Another Fucking Bummer

Although I can just about 100% assure you all that RFK, Jr. will never make it to the presidency — if it comes down to it he’ll die of a ‘heart attack’ before he gets on the dem ticket, let alone sets foot in the Oval Office — I’m much looking forward to the Neo-Cons desperate reaction to his giving it a try.

I just moved here.

One interesting challenge RFK Jr. faces and which I’ll briefly discuss here being his wife, actor/producer/director Cheryl Hines. 

Normally, a pretty, vivacious, intelligent, and ‘tender-hearted’ (we’ll see) wife (he has left out ‘loyal’ in his description of her) is a great advantage in a politician’s rising career, but with RFK, Jr., the candidate finds himself in very deep connubial shit, IMO. Evidence of this surfaced in RFK, Jr.’s recent podcast with Megan Kelly. In the show, RFK displayed his ignorance of what he’s facing by blithely relating Cheryl’s reaction to his book on Fauci and related COVID matters: To sum up, he tells us that she was getting so upset by his writing that she ceased reading. 

Nearby, but I forget when I took this one.

Addendum: Part of the reason for the this post is that I am re-reading RFK, Jr.’s book on Fauci and am finding it more astounding the second time around, notwithstanding its failure to mention some important COVID-related issues, like the fact that neither the Coronavirus nor any virus has ever been isolated in a robust experimental situation, which should tell us that so far there is no scientific evidence that the ‘virus’ exists. (This does not mean that there is no ‘disease’ called ‘COVID’; what is at issue is causation, a.k.a. ‘etiology’.)

Local commercial fisherman scraping her topsides.

I hope you have read The Real Fauci; Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. If you are unfamiliar with the book, the title should give you some idea of the implications of Ms. Hines’s reaction. She just flat doesn’t want to hear the horrifying truth of our recent history.    

But let’s back up for a second. RFK, Jr. tells us he met Ms Hines through Larry David, the co-creator of Seinfeld and the HBO hit Curb Your Enthusiasm, who told RFK, Jr. that Cheryl Hines is ‘the finest person I ever met,’ which assessment RFK, Jr. not only agreed with, but he added that she is ‘gentle, tender-hearted and totally honest.’ He then went on to inform us that his wife ‘does not agree with all of my positions on world affairs.’

Not only does Ms Hines not want to read her husband’s book, and not only does she not agree with all his positions on world affairs, but she publicly (in a tweet) referred to her husband’s comparison of what we are in for as ‘reprehensible.’

Whoa! What’s with that?

A different angle from the first shot.

In a speech, regarding the world-wide surveillance grid/forced vaccination, RFK, Jr. mentioned that even Ann Frank had the ability to escape Germany, indirectly comparing the present tyranny to the Holocaust! God forbid! This is where the ‘reprehensible’ description came from.  ‘The Holocaust should never be compared to anyone or anything,’ she added. Really, Cheryl? 

Another view from my campsite.

Without even getting into the issue of numbers of civilians killed in Europe during WW2, autism is an on-going holocaust world-wide but especially in the U.S. At the current increasing rate of autism the six million number (which is propaganda to begin with) will be surpassed in less than a decade, and that number does not count the misery of the parents and close relatives of the afflicted. Although death and autism are two different issues, misery is misery, and if the primary cause of autism (vaccines) is not dealt with, the previous ‘holocaust’ will fade into history.

My point here is not about the holocaust in Europe many decades ago, its about the wife of a presidential candidate and the issues that will arise if she ‘doesn’t agree with’ her husband’s view of the world.

View the above podcast in which RFK Jr. tears Alan Dershowitz (and those who think like him) a new asshole on the subject of vaccines. View it and maybe wonder what the fuck is Cheryl Hines thinking in saying she doesn’t agree with her husband, let alone how his comparison was ‘reprehensible.’ 

Something is very wrong here and RFK Jr. is at least partly to blame. I say this because I’m trying to picture how he could marry a woman whose belief system somehow allows her to go public saying what she said.

Can you picture this couple marrying without her carefully listening to RFK Jr. explain about how deadly vaccines are? (Again, view this if you don’t get it.) And the sacrifices he’s made to make the world a better place? Of course she did. 

Now there are two possibilities. 

The home down at the end of the harbor.

She understands his position and agrees with him. They marry.

She somehow disagrees with him. Do they still marry? No fucking way! How could they live together?

So why isn’t Cheryl Hines backing up her husband, not betraying him?

Her career.

So much for Cheryl Hines being ‘the finest, most honest person’ blah blah.

She goes from a trailer trash waitress to a star and will not threaten that. 

So now we have to figure what is really wrong here. 

These are infra-red shots from the last few days.

Here’s the only possibility that allows me to avoid disgust re RFK Jr., as a candidate and as a person: The two of them agreed she would ass kiss the Hollywood PTB until it looked like he has a real chance at a nomination. At that point she will ‘see the light’ and back him up, since without her support he would have no chance of actually winning  the presidency. This is best case scenario.

I mean think about it. Does RFK Jr. think he has any chance whatever of winning or even getting nominated without his wife’s support? He’s smarter than that.

But if it does go that way, if he gets the nomination and she ‘changes her mind’, how is that going to look? Bottom line is that Cheryl Hines cares more about  her career than she does the welfare of our country and our planet. 

Do this: Having viewed the RFK Jr. vs Dershowitz vaccine debate, read the comments. (Normally, I would not trust YT video comments but in this case it’s obvious that the vast majority are genuinely intelligent humans.)

Local fishing boats. Place reminds me of Montauk in that way.

Yet Cheryl Hines, if we are to believe her tweets (etc.) agrees with the scumfuck Dershowitz, who it was obvious did not even listen to RFK Jr.. 

For me, this is a real and serious fucking bummer. No matter what the real situation is with his wife, I’ve lost respect for RFK Jr., after seeing a glimmer of hope in his possible candidacy for president.


By the way, here are a selection of selfies, 1974 – 2023:


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