There’s Good News at the End of This One!

Got tired of working on the Sam Harris exposé – it’s complex and I worry about length – and aspects of the ME (Mandela Effect) keep resurfacing. Like ‘the moon numbers,’ if it’s real it’s a game changer. (The Moon Numbers are a game changer for anyone the least bit thoughtful and who has been a materialist; the implications are both profound and inarguable.)

A new version of Cosmic Banditos just came out, plus a nibble from H-wood. We'll see.

A new version of Cosmic Banditos (Italian) just came out, plus a nibble from H-wood. We’ll see.

Addendum: Over the past few days three people have signed up for my ‘Gas Money’ monthly contribution ($3.25) as a way of saying that they do get something from my posts. This puts me in the black to tune of five or six bucks a month! So it looks like I’ll hang in: I don’t want to disappoint my new blog-friends. Others have emailed, saying they believe I have something to offer, which has the same effect as the donations.

But what? What do I have to offer, at least on this subject? One thing is that I’m a writer. A fairly competent one, at least until recently. But even with my waning talent/intellect I may have thoughts that are worthwhile. We’ll see.

Along those lines, meaning me as a writer, one thing I’ve noticed about ‘the changes’ (get used to scare quotes) is that the movie-related ones — and keep in mind I did a lot of screen writing — all have one thing in common, and there are implications here: The ‘new’ versions represent bad writing. This in fact just jumps out at you. I’ll give some examples…

‘Luke, am your father’ is ‘now’ ‘No, I am your father,’ right? No doubt about it. Try to find a copy of the actual movie that says anything other than the latter and you’ll come up empty. (Notwithstanding talking toys and other ‘residues’ of the former version.) This is an inferior line of dialog for what should be obvious reasons.

52 states? More 'bad writing' from H-wood or...

52 states? More ‘bad writing’ from H-wood or…

Vader is replying to Luke saying ‘Obe Wan told me that you killed my father,’ so the reply ‘No’ is, technically, denying that Obe Wan told this to Luke. We know that’s not what the line means, but that’s from context; the question being Why would George Lucas allow the most important line in the whole Star Wars Saga to be unclear in meaning?

Never mind that James Earl Jones remembers the ‘correct’ line and so forth. This is not about that. I am only making the point that the ‘change’ represents bad writing. 

Let’s try Lucas’s pal Spielberg. ‘We’re gonna need a bigger boat’ is now ‘You’re gonna need a bigger boat’ in Jaws, right? Although the ‘bonding’ scene (it would be a ‘campfire scene’ in a western) when the boys compare scars and sing is still to come and the initial hostility is not yet over, Brody’s saying ‘You’ as opposed to ‘We’ separates him from the situation. This moment — immediately after Brody alone sees the shark, so Brody is the only one who knows what they are up against — is the right time for a vibe of ‘us against the monster,’ not ‘You against the monster.’ Brody is on the boat, not talking from a radio.

A 'Sex IN the City' residue from NZ.

A ‘Sex IN the City’ residue from NZ.

This is not on the same level of bad writing as the Star Wars line, but a talent like Spielberg should not have let this line make it into his movie. And I’m saying that… somewhere… some time… he did not.

‘Life is like a box of chocolates’ is still more bad writing, as most of you know without knowing why. Need I say more than this writer’s rule: Present tense is stronger than past? I could explain why this is especially the case here, but others have already done so. Bad writing. From Robert Zemeckis, who has helmed pretty much nothing but great cinema storytelling?

As you guys may already know, my personal least favorite bad writing would have to be Mister Rogers singing ‘It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood’ rather than (what I vividly recall, but we’re leaving memory out of this essay) ‘…the neighborhood’… This is bad writing because Mister Rogers is trying to bond with the kids, not tell them that his neighborhood’ is beautiful, although who knows about yours. (It’s also inferior musically, ‘this’ having an awkward tempo compared to ‘the’. Go ahead and sing both versions out loud. Which rolls off the tongue naturally?) Yep, bad writing.

A major 'residue' is this Carson gag showing that Ed did work for PCH.

