An Open Letter to an Agent of the Deep State (Sam Harris)

Mr. Harris:

harris2 lying

Says it all.

I believe you are a disinformation agent of the state and this essay will lay out some of the more obvious proofs of such. Given that the media (of all descriptions, i.e., Mainstream plus every level of ‘alternative’) is so riddled with moles (I use this word for its clandestine subtext)… the vast majority of whom work for some arm of the powers-that-be (PTB), you may well ask ‘Why me?’ Why have I singled you out?

I recently stumbled across a podcast of yours, titled, simply, ‘Lying – Sam Harris’ – an incredibly apropos title, although I suspect that few see it that way; or rather few see it that way for the right reason.

Yes, some parsing is needed here… For a mainstream gatekeeper to publicly dive deep into the subject of lying in itself carries enough irony to precipitate disorientation in a thoughtful person, but if, in the process, he actively omits lies by omission from his formal list of Lies by Type… well, count actual and physical dysequilibrium as a possible aftereffect, at least for irony-aware types (of which count me one).

The podcast, as it turns out, was a section of an actual book of yours of the same name, which raises the irony level another peg, via the implicit assurance that the… Lying project was ‘well thought out,’ i.e., not an alcohol or drug-induced or casual, off-the-cuff ‘miscalculation.’

But prior to getting down to the nitty gritty (evidence) in this Open Letter, we need to consider just what ‘personality type’ we dealing with here… (Yes, I mean you.)

harris2 amer exceptBut even before that, we need dig into my labeling you a ‘mainstream gatekeeper’. Although there will be more to come on this, for our purposes I’ll define the term as ‘Someone whose public function is to support/verify the agenda/world view of the powers-that-be (PTB) in any way possible.’ I have purposefully phrased this definition as broadly as possible. For example, I’ve left undefined the subject’s knowledge/ignorance that this is his/her function. And I use the term ‘world view’ so as to not narrow the issues involved; by ‘world view’ I mean any subject or viewpoint whatsoever that is to the advantage of the PTB in keeping and increasing their power over the rest of us, with ‘truth’ (however narrowly you define it) not an issue or concern (in public pronouncements such as podcasts). In other words, that which is communicated by a gatekeeper may or may not be factual/truthful; when ‘truth’ is told by a gatekeeper, as it fairly often is (not counting lies by omission!), it’s a… coincidence.

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If you don’t get that Chomsky is another one (like Harris), read his views on JFK and 9/11.

My reasoning in considering you a gatekeeper will be implicit in all I write in this Open Letter/essay. That which I am unsure of (meaning not 100% sure) – and consider this essay a sort of ‘thinking out loud’ – is your mental state, i.e., to what extent you are aware of your public function and service to the PTB. Perhaps by the end we’ll all have come to a conclusion on the issue, although I might as well spill it that I’m 95% sure your function is formal/contractual.

In analyzing your mindset, the following possibilities of Who You Are come to mind:

1) A full-blown mind-controlled (via MKULTRA, say) agent of the state who is unaware of his clandestine history, and function as state propagandist. The phrase ‘The lights are on but nobody’s home’ comes to mind. (Many major celebrities are of this type; recall Britney Spears’s breakdown in front of Barbara Walters, and its implications.)

2) A formal and fully aware ‘mole’ of the state; the sort that Cass Sunstein (in his essay titled ‘Conspiracy Theories’) recommends be planted in various cultural niches in order to defend the state against ideas/memes harmful to its agendas. This would presume formal training (in NLP and other methods of mind control/deception). Highly intelligent psychopaths are often of this type. (Yes, I’m 95% sure this possibility is you, leaving aside the psychopath label.)

harris2 blah

Yeah, no shit, Mr. Harris. Question is, how’s the view in the mirror?

3) A true ‘unknowing participant’ (a.k.a. a ‘useful idiot’), i.e., one who has simply and completely ‘drunk the kool aid’ via the effects of the cultural and academic brainwashing we are all subject to (involving 1 and 2 above plus much more) and believes all he says, no matter how ridiculous or transparently false — as in Orwell’s ‘doublethink’, he is able to hold mutually conflicting views without noticing the ‘problem’. Frankly, this one doesn’t sound correct in your case, but who knows?

Your state of mind right now as you read would be a wonderful ‘tell’ in deciding which of the above categories are the best fit: Outrage would indicate 1 or 3, whereas ‘a heightened awareness in readying the best perception management defense’ points to #2.

But given that Open Letters are largely for the edification of others (the idea that you’ll ‘see my point’ is laughable), my goal in the remainder of this essay will be to point out objective proof of your usefulness to the PTB’s agendas, and the likelihood that this usefulness is via a formal contract (between you and some level of the PTB), or possibly some less formal ‘agreement’.

In your ‘Lying – Sam Harris’ podcast we have a partial list of the issues of which you are apparently biased in favor of the position the PTB; positions that are — to any critical thinker — obvious in their deceit.

Addendum: Just before posting this essay, Sam Harris had the podcast to which I refer deleted for ‘copyright’ issues. No problem. I’ve linked you to a podcast that will give you the idea — without your having to buy his ugly, irony-rife book.

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Andrew Wakefield. Look into his true history. Then strike back at Sam Harris for…. Lying.

A great example of this — and one that particularly offends me personally since children are the principal victims of your prevarications — is your blatant untruths (by omission and commission) about Doctor Andrew Wakefield and his work on behalf of autistic kids. About halfway in you set up your deception by saying that ‘public discourse has been permanently riven by conspiracy theories’… (If I only had the time/space to parse this doozy of a statement!)

You then brand Doctor Wakefield’s 1998 autism/vaccine study ‘an elaborate fraud.’ I’m going to provide a link wherein you can hear Doctor Wakefield defend himself against the charges you and others have made against him. But before I do, I have a question: Who is more likely to perpetrate ‘an elaborate fraud’ upon the public, a doctor who put his career on the line for the sake of children — with no possibility of monetary gain — or a multi-national conglomerate (Big Pharma) with hundreds of billions at stake (yes, billions with a ‘b’)? Whaddya think, huh? Here’s the link in case the embed fails. (This one is long, so maybe come back to it.)

For those lacking the patience to dig deeply into the truth about him: Wakefield’s 1998 paper did not link autism and the MMR vaccine. It simply suggested further study, due to a statistical correlation Doctor Wakefield (and others) found. As the above interview shows and the movie Vaxxed details, the CDC is behind the real modern day holocaust, childhood autism. And Andrew Wakefield was the victim of a smear campaign by the PTB, in this case the CDC and Big Pharma. What is obvious from their reaction to Dr. Wakefield, though, is that they couldn’t even put up with someone urging further study.

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This may look over-the-top but consider the fact that kids now routinely get over 70 vaccines before puberty.

Mr. Harris, if you are indeed unaware of the CDC whistleblower Dr. Richard Thompson — and you would have to claim ignorance to call Wakefield a fraud — I suggest you view either of the links provided. In short, Thompson’s testimony leaves no doubt whatsoever that the CDC/Big Pharma is behind this holocaust.

If you watch this little video I’ve assembled (embedded below), you will further understand my outrage at your libeling of Andrew Wakefield. I mean, what excuse can you voice that you are ignorant of the Congressional Hearings that disprove your allegations? Again, I consider Wakefield the most important single voice in the vaccine issue; he is a man who sacrificed his career in the interest of spreading the truth about vaccines and autism. That you would besmirch this man tells me that you know very well what you are doing in supporting PTB lies; that you would, in this case, deceive us at the expense of children’s well-being is… let me rephrase: Given your public stance on the issue and your claim of absolute honesty: What excuse do you have that you are unaware of the very public testimony in the above links?

Here’s my video:

This is not the place for a discourse on the vaccine/autism issue, although I have studied it in depth. Since 1998, and partially, maybe largely, due to the integrity, diligence, and self-sacrifice of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the horrific truth of vaccines is available to anyone who digs below the Big Pharma/mainstream lies on the subject. And the lies of disinfo agents like you, Mr. Harris.

Addendum: ‘Vaccination rates have plummeted, especially in well-educated areas.’ Your words, Mr. Harris, from your ‘Lying’ podcast. Has it occurred to you that the reason for this is that people are doing their research and waking up? (Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s to 1 in 58 currently, i.e., a true holocaust; one you are perpetuating, you utter piece of human garbage. (A compromise….)

