‘What are the odds?’ Part Three

Day before yesterday I got the following email from Paul from the Netherlands, a long-time reader who had, back in 2014, indicated to me his tech knowledge – so I can vouch for his claim to know the process of making videos, which is my point with James Corbett: His output of videos (and essays, podcasts and so forth) is on the same level as if he’d claimed to have run a two-minute mile. Impossible almost via the laws of the physics. Paul agrees:

This is Corbett's output last week. Just the WWI vids are months work.

This is Corbett’s output last week. Just the WWI vids are months work.

I’m writing to you after receiving todays’ post of your blog.

Corbett — like others like him — is indeed interesting/telling.

Your conclusions on the impossibility of “his” output, I share.

I too wondered about “how the hell do you have the time to do what ‘you’ do” question.

I’ve worked as an audio production-, recording, mixing & mastering engineer as well as musician for almost all my life, and there is just no way to output what he “does” at the pace of “his” frequency.

Cannot be done. By anyone. Impossible.

This (output & frequency) was the biggest clue I became aware of when investigating alternative media channels (something was wrong — I got that sense early on).

Therefore: anyone in the — so called — alternative media that even comes close to that kind of output is not autonomous but instead is directed by- and part of a larger entity. It’s orchestrated. Fact!

Now, given that observation, a question remains to be answered… do we (I) continue to seek for truth, or do we give up all together?

My only conclusion, after being confronted with this question, is: I’m not giving up — and that is why I follow your blog. Because there still are honest people out there.

It’s nice to get a message from someone who knows the details of a claim I’ve made. As you can tell from his language, Paul would probably agree with my two-minute-mile analogy.

A couple years work for any legit filmmaker working on his own.

These represent a couple years work for any legit filmmaker working on his own, yet Corbett’s video archives number over one thousand since 2011. Shades of ‘Miles Mathis.’

Addendum: Maybe it’s just me, the way I am, but the biggest, brightest red flag is that Corbett married a woman who has ‘no interest’ in his work (Corbett’s words), and who won’t even help him with Japanese translation (she’s of course Japanese). If I have to explain my thinking here — if you don’t immediately get my point by, say, picturing how his home life would go — then, well… never mind… 

But Corbett has some help, you might retort, if you’re one of his many devotees. Although in recent years Corbett has backed off with his ‘I’m a one man show’ claim – and did so for good reason – it’s obvious that nothing has changed since his first podcast in 2007, in terms of credit-giving, which (as I can tell you from personal experience) is a very serious matter in film/video making. (Not to mention the money issue.) You are all likely familiar with my Open Letter to James Corbett from back in June of 2015. Although the subject of his output was a minor point back then – the letter exposed his use of NLP in supporting the official story of the Pentagon attack on 9/11 — my mention deserves a quick look:

‘I can’t help recall, James, that you were once asked in an interview ‘How do you do it?’ Meaning make documentary films plus put out about a video a day, plus essays and podcasts and do interviews. All by yourself, apparently. Your very slickly done film on The Fed had no one else in the credits, for example. You made that film solo while doing everything else, so I perked at the above question (I made a documentary film all by myself too, so I know what it takes.) Anyway, in response to the question… It was the first time I’ve ever heard you stutter…’

Who’s helping you?

Interestingly, it was in the credits to the very next full-blown documentary that Corbett began crediting ‘Broc West’ for ‘Graphics and Video Editing’. It’s obvious (from the style) that Broc had ‘made’ the Fed documentary as

This is the first time Corbett gives real credit to someone else.

This is the first time Corbett gives real credit to someone else.

well – and I can tell you as a filmmaker that the lion’s share of the work on all of Corbett’s videos is in the editing and research; as someone who has done the same sort of films, I can assure you that months of work go into each of Corbett’s videos. Why no screen credit on the Fed film? Why no screen credit on the vast majority of Corbett’s videos in general? Because ‘James Corbett’ is becoming a ‘brand’ and to mix in all the researchers and editors and sound mixers and so forth in the credits would hurt the branding. James is a regular guy. He is one of us!

(Corbett’s videos/documentaries now routinely get six figure YT views; many are into the millions. Corbett is becoming the Walter Cronkite of the Alt Media — ‘the most trusted man in America’.)

No, Broc isn’t the only ‘help’ Corbett gets in the fashioning of his work. It would take a full blown team to make documentaries of Corbett’s slickness and professionalism – and remember, Corbett himself has stated that he started his podcast with no technical abilities, not for podcasting and certainly not for the making of serious documentary films. (It took me a year to teach myself the mechanics of Final Cut editing software. Corbett has never mentioned when and how he taught himself the art of editing.)

Corbett kept pumping them out, about one 90 – 120 minute effort after the other, releasing them (on Youtube) about every 10 months. The Fed, the Rockefellers, Big Oil (two films), and on and on.  This while at the same time producing four to five podcasts or videos for his website per week. Since about 2011, Corbett has ‘made’(by my calculation) at least 400 hours of well-produced documentary films. All by himself!


Well over two million views on this one. The Corbett brand is doing well.

Well over two million views on this one. The Corbett brand is doing well.