A major ‘residue’ is this Carson gag showing that Ed did work for PCH.

Although ‘Dolly’s Braces’ is not dialog writing, the matter (the logic gaffe as it is ‘now’) surely is screen writing, which I do know something about. In fact, this one is so brazen and obvious that — if you’re not already aware of the details — I’ll send you here, to save time.

By the way, searching Youtube for a good explanation of ‘Dolly’s Braces,’ I’m reminded of a point I made before but which bears repeating: Virtually no ‘alt media’ outlets are covering this issue; I had to plow through a long line of amateurish crapola to find one that doesn’t waste our time with personal details and pleas and redundancies and dumb ass theories. Given that the take away from the Mandela Effect would be a distrust of own memories, it would seem to be perfectly in synch with the PTB agenda. Why are they so quiet about it? This is a big question and must be dealt with.

Addendum: As I’ve said, my current theory is that the ME is a psy op that got out of control. And yes, CERN and/or quantum computing are involved (CERN’s occultist hints and the music vid with the ‘Mandela’ sign are the major clues.)

Even ‘Sex and the City’ is an example of bad writing: Aside from the superior rhythm of ‘Sex in the City,’ the word ‘in’ is a subliminal sexual reference, as opposed to ‘and.’ It looks better, flows off the tongue way better and does not separate the idea of ‘sex’ from ‘the city’ but rather combines them (into one funky, stinky, yuppie scum, PTB agenda-loving whole). If you think these issues are too subtle to make any difference, you don’t know marketing, public relations, or how those shitball motherfuckers think. Still more bad writing.

Does this look like the work of dedicated scholars?

Does this look like the work of dedicated scholars?

I’ll only briefly touch upon the Bible changes, although some of these may be the best examples of all; do your own research here and try to get past the irrational ‘platform’ of many of the evidence presenters. Interpret the low quality videos as a further indication that the mainstream and alt medias want nothing to do with the Mandela Effect. Many of the Bible folks never made videos before and most are as far from ‘conspiracy’ thinking as you can get. They simply know what they know and felt compelled to warn us all. Nuts as they are about believing that book to be the word of our Creator, most are pretty pure in their motives, which is more than we can say about 95% of the Net.

A good source for checking Bible quotes is this one, in which you can do some creative word searches. I plugged ‘new wine’ into the tool and got this:

Matthew 9:17 [Full Chapter]

Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
I don't give a shit. It was THE neighborhood!

I don’t give a shit. It was THE neighborhood!

Does this passage make sense to you? Of course not, the reason being that the original text used ‘wine skins’ and it has been… mistranslated is the only proper description, not only for accuracy/logic (bottles don’t ‘perish’ when refilled) but for historical context: glass bottles didn’t exist at the time of the original writing.

The above is from the King James Version (KJV); many translations (there are scores) still use ‘wine skins’. But the KJV is the main one, worldwide. Anyone who doubts that there is something very strange going on here should look into the history of Bible translations. What you invariably find (and this is important) is that the translators were all dedicated scholars engaged in their life’s work. Let that sink in, then ask yourself if a dedicated scholar engaged in his/her life’s work would flippantly switch words that remove the logic, aside from the ‘feel of the times’, from a Biblical passage.

I would answer no, I cannot picture this. My point being that with the Bible we get still more bad writing. We know, without doubt, that with the ‘wine skins’ to ‘bottles’ change, bad writing from dedicated scholars is precisely what we have gotten (unless something else entirely is going on, but in this essay we are assuming that).

Right. 186 mistakes from dedicated scholars.

Right. 186 mistakes from dedicated scholars.

The difference between ‘bad writing’ and ‘sacrilege’ (‘changes’ that demean Christianity) can be argued. Was it there before? Was it changed? These points can be dealt with on a case by case basis, but we know the wine skin/bottles change is not likely to have been done in the normal course of translation.

The same goes for ‘corn’ being substituted for ‘wheat’ or ‘grain,’ given that corn did not come to the Middle East for hundreds of years after the writing of the Scriptures, and the translators knew that. So the one hundred eighty-six (186) references to ‘corn’ in the current KJV are likewise all examples of bad writing.