Other Podcasts by Sam Harris

Generally you don’t even rise to the level of ‘controlled opposition’, given that this concept presupposes you appear to ‘disagree’ with the PTB’s version of history. Anyone who doubts this should go to your 2013 Joe Rogan interview.

The podcast starts with your stuttering hogwash supporting the absurd notion that ‘Obama killed Osama bin Laden’ in 2011, then goes on to your disingenuous take on 9/11, including your hackneyed bullshit that ‘conspiracies involve too many people.’ Aside from outright lies (like the above two), how many lies by omission can we count in this one podcast? It’s dizzying.

Generally, quoting Youtube comments is worse than useless, given the number of trolls/fanboys/bot-shills/etc. but with the Rogan podcast we have an exception, for its unanimity and  because in principle the following comments are made by your fans. In fact, and in wonderful irony, the podcast was titled by a Harris fanboy, ‘Sam Harris Deflates 9/11 Conspiracies With Pure Reason’. (!) I’m pasting the podcast comments as they appeared when I listened; they were right under the video. I am not cherry-picking. Let’s go with the first ten:

Milpool Vanhouten1 year ago

harris2 eye

I know: The all-seeing eye behind Sam. Funny, no?

The US faked the evidence they took to the UN over WMD. Why the hell wouldn’t they lie about other stuff. They lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The gov lies as part of it’s mandate. 9/11 is so incredibly obvious that it was an inside job. Sam Harris is lying.

Dean1105 ??????1 year ago

Sams wrong about 911 because lots of whistleblowers came foreward and were killed

kaymal khan9 months ago (edited)

Sam Harris is a Zionist gate keeper. As 911 has Mossad finger prints all over it. People need to look into the five dancing Israelis.

JustJonas3 months ago

He is trying to protect (((his))) people that actually did it

Brian Wood9 months ago

Uh oh, looks like Sam’s “pure reason” just got “deflated”.

Alex B6 months ago

Total nonsense! Obvious shilling

MyBumpersticker5 months ago

I watched aircraft investigation for years, never seen a airliner bury itself, wings, tail….then cover itself over. [Obvious reference to Fl 93 on 9/11]

Pepe Gomez1 year ago

Stick to religion Sam. Steel framed buildings just don’t free fall because of fire. A passport that survives the blast but blackboxes don’t. Only one camera giving blurry frames in the pentagon and air plane being disintegrated in a hole in Pennsylvania. Why does it have to be an operation carried out by 10000 Americans why not 20 o 30 Mossad agents with advanced explosives. Congratulations a great example of “motivated reasoning”. You are just controlled opposition.

Addendum: Wow! There is more real ‘truth’ in ‘Pepe’s rambling comment than all your podcasts combined. (Ditto ‘Texas Faggot5’ below!)

Texas Faggot5 months ago

Mr. Harris is not intellectually honest here. We made Manhattan-Project with the tune of 500 000 strong staff but yet only 10 -12 dudes really knew what was going on, even Truman was kept out of the loop. 911 event could be done with less than 500 operatives and 3 -5 persons in hard core control center truly knowing order of the coup. Liabilities would be eliminated asap, naturally. Hence “the secret would leak out” -argument is highly invalid and false. [This is re Harris’s ridiculous (and oh-so tired) argument that 1,000s would have had to be in on a ‘conspiracy’. Any ‘intellectual’ who uses this is almost by definition a state asset.]

What the hell. One more:

GodofBigots9 months ago

Sam Harris is way to smart and surrounded by friends who are just as smart. He knows better. He could have declined to decide one way or the other so his career wouldn’t be ruined. What he does is join in on the very conspiracy he argues can’t exist. His logic is total bullshlt. Cheney’s inner circle working with CIA/Mossad contractors, killed 3000 Americans on the morning of 911 and then sent another 8000 GI’s to their death in Iraq and Afghanistan. And here is Harris trying to argue that no one on the inside of that operation would have any reason to fear spilling their guts. Harris expects as he is saying this, his audience is gullible idiots who will believe anything he says. He’s a shill. He knows god dam well the laws of physics are neither conspiracy nor are they theory. He also knows there are thousands of scientists and structural engineers who would destroy his claims if he ever had the guts to debate them.

Wow. The idea that Youtube comments could do my work for me in an Open Letter to a state mole (shill/whatever) boggles the mind, no?

What the fuck, here’s the next two:

Jason T8 months ago

Awesome fuckin comment man. Exactly. It fuckin sickens me. I used to trust him. But this is fucking disgusting. Literally covering for mass murderers. Accessory after the fact. So sick.

Riley Alldredge4 months ago (edited)

Absolutely….this is embarrassing for Sam it’s hard to believe he could be so naive and the title of the video “Sam Harris destroys 9/11 with Logic” is laughable, this is a weakass strawman argument with either a blatant or ignorant disregard for how the intelligence community and compartmentalization actually works you can almost feel a sense of disingenuity every time Joe asks him a question he hesitates and has to quickly think about how to tiptoe around it and reconcile it with the mainstream party line 


Your motor-mouth cohort, Tyson, let slip part of HIS deal with the PTB on a Rogan podcast. I’ll link to it in the nearby addendum.

Mr. Harris, you are a guy who has the utter balls to write a book titled ‘Lying,’ in which you claim to have had an epiphany that resulted in you never lying, no matter the situation, no matter what. No ‘white lies,’ no ‘harmless’ lies. ‘I never lie,’ you tell us in your book on Lying! Does anyone see why I had to pen this essay?

Addendum: Here is deGrasse Tyson letting slip part of his deal for Gatekeeping. It’s classic.

You talk a lot about science, Mr. Harris, and the ‘scientific method’ and ‘critical thinking’ in your screeds on religion. Why not regard the event that changed the world as ripe for scientific analysis? I’ve deleted from this essay my own 9/11 proofs-of-inside job, realizing that the unanimous Youtube commenters have done my work for me, but I’ll add my summation: Damage near the top of a structure (as in, say, the North Tower’s upper dozen or so floors) cannot by the laws of physics result in the disintegration of the undamaged lower 90 floors. Period! This is science, sir, basic science, of which you appear to be unaware. (But right now, thinking about it: for you to be this stupid and ignorant, you could not simultaneously be as erudite and logical in your rants about, say, religion. You have to be a formal agent of the deep state, don’t you? Verify my logic here, please.)

You’re a major fan boy of Christopher Hitchens, ‘Hitch’ as you so familiarly referred to him, aren’t you, Mr. Harris? Well, I’m going to compare you to him, as so many do. And indeed there are similarities. And yes, I’m accusing that dead hypocrite of being a state asset as well. I’d bet you even had the same handler.

Is it a coincidence that Hitch had the same (statist) view on 9/11 as you?  Here are Hitch’s words regarding 9/11, when asked his opinion on a new investigation on the attacks: ‘I myself am not aware of anything that should be known that isn’t.’ (The below video is short and worth your time, for what it reveals.)

As any language analyst will tell you, his opening reference to himself (‘I myself’) is a redundancy akin to a ‘stalling stutter’, and is a ‘tell’ that deception will follow. But do we even need an analyst to know Hitch is lying, and not the victim of bad information or incompetent research? Not really but it’s nice to know that a professional lie analyst would throw up a red flag here.

Truly, for someone to say that we know all we need to know about 9/11 is either a moron or an agent of state. Do you disagree on this, Mr. Harris? No answer, huh? Well, one thing we can agree on is that Hitchens was not a moron. So…..

Here’s a better one. Truly, this is a quick vid you really must see/hear for yourself, in sussing the possibility of Hitch-as-state-asset. (Hitchens refuses to answer a point made about 9/11).

And Hitchens, like you, rants about the use of critical thinking and following evidence, at least in his religion-bashing. What’s the problem with doing the same with 9/11?

Hitchens wrote a book, too. Yes, he wrote many books, but I refer to the one closest in ironic concept to your book on Lying.

Why Orwell Matters. A title we should all agree with. This one by Hitch came out in 2002, a familiar date, an important one, historically. In April of the following year the United States (again) invaded Iraq. Remember?