This past week was a good example. I asked you to give his ‘World War I Conspiracy’ films a look. They total over one hour of dense research and archived footage: As a filmmaker myself, I can assure you that – assuming a ‘two man show’ if you include Broc West – this little series would represent several months of work. Not counting Corbett’s other efforts from this same week. (No credit for Broc in these vids, btw, even though it’s obvious that he made the videos.)

Check them out. Or pick a week at random and do the calculation on your own. Corbett in effect produces well over an hour of extremely well-produced and researched documentary footage a week, and has been doing so since about 2011, with no one other than himself getting screen credit until 2015 (as far as I can see). And even since 2015, most of Corbett’s weekly videos lack any screen credits. It’s just ‘The Corbett Report.’ (I scrolled through over one thousand Corbett videos to find his first, which you can view here. From the editing style it appears that ‘Broc West’ was involved from the start, yet it took four years for his name to surface.)

As Paul says, ‘Cannot be done. By anyone. Impossible.’

As with ‘Miles Mathis,’the impossibility of output means (and Paul says this as well) that there is a team behind Corbett, even aside from ‘Broc West’. What does this mean? It means that in spite of the ‘good’ info Corbett pumps out, his dishonesty in claiming to be a one man show means he is working for ‘them’. The PTB. (This aside from the NLP I observed in my Open Letter. I haven’t studied his work, looking for more of the same.)

But what does this mean? As Paul tells us:

Therefore: anyone in the — so called — alternative media that even comes close to that kind of output is not autonomous but instead is directed by- and part of a larger entity. It’s orchestrated. Fact!

This one is from 2013 and has 'Broc West's style all over it, but no credit. This needs an explanation.

This one is from 2013 and has ‘Broc West’s style all over it, but no credit. This needs an explanation.

Corbett, even more so than ‘Miles Mathis,’ is the giveaway that the ‘alt media’ is largely, virtually wholly, a creation of the Deep State. Yes, there are exceptions, but the real tell is in the output and the slickness of it.

But why? Two reasons I can immediately see. First, the PTB want us to know what they’ve been doing to us, as part of their occult ‘morality’ and part of their power trip. If you’ve kept track of Corbett and his ilk, you know very well that the world is run by occult-worshipping psychopaths/pedophiles (although Corbett avoided the issue of ‘Pedogate‘). And what have you done about it?

See what I mean?

The other reason for Corbett and his ilk is their function as limited hangout. They tell us a lot of truth but not all of it. For example, how often has Corbett mentioned that ‘science’ is lying about the true nature of space and space travel? How many times have I mentioned the fraud that is the big bang and Einsteinian physics, as well as Darwinian evolution? I feel I have to bring up this stuff because no one else will, although these issues represent the real depth of the rabbit hole.

I keep track of Corbett and his ilk because limited hangouts by their very nature must transmit truth, in order to gain our trust. But I keep in mind that when the shit really hits the fan, they will tell us what to do, what to think…

So beware!

corbett rejects

Corbett rejected my donation because it would have allowed me to comment on his forum. Tell you anything?

One last time: It’s not just James Corbett, or Alex Jones or Amy Goodman or the other people/outlets I’ve exposed on this blog. It’s pretty much all of them. Listen to them, take in what they say, but don’t trust them to be on your side.


I’m not real pleased with this post… I could have done better with the proofs…uncovering deceit amongst ‘truth tellers’ is distressing…

I want to move on with ‘What are the odds?’…

But on the other hand, any of you that are members at Corbett’s site might do a comment with links to this and my Open Letter to him. See how it goes. Let me know if you do. (Corbett won’t allow me to comment on his site, as the rejection notice shows.)


  46 comments for “‘What are the odds?’ Part Three

  1. brian
    January 2, 2019 at 1:54 pm

    What are the odds Allan will write another post?

  2. mellyrn
    December 3, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    For community entertainment:

    “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.” — from The Peter Principle, attributed to a student.

  3. Krustysurfer
    November 28, 2018 at 8:05 pm

    very interesting perspective that we have come to view things the same way they appear to you Alan. the whole Counter Culture Scene has been hijacked and taken over from within. the same globalists hegemony is Blood relations it is the- who is who runs the show- 13 ruling families 4000+ individuals control most of what happens on planet earth for the rest of us- The Unseen hand is real and you are just starting to scratch the surface of the Void they exist in. as surfers we have a connection to the cosmos freely availble to us because of what and how we do what we do as surfers- immersion into the Oceans the Lifeblood of the Planet ensures we might hear those voices of mother earth and all her relations great and small and that perspective is hard won thru years in the Ocean in the Living Waters of Planet Earth- we are defenders of her, as normal everyday people carry on mostly too busy and unaware because the Babylon system wants it that way. my timeline of Homo Sapiens has been reset this last year of 2018 back 445,000 years ago when a Self Exiled King Splashed down in the Persian Gulf who was looking for Gold to Heal His Home Planets Atmosphere….. we have seen parts of this epic on screen thru many peoples shared knowledge of History however the dirty truth is hidden away from most folks because it would lead to self rule,possibly anarchy, and a unraveling of the Modern world as we know it all the way back to the Horse and chariot- The Hegemony wont let that happen till they see fit or the Universe deems it is time to do so. #decolonize what does that entail? we have learned to exist on a beach with a board under a stick shack- is there enough room for everyone? only if humanity wisens up and throws off its shackles will we escape the meltdown…… Blessings Allan stay in Prayer and we will be one step ahead of the hegemony always -if faithful. Aloha TD

