
Apologies to those who miss my posts and are wondering what the problem is.

A couple days ago.

A couple days ago.

Doubly so to those who are contributing $3.25 ‘gas money’ each month and haven’t cancelled. I’ve been feeling a bit poorly lately, discouraged about the state of our species and so forth, but mainly the words aren’t flowing like they used to. Closest comparison would be to my surfing ability, which started to wane about eight years ago. It’s worse with the words. I have three or four ‘first’ paragraphs in the file labeled ‘Chance & Necessity’; ideas that fizzled even as I typed.

From the linked flick...

From the linked flick…

Absentmindedness. Not being able to think of the right word, let alone complete thought.

But still, not surfing is one thing. Giving up on you guys… I’m thinking I ought to fight that. So listen: If you’re interested in helping out, leave a comment, a suggestion of some sort.

Or: What would you like to hear my thoughts about?

Meanwhile, I’ve kept up on my photography, although that’s falling off as well. This was from a few days ago, Christmas Eve on the Gulf Coast.

I’m hoping that just writing something, anything, even this, might kickstart my sorry ass.

Hoping you (the personal you) have a good 2019.


  70 comments for “Apologies

  1. January 6, 2019 at 3:55 am

    I was joking yubro. C’mon you know I’m not mean.

  2. jnan
    January 4, 2019 at 10:58 pm

    Good to hear your voice again, Allan. Being an old fart myself, I’ve learned that funks roll in .. no warning, you just have to ride them out. . . I want to say more but…… funks in charge just now.

  3. Mike
    January 4, 2019 at 3:42 am

    Hi Allan,
    I’m not going to apologize for whats about to happen because it needs to happen. I will say that if it comes off as too abrupt, familiar or in some way hurtful then that is not my intent. I made this email account specifically to write to you. If that doesn’t at least indicate that I give a shit then perhaps what follows will.
    The thing is it smells like there is some major league HUYA syndrome going on somewhere. Someplace… Could be lotsa places at once. Before I get into that you made a request (So listen: If you’re interested in helping out, leave a comment, a suggestion of some sort. Or: What would you like to hear my thoughts about?) and I would like to offer something up towards it.
    First something from literally one of the greatest books I’ve read (I’m a literary snob so just trust me here) : The Great Spirit wags the world with the tip of the dogs tail (I do a lot of parenthetical asides: you are in to footnoting so don’t judge. Plus… my punctuation is abominable; If not random and chaotic. (I’m palluding (thats a paraphrase of an allusion saves time and you know wtf i’m getting at sooner) to Highpockets here if it is not obvious yet.))
    Highpockets tends to start sneezing uncontrollably or farting horrendously when the different (paths, outcomes, legends, worlds, branes (read some Lisa Randall or some such), causal domains (read some Stephenson..Anathem..You’re welcome) spots come into a state of enhanced flux. It’s like his canine quiescence (Thank you Weisbecker (I had no f-ing clue this word existed b4 (don’t you hate txt wrds??!!?) you taught me) is merely a mask for his mastery over all. The causal domain shear (Fra Orolo) either tickles his little doggie nostril innards (most frequent) or goes the other way (equal & opposite??) and manifests itself in these worlds (our worlds) as some sort of force carrier fart field of messenger particles du jour. My point is this: Highpockets was perhaps too powerful a character to be born into this world as anything but a fictional adaptation of some “future” dog. I’m saying fuck that. What does this mutt know that the rest of us are lacking? What do dogs do when they are out of sight of humans? Could it be that dogs have short attention spans and long planning horizons? Have they mastered rebirth? Is that why they choose to live shorter lives unburdened by verbal responses?
    From what I can tell your interests of late have hied toward humans and their shortcomings. Somebody somewhere said (pallusion incoming) that at best we humans are crude nickel plated pretenders at being angels and at worst…well (i forget but its worse) you surely must suspect. That person was? Is? probably right. The trick (imho) (That’s not I’m a Ho doing tricks but “In my humble opinion”) is not to get all hung up on it and go off all half-cocked (interesting stephenson reference here in the baroque cycle) but to focus on some stuff and try to effect change where entertaining or where it serves the purpose.
    So here it is…the awful HUYA moment. But before I go forward I need to tell you something… I’m not some lesbian actress being held in a reclamation center writing this shit out on a piece of toilet paper, saving it in a bag and stuffing it through the crack to the random utterly fucked loser in the cell next door. But… I love you. That’s right. I love you for the things that you have taught me, for the person that i imagine that you wanted to be and for what you have in fact become.
    Now…Get your fucking head out of your ass. You are getting older. Good. Who wants to be a 90 yr old??? just about every fucking 89.5 yr old you will come across (do up some snoezelen (pretend you have Alzheimers and get all therapeutic think of it like doing viagra even if you don’t need it) mix it up w/ a beej from some surferchick) . Through a ridiculous chain of cause and effect some fuckers killed your best friend and fucked up your next best friend. Those same fuckers have done that same kind of shit for about as long as people have breathed. You are a surfer …you know tribalism of some flavor (Becoming a Barbarian) …You are wasting your time trying to woke the randoms..they don’t give a fuck. If you succeeded in your water-time documission, what would you have at the end? A force to be reckoned with…A cadre of thinkers to pick up the pieces the current dominant forces leave behind? Have you read palahniuks adjustment day? Write the fucking Talbot book.
    At the end of this episode i’d like to see you, me, stephenson, palahniuk and a couple others we may get to by and by at the top of some ridiculous back-country mountain about to drop in and swish (Have you ever snowboarded in deep powder??? you can def find the glide and its longer than ANY wave…plus if you fuck up, its soft and won’t grind your old ass bones into dust) our way back to the snowcat.
    Anywhoo… Sleep tight.. chin-up…tomorrow is a brand new chance to do something else. Provided you don’t seek out the Hemingway solution to getting older (That would be a fucking waste but hey,… I won’t presume to measure how much of the bs another man can take from this world. We (all the milquetoast commenters and hangers on) would miss you and tell others of our privilege of correspondence with you.
    Best Regards,