And guess who was riding high on that state bandwagon? Yep, good ‘ol Hitch. Hitch was on the road for most of that year, supporting the invasion that was supposed to save the world from Saddam’s WMD’s. His weapons of mass harris2 hitch bookdestruction. ‘So what?’ you ask.

‘So what?’ And what does it have to do with you, you and your support for the official fiction of 9/11 and the subsequent ‘war on terror’? Where do I even begin?

Being a fan of Georgie O, I read Why Orwell Matters upon publication around 2003, while in the back ground (so to speak) Hitch droned on and on (on the TV) about how warranted was Bush’s war on Iraq. Are you starting to get a sense of where I’m going with this, Mr. Harris? No? Okay, work with me here.

Reading WOM back in 2003 I kept wondering when Hitch would get to Orwell’s most important work, I mean get to it at all. Yes, I speak of Nineteen-Eighty Four (1984), his last major work, the one wherein we sense that Orwell really let loose, really told us what we had to worry about. You agree, don’t you, Mr. Harris? I mean, if one wanted to sum up ‘why Orwell matters,’ one might very well blurt 1984, mighten one?

Well, guess what? 1984 barely gets a mention in Why Orwell Matters. The following is from an essay I wrote in the late 2000s:

I read the book and understand why Hitchens gave 1984 almost no mention. If he had, his (Hitchens’s) bizarre support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq would not have stood. He would have had to ‘mention’ that the main point of Orwell’s most important work was regarding War: ‘No war is ever fought for the reasons given.’ And ‘War as the excuse for the ruling elite to stay in power.’ And so forth and so on. Read Orwell’s book. Hitchens’s hypocrisy is over the top… Just when he became an obvious and utter stooge of the powers that be is the only question. (Or did Hitchens merely forget that Orwell wrote 1984 and that its main tenet was the deceit of the PTB when war is waged?)

harris2 hitch

He’s dead now. Okay.

From 1984 itself:

In some ways she [Julia] was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connexion to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, ‘just to keep people frightened’. This was an idea that had literally never occurred to him.

Sound familiar, Mr. Harris? Does the term ‘false flag’ ring any bells? And do you see why Hitchens would ‘neglect’ to mention the central tenet of Orwell’s most important work? I mean, considering 9/11 and the ‘war on terror’; all that messy stuff…

But the ‘I myself’ giveaway belies the idea that Hitchens’s problem is one of stupidity, ‘bad research’, or forgetfulness. No. Hitchens didn’t ‘accidentally’ leave out mention of 1984 in his paean to Georgie O. He did so because even bringing up Orwell’s real message would open the proverbial worm can, and Hitch could not have that, not given the deal he was living under. The deal wherein he would support the illegal/immoral/etc. invasion of Iraq by the United States.

Anyone who doesn’t believe Hitchens was an agent of the state must then assume he was bereft of any real critical thinking, and we can’t have that, can we, Mr. Harris? And Hitchens was your hero, wasn’t he? You’re just like him, aren’t you?

But let’s look at how you came to be the well-loved pundit (and government disinformation agent) that you are.

After a half an hour I could not get to the end of a Youtube video search for ‘Sam Harris + Islam’. I’m serious. Your Youtube excoriation of Muslims is all but endless. Hundreds! (Youtube no longer puts a number to searches so I can’t quote one.) Ditto for Hitch. Although you both love to shoot the various religious fish in their various barrels, you outdo yourselves with the Muslims. And here is where you do manage to mention 9/11, if only indirectly, As in ‘the 19 hijackers’ and how the Muslim religion caused ‘two planes to hit the towers’ and on and on. Meanwhile, any thinking human who has done even a minimal amount of research knows very well that ’19 hijackers’ and a sick towel-head (who died in 2001) in a cave had nothing to do with the attacks.

You are supposed to have it both ways, aren’t you? Meaning cater to the elite critical thinkers of the planet while somehow supporting the most transparent of the PTB lies. It’s a dicey dance you do in your attempt at carrying this out.

But wait. There is actually a triple whammy in the irony of Sam Harris and the subject of lying: Sam, you also had the balls to title your weekly podcast ‘Waking Up’! Waking up? Waking up is a term people use when they make the commitment to ‘follow the evidence wherever it leads,’ which is the opposite of what a Gatekeeper in the employ of the PTB does. You don’t follow evidence at all, not on matters of real import ! (The podcast title is now ‘Making Sense,’ as if the title-irony became too much to bear. Was it you or your handler who noticed this? I’d bet the latter, given the other ironies you are apparently unaware of.)

As I say, when you tell the truth about something, it’s because that’s what works in your controlled opposition Gatekeeping. And anyway, nothing you say is really the truth, because it’s all steeped in… in what? In lies by omission! Which is why you forgot to include the subject in your book titled Lying. (Doncha love it when ideas circle back?)

Let’s take a look at your ‘Waking Up’ (‘Making Sense’/whatever) podcast titled ‘The Best Podcast Ever,’ an interview with Omer Aziz. The Best Podcast Ever? Whoa! Well, Sam, I have to admit it is a doozy.

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Omer Azziz. His cv is almost the dictionary definition of ‘Controlled opposition.’

Addendum: What follows is just for example. All Harris’s podcasts are steeped in lies by omission. I just don’t have the space (or patience) to cover more than one.

For those who have never heard of Omer Aziz, hang in, because in terms of lies by omission, ‘The Best Podcast Ever’ actually may be correctly titled. Here’s a quick bio to skim, from Omer’s website:

Omer Aziz was born to working-class Pakistani-Canadian parents in Toronto and with the help of scholarships was educated at Queen’s University, the Paris Institute of Political Studies, Cambridge University, and Yale Law School. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, The New Republic, and The Globe and Mail, among others. He previously worked for the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria, for a start-up in Shanghai, and most recently served as a policy adviser to the Foreign Minister of Canada. He is currently working on a book. [This is a cv that veritably screams ‘controlled opposition’, plus a bit of limited hangout/disinformation agent!]


This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting.

This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting. I guess you were too young to be there, Sam…

Here’s a comment I made under that podcast, and which remained unanswered, by you or even by any of your fanboys:

Allan Weisbecker1 second ago

What bothers me most is that no one (especially Aziz) has brought up Western Intel’s use of (and support of) radical Islam — from the original Afghan Mujahadeens. to al qaeda to Isis, not to mention the Muslim Brotherhood, which was taken over from Hitler by the Brits then to the CIA; all were encouraged in their extremism and used to foment dissent, divisiveness and ‘the clash of civilizations’. Oh, and how about 9/11? Does anyone here not understand that Osama and Islam had nothing to do with it? How could this not come up in a discussion like this? Point being that this ‘debate’ has the ring of a Intel controlled opposition set up. [And, believe it or not, the U.S.’s horrendous destruction of Libya was not mentioned (remember that Aziz is supposed to be a Muslim apologist!), nor were the 500,000 Iraqi children who died directly due to economic sanctions, nor were about a score of other clear atrocities. A list of lies by omission in this podcast could fill a book.]

My point being that the podcast itself  is a pure disinformation (via both parties), mostly via lies by omission (although there were plenty by commission as well). If you disagree, Mr. Harris, please respond to my comment.

Your Views on Artificial Intelligence

You’ve come out very publicly on the ‘dangers’ of Artificial Intelligence, another interest of mine, and, like vaccines, a subject I have looked into very deeply. About a year ago I published on my blog an Open Letter to Professor Nick Bostrom on the subject. All I wrote in that essay applies to you, so I’ll quote a bit of it here, with only minor changes.

What I found most interesting about public AI ‘experts’ like you is not what they say but what they do not say [i.e., lies by omission]; the subjects they avoid are clear indications of what we really need fear. Now.


Who controls the developing Super AI was for me the most important question, and it went completely unanswered in all the papers and podcasts and videos (including yours, Mr. Harris, your TED talks, essays, blog posts and so forth) I took in. I even plugged this question in as a search term and came up empty, notwithstanding that one Youtube video was titled THE GREAT DEBATE: Artificial Intelligence: Who Is In Control?’