Although I have little interest in the myriad of logos and company names that people claim are different, the few times I’ve personally noticed them (like the ‘new’ VW logo with the line breaking the flow), they likewise look inferior. A few days ago I was at a store and noticed a woman’s product named ‘Febreze’ and recalled having seen it in a movie just the night before, on someone’s iPad (‘Pick me up Febreze’ it said in the movie), but spelled ‘Febreeze.’ (ME videos are ‘sure’ it used to be that way.) Marketing-wise, if you’re going to relate a feminine product with a ‘fresh breeze,’ you spell it out with the double-E. Otherwise it looks like an Italian name from the neighborhood: ‘Hey, Chichi Febreze! How ya doin’?’ Bad writing.

And a government document saying we have 52 states.

And a government document saying we have 52 states.

But what’s my point? This: We are apparently living in a branch of reality/universe that is deteriorating in quality — the ‘bad writing’ I cite is just an example of this. And it adds up. Brilliant directors allowing dumb ass lines into their work? Classic art that is subtly but noticeably inferior? I have yet to come across a ME that is an improvement. Not one. In theory, this is very bad news, like… I dunno… like a glitch in your EKG or a heart murmur.

I would also submit that I have demonstrated that it doesn’t matter if other people deny the changes. I mean, does it matter to you that most of your friends think you’re nuts because you don’t believe the WTCs could have totally disintegrated from damage near the top floors? In most cases the ME deniers are living in the same sort of doublethink world as my friend Walter, as evidenced in my old video. Or the dozen or so I document in Water Time. They choose to believe whatever makes them feel safe.

And of course what we don’t know is What else has changed? We have to assume that the pop culture examples are just the tip of a very deep and wide ‘berg. And it certainly is likely that changes in our personal lives — meaning changes that either no one else or very few others, would notice — are ongoing and may also be ‘negative.’

But hey, there’s one piece of good news I’ve come up with lately: Ironically, it might be a good thing if we’ve been hoodwinked on a massive scale about history, a la the ‘insertion’ of the Dark Ages. This would mean that ‘history’ is up to one thousand years shorter than we thought. Which means that the coming extinction event — which we are overdue for, since they occur every 12,000 years — may be delayed. (It’s only been 11,000 years, not 12,000, since the Younger Dryas Event that wiped out the megafauna. Hence the reprieve.)

The bad news linked to this good news (confused yet?)  is that the planet may have to put up with that much more bullshit before the slate is wiped clean again. See how good/bad is relative?

And see how worthwhile this blog is?


Someone wanted a hint about what’s to come with Sam Harris. Harris is Christopher Hitchens’s replacement as a secular/intellectual mole for the PTB agenda. By ‘mole’ I mean a formal one. Harris is a state agent whose job it is to spread disinfo, i.e., to lie to us. He’s not just a useful idiot. Like Hitchens was, he’s a spook (with a handler and so forth), and knows perfectly well what he’s doing. My job is to provide the evidence.


  57 comments for “There’s Good News at the End of This One!

  1. jnan
    March 8, 2019 at 5:38 pm

    I for one don’t know what all this ME, etc. stuff is … what I do know is that it makes my brain spin with doubt, confusion and the utter mistrust of almost everything …. maybe that’s the point ………….

  2. March 6, 2019 at 7:36 pm

    I finally got in touch with a Braille reader and his Bible’s Isaiah 11:6 was the wolf version. It was a long shot that didn’t pan out…. (I asked him when his version was manufactured and he didn’t know.) Just FYI.

  3. Greg Hohnholt
    March 6, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    Over at bible gateway, you can still find quite a number of translations that still use “wine skins” (NIV, for example). The Orthodox Jewish Bible uses “vessels”.

  4. Todd
    March 6, 2019 at 4:06 am

    FYI, I found better success at finding original VW emblem images by searching for tattoo + vw + logo

    Hope this helps some trying to find the original style emblem. The link above, just so happens to be a ‘white rabbit’ logo.