    • January 4, 2019 at 4:33 pm

      This post was open ended in its request for comments so I have no complaints re the subject matter of Mike’s and Marsh’s lengthy screeds, both of which I take as direct or indirect enthusiasm/encouragement. For that I thank you both. It would be difficult to respond point by point and I have subjects in mind to work on, so forgive my non-response to the assertions made. That I could inspire such a flurry of concepts is interesting in its own right.

      A suggestion for a New Year meme: Unmotivated kindness. Let’s each of us give it a try.

  4. marsh collins
    January 4, 2019 at 2:03 am

    Warning..Long winded and not on point but maybe the point is open to suggestions on this blog entry? Feel free to delete if not.
    On suggestions of what to talk about. The line between those who are defending the real plane Sept 11 story, …. those actively coming out, using weak desperate arguments, avoiding the real facts, abandoning any pretense of logic to defend a position using whatever creds they possess, is a real litmus test for honesty. When you run the truthers through this filter there is not many left and quite a few whom I previously considered legit fall by the wayside. Barbara Hoenegger, James Perloff, Kevin Barrett, (James Fetzer’s Holograms?distraction/confusion?), Abel Danger David Hawkins, Field McConnell (whatever the hell they are!), many in architects engineers, Chris Bollyn (under suspicion because he never mentions planes), really almost everyone in the so called Sept 11 truth community is part of this hold the line litmus test. I watched in real time as a Lethbridge Prof was silenced in the last three years and he only had a following of a couple thousand people, but he was nevertheless successfully removed and his voice silenced.
    Reread The Most Dangerous Book in the World S.K. Bain. Second take summary … scary fear porn about all powerful dark satanic forces, and Ouiji Board spirits that rule our world. Despite all the truth the book does in fact tell, Also noticed it still has the mandatory tribal blind spot despite endless occult finger pointing revelations. Also manages to get nazi memes interspersed, and has a lot of NLP, L.H. false premise talking points supporting the real planes meme.
    P13 The top of the tower swayed a full ten feet to the south immediately following impact.
    P14 Bush, a former Texas Air Nation Guard pilot, was no Top Gun, but evn he, upon viewing footage of a jetliner flying directly into a skyscraper in perfectly clear skies could not have possibly thought that it was the result of pilot error.
    P14 Within minutes every major network was covering the scene live: The North Tower of the World Trade Center has been hit by a commercial airliner.” Very few notice the second plane until almost immediately before its impact into the South Tower.
    P29 Bush sits listening to pet goat when Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispers in his ear, “A second Plane hit the second tower. America is under attack,”
    P36 Clowns , especially evil clowns, are often depicted as murderous psychopaths, an apt description of the occult perpetrators of the 9/11 MegaRitual who used pseudo-islamic-extremist patsies to pilot planes full of terrified passengers through the skies into buildings (and into the ground, where Flight 93 disappeared.
    P40 Bain puts flesh on the bones of Hani Hanjour as if there were a hijacker , a real plane, or plane crash.
    P45 Bain puts more flesh on the bones of a real plane at the Pentagon.
    He seems to be trying a little too hard to sell his esoteric, numerology, symbology, mumbo jumbo and despite the truth he reveals, the real symbology, numerology, occult presence, the real payload is still just the regular, real world, limited hangout, real planes hold the line psyop.
    P67 WTC7 NLP …. built on stated premise that real damge done to south side, ..but I have never seen a picture showing this damage and I have looked. There was no damage and this false premise is his payload.
    P68 WTC7 more false premise re diesel and a failed truss caused collapse , more false premise payload.
    …still waiting, no sign of any tribal mention, or reference to tribal involvement, occult or otherwise.