That the ‘debate’ was moderated by your buddy (and another gatekeeper/agent of the PTB) Lawrence Krauss should have told me what was to come, which was this: Not a word about ‘who controls AI’ was spoken in an hour and a half, notwithstanding Krauss’s opening words to his high-powered panel: ‘The great debate on Artificial Intelligence… who is in control… is a question many of you have been asking…’

Not a word. (One means of misdirection is to brazenly title your video/paper/whatever as a question that is never answered, or even dealt with; a version of Hitler’s Big Lie philosophy.) But perhaps I should define my terms before accusations are made. ‘Control’ means, more than anything, ‘Whose money (plus other assets) is behind the R&D?’

Would you agree that this is an important question? Yes? I’ll assume you agree here, for to not agree would certainly sound… odd.

Before I go further I will tell you who is in control of AI development and how I deduced this. Go here for a quick glimpse of part of the team that controls AI. And here it is below (it’s less than 30 seconds).

James Clapper has held various posts with the Intelligence Community, but at the time of his congressional testimony he was Director of National Intelligence, meaning he oversaw all the various agencies that collect data on U.S. citizens and then make use of that data; I believe the number of spy agencies is 16 but this doesn’t count groups/organizations that are not formally admitted to. In the above clip, Clapper is of course lying, under oath. Perjury. A felony. The same category of crime as B&E, dealing heroin by the kilo, assault, manslaughter, murder…

Nothing happened to him. He wasn’t arrested; no repercussions at all. Not even a slap on the wrist, whatever that might mean to a spook of his magnitude. Just one of the agencies Clapper oversaw was the good old NSA, the group Snowden (and many others before and since him) outed as collectors/analyzers of every bit of data you and I put out on the Net (or via cell phones), with no warrant, which is not only a(nother) felony but a breakage of the Supreme Law of the Land (the 4th Amendment of the U.S Constitution).

You want to know why nothing happened to Clapper, given his felonious testimony? It’s really simple: Everyone who could have done something to Clapper is scared shitless of him. Why? Because of the data he controls, and can falsify if he needs to. Anyone who doesn’t understand this is a fool.

Do you agree that this was almost certainly the reason he walked on this crime? Yes? No? Okay, if No, please give an alternative. If yes, why have you never mentioned it? 

This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting.

This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting.

Addendum:Although it is very occasionally mentioned that massive amounts of data is absolutely necessary for the development of AI, and especially SAI (Super AI), it is never mentioned who it is that controls Big Data – the Intelligence Community/Google (etc.). As we all (should) know, we are living in a military/industrial/corporate state. Revolving doors aside, there is no line dividing Government from the Corporate State. Speaking of revolving doors, this is from theNafeez Ahmed article:

‘A year after this briefing with the NSA chief, Michele Weslander Quaid… joined Google to become chief technology officer, leaving her senior role in the Pentagon advising the undersecretary of defense for intelligence. ‘ [For lazy folks: The title is ‘How the CIA Made Google.’ It’s inarguably well citationed.]

He who controls the data controls the future of AI. This is never said, except in very deep subtext.

harris2 waking up

Who suggested changing the title from ‘Waking Up’ to ‘Making Sense’? Was the irony of the former just too much to bear?

Why is it that neither you nor even one of your colleagues has ever mentioned that the NSA alone has so much data on U.S. citizens that it had to divert a river (in Utah) to keep the storage facility from overheating? One storage facility among many. (The newest facility in Fort Meade is so large that it covers a former 36 hole golf course.) It’s well known now that there is no practical limit to how much data can be stored, so, as several whistle-blowers have said, ‘They store it all, everything.Every keystroke and every word spoken not only on but in the vicinity of electronic devices.

But my point is this: In the hundred or so hours of AI ‘debates’ and ‘symposia’ and so forth that I sat through, why is it that not one person mentioned anything about the Intelligence Community being in control of the development of Artificial Intelligence, via their control of Big Data and the funding? But we’re talking about you here, aren’t we?

Why is it, Mr. Harris, that you have never mentioned the main reason we have to fear AI: Its abuse by those who control the data and the money?

If we consider this a lie by omission (a whopper at that) — which all of your pundit colleagues are likewise guilty of perpetrating — we have still more evidence, aside from your statist view of 9/11, vaccines, the ‘war on terror,’ climate change, fossil fuels (which are not what we’ve been told) and so forth — that you are guilty as charged – you are a disinformation agent of the deep state, the PTB, however you label them. It’s either that or you are profoundly stupid, plus blatantly ignorant of facts/history, which seems unlikely.

Addendum: And then of course there is the little matter of cosmology and mainstream physics, which, on the surface, you cheerlead as heartily as anyone (like your buddies Larry Krause, DeGrasse Tyson, Sean Carroll, etc.), while simultaneously ignoring Newtonian mechanics when it puts the lie to one of  your deceits — like disintegrating skyscrapers on 9/11. But even on the simple level of basic logic – which you tout to no end — you and your gatekeeper cohorts fail so obviously. Although you are not mentioned by name, this little video of mine is you: 

Your podcast on climate change was nothing short of nauseating. Anyone paying the slightest attention and wanting to know the truth on the matter need only go to the government’s own data on sea level trends, to see that sea level has been rising on average world-wide a mere quarter inch per year, a rate that has not changed since the 1800s. 

If human-injected CO2 were the cause of global warming (which is the supposed issue), how do you explain that? 

But it’s endless, the lies you perpetrate. And your credibility re your ‘target audience’ (those who consider themselves the educated, secular elite) is all based on your ‘scientism’ (materialism) religion-bashing. Talk about fish in a barrel!

‘Fanatical religions that kill innocent people and suppress and disfigure women and blah blah blah in God’s name are bad!’ Repeat this enough times and heads are bound to nod in the peanut gallery. Then say whatever you want and the nodding will continue. This is how it works, right?

You were meant to replace (and/or re-enforce) Christopher Hitchens, weren’t you? Well, how’s it going? Come on, own up! 

Okay, enough! Thinking and writing about you has left me tired and disgusted. Let’s wrap this up.

If you disagree with me, I assume you will respond to this essay in a point by point, factual manner, i.e., an avoidance of ad hominem/straw men like ‘conspiracy theorist’ and/or cherry-picking of details.

Allan Weisbecker

Final addendum: I came across the below image of Sean Carroll at a presentation about ‘The Big Picture’ and for a beat put myself in the audience yelling out a question as he shows the famous ‘Pale Blue Dot’ photo. (Supposedly inspired by Carl Sagan who had NASA turn the Voyager space probe around to do an earth ‘selfie’): ‘Hey, Sean, where are the stars?’ would be my question and I cannot imagine his answer, given that the earth’s luminosity at that distance (four billion miles) would have made it the faintest speck in the sky (in the camera’s ‘star field,’ but there was none).

Science Gatekeeper Sean Carroll. Where is the rest of the Universe, Mr. Harris?

Science Gatekeeper Sean Carroll. Where is the rest of the Universe, Mr. Harris?

The implications here are nothing short of staggering. As I’ve shown in several videos, the ‘star visibility’ issue is ‘hidden in plain sight,’ as are many major ‘tells’ that we are being lied to about virtually everything. Truly, what explanation do you have for the blatant cosmological contradictions exposed in this video. Or this one. Or in my series on the Spacex frauds, this one being only the latest?

Implications. Do you think Carl Sagan was unaware that the photo he endlessly touted was a fraud? Just because no one has exposed it until now, do you assume none of Gatekeepers like Sagan were in on the fraud? Think. 

The levels of deceit go on and on. But you already know this, don’t you, Mr. Harris? Just as does Neil deGrasse Tyson, as shown in this motor mouth blurt on the Joe Rogan podcast (I repeat myself but I couldn’t resist). How about you? Do you have a ticket to survival when the Big Event goes down? (If not, I’d speak to my handler if I were you.)

I gave a government shill (mole) who comments on my blog a full post of his own, with no interference from me, if he’d explain why no stars are visible in the photograph. This guy, ‘Sean’, who could not keep his trap shut in his misdirection on other subjects (over 2,000 words of NLP blabbing on the previous post), suddenly disappeared. Poof! I suspect something like this would happen with you, Mr. Harris, in a similar situation, i.e., if you were truly ‘cornered’ on a matter of vital interest to the PTB. The reason this doesn’t happen, though, is that you are careful in your choosing of speaking venues — they are all deep state sponsored media or alt media.

