A Sly Wit?

I’ve been thinking of two possibilities for the near future. Either quit this blog altogether, since it seems to have no effect and only serves to put me on the radar of bad people, or get on with it and expose Sam Harris for what he is. Then maybe quit. We’ll see…

Here is the original. Doesn't look right to me but what do I know about God and art?

Here is the original. Doesn’t look right to me but what do I know about God and art?

Last night I was watching Rosemary’s Baby and realized a frame or two was maybe significant. So I screen-grabbed it. The scene was shot with Michelangelo’s ‘God and Man’ in the background, as part of the wall of an apartment (the movie-repro was almost certainly done via a photograph of the original). I recalled that many people remember the image with the Man lower down and looking up at God, as it is in the frame grab. (There is no logical connection between the possible occultism of the ME and Rosemary’s Baby, notwithstanding the obvious demonic theme of the latter.)

If you do a current search (the Sistine Chapel ceiling), you’ll see that God and Man are on the same horizontal plane, not with Man looking up. This would seem to be another possible ‘jab’ at God or religion. I mean, shouldn’t Michelangelo have positioned the Creator higher than his Creation?

According to the movie-grab (from 1966), he did do this; even if the camera angle is misleading, the Man’s eye is clearly looking up not across at his Creator. Look carefully at these images.

A close up. Yep, Man is looking across at his Creator, not up.

A close up; how the image is now. Yep, Man is looking across at his Creator, not up.

I bring up this example because of the Biblical theme. Most Effects (assuming they are genuine) seem random, purposeless, from a PTB perspective. The ‘religious’-themed ones might reflect an agenda; they may even be the main agenda behind whatever is going on, aside from the sort of ultimate power trip they represent. The destruction of organized religion to make way for a one-world system could very well involve the casting of doubt upon ‘holy books’ and imagery — I’d bet the Koran contains similar defacements. In this case, the ‘change’ to God and Man being on the same level may seem trivial, but from who/whatever is behind this, I would expect subtlety plus outrageousness in their methods.

Mmmm. Look at his eye in this grab from an old movie. He's looking up, as he should be.

Click it to enlarge then compare with the previous image. Look at his eye in this grab from the 1966 movie. He’s looking up, as he should be, and maybe was at the ‘time’ the movie was shot.

Meanwhile, I stumbled upon an annoying video that informed me that many people have been under the mistaken notion that the U.S. has 52 states. Ridiculous, right? I thought so. But the annoying video displayed some U.S. government documents that actually say this. So I went to Google Trends and was surprised to find that about the same number of people have done searches for ‘The 52 states of America’ as for ‘The 50 states of America.’


I plugged in 49 and 51 and ‘No data’ came up. With ’48’ I got a reading, but

What's that... thing... west of Australia?

A different level than logos and movie lines, right?

that’s to be expected, ‘the lower forty-eight’ being a well-know term, for obvious reasons. Deniers will bring up whatever they want as an ‘explanation’ but the geography theme is thought-provoking. One of the MEs that at first sounds just too ridiculous is ‘South America is wrong,’ i.e., is ‘too far’ to the east ‘now.’ The map image to the left is from that annoying guy’s video so I can’t vouch for authenticity but I suspect if you do your own searches you’ll find that South America indeed has been moved. (I know: I’m laughing too.)


What’s that blob to the west of Oz?

But just as ridiculous is the screen grab I did from the 1993 movie called (aptly) Dazed and Confused. I rented the movie after seeing a clip on Youtube; I wanted to make sure there wasn’t any photo-shop BS from the Youtuber. There is bad news for the Kiwis on this blog. New Zealand is apparently gone on this globe, and/or reshaped and moved to the other side of Australia.

The question here becomes twofold. One, did someone go to a bit of trouble to insert a bogus globe into a few frames of an obscure 1990s film, or is the ME potentially ‘earth moving’ in its effects? Or both. (I mean, I think we can rule out a globe-making company accidentally making an error of this magnitude and no one catching it.)

Think about it. Is there another choice? Either it is a psy op, or, at another ‘time’/’place’, the earth was radically different. (Again, the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics comes to mind, plus maybe the occult clowns of CERN.)  Or both, of course. But as I mentioned last time, if the ME is a psy op, it has to go way beyond the pale of past psy ops; if it’s a psy op, it means the spooks are fiddling with reality itself. And again, if this is the case why are the various media (MS and alt) so quiet about it? Has it gotten out of hand? Have they lost control?

mona lisa both

Not only does the right side of her mouth turn upwards ‘now,’ but the expression in her eyes has subtly changed, to one of amusement.

dangerous review

Surprisingly, my review of The Most Dangerous Book… is still the ‘most helpful’.

The examples I bring up on this blog are the ones that tell me something about motive, like the Biblical ones. From my study of The Most Dangerous Book in the WorldI know another PTB ‘tell’: a sly and demeaning wit. Take the Mona Lisa. In this grab from the annoying guy’s video, it appears that her expression has changed: Now she has a perceptible grin. (The image on the left is from a t-shirt, which, presumably, was designed ‘before’ the change.)


