop a superior (and hypocritical) attitude.
That you want to avoid dealing with this current fraud tells me all I need to know about you. Thank you for proving it with your poorly thought-out emails. I’ll be quoting them.
Fitts comes back with this doozy:
I did not say you needed authentication to say what you believe. I said you needed it if you wanted non-experts in the independent media to be able to access your information in a EFFECTIVE manner. Feel free to continue to operate without my advice.
Please do speak your mind – as I do.
Lots of documentation on what I say about the missing money here, Allen
More information on effective functioning for grown ups here: [Right. She sends me to a site on ‘etiquette’ from Emily Post. But here’s how it went: I send her video links, she insults me, I react, she implies I need ‘help’.]
And perhaps therapy for you here: [‘Therapy’? Now I’m mentally unbalanced. The same sort of gaslighting NLP I got from Corbett, Richard Grove, Farrell, Smallstorm, Irvin… the list goes on. You be the judge here.]
Unless of course you are paid to do this! Always a possibilities – there seems to be a direct correlation with bullying. In my personal experience it is usually CIA, government contractors or multijurisdictional task forces, including Israeli intelligence. [Upping the stakes with her NLP here, she goes for it: Accusing me of being what she is. This too is a ploy I’ve seen before. As if an agent of the state would make the videos you’ve seen!]
I do agree this is not productive, so I will henceforth stop reading your e-mails or e-mailing you. [This was her ultimate motive, aside from rationalizing her silence regarding the Musk fraud. All but a couple or so others merely remained silent in the face of my evidence, which was ultimately the smart thing to do: Fitts’s try at discrediting me only made it more obvious what she really is.
Okay, enough with Fitts, except to point out how close she is to many of the others on my list. As a reminder, here’s the list of alt media figures I contacted with the evidence you all have seen and who ignored it or NLP-ed a terse response:
Marcus Allen, Joe Atwill, Dr. John Brandenburg, Alexandra Bruce (Forbidden Knowledge TV), Greg Carlwood (the highersidechats), Michel Chossudovsky, James Corbett, Crrow777, Jay Dyer, Fakeologist, Dr. Joseph Farrell, Jim Fetzer, Catherine Austin Fitts, Christopher Fontenot, Edward Griffin, Richard D. Hall, Linda M. Howe, Jan Irvin, Andrew Johnson, Daniel Liszt (‘The Dark Journalist’)*, Miles Mathis, David Percy, Olav Phillips, Jon Rappoport, Jerry Russell, Simon Shack, Bart Sibrel, Sofia Smallstorm, Jay Weidner, Judy Wood.
As limited hangouts, among their functions is to provide a focus for those who seek the truth of HTWRW. The sense is that ‘we’ need only listen to them to learn all that is learnable. Also, by monitoring who listens to these people, a ‘list’ is kept of those who might pose a ‘truth’ problem in the future.
Imagine a whistleblower – a genuine one, rare as they are – wanting to go public with his/her potentially devastating information. Think of it this way: Are my videos not (in effect) whistleblowing? (Like this one, which exposes Musk’s attempt at tunnel-boring fraud.) Although ‘open source’ (available to all with ‘eyes to see’), am I not ‘blowing the whistle’ on an important truth?
Would any whistleblower in his/her right mind – having read the above exchange – contact Catherine A. Fitts in seeking to go public? Perhaps this is why there are so few whistleblowers (that we know about). They contact one of the above-listed names and… poof, you never hear from them.
Sibel Edmonds, who is as compromised as they come (scroll down to the photo of Gus and read from there), has formed an ‘organization’ for whistleblowers. Talk about a ‘dangle’! Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse! (Edmonds is among the dozens who should be on my list.)
I don’t know whether it’s worth our time and attention for me to go into the additional evidence that the people on my list (and others) are ultimately not on our side. In fact, I’m not at all sure many of you are even interested in this information (who we can trust/whom we cannot).