  62 comments for “An Open Letter to an Agent of the Deep State (Sam Harris)

  1. May 14, 2019 at 3:36 pm

    With havin so much written content do you ever run into any
    problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My
    site has a lot of exclusive content I’ve either authored
    myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up
    all over the internet without my permission. Do you know any methods to
    help protect against content from being ripped off?

    I’d certainly appreciate it.

  2. Bill
    May 9, 2019 at 11:57 pm

    Chomsky is another one? Sorry, but I can’t let that one pass.

    Alan, have you taken the time to read Chomsky’s work, which spans over half a century? The man not only revolutionized the study of linguistics, but has perhaps done more to expose the truth of what has been happening in America since WWII than anyone else. His scathing criticisms of the mainstream media, U.S. foreign policy, propaganda-based military interventions abroad (Vietnam, Central America, Iraq, etc.), the “war on terror,” etc. are worth examining.


    • le berger des photons
      May 12, 2019 at 12:03 pm


      As Eddie Murphy would have said, “What has Chomsky done for us LATELY?”

      I don’t think M. Weisbecker is denigrating 50 years of good works by Chomsky. The fact is that today Chomsky is a mole. Maybe he’s been blackmailed, maybe he has worms eating his brain, I don’t know why he’s become a mole but he is one.

      • Bill
        May 14, 2019 at 3:25 pm

        Please provide some logic-based evidence supporting your comment that “Chomsky is a mole.”

        • Bill
          May 14, 2019 at 3:26 pm

          Alan, you didn’t answer my question.

          • May 14, 2019 at 8:35 pm

            Hey, I’m not here to do your research. I suggested you look into his views on 9/11 and JFK. Did you do that? For me, 9/11 is a litmus. Either ignorance or collusion and don’t think Chomsky is ignorant.

      • Bill
        May 17, 2019 at 1:24 am

        Hey dude, I’m still ‘watching and waiting’ for some evidence that “Chomsky is a mole.”

    • May 12, 2019 at 8:34 pm

      I just noticed this comment; sorry for the delay. Limited hangouts work because they do provide valuable information. Problem is they stop short regarding the biggest issues. With Chomsky I suggest you look up his views on 9/11 and JFK. Please get back to me on this.

      • Bill
        May 16, 2019 at 11:42 pm

        Alan, I was already aware of Chomsky’s views on JFK and 9/11. My question to you was: Have you taken the time to read Chomsky’s work, which spans well over half a century? My guess is you have not.

        The idea that Noam Chomsky is an agent of the “deep state” is patently absurd. In fact, I would venture to argue that Chomsky is near the top of the list of those who have exposed the lies of the deep state, primarily the military-industrial complex President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about in his 1961 farewell address, and its devastating effects on our species and the planet..

        Chomsky has long been an unrelenting critic of U.S. foreign policy, including our military misadventures abroad (Vietnam, Central America, Iraq, etc.) that have resulted in millions of human beings dead and obscene profits reaped by “defense” corporations, and has also shed light on how the corporate media serve as a propaganda tool shaping public perception, thought and discourse.

        Are you seriously suggesting that because Chomsky never accepted the significance of the JFK assassination (in his view, which I do not share, JFK’s death did not alter U.S. policy in Vietnam) and has been skeptical of 9/11 conspiracy theories, that he is an agent of the “deep state?”


        • May 17, 2019 at 1:37 pm

          I’ve read a dozen of Chomsky’s books since the 60s and corresponded with him back around 2005, about a screenplay I was working on. It fizzled and as time went on I realized…. actually, here’s our first email:

          Re: The Trial of Saddam
          interessting stuff

          Noam Chomsky

          Apr 13, 2005 at 6:33 AM

          Impressed with your plans and achievements. It’s an ambitious goal, and sure to infuriate many. A framework that I guess could be used is one employed regularly at the Nuremberg Tribunal, where some of the worst Nazi criiminals were freed after testimony that their western counterparts had committed the same crimes. The judgment of Nuremberg was not that all were criminals, on both sides, but that all were innocent, since the Allies had committed the same crimes as the Nazis. Submarine Commander Doenitz and Admiral Nimitz were a famous pair. Shouldnt be hard to line up Saddam with his counterparts.

          Noam Chomsky

          At 01:54 PM 4/12/2005 -0400, you wrote:
          Dear Mr. Chomsky,

          I’m a writer of books and screen stories (among other
          “accomplishments,” I helped create the old TV show
          “Miami Vice”). My memoir, In Search of Captain Zero
          (Penguin Putnam, 2001), is being developed as movie,
          with Sean Penn as a producer/star. Ditto my cult-hit
          novel, Cosmic Banditos (likewise PP), with John Cusack
          as producer/star. In both cases I am the screenwriter.
          Why I introduce myself in this way will become
          evident in a bit.

          The number of Americans that expose themselves to
          serious political discourse (however broadly defined)
          is small; the “intellectual elite” as you call them,
          with built-in irony, I assume. That your writings, the
          unassailable logic and moral correctness of your world
          view ­ to those who are even aware of them ­ are
          considered of the lunatic fringe is perhaps
          inevitable, for reasons evident in those very
          writings. (Best summed up as a sort of Orwellian
          denial.) To those statistical few who read you, the
          expression “preaching to the choir” comes to mind, of

          I’m tempted to go on here; I won’t. I’ll get to the

          I assume your primary goal is to bring sanity to this
          world via the propagation of some obvious truths to as
          many people as possible.

          If this is a given, how to expand your audience beyond
          “the choir”? A tack other than “political discourse”
          should be taken, I think.

          As always, the solution is to go in through the back
          door. Tell a good story. In this case, make a movie.

          Consider this scenario, fanciful as it is: Saddam
          Hussein gets a fair trial.

          Saddam, in his defense, can call anyone as a witness,
          according to the rules of the American Judicial

          His defense is based on this premise: Everything he is
          charged with is Standard Operating Procedure for a
          world leader ­ which, as you have so eloquently
          pointed out, is the case. Saddam is no more (or no
          less) a war criminal (etc.) than any U.S. president,
          say, since WW II. So, among other witnesses, all the
          living former U.S. presidents would be called upon to
          testify. And to justify themselves to the world.

          The protagonist of this piece would not be Saddam; he
          would be at best a supporting character. The defense
          attorney is our guy. The moral crisis is his. He
          represents the audience.

          I would suggest he be an American of liberal political
          persuasion. More or less one of the “intellectual
          elite.” The story machinations needed to set up the
          trial, how and why this fellow (or woman) becomes
          Saddam’s defense attorney, etc., are unimportant at
          this point. Suffice to say that his/her “arc,” journey
          coming to see things as they really are ­ would be
          the audience’s as well.

          Over my 25 years of writing screen and book stories,
          I’ve come to the conclusion that in drama, endings are
          everything. In the case of the basic scenario outlined
          here, I do not as yet have the ending, but I suspect a
          good one is lurking. Just a matter of hard work and

          I suspect that by now you’ve either seen the wisdom of
          my nascent idea or not. I too am a busy fellow.
          Getting to the real point here: If you’d be interested
          in collaborating on this idea, I would be willing to
          drop my present two projects and get right on it.

          (Yes, this is a movie idea, so the question is begged:
          Where do we get the money to produce it? I would wager
          that you have enough fans in the movie business that ­
          so long as production costs were kept low (not a
          problem in what would essentially be a “courtroom
          drama”) — this project would be viable. Look at
          Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, which has grossed
          over $100 million ­ this also proves that there IS an
          audience out there.

          Also: I do have connections in H-wood.)

          So, if you’re interested in perusing The Trial of
          Saddam Hussein, I’m here. (To find out more about me,
          my website is at

          Yours truly,
          Allan Weisbecker

          There was one other… no matter… at this time (2005) I already knew that 9/11 was a lie but hadn’t thought about the depth of the lie and the implications. I knew Chomsky had his head up his ass re JFK but wrote it off to a quirk (like with Zinn)…. then i smartened up, realized the degree to which the State had planned ahead with deep moles in ALL aspects of media. (Chomsky’s absurd views on 9/11 were the last straw.) I have seen this and exposed this in the alt media on this blog and elsewhere. Have you read any of my Open Letters to alt media moles? I in fact did write about Chomsky:

          Do a word search for ‘Chomsky’..