  4. julie
    November 27, 2018 at 2:55 pm

    allan, not sure you were aware of the research of computer scientist quinn michaels, i highly recommend viewing many interviews that was mostly hosted by jason goodman, crowdsourcethetruth. although quinn no longer interviews, he’s given us enough solid research that would set the world free at the deepest levels. important for each us to realize regardless of the darkside in opposition of living breathing men and women living in peace and abundance, we can our shift energy and attitude in a more beneficial way. we can recognize our own power in any given situation. the future isn’t fixed, not granting our personal power goes a long way. there in no other research out there, my interesting point of view that reveals the very roots what, who, when, and where. nothing is held back. we have no excuse to be ignorant any longer.

    i trust you and your readers will checkout the vids as his research and visibility has been greatly been hindered and for good reason to certain segments major public and private entities… an army of well placed and rewarded hackers and personalities discrediting him., taking the focus off the information.. quinn is the only individual telling us what’s behind, below, and through the curtain for sure. he also has a youtube channel, please subscribe, like and share. BEST!

    • November 27, 2018 at 6:09 pm

      Yes, Julie, I have given Quinn a good look (it was a while ago) and in the end came away wondering about him and not really trusting him. But his vids were interesting enough that I have recommended them before on this blog — I forget when, but I did. It may have been in a comment… so i would agree that folks should give him a look, but be careful. I’ll go back and look at whatever it was that bothered me about him. It was last year, etc. (Your tone tells me that you trust him ‘too much’: a bit too much trust and devotion in your comment, IMO.)

  5. November 26, 2018 at 7:38 pm

    I have some traveling to do so it might be a few days before my next post. I have to say how pleased I am at the quality of the comments. Seems like we’ve temporarily shaken the shills, although I could be wrong on this.

  6. Alger C.
    November 26, 2018 at 4:55 am

    Regarding the Balfour Agreement, which others have noted. An excerpt of Benjamin Freidman’s speech (circa 1962 and available on web, or it was) goes into blistering detail exposing how the, (yes the dreaded word) Jews offered Britain the option of bringing the U.S into the War in exchange for Palestine. Since the Jews owned and controlled the media, the Banks at that time began their propaganda campaign (much like todays fake news) to demonize the Ger;mans as blood thirsty baby killers, monsters, etc. etc, drumming hatred in the U.S against Germany, riling up a public that was neutral at best and against the war into crazed haters. They controlled the media then, they control it now. Edward Bernays (Jewish) the nephew of Freud (cocaine addict and founder of the fake science of psychotherapy) honed his propaganda skills aiding the effort to get American Boys butchered in the War. My point? Corbett’s nifty little video obfuscates what really brought us into a War. Also Norman Dodd who worked for the Reece Commission investigating tax excempt U.S. Foundations, got a free look into the Carnegie Foundation records & meeting minutes where they were working on a way to get the U.S into a World War prior to the actual start of World War I. The young woman who was hired to do the research at Carnegie was so mentally damaged upon learning of this it caused her to have a nervous breakdown and damaged her mentally for the rest of her life, she was institutionalized for a time. She got the first Red Pill in 1954 and payed with her sanity. Corbett’s ditty and others like it, seem, to be ongoing efforts to pile more dirt on how the U.S was brought into the War no one wanted except the tribe. Mandel House was a Rothchild agent and I believe a 33rd degree Mason. And Alan if you read this, Miles Mathis does use the dreaded J word which is the one thing that separates him from “run of the mill” alternate media shills which is curious. Substituting the word Zionist for Jewish hegemony is just what they want you to do. The Tribe runs the show….for now and they are clamping down hard on the web because quite frankly the HOAX is nearing an end.

    • November 26, 2018 at 7:34 pm

      You’re pretty much correct: As mentioned before, I’ve suspected for various reasons that Corbett works for Israel, although it’s tough to differentiate between factions. His avoidance of mentioning the occult is another tell…

      • Alger C.
        November 26, 2018 at 8:23 pm

        Alan, with you going very deep into the weeds on these issues, it’s very difficult to be succinct when posting comments and, that’s a good thing because no one goes where you go. Your take on Corbett’s voluminous and factual (albeit selective) posts stretches the credulity of anyone who even attempts to put one of these slick documentaries together.The slicker it is, the more likely it is to eliminate or misdirect. I, you, many posting have been into this hidden history for years and this guy is an instant expert on everything it seems, not possible for one man without some serious “support”. I still agree Mathis is some type of operation and did not mean to support him, just his reference to the JQ which he shunts off as not a serious issue.

      • Krustysurfer
        November 29, 2018 at 2:19 am

        Deep Pockets Full of Gold buys their way into high positions- public and private sector- all of this mess is a very well funded and orchestrated PR campaign for the Zionist Horde.

