Apologies to those who miss my posts and are wondering what the problem is.
Doubly so to those who are contributing $3.25 ‘gas money’ each month and haven’t cancelled. I’ve been feeling a bit poorly lately, discouraged about the state of our species and so forth, but mainly the words aren’t flowing like they used to. Closest comparison would be to my surfing ability, which started to wane about eight years ago. It’s worse with the words. I have three or four ‘first’ paragraphs in the file labeled ‘Chance & Necessity’; ideas that fizzled even as I typed.
Absentmindedness. Not being able to think of the right word, let alone complete thought.
But still, not surfing is one thing. Giving up on you guys… I’m thinking I ought to fight that. So listen: If you’re interested in helping out, leave a comment, a suggestion of some sort.
Or: What would you like to hear my thoughts about?
Meanwhile, I’ve kept up on my photography, although that’s falling off as well. This was from a few days ago, Christmas Eve on the Gulf Coast.
I’m hoping that just writing something, anything, even this, might kickstart my sorry ass.
Hoping you (the personal you) have a good 2019.
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