    • Miles MacQueen
      March 6, 2019 at 5:45 pm

      Just look at John Muir’s book – How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive. No dashes or separations in Peter Aschwanden’s illustrations and your can be sure his attention to detail was spot on.

      All this ME conversation was starting to annoy me, until you pointed out the changes to the VW logo and suddenly, it hit home.

      I am afraid Allan just might be on to something, wtf?

  5. elpolvo
    March 6, 2019 at 3:20 am

    >>A new version of Cosmic Banditos (Italian) just came out, plus a nibble from H-wood. We’ll see.


    Let me handle them this time. Tell them to contact your agent, polvo de estrellas. :))

  6. March 6, 2019 at 2:42 am

    It’s “No, I am your father.”

    And about the ME… People in general are just getting more stupid and dumb. That’s all there is to it. The popularity of flat Earth BS proves this.

    People can’t write anymore, look at how they type and spell these days. That to me is far more interesting since it is directly linked to “smart” phones and social media addiction and conditioning.

    Allan, above all, what we need now is sanity. Not more of this giving into their mind games.

  7. Todd
    March 6, 2019 at 1:52 am

    Allan, since we now seam to be living more and more in the ‘Matrix’, this ME stuff would make for a great screen write and you should be the writer. It’s a composition of both the Matrix and Orwell. You’d score boo koo bucks on the deal, I’m sure. Let’s call it Matrell with the tagline, “You’re living in hell and you don’t know it.”

    • March 6, 2019 at 2:48 am

      More and more?

      We’ve been totally living in the matrix for a few decades now. All they’re doing at this point is fine-tuning and updating the infrastructure (5G).

      As long as people don’t realize this there’s no point in trying to move forward. Look at the “alternative” media. All of them, without a single exception, are endlessly rehashing “mainstream” “news” and treating the “news” times as if they have any value at all. The real resistance operates mostly away from public eyes because people simply can’t process the notion of a real rebellion and on top of that the more the alt media knows the less effective the actual rebellion is.

  8. March 6, 2019 at 12:37 am

    I added a note to ‘MD’s comment from today.

  9. Fisherman
    March 5, 2019 at 10:53 pm

    But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    1 Corinthians 2:14

    • James
      March 6, 2019 at 7:26 pm

      Good comment Fisherman, also one I like is this “for the wisdom of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing” and last but not least, God chose the foolish things to shame the wise.

      • Kimberlie
        March 6, 2019 at 8:08 pm

        Hi Fisherman and James~

        1 Corinthians 1:18-25 King James Version (KJV)
        18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
        19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
        20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
        21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
        22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
        23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
        24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
        25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

        The world cannot know the things of the spirit because the world demands physical proof.

        We are entering the time when Amos 8:11-12 will ring clear.

        Kind regards,

        • Krustysurfer
          March 6, 2019 at 9:42 pm

          AMOS one of most cherished Prophets who was not for profits! Chapter 5 is of what things are yet to come- v18 “Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is darkness, and not light.”
          The big picture is: all eyes on Jerusalem-
          “As the spin machine factory white washes their deeds.
          everlasting entertainment in their mass media alternative feeds,
          profits for the star belly sneetches selling every last thneed.
          to the Goy, as they dance for the chosen breed”………… Surfs Up! and Aloha

        • James
          March 6, 2019 at 11:14 pm

          Hi Kimberlie I love these verses however I must say that I’ve seen them translated in many different versions of the Bible differently but it doesn’t matter the meaning is clear to us who are being saved,after all it says in the book of revelation God will create an illusion or delusion that will fool even the elect which I believe is the fake alien invasion hopefully I will be in my underground cern proof bunker ho ho blessings to you sister.

          • Kimberlie
            March 7, 2019 at 12:20 am

            Hi James~

            Yes, God’s Word is to be loved.
            I, too, believe these are the time we are in. I think you are referring to
            2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
            10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

            The Bible makes it clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who chose not to believe the gospel of Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.

            Fake alien invasion? Hummm…. If so, you would not need to be in an underground cern proof bunker.

            Kind regards,

  10. MD
    March 5, 2019 at 8:18 pm

    Hi Allan,

    Here is a link to what purports to be a full digitised copy of the 1611 King James Bible. specifically, the link will take you straight to the start of Isaiah:

    Hope this is of some small help.