That’s Carl Sagan’s finger pointing to our solar system’s position in the Milky Way — on the outer reaches.

This is a good example of a ‘sense of humor’ (which, again, separates it from ‘random’ MEs). Is the new Mona Lisa representative of the PTB’s sly grin, telling us they can and will fuck with classic art (as with Michelangelo’s)? I mean, the current version might as well be winking at us. This stuff is important because it reflects a ‘human’ agenda behind some of the Effects, which is both scary and revealing.

It's not just a matter of orientation, but distance from the galactic center...

It’s not just a matter of orientation, but distance from the galactic center…

But if you think tinkering with our planet’s geography is as far as the ME can go, you’re wrong. I’ve done some searches on this and found that our Galaxy has ‘changed’ as well. Just about every cosmologist has pointed to a different location for our solar system. I don’t have room here for more than three, but take my word for it: If you believe physicists, we’ve been camping out all over the cosmos.


See what I mean? You can hardly find two positions that are even close. (Enlarge and LOOK where the sun is: that red dot in Orion’s Spur.)

If you’re thinking that it’s a whole lot easier to change a ‘map’ of the galaxy than to move the solar system, I couldn’t agree more. My point is more along the lines of another example of the sly wit involved.

Addendum: As I go to bed it occurs to me that these ‘galaxy maps’ theoretically are based upon the view of the heavens from earth, so, theoretically, different maps should reflect very different views of the star fields… Mmmm… just a thought. 

Anyway, as I say up top, I dunno if I’m going to keep doing this blog. It costs me money and exposure, and it doesn’t seem to have any effect other than aggravation (my own and others’).

I’m thinking I’ll finish up the one on Sam Harris and be done with it.


By the way, since we seem to be on the subject of ‘changing history,’ I’m wondering if any of you are familiar with the theory that about 1,000 years of world history has been totally fabricated (mostly via ‘adding’ the Dark Ages), via non-supernatural shenanigans?

One more. See what I mean about 'view of the star field'? Would we see Andromeda the same from the other maps?

Addendum image. See what I mean about ‘view of the star field’? Would we see Andromeda the same from the other maps?

Meaning ‘history’ is a whole lot shorter than we thought. I know: Just when you thought I couldn’t get any crazier…

If you have a lot of patience, you might try this guy, but be warned: he’s very ragged in his presentation. His clips of Sylvie Ivanova’s stuff make it worth your time, I think. Some of her evidence is nothing short of staggering.

Final note (I promise): What got my attention to Greg Jay’s work was this one, which indicates that the tides are not a function of the moon’s (plus sun’s) gravitation. Newton and Einstein may have both been wrong. (As Electric Universe implies, but the numbers actually prove it.) It also looks like Newton faked his data re the moon/tides. No surprise, come to think of it.

  53 comments for “A Sly Wit?

  1. jnan
    March 8, 2019 at 4:29 pm

    Allan .. I always look forward to your posts, thought provoking and informative even if I don’t always agree.

  2. Krustysurfer
    March 5, 2019 at 7:32 am

    thanks Alan for everything you do … we do appreciate it very much. i look forward to your posts, go if you must however let it be known you will be missed! Blessings and Aloha Brother

  3. Cat
    March 5, 2019 at 5:10 am


    You make my heart ache for you.
    You also make me laugh.
    I always look for your email and
    savor it. Thank you. You’re the best.

  4. Katie
    March 4, 2019 at 11:03 pm

    I lived in Colombia, S. A. It’s in the same time zone as New York.

    • March 5, 2019 at 4:26 pm

      I know. NY is close to due north of Colombia, as I recall from my smuggling runs. Question is, has it always been so? Old maps would help as residue.

  5. marsh collins
    March 4, 2019 at 8:17 pm

    Is the bible being changed supernaturally? If the Bible (and God) are to be believed, the word of God has been preserved and faithfully handed down. No need to dig up papyrus scrolls to justify Satan’s new world order versions. It is either the word of God handed down and preserved for all nations and all generations, or it is not. You cannot change it and have it still mean something. Which is of course the (supernatural or not) reason behind all the changes.
    Erasmus took the Catholic church’s Latin version and the original Greek Textus Receptus and put them side by side , page by page, and let the reader be the judge. It made it very easy to see the inconsistency, contradiction (lies) between the two.