Anyway, I’m out here in the boonies of New Mexico examining petroglyphs, amazing ‘messages’ from our forebears; some I’ve seen could be 10,000 years old, or older (it’s impossible to date rock art). Many are cryptic in the extreme; many are likely warnings that our solar system has gone through cataclysms within the memory of our species. (This is denied by the mainstream, but see this film by the folks at Electric Universe.)
I wonder about the nature of the cataclysm to come – it’s only a matter of time – whether it will be ‘cosmic’ or man-made. But what really bothers me – what’s behind (or beneath) this rough patch is what I keep learning about human nature.
I started this message by referring to the comments to my videos. A rough guess is that there are 3,000 of them. Three thousand times someone (there are many repeaters) hit the ‘comment’ button and… wrote something, as a response to my work in making a video passing on important information (sorry, but I do know it’s important information).
A very high percentage of these comments were not motivated by any interest in ‘the truth,’ either in my videos or any other sort of truth. The comments were part of the person’s job in misleading you (assuming you yourself are for real).
Yes, the cyber-spook with 300 Facebook identities keeps coming to mind. People like this. People like the hundreds, maybe thousands of ‘crisis actors’ that likewise participate in deceiving us. Not the useful idiots who fall for the lies and in turn perpetuate them. They are tools but they are victims too.
Yesterday I got a comment from this guy who calls himself ‘Jeranism’ – he’s one of the handful of ‘big names’ in the flat earth psy op. I made a whole video on Jeranism, related to the Musk fraud, but which also exposed Jeranism as the government employee and utter scumbag that he is.
I rarely do detailed responses to shill-comments like Jeranism’s, but I got on a roll this one time, such is my contempt for him personally. I’ll reproduce it here, along with his comment. Might be helpful, somehow…
Dude you are out there. If I saw you picking oranges, I wouldn’t run and make a video saying… look here… this guy has no care for picking apples. Look at him and his orange picking. No care for picking apples when I have been here for 2 mins picking apples. And no link to my video. Why was I subbed to you. I feel dirty like I just walked through a flea market.
I know: Jeranism’s comment is pretty much nonsense. He’s so crazed about me, hates me so much, that he can’t even express it. (If you can bear to watch his videos, you’ll find he’s not… unintelligent. His problem is much different.) Here’s my reply:
Just can’t stop thinking about me, huh?… Jeranism? I know this one upset you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5Wd81gyCY8
But the one that REALLY got to you was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeHtjUxjEFE&t=42s
Anyone coming across this exchange should go to this one and watch the second half, an expose of ‘Jeranism’s half assed attempt at NLP. A dead giveaway that he’s working for the bad guys, the PTB. I have to wonder if you got yelled at for that crap by your handlers, it’s so transparent.
But really, please just answer one question: How do you LIVE with yourself? I think you claim to have kids. If true, do you think about them when you’re ‘at work’ trying to scramble minds with your psy op?
Also, have you thought about my question as to whether you have a ‘ticket’ to the underground, if real catastrophe hits? [I’d asked him this in an email] You don’t have one, do you? Not for you or your family. Means you’re no more than a tiny little cog in the machine, and of no actual importance. You’re not one of them.
One more question. When your kids ask ‘What do you do, daddy?’ how do you answer? Do you show them your videos? Like the above, when you ‘explain’ how the sailboat is an illusion? What do you say when they go, ‘I don’t understand, daddy’?
I believe we all have ‘epitaphs’. Meaning we leave behind the good and the bad we’ve done. Like the Egyptian concept of ‘heart weighing.’ Your heart must be light to make it to the next world. ‘Heavy’ hearts don’t make it.
If the Egyptians are right, you’re not going anywhere when the time comes. See, lies… especially lies told to many people, equal a very heavy heart.
I don’t know if that was worth your time. I mean, I don’t even know why I took the time to write it…. Jeranism has come to represent all that I loathe about human nature. For some reason I loathe Jeranism more than I do those who put together the massive flat earth psy op he works for. Maybe because without him, Jeranism, without those like him, without those like the people on my list, the world would be a completely different place. In a good way.
Sometimes my anger gets the better of me and a rough patch ensues.
Hey, could I be wrong on all of the above? Sure. But I don’t think so. I’m just following the evidence.