    • March 6, 2019 at 12:24 am

      Thanks for the effort but It’s no surprise. The whole mystery here is how it’s possible. That a digitized version is different is of course to be expected but you would find that even the hard copy it is taken from has the ‘change.’ I’m struggling to find a Braille reader to see if ‘they’ neglected to change that. Help would be welcome.

  11. Alger Cavalloro
    March 5, 2019 at 5:09 pm

    Sam Harris is far more dangerous than ME.

    If ME is real, then it’s a social engineering experiment much like dropping LSD in the bread in Pont Saint Esprit, France – social testing, an agenda nudge whatever. Is it worth exploring? Whatever it is, to me, just another Flat Earth diversion/distraction

    I lean more to the Hobson-Jobson effect from linguistics, how words/meanings transform or modify overtime. Or how about the “pass a secret” game parlor game, whisper a phrase in someone’s ear, pass it to the next person and by the time it reaches the end it bears no resemblance to the original phrase/statement. Or the basic research that shows “eye-witness” accounts of anything are overwhelmingly in the “disaster category” or reliability.

    Can’t wait for your disagreeable retort. Occam’s Razor for me.

    • March 5, 2019 at 6:00 pm

      I don’t understand what you mean. IF it’s a social engineering experiment, then you have to explain HOW they pull off the changes. If the changes can’t be explained via the ‘normal’ laws of physics, as I think is the case I’ve all but proven, then how can you say it’s not worth looking into?

      If you think all this stuff can be explained via a normal psy op, then you’re agreeing with Miles Mathis that the CIA is sneaking into your house and replacing VHS tapes and so forth. Do you believe that?

      I’m repeating myself over and over: Truly, it’s like your not reading my posts.

      And I will repeat this still again: eyewitness reports, WHEN AGREED BY MULTIPLE PEOPLE, can be taken as true. It’s single eyewitnesses that you can’t rely on. Truly, it’s like your not reading my posts.

      And where is the relevance to the ‘pass the secret’ point?

      Occam’s Razor for you? Great, but don’t forget the part where he says ‘simplest… THAT ACCOUNTS FOR ALL THE EVIDENCE.’

      It’s not that you’re not reading my posts. You are just ignoring any evidence that doesn’t agree with what you decided to believe before you read the posts. Yes, human nature is a wonderful thing.

      • Alger Cavalloro
        March 5, 2019 at 8:55 pm

        You’re correct, I have not digested “your” posts in enough detail. I’ll go back and review. I am not saying it’s the CIA, that’s too simplistic. There are what 17 different official intel agencies, plus the 5 eyes network, 100 years of foundations, NGO”s, break away deep state operations, even woo woo off planet interference, Tavistock, CFR, ad nauseum. First ran across ME with the Berenstein Bears conundrum and it put me to sleep. You seem real committed on this so could be something there. I chunk up globally, look down and I see B.S. Back in the Day I found Kreskin compelling until I found out how he pulled off his mental tricks.

        • March 6, 2019 at 12:27 am

          When i said ‘cia’ i was short-handing. No matter how many agencies they have at work, how many people… that’s not the point.

  12. Todd
    March 5, 2019 at 4:10 pm

    Allan, the VW logo is interesting in it’s implications. I recall up to a year or two ago, driving around town, I would often gaze at the VW logo, picturing the V above the W in my mind. I would have to force myself to see the 2 separate letters in the all-in-one-symbol. Now, they’ve done that for us with this new line disjointing them! I’ve owned two of them in my lifetime with I one in high school with my friends rebuilding/restoring them – it has always been a singularity until now. However, I think this ME is much more different because think about all this entails PHYSICALLY. It’s not just ink on paper or oil paints on a canvas. It’s much much more than that: The manufacturing processes ALL must change, the CAD/CAM programs, the dies, the metal stamps, the injection molding, the metal and plastic parts both for the primary and aftermarket processes. This also has to change many of the classic vehicles on the road today with their metal emblems, keychains, stamped pieces, photos of car shows, car events, etc… the list is endless – just for a new simple line across an emblem. Simply browse thru magazines, such as or any of the old classics for sale. The easiest to spot is the big VW emblem on the old buses – they’ve changed!