    P121 chapters filled with every kind of NWO, Illuminati, Freemasons, CFR, and every kind of occult hoodoo you can think of just not any mention of Babylonian,Talmudic, Kabbalic, Judaic pagan roots, or overwhelming tribal cultish involvement
    P127 more NLP payload supporting 19 hijackers compared to “mercurial messengers of death take to the skys”. Spiritual Sun, Sirius, the dog star, Egyptian Lord of Time, Thoth, or whatever…. it is just NLP to support the official story through this occult mumbo jumbo mocking rituals.
    P135 more real plane NLP premis of real pictures of real planes into buildings , bush quote.
    P136 Windy summary of his Sept 11th truth revelations, no mention of CGI, Video Composite editing, no planes. Mentioning planes or no planes topic seems kryptonite to Sept 11 truth community. That means it is what they fear. A weakness. A potential peak behind the real curtain at the real occultists, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBC, facebook, utube, twitter, wikipaedia, google, etc etc. That is how the magic show was sold.
    P176 NLP fake truthers….Hopsicker terrorland, Phillip Marshall big bamboozle, psyoperatives putting flesh on the bones of real planes , real (patsy) hijackers.
    P182 an NLP plug for truther (agent) Corbett’s hard work and humour, as well as Sibel Edmond jewish L.H. operative.
    I won’t go on….in summary on second read S.K. Bain is an agent, with occult trivia insider knowledge, a sadistic insider doing in this book what he is supposedly revealing , that the occult elites do.
    -revelation of the method –mocking – disonf, misinfo, NLP, – just fear porn, mixed with already revealed truths. And the real truth behind this book is what is not said, never discusses , no planes, no hijackers, no plane crashes, jewish perps, and their official story sold through jewish controlled (media, internet,hollywood,netflix,).
    September clues, C.I.T. , Truth and Shadow(now censored/deleted off internet), Ace Baker (who seems fake to me despite good info vids), there does not seem to be much else out there showing the truth of no planes.
    It was all just a giant media magic show storyline. If they delete three more sites there will be nothing left , unless there are sites I am not aware of or have not found.
    I am of the opinion that outing the partial truths, limited hangouts, NLP, sellouts and controlled so called truth organizations is a very valuable service. It is not dividing the truth community by exposing liars. Honest people will welcome the scrutiny and it is educating people that we live in a sea of liars where no honest voices are tolerated.

  5. marsh collins
    January 4, 2019 at 1:36 am

    Discerning those who operate as limited hangouts, at all levels of the so called truth movement, your insights, were an eye opener for me. Can never know how far seeds of truth spread or what good they will work. Take comfort in your good work and add to it as your spirit inspires you. After 70 going to war every day is optional.

  6. Glenn Daniel
    January 4, 2019 at 12:35 am

    Hey man, you’re in a “funk”. Playing out I get in them every now and then. I’m in one now…a little self imposed. Ended the year on a high note and then just turned off. The first time it happened, I would sit a worry if I even wanted to play anymore. Then after a little time I jumped back into it and found I was better and more energetic. Happened again, same thing, but this time I used the time to reflect and explore. That’s what I’m doing now…right now. Haven’t played any old shit for over a month, but have learned five new songs and am writing a new one. Sometimes our bodies and mind just need to take a break and never do they ask for permission. Ride it out my friend. When the time is right, you’ll get back into it. And if not..that’s ok too <3

  7. Judith
    January 3, 2019 at 11:45 pm

    Cheer up Allan, it’s just a block and it will pass.

  8. JD
    January 3, 2019 at 11:41 pm

    Hello Allan. I would really like to read any reflection or commentary you might have on surfing and surfing’s influence on society in general. I don’t mean do a rehash of In Search of Captain Zero, but maybe your reflections and insight into surfing and life in general.