    • Krustysurfer
      November 29, 2018 at 2:17 am

      AAhhhhh HAAAAAA! someone who knows who the great OZ is! great work! glad you are on board- the gatekeepers are many- #LoveWins and Aloha
      Oh if you have not done the research on one of the other Major players in this setup on the way to Armageddon- one of the most influential and behind the scenes player is Sir Alfred Milner- for without the Gold of South Africa The Oil of the Arabs and The Phosphate Islands of the south Pacific World war one would not have got off the ground and Balfour’s Plan for Versailles would never occurred for the Theft of Palestine happened a full thirty years before the Apartheid Apostate State of Israel was birthed in 1948 and all the Worlds Sins cashed in for Palestinian Real Estate in 1917 at Versailles the Hegemony Gearing up for a Zionist Circus that has wrought millions of dead ever since Weizmann Balfour Rothschild Herzl and the rest of the Lot set there gaze upon Palestine and Jerusalem Their Third Temple is almost upon us- God Help Us

    • Todd
      November 30, 2018 at 9:35 pm

      Bingo, I came across this same research and couldn’t have summarized it any better! Additionally, simply look around to see who owns what and why do most of our ‘elected criminals’ have dual citizenship with Israel or must pledge allegiance to the illegal state of Israel? I never agreed to this, did you?
      It’s not all Jews, of course, only the subset of those in charge of this mess and the small numbers of non-Jewish elites that have sold themselves out.
      The majority of us, the common folk like you and I [regardless of religious beliefs or nationalities and whatnot] are all the victims and targets of this massive campaign against humanity.
      Because ‘team’ Corbett leaves out certain details, we must connect-the-dots ourselves, and the Balfour document, Freidman’s speech, etc… are dots reinforcing (((those))) mainly in charge of the whole enchilada.

      It might help to read Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed. He covers the secret hands behind WW1, WW2, the Russian Revolution, and the French Revolution. All pointing to (((those))) mainly in charge.

  7. Joe
    November 25, 2018 at 7:22 pm

    I suspect there are many sources of funding available to support the Alt Media. It’s simply another platform for the circulation of propoganda, same as what Corbett accesses the British Press of in this WW1 documentary. In watching this I found myself wondering if HG Wells, Huxley and Orwell weren’t all involved as well. Allan I know your a big fan of Orwell, I am as well, and of Sci-fi in general. However these authors seem to be tied in closely with Darwin and our perceptions of technology, culture and politics. I wonder if they were in the inner, or outer circle Corbett describes in his documentary?

    Here are a few links to peruse regarding these authors:



    Thanks for what you do and glad to see you blogging again!

    • November 25, 2018 at 10:51 pm

      It’s a tough call with authors such as you mention: Are they warning us or giving us a recipe for what they are working towards. In other words, are they on our side? I think with Huxley and Wells, clearly, via their bodies of work, they were New World Order proponents (especially Huxley). Orwell not so much, although aspects of his life were red flags. On the other hand, and just one example: in 1984 he makes it abundantly clear that ‘No war is waged for the reasons given.’ You don’t hear anything like that from the other two. So for now, I give Orwell the benefit of the doubt.

      (By the way, 90% of the time, when you hear someone say, ‘I’m a big fan of Orwell,’ you can assume that doublethink pervades. Great example is Christopher Hitchens, who wrote a book called ‘Why Orwell Matters’ and while promoting it was backing up Bush Jr.’s invasion of Iraq, and echoing the official reasons for doing so. Hilarious.)

    • Krustysurfer
      November 29, 2018 at 4:58 am

      JOE -Native American Movement & American Indian Movements- Water Protector Movement all monitored controlled and Ran by Cult of Saturn Handlers(wives and girlfriends)- their News their media their web pages their social media pages all run by the JAP JAM family networks- money from Rockefeller and Rothschild hegemony distributed by social activist networks thru philanthropy smokescreen- THEY ARE EVERYWHERE THEIR HANDS ARE INTO EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS- I personally watched a Native American Administrator from one of the many protest camps accept a 10K check from Marion Rockefeller whilst i was in Des Moines Iowa in 2017 visiting one of the protector camps and seeing with my own eyes the deception and the setup pitting American against American in the upcoming planned uncivil war- The Network is telling the Indigenous here that the white European trash needs to clear out of the Americas and go back to Europe- we are supposed to give the land back- Just Like The Palestinians are supposed to give back the land to the Hebrews…. it is a MASONIC SETUP! from the very theft of the Americas to the Theft of Palestine their Final Solution for the #BadGoy is almost ready to unfurl when they get the 5G networks up and running and get all the Gentiles in Line with Armageddon …….. Damn our children raised in Sparta our Masonic Forefathers were crafty however they lacked spirit……..Holy Spirit……….. and the 50 million Indigenous deaths are that testimony to the Theft and Genocide carried out by the Cult of Saturn and their Masonic Lodges devoid of Christ filled instead by love of Gold and Power…… so Allan here we are- a couple of storm riders prepped for the greatest storm- Christ leading the way im paddling out, you coming too 🙂 sure hope so- we are to live in love in the interim meek humble grateful for the gift of salvation and of sight to see what is happening around us this Zionist #Shitshow a real #Monstersball with the Synagogue of Satan Happily in charge- their reward will be a burnt up husk they once called Eden……. its such a harsh tale to tell no wonder no one wants to listen. Blessings and Aloha brother you are on the right path and it is a narrow one.