    This book effectively killed the Catholic church, launches the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Protestant movement , the truth was birthed from this book and the lies of the Catholic Church doctrine exposed. The money stopped flowing to Rome and the church started killing, and torturing, to suppress the book.
    Bible versions that led up to the King James, Tyndale, Matthew, Coverdale, Bishop’s Bible, Geneva Bible, they all line up with the King James. They all basically say the same thing as the King James. The King James Bible is the culmination of the bibles that preceded it. If the King James Bible is consistent with all the other English bibles that led up to it, why are these modern bibles so different?
    The NIV has thousands of corruptions and changes. The NIV deleted 16 entire verses from the New Testament. Notes invalidate 27 other verses based on papyrus scraps dug out of the dirt.
    Most of these NWO versions are comical, absurd. NIV heavily pushes Catholic doctrines while trying to pass the book off as evangelical. Beating yourself, baptism without belief, confessionals to a pedophile (oops I mean priest), instead of a personal relationship with God, etc.
    dear Kimberly now quoting from NIV new world order version?
    One NIV change could be described as unusually comical, entertaining, blasphemous, depending of course on your particular perverted atheistic, LH, Satanic, Kabbalistic, or Rabbinical/Judaic, etc. .. point of view.
    Isaiah 14:12 says this. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.” Only one place in the entire Bible do you find the word “Lucifer.” Once. Here, the bible puts a name on Satan, calling him “Lucifer.”
    Both the King James and the NIV NWO versions in Revelation 22:16 quote Jesus calling himself the MORNING STAR. Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and MORNING STAR.
    Isaiah 14-12 from the King James Bible ….How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
    Is changed in the the NIV Isaiah 14-12 to……….How you have fallen from heaven , MORNING STAR. NIV names both Jesus and Lucifer as MORNING STAR.
    Jesus and Lucifer both called the Morning Star. Surely this must endear the NIV to Satan’s minions. Dear Kimberly and bible critic Weisbecker will get a hearty chuckle. I sleep better not mocking.
    Is it supernatural change? Have we entered new dimensions , but remember the old reality? Did the devil do it? Did the CIA do it? Did Hollywood do it? Is it dark forces, spiritual wickedness? Or just millions of liars, an infection on humanity? Don’t know and does it even matter?
    Something always seemed a bit off. Where’s the gaps in the truth being told? Lies of Omission the biggest. If you want to know who rules over you, ask who you are not allowed to criticize.

    • Kimberlie
      March 4, 2019 at 9:02 pm

      Hello Marsh Collins~
      NIV and KJV on these verses say the same thing…. there is no omission, nor mockery…

      1 Corinthians 1:18-25 King James Version (KJV)
      18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
      19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
      20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
      21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
      22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
      23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
      24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
      25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

      RE: Jesus and Satan referred to as the Morning Star:

      It is interesting to note that the concept of the “morning star” is not the only concept that is applied to both Jesus and Satan. In Revelation 5:5, Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is compared to a lion, seeking someone to devour. The point is this, both Jesus and Satan, to a certain extent, have similarities to lions. Jesus is similar to a lion in that He is the King, He is royal and majestic. Satan is similar to a lion in that he seeks to devour other creatures. That is where the similarities between Jesus, Satan, and lions end, however. Jesus and Satan are like lions in very different ways.

      The idea of a “bright morning star” is a star that outshines all the others, and Jesus is the One who is called “bright.” Satan was a morning star. Jesus, as God incarnate, the Lord of the universe, is the BRIGHT and morning star. Jesus is the most holy and powerful “light” in all the universe. So, while both Jesus and Satan can be described as “morning stars,” in no sense is this equating Jesus and Satan. Satan is a created being. His light only exists to the extent that God created it. Jesus is the light of the world (John 9:5). Only Jesus’ light is “bright” and self-existent. Satan may be a morning star, but he is only a poor imitation of the one true bright morning star, Jesus Christ, the light of the world.

      Kind regards,

      • marsh collins
        March 4, 2019 at 10:16 pm

        any kid or person who picks up a bible and sees Satan and Jesus being called by the same name would throw it in the garbage and never look at another one. Mission Accomplished. And if you cannot see this you truly are blind.

  6. Ron J.
    March 4, 2019 at 2:22 pm

    Did a search for Sylvie Ivanova and this site spells her name with a “w” in instead of v and cites interview with her and spelled that way multiple times. https://www.thehighersidechats.com/sylvie-ivanowa-mysterious-megaliths-hidden-history/

    • Kimberlie
      March 4, 2019 at 6:24 pm

      “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
      ― George Orwell, 1984

  7. Dicky Nixon
    March 4, 2019 at 2:10 pm

    In a few words, just ‘what is ‘ Sam Harris in your opinion Alan.


  8. FatHaole
    March 4, 2019 at 5:16 am

    Hey braddah long time follower here – since before you were selling your land in CR to buy that RV.

    Of course everything is F-ed up. I assume you would have known that already right? 911 was just the icing on the cake. But anyhows brah you need to get wet. You know, staring into the abyss and all…

    Never commented before but with all best wishes I have been wanting to say this. Find someone you trust, put the rig in their name, get your board and head south. Or – a studio on the point at Makaha goes for $1100 a month and I saw one little place for $800. No matter what these MFers do there will be some swell so screw them. Peace

  9. Eric
    March 4, 2019 at 3:55 am


    You’re researching abilities and deep logical thought processes are invaluable aids to those of us who have a high interest in these subjects but don’t have your abilities to reason with such clarity.
    Although I rarely comment please allow me to thank you for all that you’ve shared and sincerely hope you keep on fighting the good fight for truth on this blog.
    I’ll always be listening.



    p.s. To paraphrase… “Kick out the Jims!”

    • Jim
      March 4, 2019 at 10:39 pm

      I love it– come 2 papa, baybee; ya know ya wants some~

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