    Over the past few years I also noticed a deterioration in my surfing; arthritis in one knee and overall degradation in muscle strength. Since I was in relatively good health, I was somewhat perplexed as to the cause of this dilemma. Through self evaluation and research, it was apparent that I wasn’t dedicating enough time and effort in maintaining strength in my legs. I guess as we age, we certainly lose muscle mass and it was demonstrated in my situation. A few months of dedicated strength building in my legs has helped tremendously in getting the popup back into form as well as overall strength in paddling. In addition, the arthritic knee has some how been cured… beats the shit out of me but it has. It still is disheartening, however, to be paddling out and some skinny ass little grom who has no muscle what so ever, zooms by you for his 100th trip into the lineup. As so many have stated, getting old really sucks.

    It’s nice to see you back at Port Aransas. It really is a nice and mellow place to hangout for awhile. I met you a couple of years back while you were holed up in Port A. I’ve since relocated to Ecuador although I do miss the Texas Gulf Coast.

    Good luck.

    • January 4, 2019 at 4:39 pm

      I’ve written two books about surfing’s influence on my life and on the culture, and have moved on from that subject. I ask you all to respect that; there are plenty of good writers still dealing with the subject. Drew Kampion, Nick Carroll, and others come to mind.

  9. January 3, 2019 at 10:55 pm

    Thanks to all of you for the encouragement. Really appreciated. I used to wake up raring to go, to write, but that has passed. Still, I’m going to try to do a little each day, see how it goes.

    • Jay Schifrin
      January 4, 2019 at 4:40 pm

      Allan-the aging
      process can be slowed( which I think is the reason for the decline in surfing ability unless the reason is a result from less time doing the activity which cause the same decline in any sport).Get your doctor to run a bllld test and to chesck testoreone level.Increasing your T level to a “normal” level will be very noticeable as that is the closest we have to a fountain of youth ( other than human growth hormanone).Andropause ( male menopause) is a new frontier in medicine!

  10. David
    January 3, 2019 at 10:35 pm

    Happy new year Allan!
    Posting something every day is a huge ask. So is reading a typical post of yours when you’re on-song. Here’s an idea: when you get the juices flowing again, get yourself say, four days ahead. Try to write in short “episodes” so there’s something concluded and something left hanging, and post that each day–all the while staying a few days ahead.

  11. Josie
    January 3, 2019 at 10:35 pm

    Gosh I’ve missed you !

  12. David Whalen
    January 3, 2019 at 10:21 pm

    Allan, would you do a critique on the recent Chinese Moon Landing?

  13. The Papa Files 7
    January 3, 2019 at 7:41 pm

    Hi Alan,
    KEEP Going. Remember when you were posting something every day.. I think the habit of it was good for you (and us I might ad). Yes the world is going to Pot “it seems” but you do such a good job of pointing out the obvious and not so obvious I think we all miss that. Give writing something down every day another try (heck, just give us your impressions) this might get your juices flowing..

    Hmm all this talk of coconut oil and what not I might have to look into that (before I forget:-)..

    Hang tough Alan, old surfers are a pretty tough bunch (Dig In)… You’ve already got tons of topics rolling around in your head (PICK ONE)..

    keep the pics and videos coming for those of us who are home bound..


  14. phil massebeau
    January 3, 2019 at 6:58 pm

    Just keep writing. It doesn’t matter what you say. You are a writer. The goofier the better. We can find meaning. You don’t need to worry about how good it is. You are a word smith so keep banging them out. Try and let go of all of the crap in this world and create your own beautiful fantasy. Go swimming somewhere.

  15. Jean-François Aubry
    January 3, 2019 at 6:57 pm

    Happy New Year Allan…as a film director maybe you should check the WALL under construction, a wall of 2000 miles its a HUUUGE subject. A other subject I personnaly found interesting is the fact we cant go by car in south america du to the Darien gap, a tiny jungle of 100 miles deep cannot be cross between Panama and Columbia…found this stuff on wiki (why Corvair ? lol): In 1961, a team of three 1961 Chevrolet Corvairs and several support vehicles departed from Panama. The group was sponsored by Dick Doane Chevrolet (a Chicago Chevrolet dealer) and the Chevrolet division of General Motors. After 109 days they reached the Colombia Border with two Corvairs, the third having been abandoned in the jungle. This was the first crossing by a standard two wheel drive passenger car. It has been documented by a Jam Handy Productions film along with an article in Automobile Quarterly magazine

    • Jean-François Aubry
      January 3, 2019 at 7:31 pm
    • Magdalena De Castro Whalen
      January 3, 2019 at 10:17 pm

      Thanks for that info. Corvairs were excellent vehicles. It is puzzling as to why Nader attacked Corvairs and not VW Bugs/Beetles. These also had a gas tank up front. I don’t how the VW could have been safer than a Corvair. The Corvair was much more substantial in other ways. Wider, Heavier, Thicker doors, and etc. Note from Allan: I have no idea where this one is coming from. Another example of my waning intellect?