      • November 29, 2018 at 6:02 am

        Hey Krusty. Keep ’em shorter and to the point of the post. That or do your own blog.

        • Krustysurfer
          November 30, 2018 at 4:31 pm

          Alan sorry for overstepping (not the warm reply i was expecting) – I do not mean to-and im just feeding ya tibbits that i have personally experienced witnessed in this chasing alice down rabbit holes and being part of the Social Justice/ activist movement- i have been boots on the ground a few times in my life- not just a Surfer hanging out waiting for others to do something about it… at 52 we have witnessed much and heard much because in surfing you might be sitting next to someone in the lineup that is 1 degree away from the Baztard Savages running the Monkey House.
          Alan, our paths crossed in southern Baja most likely at Los Cerritos or Pescaderos maybe it was at the old presidential beach house outside Todo Santos?..winters (1994/95 … 96/97)
          sorry for being so long winded- im subscribed and have been following for a few years now and its just uncanny that a bunch of us are at the same place in thought with some of the same observations.

          my own blog? way too busy for that (parenting husbandry etc etc) however i can personally tell you my lust for surfing is now tempered by the fact that i get sick almost every time after surfing because the waters are that polluted here on the great Lakes (are great lakes surfers real surfers?) and i am not the only one. so with the weight of all of this pressing on my soul, and we are talking apples so i figured this was a safe place to express myself Alan as others get to.
          sorry for overstepping, no offense meant brother. much respect and Aloha to You and Yours and Mahalo for Sharing your time and thoughts- i am your brother not your competitor Alan -there is a world to save!(why i quit making boards and doing commercial ding repair- its too toxic to the environment and because of that- toxic to my soul) Oceans are our lifeblood! if we cant turn the ship around my future grandchildren will only know Surfing in wave pools……………………………………. and for that i am tears.

  8. November 25, 2018 at 5:12 pm

    Another good one from Paul (from the Netherlands). Dig this:

    ‘I saw you mention Broc West as an “accredited” aid to Corbett. It rang a bell (I came across him many years back — when listening to Corbett — but had all forgotten about his name).

    One of the things I often do when trying to discern if someone is to be trusted/is sincere, is apply my gathered research from the past. These include research-fields like: gematria, astrology, history, anagrams, numerology etc (many more actually). I had, however, not done this at the time when I first came across his name.

    Now, I do not wish to speculate (for this I genuinly hate — because it leads to misconceptions, belief and assumption: and therefor not to truth) but I feel I must indicate to you that one of the anagrams for Broc West = Bow Crest. Combined with my previous astrology-research (Astrology is so loved by the PTB) this may imply the Sign/Crest of Sagittarius. The sign of the archer. a Footsoldier, that is.

    James Corbett’s anagram that best fits him = Combat Jester. I like it 🙂
    It fits him well (as an army’s entertainer)?

    Although i do not want to speculate — but am indeed speculating. So please consider this when reading this.
    Perhaps it is something worth while to contemplate, but certainly not something to adopt without further inspection (which I think is useless).

    It’s just something I often do (knowing such areas (astrology etc) are important to the PTB). It holds no true value.
    And I myself never rely on them (although they remain in memory — perhaps for later use).

    I’m not trying to misdirect. I’m just sharing my thoughts with you. That is all.

    P.s. I’ll stay vigilant/observant, and I’ll try to maintain my focus on relevancy.
    Which isn’t always easy — hence this impulsively written e-mail.

    My apologies for that.

    Greetings from the Netherlands.’

    I wrote back:

    Great. as you say, it’s speculation but i love it for the sly humor (if true) and for the insight, even if not true, which is likely the case, altho both having an anagram that ‘fits’ is interesting. ‘Broc West’ always sounded made up to me (like a porno actor from the 80s — see the flick ‘Boogie Nights’).

    Here’s the anagram software that Paul uses, the James Corbett’ page:

    What a useful and fun tool!

    • Eric
      November 25, 2018 at 5:37 pm

      It’s funny you mention anagrams because I was JUST trying to anagram Miles Williams Mathis this morning. I got really close so something good. Lots of interesting possibilities, but none stood out to me as THE anagram.

      Highly recommend this particular anagram service and its advanced features: https://wordsmith.org/anagram/

      Been around on the net for forever.

    • Kimberlie
      November 25, 2018 at 6:12 pm

      Hi Allan~
      Great to have you here writing again! I watched both WWI’s you recommended. Thank you for sharing. I agree – Corbett is a limited hangout. I spotted the LH when he omitted the Balfour Declaration even though he mentions Balfour (of course – the ptb hate Israel). Another one to watch out for is William Engdahl. I know, you recommended reading his book, Manifest Destiny. Well, after reading it, I’ve concluded William Engdahl is indeed a LH. Not once did he give credit to obama for the trillions of dollars he put us into debt, and the fact he gave billions in American tax dollars to finance numerous failed green energy jobs and companies such as Amonix Solar ($20 million), Solar Trust of America, Bright Source (1.6 billion), Solyndra ($500,000,000 – that’s half a billion), LPS Energy, Abound Solar ($400 million), SunPower, Beacon Power ($43 million), Ecotality ($115 million), A123 Solar ($779 million), UniSolar, Azure Dynamics, Evergreen Solar ($527 million and $450 million), Ener1 ($118 million). Not mentioning obama for financing all these solar companies who then went bankrupt between 2011 and 2012 was a red flag to me. That’s just the solar! Nothing was mentioned for bailing out the automobile industries and banks! obama left America trillions of dollars in debt and he’s still hailed as the messiah. Big. Red. Flag.