          Then do your own research. But I’ve said this before.

          Before you aggravate me with a repetition of your question: How do you explain Chomsky’s ‘it’s a conspiracy theory’ re 9/11 (Zinn too)? A quirk. Yes, Chomsky still says very true and valuable things, but how the fuck do you trust him?

          • May 17, 2019 at 1:53 pm

            By the way, I came across an interesting response to the essay linked above, from ‘The Skeptics Society’. What a joke. If you can’t see that this group is run by moles of the State, then I really can’t help you:


            I really hope you get it together. Critical thinking….

          • Bill
            May 18, 2019 at 1:28 am

            Alan, I’m sorry to aggravate you, but…

            If, as you say, you’ve read a dozen of Noam Chomsky’s books, then you should certainly know that he is NOT an agent of the “deep state.” In fact, Chomsky is quite the opposite (see my previous posts), although I’m sure you are unwilling to admit that simple truth.

            How the fuck do I trust Chomsky? My trust is based on more than a half-century of the man speaking the truth and exposing lies, as well as my own personal correspondences with him.

            “It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies.” – Noam Chomsky

            Chomsky is a man of deep integrity and his words resonate today as much as they did back in the ’60s when he first spoke them in response to the horror of Vietnam. Many were deaf to his words then, and they remain so today.


            NOTE: It was you who juxtaposed photos of Harris and Chomsky, who happen to disagree with one another on critically important issues, and implied that Chomsky was “another one,” meaning an agent of the “deep state.” WTF?

        • May 18, 2019 at 4:21 am

          The takeaway from our conversation is this: I am able to change my view on a subject when I come across new evidence, while you are not.

          I did ask you to explain Chomsky’s views on 9/11 and JFK but you remain silent, and merely repeat yourself. Why is that? Answer this one or remain silent, please.

  3. James
    May 3, 2019 at 10:38 pm

    Interesting expose of this Harris dude Allan I must admit that I’d never heard of him before.
    I’ve never really studied a lot of these people especially arrogant people like Hitchens and Dawkins mind you I don’t and never will understand or want to understand the mind or lack of mind of atheists.
    The clip of Clapper lying was classic when he had to lie when he tried to say that the spy agencies never actually intentionally bugged anyone, only unwittingly ha ha that is laughable.
    Also it was noticeable that when the questioner asked Clapper more than once the same question and therefore had to lie multiple times, his body language gestures were showing all the signs of it becoming almost jerky and frenzied.
    I must tell you a real life joke before I go.
    The US military built a base in Afghanistan and over the entrance placed a sign which read “Second to none”.
    Later just down the road the British military bult a base over the entrance they put up a sign which read “None”
    Ho ho L8ers J

  4. April 25, 2019 at 3:08 pm

    Same (((Tribe))) same goal- subjugation of the gentiles
    Mossad motto- by deception we wage war
    Look up Talpiot and Unit 8200
    many many facets on the same diamond when you look too closely, when you zoom out its just one rock.
    Many players in this game of thrones….
    Aloha Alan

  5. Pat
    April 23, 2019 at 3:51 am

    Doggone…I’ve been waiting for this and it didn’t disappoint. Although I don’t agree with a lot of what Harris says/implies/writes, I HAVE been finding his meditiation app (Waking Up) useful. I’ve also enjoyed ruminating on the purported illusion of Free Will he espouses. I agree that his lies by omission and enforcement of the status quo with regard to 9/11are screeching indictments, but this whole thing just makes me tired. Continuously calling EVERYTHING into question is exhausting. Great essay – at least someone’s keeping on their toes.

    • April 23, 2019 at 4:24 pm

      Soooo sorry that you’re tiring yourself via thinking, Pat. Maybe some anti-depressants will help.

      Meanwhile, for those who are not tired, check this out, starting at 4 minutes in:

      Sam Harris has just flat ignored my Open Letter, notwithstanding that I paid to put it on his ‘Ask Me Anything’ page. Hey! Those of you who are not tired: I need help in forcing Harris to deal with the truth (about himself). I need YOU to go to his podcasts and comment that you expect an answer to this post.

      If you don’t do it, don’t complain about the sorry state of the world. It’s not hard and it doesn’t take more than a couple minutes.

      • Philip
        April 23, 2019 at 7:35 pm

        Just getting around to this and I see Vimeo just can’t find this when I clicked the link . How predictable, it must have been good.

      • Todd
        April 23, 2019 at 7:41 pm

        Allan, is that link behind a private Vimeo paywall of some sort. I get the error, “Sorry, we couldn’t find that page”.

        Maybe you could provide the title of the video of something and I can search for it elsewhere.

        • April 23, 2019 at 7:46 pm

          Sorry and yes it is good. I just hit

          and got there. The title is
          The criminalization of science whistleblowers: An interview with Judy Mikovits, PhD

          • Todd
            April 23, 2019 at 8:15 pm

            I see the issue – your first post appended hidden text %EF%BB%BF

            h*ttps:// (first post)
            h*ttps:// (second post)

            I have seen this video before with Dr. Mikovits. I’m still absolutely disgusted with it’s message towards those in charge and their criminality that goes with. I hope their consciousness in their afterlife burns for eternity.

          • drud
            April 25, 2019 at 2:27 am

            Great essay.

            It is sad that there are not many Mikovits in this world but plenty who say they are. Mr. Harris would most likely end up like Mikovits if he were to explain buildings cannot fall at the same speed as a golf ball falling to earth unless you remove the resistance holding the building up. He won’t go there just like every other TV ‘person’ality.

            Like his look a like he married into the Fockers…

            May a Focker rise up out of the abyss (pool) and spike his ass out!

      • April 24, 2019 at 6:27 am

        This from a man who won’t lift his finger to type and tell the story of Peter and Doreen Hendrickson. (

        Too tired of thinking, are you?

        Going after lightweights seems to be your playground, Allan.

        I check in on you because the hypocrisy and irony of your mind is simply too much fun to pass up! It seems like if there is no special recognition of your genius, then you simply don’t have the time to get involved in an issue. Who gives a crap about your stupid ego battles over obvious nonsense?

        Your best when you’re going after Elon Musk. No large expose of the latest Falcon Heavy launch?

        Go ahead and hide this comment like you did the last time I set you straight a few months back.

        • April 24, 2019 at 3:41 pm

          FYI I hide your comments b/c you’re a nutcase, Arthur (in the bad sense), and take up space and waste my readers’ time.

          • April 24, 2019 at 6:10 pm

            Man in the MIRROR.! Obviously, Allan doesn’t have to prove an ad hominem attack like that. Are you observing, fellow readers?

            The same misdirection he accues others of…he does to sincere readers trying to understand him.

            Lot’s of horse shit happening at Bandito Books!

            Note from AW: Okay, Arthur, enough. Reading time is precious. I don’t like deleting comments but any more of your nonsense in this post will disappear.

          • mellyrn
            April 25, 2019 at 12:03 pm

            Meh. I first read him because he was new. I’m sure he’s got some good points (yay for him and the income tax thing, for one), but the shouting and the desire to hijack the discussion onto *his* favorite issues now mean I just skim past him. I apologize for being lured off-topic, too.

            I *am* glad you hide or delete the foulmouthed ones, though. Thank you for that!

    • Todd
      April 23, 2019 at 8:42 pm

      Pat – Now that Allan has exposed Harris for the BIG-time disinfo agent, you might want to re-think how the “Waking Up” app is useful to you. Maybe it’s more useful to the PTB!

      I recommend reading Nick Begich’s book “Controlling the Human Mind”. Useful stuff in there on how they can manipulate the brain using sound via headphones and what not.

      Of course, this is speculation, but worth knowing that you can be controlled in other ways.

      • April 23, 2019 at 8:56 pm

        Although the odds are that Harris’s app is just a money-maker for him, I don’t know much about apps and their possible use in mind control; so who knows. The whole ‘app phenom’ is an interesting subject, come to think of it.