    • March 5, 2019 at 4:32 pm

      This is exactly the point: it would be impossible, literally, to change them physically. (I used to smuggle hashish in VW vans and also recall well the emblem, plus there are a few old photos that show the ‘correct’ one.) This is why the thing is so goddamn STRANGE. It can bend your head trying to see the implications.

      People that say it’s ‘much ado about nothing’ are not thinking about this. Not thinking about How It Would Really Work.

      • Todd
        March 5, 2019 at 4:50 pm

        I completely agree – I only wanted to emphasis the emblem is well beyond ink, paint, film and photography. This is now in the physical realm of touch and feel.

        Keep up the great work Alan.

      • Gregory Oberman
        March 6, 2019 at 7:14 pm

        So photographs aren’t yet being altered? Your VW photo is correct? Or are photos being altered…sorry if this has been mentioned.

    • Jeff
      March 5, 2019 at 6:49 pm


      I’m curious about the change in the VW logo.

      When I look at the logo, in some cases the V is clearly delineated from the W by “whitespace”. In others the logo looks like the V bleeds into the W such that there is only a small dash delineating one from the other. Is this the change you’re referring to? I can find both when I search for pics of VWs. Or is it something else?


      • Todd
        March 5, 2019 at 9:39 pm

        None of the above Jeff. The latter one you refer to is a beveled look between the letters. I remember the emblem as being a completely smooth transition between the V and the W. No gaps, no lines, no bevels, nadda – and I’m 100 percent sure on that one. This one hits home the most compared to all the other ME stuff Allan has brought up. Dolly’s missing braces (Moonraker) has now been demoted to a close second for my top ME anomalies.

  13. Lin
    March 5, 2019 at 3:39 pm

    I checked my New King James Bible in Matthew 9:17 and it has “wineskins” (one word not two).

    • March 5, 2019 at 4:34 pm

      Yes, I know. As I wrote above, there are scores of translations and some use ‘wine skins’ (or one word). I’m missing your point…

  14. Mary Louise Phelan
    March 5, 2019 at 3:24 pm

    I mean, spending time writing about random USA movies (also one of many English translations of the Bible) and your belief in whether various English adverbs and adjectives should/should not were/were not used? This really is much ado about nothing worthwhile

  15. MD
    March 5, 2019 at 2:05 pm

    This is an extremely trivial comment, when taken in the overall context of Allan’s musings, but I thought I’d mention it…

    In England, “corn” has historically been applied (and continues to be colloquially) to any grain crop, regardless of whether it be barley, wheat, oats and the like. In old laws and records (such as the Domesday Book, commissioned in 1085) the word really just served the purpose of distinguishing grains from other forms of agricultural production such as livestock. As such, its use in the King James Bible translation (produced in the 1600’s) doesn’t look at all odd to someone from England.

    • March 5, 2019 at 4:38 pm

      No, it’s not a trivial comment at all. It could be important (though not a game changer). Can you find citations with dates? I mean the years these conventions came to be, etc.? Then compare with the dates of translations of the various scholars, if you get my drift,

      • MD
        March 5, 2019 at 5:35 pm

        Hi Allan,

        Looking at the entry in Merriam-Webster ( and it gives the following:

        First Known Use of corn
        Noun (1) – before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
        Verb – 1560, in the meaning defined at sense 1
        Noun (2) – 15th century

        The Etymology is a little more informative:
        Noun (1)
        Middle English, going back to Old English, “grain of a cereal grass, seed, berry,” going back to Germanic *kurno- (whence also Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old High German & Old Norse korn “grain of a cereal grass, seed,”

        • March 5, 2019 at 6:07 pm

          Good work (which I should have done). I’m not sure what it means exactly tho. For example, there are many references to ‘ears of corn.’ I have to wonder if that’s important, since you don’t have ‘ears of wheat/grain’… See what I mean? This is a case where we’d have to go back to the original source material, which is in a few books and look what the word by word translation is.