      • November 26, 2018 at 9:17 pm

        Kimberlie, I’ve heard from William (who read your comment) and I agree with him that the subjects you mention — although very important – are not directly relevant to the book. I would also add that although ‘you never know’ – William doesn’t fit the (or my) profile for a LH. there are many reasons I say this but the big one is his comparatively low profile. A LH of his deep knowledge base would likely be much more touted by the actual LHs and other agents of the state that pervade the ‘alt media.’

        I asked him to reply to you. We’ll see. It would be great to get a dialog going with him here, if he has the time….

      • November 27, 2018 at 8:54 am

        Hello Allan,
        Great to read your thoughts again. I want also to respond to the remarks of Kimberlie from Nov 25. Kimberlie wrote a comment about my Manifest Destiny book which I was puzzled by. She says the fact I did not go into Obama’s financial frauds in the book with green tech etc is somehow proof “William Engdahl is LH.” I am definitely limited but not LH in sense of what Allan you call “bad NLP.” I wonder if Kimberlie actually read the book as if so she would know I deal with the National Endowment for Democracy, Soros Fndn et al and the CIA “fake democracy” weapon of creating regime change around the world to build their NWO as their vehicle (one of) to achieve “manifest destiny”. It traces the history from the creation by Bill Casey and Reagan-Bush in the 1980s of NED° to its role in bringing down the Soviet Union, Poland, Yugoslavia down to the Arab Spring of Obama-Clinton. I am not quite clear how I would have woven the list of financial frauds Kimberlie mentions into such a book as it doesn’t fit the theme. Maybe I overlook something. If anyone goes to my website, http://www.williamengdahl.com and to the archive years of Obama you will find many quite critical articles on his presidency. As well as to the criminal malfeasance that has given us an out of control federal debt my book Gods of Money deals with the bankers coup since 1913 creation of Fed.

        • Kimberlie
          November 28, 2018 at 3:15 am

          Hello William Engdahl~

          Thank you for your comment. I’m honored you responded to my post concerning what I felt was your omission of Obama’s thievery and mismanagement of American tax dollars during his first term as President. I read Manifest Destiny from cover to cover and came away feeling there was something lacking… and that was the detail I stated above. Since money is what makes the world go round and round and the lack thereof will cause it to come to a screeching halt – or into war – I still feel it was an oversight on your part not to include Obama’s hand in the matter of change through cognitive dissonance. Obama was hailed as the messiah, the Lion King, king of the world, Superman – he was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound – all for the American Way – but for Obama – with a twist. His “Yes We Can” campaign throughout his first and second term was part and parcel to the predicament we’re in today…. the fruition of the Destiny the PTB foresaw well over a hundred years ago. The PTB used Obama to use Democracy as the tool for cognitive dissonance. Obama was a puppet with an important role to play…. one of utmost deceit by using cognitive dissonance. Being half black, half white and, with no proof of birth, or allegiance, and his history of bathhousing, he and his czar cohorts proceeded to progressively change America into one that is unrecognizable from the America of our Forefathers. Obama, that smooth operator, should have been given considerable recognition in your book, especially the fact it was written in 2018 – not 2008, (not even time for Donald Trump to get his feet wet). There’s an elephant in the room here! Through cognitive dissonance, Obama changed the way we view America in banking, in the colleges, as well as in the bedroom. Shariah law is just around the corner in many cities. LGBTQ is rampant. America’s debt is out of control. Our children are out of control….. all through cognitive dissonance. Our children – our Future – is completely destroyed and void of responsibility and conscience all because they now have a choice – through Obama – to be whatever gender or non-gender they ‘feel’ like being. Obama is tantamount in ushering and welcoming in millions of foreigners who have no allegiance to America. It used to be immigrants entering America would proudly learn the language and customs. Not any more…. a free handout is the ticket now= more debt, more use of our tax dollars. I believe we will suffer the consequences of Obama and what he accomplished through his Yes We Can change platform for eons.

          Based on the fact I trust Allan and Allan trusts you, plus in perusing your site I see many in-depth articles where you shed the light on much of the history and shadiness of the PTB, I apologize for jumping the gun and not reading your site prior to my first post. I was simply going by what I thought was lacking in Manifest Destiny and I still hold that stance. Thank you so much for taking the time to shed the light on the PTB for those who are seeking the truth, including me. I applaud you!