      • Foos Shark
        January 4, 2019 at 3:11 am

        I drove Corvairs in the 1970’s, great cars in the snow, I could drift around corners in snow at 40 MPH in perfect control. Very mediocre heaters though. The same professional driver that got the Corvair to roll admitted that he could have rolled any car at that speed. Total hit piece.

  16. jw
    January 3, 2019 at 6:26 pm

    Glad to hear your voice again. If I can think of anything helpful, I will add it later. Not easy.
    For now just wanted to say hello and best wishes.

    “What a drag it is growing old.” – Stones

    They had no idea.
    Suerte. jw

  17. Foos Shark
    January 3, 2019 at 6:21 pm

    “Absentmindedness. Not being able to think of the right word, let alone complete thought.”
    You must have forgotten again, Turmeric. I use:
    Coupon 891P401. take 2 or 3 per day with some type of fat (soluble in fat) and a small amount of black pepper (multiplies effectiveness) I thought I had early onset Alzheimer’s disease and using Turmeric has changed my life and my memory (which was never very good) is better now than when I was 20. ten or fifteen cents a day. Results in less than 30 days, it has many other benefits too. My other life changing moment was after I started taking saw palmetto for frequent, urgent need to go to the bathroom moments, those urges are 99% gone now, another 10 cents a day. I am assuming that you can get general delivery mail where you are. Keep up the writing

    • January 4, 2019 at 4:49 pm

      Okay, I’ll give it a shot. Ordered the 1500 mg high potency. See how it goes. Whatever works. Thanks for the suggestion. And thanks to the rest of you for your support. Gonna work on a new post now….

  18. jay
    January 3, 2019 at 6:13 pm

    Allan, if you don’t already know and if you don’t already do it, please get yourself a quart of coconut oil and get at least a couple of tablespoons a day into you. I drink it melted in my high volume weak coffee (with cinnamon and cacao and ginger too)

    I”m coming up on 60, I was noticing the increasing struggle to find the words until I started on the coconut oil.

    I think that by the time you finish one quart you won’t need encouragement to go get another.

    Maybe I”ve misunderstood your message today, even if I have, it’s still got to help.

    • January 3, 2019 at 6:22 pm

      I’ve been taking a big spoonful a day for the last few months. It probably is good for me, altho I haven’t noticed an effect. Will keep it up.

      • Phil
        January 3, 2019 at 8:21 pm

        How about paddling out at sunrise to Playa Grande or tell us some more surf stories! I’m tired of politics , cover ups , and lies! Some surf stories the way you can tell it! Note: Why aren’t you surfing instead of telling me what I should write?

      • tommaso panarello
        January 4, 2019 at 4:17 pm

        Hey Allan, man… I developed a bond with your persona due to your frankness and I can’t help but feel empathy with your struggle of these days . I don’t think there is a recipe for success that works for everybody the same but not giving up is paramount in such a situation. I am reading a book from Tommy Caldwell , a professional climber who got through up and downs in his career and I found his history and honesty inspiring . Perhaps that could help you too , try to reach for inspiring people/places/scenery . Besides , not feeling ok is perfectly fine as I strongly believe this moment s are highly formative at any given age . The surfing thing is a bit of a surprise , I mean I don’t know you so I don’t know if you surf sometimes or you have it up completely but I find hard to believe a surf every now and then won’t be beneficial for you . Good luck Allan , may you find that spark you missing !

  19. jeff akers
    January 3, 2019 at 5:27 pm

    Nice to hear from you Allan. It’s head high and offshore here in NorCal. Going to paddle out and make a fool of myself once more. I’ll say a few words for you while im at it.

  20. Bluedog
    January 3, 2019 at 5:21 pm

    All is well, Allan. This is a good iteration of you. I am personally grateful for your contribution. Don’t lose sight of your bliss….and keep moving.

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