          And I am not sure the exact date of the KJV translation. This is fairly complex research, no doubt about it. ‘Ears of corn,’ tho: I don’t think the ears part makes historical sense. Dunno right now.

          • MD
            March 5, 2019 at 7:55 pm


            HI Allan,

            I am truly sorry if this little thread is a diversion from the main gist of the discussion.

            Ears of wheat, barley etc are certainly part of common English usage (as in UK usage… you may have guessed I’m a Brit). They are the grain bearing portion of the plant at the stem’s tip. I believe the term “ears” may even be a botanical term for this region of grasses, of which family I think even maize is a member (certainly barley, wheat, rice and the like are). If we looked into the etymology of ear in this context I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was of a similar antiquity and origin as “corn”. A significant chunk of the UK was part of Danegeld (effectively ruled over and administered by Danes / Norse for a good long while) which I guess is why we have so many terms, both colloquial and beyond, which got absorbed into the language.

            Had a quick look at the dates for the KJV, apparently the work was commissioned in 1604 and finally published in 1611. I don’t know if it borrowed from earlier translations such as the Great Bible (Henry VIII – 1535)

          • Gregory Oberman
            March 6, 2019 at 7:20 pm

            Takes me back to the Who Built the Moon…wasn’t there something about the commonality to all the math…measurements etc…also they mentioned it was used for commerce…so to make a general mark for agriculture and relate the weight and value would be easier than tons of different symbols for each individual product and value…otherwise recording stuff would take too long per transaction…no? Maybe somehow this relates to this use of ‘corn’ and language in general…

      • jw
        March 5, 2019 at 6:23 pm

        Have to go with MD .

        Keats uses “corn” this way in Ode to a Nightingale (1819)

        Ruth “stood in tears amid the alien corn”.

        best wishes.

      • mellyrn
        March 6, 2019 at 1:28 am

        John Barleycorn:

        They’ve laid him in three furrows deep,
        Put clods upon his head;
        Then these three men made a solemn vow,
        John Barleycorn was dead.

        …(many good drinking verses of the barley growing & being harvested)

        They’ve wheeled him here and wheeled him there,
        They’ve wheeled him into a barn,
        And they have served him worse than that:
        They’ve bunged him in a vat.

        They’ve worked their will on John Barleycorn,
        But he lives to tell the tale,
        For they pour him out of an old brown jug
        And they call him home-brewed ale.

        I also recognize “corn” as Germanic “seed”; I’ve loved words and word roots since forever. gives us, “before 900; Middle English, Old English; cognate with Dutch koren, Old Norse korn, German Korn, Gothic kaúrn” Seems “corn/korn” was the Germanic form and Latin was “granum” — grain, but also “granule”.

        But that just means Biblical “corn” isn’t one of our ME events, and does not explain the VW thing, for example.

        I’ve had a couple folks describe time glitches to me, both involving a known drive on a known route of a familiar amount of time — completely different drives/routes and I know for a fact these two people are unknown to each other. In one instance, A was going to be about 15-20 minutes late for work; he missed a landmark he was watching for and arrived at work 3 minutes early. In the other, B arrived a whole hour before he should have.

        A, a devout Christian, attributed his experience to God; B, a spiritual teacher, credited “Source”.

        I’m wondering, now that you’ve suggested the involvement of CERN in the ME, if both of their experiences might have coincided with some ripple out of that device.

  16. Gregory Oberman
    March 5, 2019 at 1:29 pm

    Part of the powers that be that we don’t see game is the dumbing down of the population…so ME being less of the original quality falls in line with the dumbing down of people….they don’t need a lot of energy to fool the masses.

    • March 5, 2019 at 4:41 pm

      So you’re saying that the ME is a psy op? I agree, more or less, but if so, why are they so quiet about it? I have to keep asking this b/c it seems vital to me. You don’t do a psy op of this magnitude (supernatural or not) then avoid using your media assets to spread it.