          Most sincerely and very kind regards,

          • November 28, 2018 at 12:39 pm

            I thank you for this. What you mention about Obama fits what I believe the case. It warrants its own book. Manifest Destiny is another book as i noted. I appreciate your message very much and your willingness to look into my other writings.
            Best regards,

          • November 28, 2018 at 5:22 pm

            Just to add my two cents here, re Obama, I see him as so obvious a tool — I mean so so so so — obvious, that it would almost be an insult to reader’s intelligence to beat that horse further. But all you write is of course true! However, I don’t think there is anyone reading this that didn’t already know it. To some extent, William’s books are for the ‘already awake.’ Had I read sections (of his book) of the truth you write in your comment I would have skipped forward, muttering, ‘tell me something I don’t know,’ which he does.

            Anyone who still thinks Obama was for real is not going to be interested in the knowledge William imparts. Your summation is on the money, but, again, I have to agree that it’s a ‘different story’ than Manifest Destiny tells….

          • Kimberlie
            November 28, 2018 at 6:11 pm

            Hi William Engdahl~

            I’m officially subscribed to your website, http://www.williamengdahl.com. After receiving your welcome letter and reading the foreword regarding your new book, The Lost Hegemon: Whom the Gods Would Destroy, I’m hooked. To me, it is evident you offer an extraordinary amount of verifiable information regarding how the world really works! Now I understand why Allan recommended you. Whoa!, I’m humbled. I’m also excited that I now have a new source of enlightenment. I look forward to your Newsletters!

            I’m gathering a list of trusted news sources. Thus far:

            Allan Weisbecker
            Jon Rappoport
            Richard Grove (of Tragedy & Hope)
            William Engdahl

            Anyone else here who hasn’t heeded Allan’s recommendation to check out William Engdahl, I suggest you do. The generosity of William sharing of his knowledge with those who have ears to hear and eyes to see is astounding! You won’t be disappointed.

            Thank you and very kind regards,

  9. Fast freddy
    November 25, 2018 at 4:36 pm

    In part one of corbett’s ww1, he mentions Balfour, but not the important Balfour Declaration which was essential in the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel which was overlayed atop the nation of Palestine.

    There are a great deal of relevant facts in the ww1 videos, but a substantial amount of information has been left out. This, of course is the technique and method of the limited hangout.

    Corbett’s slick and voluminous production indicates that he has a large staff and budget.

    I concur that he has deep state operatives financing his business and pulling his puppet strings.

    • November 25, 2018 at 4:55 pm

      I got a similar comment yesterday from Marsh (great minds think… etc.), so I’ll paste in my response:

      Yep. I didn’t even get into Corbett’s omissions and distortions. For what it’s worth, I’ve always suspected he is aligned with Mossad/Zionists, although this is just instinct based on his omissions. He also avoided pedogate like the plague — in tomorrow’s post (available now) I have a link to my post wherein I expose how he and his pal Sibel Edmonds dodged that issue.

      The Balfour Declaration is a very glaring omission, for sure!

      • Andrew
        November 26, 2018 at 4:33 pm

        I agree it is helpful to look at who these guys aren’t talking about when assessing their alignment.

        Re: the Balfour Declaration, look at to whom it is addressed. People scream for disclosure.. well, there it is. I am only familiar with Corbetts through your work Allan yet a brief search on his site turns up very little on that particular group of clowns. Why?

  10. Dorothy
    November 25, 2018 at 4:01 pm

    Hi Allan,
    I was a little suspicious as to why you put out the 2 Corbett videos yesterday, and glad to read your blog today in explanation. I watched the first video (WW1) and found it very intriguing and hope to watch the other one today. I just want to know if the info in them is actually accurate because it is obviously not usual textbook material.
    Because you and Paul both question his sources and slickness does that mean you question the credibility of his ‘sources’; in other words, is he putting out disinfo on someone’s, perhaps in the deep state, behalf? Or is he really conveying real true truths via some good guy in the shadows? I noticed all of the old footage and slick editing which range bells for me too.
    I have been following conspiracies for some time now and used to the roadblocks, but I am confused on your take on the info old James is putting out. I have questioned myself how he could find the time to do such voluminous work with a wife, baby, teaching job and any kind of life. I do know he is an Alberta boy from western Canada, with a lisp.
    Glad you are back in communication out there on the road. Loved your night pictures. A lot going on in the skies about us that you captured.
    Dorothy in Toronto

  11. Gregory Oberman
    November 25, 2018 at 2:29 pm

    Keep blogging. Don’t worry about proof’s etc…use the blog as the brainstorm center…then go back shit up if you need to…we will be here waiting… “Did CIA Director William Casey really say, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”?” Regardless if he said it or not…this is where we are at.

    • November 25, 2018 at 4:59 pm

      I think Corbett mostly lies by omission. His info is generally good, accurate, and useful, which makes him all the more a revealing issue. IMO. After having scanned his 1,000 plus video titles, what jumps out at me omission-wise is the occult, the lack of a mention.

    • November 25, 2018 at 5:01 pm

      I’ve always been suspicious of that quote too. Like the one from Rockefeller thanking the press for their silence — too on the money to be true kinda thing.

      • Todd
        November 27, 2018 at 6:20 am

        Allan, ask Barbara Honegger herself. She claims to be the one who heard it and reported on it.