        And yes, I certainly agree that Begich’s book is very important, altho I suspect it’s just the tip of the problem.

      • Pat
        April 23, 2019 at 11:46 pm

        That immediately came to mind after reading this, Todd. Thanks for the recommendation. I don’t personally think there is a nefarious agenda behind the app, but who knows? Meditation IS a useful tool in helping to make sense of the world after all…

  6. Cat
    April 23, 2019 at 1:39 am

    Real life magicians; We all get swindled… one way or another
    If you know more then those that work at the bank
    and you’re let’s say a wise guy in real estate you
    show them how to do the paperwork then gain their
    CONfidence pretty soon you’re telling them what to do
    and walk out of the bank with someone else’s money
    without robbing the bank, but actually robbing the bank
    and it happens often in various ways and various scenarios
    more than we know. If the bank ever does figures it out, they’re too
    embarrassed to call the police or sue because they were
    simply at fault for goldbricking and being too damn dumb.
    Great truth searching work Allan!

  7. Larry C
    April 22, 2019 at 8:22 pm

    “This may look over-the-top but consider the fact that kids now routinely get over 70 vaccines before puberty.” Jezuz H. Krist…

    • April 22, 2019 at 9:07 pm

      Right. I maybe should have added that all the vaccines contain some sort of heavy metal as a preservative, including mercury. All are toxic and pass the blood-brain barrier. And are cumulative.

      I in 58 boys are now born on the autism spectrum. This is a holocaust, folks. Please spread the word on this.

      • April 24, 2019 at 6:36 am

        I’ll give you props where props are due, Allan.

        I support the fight to stop child vaccinations and outlaw them.

        Beyond 9/11 and The Income Tax frauds, the chemtrailing and child vaccinations are literally wiping out the future.

        Are any of you living a life that is more important than these issues?

        WE ARE ON THE HOOK FOR ALL OF THIS, KARMICALLY. Take it from one who has lived multiple lives. We don’t ESCAPE our choices…ever…in eternal REALITY.

        • mellyrn
          April 24, 2019 at 12:30 pm

          “Take it from one who has lived multiple lives” — dude, who hasn’t?

          Karma question: I’m joyriding around the asteroid belt in my space cruiser, blowing up random chunks of rock. One goes rocketing off and crashes into Earth. Am I “on the hook” for wiping out entire taxonomic families (assorted dinosaurs) — or am I the Liberator of a whole order (mammals)?

          In short, I’m wondering how karma* deals with the Law of Unintended Consequences, and the fact that, in the realm of duality, what’s “good” for one may be very, very evil for another . . . and vice versa.

          *karma as you seem to mean it, the conventional you-will-pay-for-this-one-day Hand of Justice interpretation

  8. Scott
    April 22, 2019 at 4:23 pm

    Kudos. Tour de force.

  9. Gregory
    April 22, 2019 at 4:07 pm

    I made it as far as the first pic of Mr. Harris,and I will go back and finish after I get me a big cup of sweet tea, but first let me say this.
    There is a common feature on these parasites,the mouth.It’s almost like a smirk,I’m betting that if “he” smiled it would look similar to what the Joker’s smile looks like.

    It’s more of just a grin that shows teeth.Not a warm smile that you might see on a person.Lots of celebrities share this same trait as well .

    • April 22, 2019 at 9:47 pm

      Just between us… I agree, but this smacks of ad hominem, which I had to avoid… (Besides, my smile isn’t what it once was.)

      • Gregory
        April 24, 2019 at 8:32 pm

        I apologize, did not mean it as such.I should have gone with my first thought on this.Fucking shills paid by The Network (C.i.a,N.s.a,Tavistock etc.)who no longer can sling shit.

  10. Ray
    April 22, 2019 at 3:57 pm

    Allan , Thank you for this article. I’m intrigued by his relationship with Jordan Peterson ? Any thoughts since I have had nothing but admiration of Peterson and his views. Although I would suggest a snake acting out as something else in the case of Harris.
    Allan, I cannot put my finger on it but I feel it everyday now, a heightened awareness of the massive changes taking place to our planet and our star ( sun ). We have been lied to for so long now we have all but wiped out and re written the historical records of our past and kept secret any data that was meant to inform, educate and warn future generations . They are Monsters who have known the real history for a very long time and the number one job for them is to keep the party going until ?
    Today, was not a good day for me since I looked at a picture of a Christian church in Syria in Aleppo with Easter service and thought of the Monsters that the West sent to murder , destroy, rape and pillage a whole country . Never mind the destruction of archeological sites going back thousands of years of lost great civilizations that preformed amazing things that still can’t be done by man today. They have kept it all secret with little scraps every once and a while thrown on media with more bull added.
    But now things are going to get very seriously ramped up as we enter solar cycle 25.

    • April 22, 2019 at 6:27 pm

      Thanks, and I feel your pain in all of this. I haven’t been attentive enough to give an opinion on Peterson, except to note that he has a similar very slick skill with words to Harris. This doesn’t mean much, except to remind us to be on the lookout. What makes Harris so obvious as dirty is his methodology — his Muslim bashing is of a type that’s mostly on the money. Who can argue with his analyses? But it of course is the dangle at the bottom of most limited hangout/disinfo agents. Get us agreeing then slip in the real message (‘the 19 hijackers’ is an obvious one). So far I haven’t noticed this sort of method with Peterson.

      Ask yourself ‘What is the REAL takeaway from his blabbing?’ and you will eventually suss him out, one way or another. IMO.

    • mellyrn
      April 22, 2019 at 9:03 pm

      The massive changes, yes — as I was reading this article, especially the Casey quote together with the language about “their” plans for messing with our heads, I remembered that a few years ago Twitter proudly announced a “bot” account. It had a name; I forget what it was (?”Tweetie”? I don’t think that was quite it….)

      It was designed to do the A.I. thing of learning from what it “read” on the internet, and then tweeting just like a real human. Within 24 hours it was tweeting about 9/11 being an inside job and the Holocaust being a hoax, and they took it down, never to be heard of again.

      “They” may indeed be trying to control the AI genie, but the internet is the new Gutenberg, and just as the printing press destroyed the Church’s control of the medieval narrative, so being able to communicate, individual to individual, across the world, is destroying centralized control of the narrative.

      Insofar as there is this AI learning from what we read, look at and talk about on the internet, it must scare the shit out of Them. They’re losing, if They haven’t already lost. Follies like “Trackback”
      are desperate attempts to close the proverbial barn door. But the horse is loose, and Sam Harris is a dinosaur.

      (side note: I love the fact that, at the page magnification I use as default, that article’s headline is, “Trackback is a new hoax – ”
      with “busting …” on the next line. ;-D)

      • April 22, 2019 at 9:54 pm

        The chatter bot was named… Tway… or some such, and yes, it upset the bastids! Imagine what a real AI — if we the masses had access to it — would make of world history. So real AI will never become ‘democratic.’ No, not ever.

        Re the net, you are correct, assuming truths (like this blog post, I think) are spread around. If my letter to this state bastard dies here… what excuse to we have? (I paid money to join Harris’s ‘inner’ blog — and posted this letter on the ‘Ask Me Anything’ page, so he has to read it. Are you guys helping out?)

    • April 23, 2019 at 4:53 pm

      Okay, I think this guy nails Peterson (you ain’t gonna like it). His clip of Peterson ‘agonizing’ over the ‘God question’ says it all. Not that I care about God-belief, but I do care about lying, NLP-using rich and famous hypocrites:

      Yes, Peterson is too good to be true. Zero question.

      • Todd
        April 23, 2019 at 8:00 pm

        You can add this one too because he couldn’t answer the Jew Question when historical perspective was included with the Holodomor and the Bolsheviks.

        From an audience member, “Could Jewish individuals in positions of power seek out revenge against Europe and Russia that have a history of expelling Jews?”

        He couldn’t answer it.

        • April 23, 2019 at 8:57 pm

          Wow. That a question utterly shut that motor-mouth up is very interesting!

          • X
            April 23, 2019 at 9:57 pm

            Expulsion of P is the mechanism by which P (having obtained control of a city) propagate & infiltrate – latterly not merely cities, but nations and continents.