      • Gregory Oberman
        March 8, 2019 at 2:05 am

        The best ideas I can throw down about ME and that they are moving slowly with the ME process, maybe it’s developing tech for them…hence the quality…maybe it’s evidence of the fight with in you’ve mentioned…maybe it’s to see which of us are still awake to evidence and open minded enough to not eat what’s fed to us outright with a smile only to watch a football game…this my friend is another reason I appreciate you…I don’t have the time with kids and a wife to dedicate to this research as you…I remain with you! I am in need of watertime…really surf time as I’m still not a duck;)

  17. Krustysurfer
    March 5, 2019 at 7:46 am

    Grateful Your Still Swinging The Bat at the Pinata! Blessings and Aloha Alan!

  18. James
    March 5, 2019 at 5:39 am

    Glad you changed your mind about quitting Allan I’ve been burning the midnight oil tonight, I’d advise you to Google ” The Triad Claw” when you check out the list of titles obviously read any you want then please read the Triad Claw by Henry Makow it will show you that a lot of famous people even prechers like John Wesley were showing this illuminati handsign. As for cern I really don’t believe they can do jack shit there is no power there it’s all scare the sheeple stuff like unleashing atomic bombs etc more distraction the books were changed by supernatural means and the sex in the city stuff is spooks doing the do anyways keep on trucking look forward to reading your blog sionara j

    • frank
      March 5, 2019 at 7:57 am

      > As for cern I really don’t believe they can do jack shit there is no power there it’s all scare the sheeple stuff …

      I agree – a tax money burner, or (and) a frontend for other sinister research. Not to cite MM again, but most of the theoretical foundation of quantum theory is at least questionable, a hunt for mathematical singularities (Unicorns) in the real world.
      So, perhaps it is just voodo, dust in our eyes, a distraction while they change our past, and claim we are dumb, and suffer from false memories.
      Does it make you feel powerless, an unimportant, small kog in the big machine ? To give up hope, and submit your fate to TPTB ?

      • March 5, 2019 at 4:55 pm

        They are not going to spend 13 billion on something trivial! Also, the Chinese are apparently building a bigger version, as are other countries. We do know that there is no way this is for the ‘Higgs boson’, which doesn’t even exist. It’s something else entirely. But do not trivialize this thing. WHY THE REFERENCE IN THEIR MUSIC VIDEO? If you can’t answer that then you are ignoring evidence, circumstantial tho it may be.

        • James
          March 6, 2019 at 10:45 pm

          When you say they don’t spend 13 billion for nothing Allan Cern ie the large hadron collider,was financed by the big corporations also don’t forget that there is now 28 EU countries that may well have contributed also Governments for example in the UK there are numerous Rockefeller and other mega rich organisations similar to the CFR.How do we know that the Chinese are really building one? The fake Chinese moon landing is a case in point youve outed Elon Musk and SpaceX it’s possible that the whole Chinese cern is a similar hoax. 13 billion is not really big money considering the billions governments spend on military hardware for example the f 22 Raptor which is now obsolete.I would bet my money that the Chinese CERN may turn out to be a giant underground Chinese laundry who knows?

        • frank
          March 7, 2019 at 10:11 am

          Yeas, as I said, something other, more sinister.
          I think I don’t need to cite secret military projects that had/have an innocent cover story.

          > If you can’t answer that then you are ignoring evidence, circumstantial tho it may be.
          I must admit, I had no time to look at all that in detail. Quite a personal backlog to process for me, currently.

    • Darryw
      March 5, 2019 at 3:06 pm

      Thanks for the recommendation on the book.
      Anxious to check it out

    • March 5, 2019 at 4:50 pm

      I have to check the link to Makow very closely. If genuine, it’s quite important, as you seem to know.

      You don’t believe CERN is important. Okay. Why the reference to the Mandela Effect in their music video? Doesn’t mean anything? Really? Why all the occult references? Doesn’t mean anything? Okay. Why spend 13 billion if it’s unimportant? They don’t spend that kinda money to make the masses nervous. Etc.

      • Krustysurfer
        March 6, 2019 at 9:20 pm

        The masses are not nervous… they are entertained to death.
        hope your scoring some tasty waves Aloha Alan

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