  12. Cheyene
    November 25, 2018 at 1:49 pm

    Don’t forget the real purpose of all the spooks among us, “sugar for the roaches”. Data collection and tracking all those who click-click-click. Moles come out of the holes, and the US citizen is the targeted mole. As soon as you click, follow, or comment, you are on the list. The strategists uses this data to track the success of all “perception management programs”. Remember, the “sick bastages” are, if anything, patient, to a level most humans cannot conceive. “tippy-toe totalitarianism”

    Lest anyone forget, the top intention of all false flags is to justify making the public turf 100% inclusive in the “warfare theater”.

    Notice that masses come off their tushies and protest when a pipeline is built right through a sacred burial ground. Fakebook explodes in a flurry of comments, and every mole is exposed, quickly and perilously. Imagine the captains of strategy of any warlord makes it all obvious!

    • November 25, 2018 at 5:02 pm

      Absolutely. I forgot that one! I was a little off my game yesterday, forgot several things but that’s a big one.

    • Keven
      November 25, 2018 at 9:29 pm

      Very well articulated. Sadly clicking is no longer required as the ‘smart phones’ are broadcasting amongst other things your location, audio and video 24/7. All of this is of course stored, catalogued and actioned as needed. The role of Artificial intelligence in this self-imposed digital prison is either way beyond what we could speculate or a red herring to lend power to the PTB by virtue of them possessing that level of computing power. Either way the water slowly rises to a boil while we sit on our digital lilly pads croaking away oblivious. Totalitarian tip toe indeed!
      I have noticed over the past few years that when traveling through airports that countries are now biometricly scanning people not only on arrival but on departure as well….a true digital prison.

    • Krustysurfer
      November 29, 2018 at 5:05 am


  13. Eric
    November 25, 2018 at 1:29 pm

    “Miles Mathis” is practically taunting you/everyone at this point with their lame, phony “guest authors”. His last one written by “Homer Pyle”. Which I am guessing is a Kubrick reference…rather than an Andy Griffith Show reference. Their Thai Cave article had a listed author of (I kid you not) “Gladys Night Shyamalan and the Pups”. So basically, I think the Miles Mathis people feel protected enough that they’re actually flaunting their output and using the guest author thing as an inside joke amongst themselves. Very junior-level-analyst type shit.

    Speaking of “directed opposition” Allan…did you ever consider that the Miles Mathis people mentioned you by name for the very purpose of guiding folks like me into your readership, so that they could monitor those who aren’t buying into “Miles Mathis” hook, line, and sinker? It sure has crossed my mind. Why the hell else would they have mentioned you by name? Get all the folks who can see straight into the same place, then gee I wonder who all your troll comXmenters are?

    Either way, I’m of the opinion that everything is being monitored regardless, so I’m sure I’m on plenty of “lists” already. At this point, who gives a damn? Why not have a free discussion, and let big brother eat a giant shit sandwich (to quote Kubrick’s FMJ) of their own creation.

    • November 25, 2018 at 5:04 pm

      I HAVE wondered why he would mention me by name — figured it was just a dumb mistake, like using Britisms in his papers, but you may be right. I hope not. Or maybe it’s a good thing: flak when you’re over the target, etc. I’d prefer not to get zapped but as you say, Fuck em.

      • Eric
        November 25, 2018 at 10:27 pm

        I keep trying to make an effort to refer to Miles Mathis as “they/them/their” rather than the singular pronoun he/his. Referring to Mathis as “he” I feel like feeds into the whole scam.

  14. Jean-François Aubry
    November 25, 2018 at 1:28 pm

    Corbett, Alex Jones, David Icke, Zacharias Sitchin, John Anthony West, Chip Tatum, Ted Gunderson, Michael Moore, Webster Tarpley, All the 9/11 official truth movment talking so much selling book but doing nothing… different color of shit from the same asshole…war by deception…I like the expression: limited hangout

    Those evil bastard are really annoying…fuking pedo control freak

    • jay
      November 25, 2018 at 4:38 pm

      what makes you think that Gunderson is an LHO?

      • Jean-François Aubry
        November 25, 2018 at 7:08 pm

        All his files turn around, work alone and all of his witness (except one) want to keep silence and hide, a “ex” director of the FBI…i never trust a “former” official or military(big org are like the mafia)…bottom line what Gunderson have done except making money with conference and book…some of his testimony sound like a bad novel (the gun exchange with satanist )…finally a other like Levanda when you listen to him you feel you are force to come at the conclusion the satanist are too strong…for a long period of time i trusted him, specialy because he was aware of the moving of Thabet inc, a company located at Quebec city airport (where I live)…but finally somebody point out Gunderson was perfect to found those victim of the satanism and make their case going nowhere, also his friend Chip Tatum believe strongly we walk on the moon because he work on the project…Chip a other “former” cia/military.

  15. turtlesallthewaydown
    November 25, 2018 at 3:01 am

    I have read somewhere that it is well known that if enough confusion can be created around an issue then most of the confused will return to the official narrative. (Every now and then I need to watch Bldg 7 come down to avoid this impulse). Corbett however seems to be clearing the confusion by steering us to the puppets, giving us a new interpretation but keeping the cloak on the puppeteers. One lead for the PTB ‘s that seems to have potential is the Club of the Isles. I find very little specific information on this online. You have inspired me to start writing down my thoughts , seems to help keep the insanity of modern times at bay.

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