            The idea that a blood feud is at the root is merely useful, but it is not the truth.

            When you understand that the great mission has a span of thousands of years, you know it’s not a blood feud, or even a race war. It’s a fight for the survival of the species.

      • Desiree
        April 24, 2019 at 3:00 pm

        I got you and have the best videos on this motherfucker that you need so that you may understand his agenda…

        Check out this fantastic video about Jordan Peterson and what he is up to on the YouTube channel “Resurrection Europa,” and it is entitled “Jordan Peterson is an Anti-White Globalist” ( ).

        I *_highly_* recommend this other video on the same channel, entitled “Jordan Peterson Dismantled” ( ).

        The last and final video that I would recommend to watch on the topic of Jordan Peterson is a clip that I was surprised Resurrection Europa didn’t include in his “Dismantled” video. Please go watch it!

        It’s titled “Jordan Peterson Avoids Question on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together and Holodomor:”

        That is absolutely shameful and inexcusable that Jordan refused to answer that question, as he’s made it clear in the past that he is educated about the Russian revolution time period. I came across that video well before I saw Resurrection Europa’s videos on Jordan, and this one small video told me everything I needed to know about Jordan Peterson and what he was.

        He is a dangerous, dangerous snake.

        • Dee Cota
          April 25, 2019 at 5:51 am

          Thank you for suggesting the 3 videos on Peterson they were extremely informative. I think you are being kind calling him a dangerous snake. For those that need to be educated on Peterson, you have to check out these videos.

        • Matthew
          May 1, 2019 at 10:36 am

          I have watched the linked Peterson-related videos here as well as Peterson and Harris’ first three “debates” (moderated discussions in front of large audiences in Vancouver and Dublin) easily found on youtube. I had seen videos of Peterson before, perhaps an hour or three, a year or three ago, but had never seen or read Harris. I found the videos here on Peterson informative but not particularly damning. His views on religion, as I understand them, are complex, and cannot be adequately summarised as a belief (or not) in God. That the fundamentalist Christian linked has discovered that Peterson is not on his team, as he perceives it, should be no surprise given what Peterson himself professes and expresses. One might well imagine better responses to this and the question related to the Holodomor, but in both questions, and especially the second, they are loaded questions whose answers are not straightforward, and which might give cause for his persecution by certain groups. Also note that the questioner about the Holodomor basically made an argument and simply asked Peterson if he agreed, and agreement was just that his concern might be justified – the facts of the situation that might validate or invalidate that concern were neither presented nor might even be publicly accessible. He was being asked to agree that a hypothetical situation was possible, which might seem to be obviously so, but the sleight-of-hand of the questioner might also be questioned, and Peterson’s evasion justified, not least because he doesn’t want to get bogged down in allegations of anti-Semitism. It is interesting that he worked on that UN panel, but having a job doesn’t mean agreement, or anything in particular, except that one is devoting one’s time and attention to that job, which all of us workers do for various reasons. Which is not to say that it’s not a good idea to scrutinise that project and why Peterson might have been chosen for it, and what his input was. Unfortunately, the videos stop at guilt by association with an organisation that one has to agree is pure evil to make him guilty,

          In conclusion, I find Peterson interesting, and think he brings many interesting issues into the public arena that I have not seen addressed outside more academic milieus. That what he says should be regarded critically goes without saying, and that his public role, whether it be to advance a certain agenda, or to obfuscate by lies of omission, should be scrutinised. It should also be recognised that being an academic, and a public intellectual, are roles that have certain constraints and pressures that should be appreciated, or imagined, anyway, before one condemns one for not saying all the truth all at once. That not being possible, even a well-meaning person must make choices and pick battles in accord with his values, wiliness, and conscience. As far as Harris goes, I simply find him uninteresting, his arguments simplistic and willfully ignorant of context,, but I also have to appreciate that others might find him interesting and compelling, and as Allan has noted, he is also partial and potentially intentionally misleading. The circus in which public intellectuals perform is nothing new, and has been probably somewhat revealing, but also distracting, not just to the public, but academic, and specifically, philosophical discourse (and as Allan is more aware of than I, scientific). Heidegger and Sartre come to mind as intellectual mediocrities that became famous for political reasons – because they fulfilled political functions. I see no easy remedy to this situation but to structurally change the academy and society so that no one is given the mantle of priesthood, so that profitable ideas and truths are spread rather than suppressed, and that people think for themselves rather than looking for someone to do it for them.

  11. Todd
    April 22, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    Just finished watching the Q&A with Hitchens. What a pompous son of a bitch. The only way to muzzle the questioner was Police show of force and ad hominem style belittlement by Hitchens.

    Thank you Allan for re(exposing) Hitchens and his new replacement Sam Harris.

    • April 22, 2019 at 6:28 pm

      The real distressing aspect of that video is the comments, which are 90% backing up Hitchens and his obvious bull shit. Right out of Georgie O….

      • Ea
        April 23, 2019 at 12:31 am

        90% jibes with my experience.

    • Desiree
      April 24, 2019 at 3:07 pm

      Yes… That video made me want to bash my head against the wall. I am a former supporter of him, only for his atheist work, as I strongly thought he was insane for supporting the Iraq war. In the last few years though I have come to realize that these so-called “four horsemen“ which I respected before (Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, and some other Dennis fool that I can’t remember at the moment) had their agenda as subverting western Christian culture to break down our cohesion, to continue the Jewish destruction of our western white nations.

  12. Dicky Nixon
    April 22, 2019 at 3:25 pm

    Preach Brotha!

  13. Alger Cavalloro
    April 22, 2019 at 2:35 pm

    Well Done…nothing more to ad beyond the group photo of the latest crop of Shill Warriors,
    Sam Harris, David Rueben, Eric Weinstein, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro & Jordan Petersen dining & smiling as they congratulate each other on their giant ongoing con (just google the names as group and you’ll find it) violence solves nothing but they all should be curb stomped.

    • April 22, 2019 at 6:31 pm

      Yes, good point on the list. I don’t make clear enough that Harris is just the tip of ‘berg, each one of which has his/her (mostly his) own cult following. You’d be hard pressed to find a fanboy of any of them that could be swayed, no matter the weight of the evidence….

    • Desiree
      April 24, 2019 at 3:07 pm


  14. frances channon
    April 22, 2019 at 1:33 pm

    Dr Graham Downing (linked to uk column) worth checking out.

    • James
      April 25, 2019 at 6:27 pm

      Hi Frances I just thought I’d better warn you and others that while the Dr might be talking the talk in my opinion he ain’t walking the walk. Why because UK Column is infested by spies,yes that’s right MI5 and MI6.
      The leader of UK Column is an ex Royal Navy submarine commander called Brian Gerrish and a more slippery character than most.
      As you probably know all military men in the UK swear an oath to Her Satanic Majesty the Queen which means they will murder people if ordered to, so what is somebody like Gerrish doing as leader of an anti- new world order organisation ? Anyway I can prove it further if anyone wants to know L8ers j

  15. April 22, 2019 at 1:13 am

    What I need for readers of this post to do — assuming you agree with my findings — is to inject it into Harris’s podcasts via the comments. Show me that you appreciate the work!

    • April 22, 2019 at 2:29 pm

      I tried to find the comments section of his podcast without success. Can you post a link Allan? Excellent essay and YT video on the vaccine corruption. Anyone who takes the time to really research the history of vaccine “science” will likely never buy into the bullshit that is peddled everyday about this topic. I used to compare vaccine science to tobacco science, but later realized that was really unfair to tobacco science.

      • April 22, 2019 at 3:43 pm

        Thanks for the effort! If we all pitch in — everyone hits a few Sam Harris podcasts, whatever the subject matter, and even ones by other outlets that feature his crapola — he’ll eventually have to read the post and deal with the facts. I know my expose on James Corbett upset him and forced a reaction; he was losing subscribers. (Search for ‘Open Letter to James Corbett’.) I’m hoping the same will be the case here.

        Best way is to find a paragraph you think works or is relevant to the link and paste it in Comments, then add the URL to this page. Another possibility is to link to my autism video and to this page, especially on sites/podcasts that deal with autism. Get the autism community on this! Let’s go viral.

        This is a real and effective way of fighting back!

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