Author: Allan Weisbecker

A Stumbling Poetic Break

Whilst fiddling with my review of RFK Jr.’s The Real Fauci, and ‘thumbing’ through fucking Amazon’s recommendations (boy do they have me wired!), I managed to get distracted by the title to George MacDonald Fraser’s memoir Quartered Safe Out Here, the recounting of his wartime life and times in World War II Burma. The title was the first domino leading to this…

Some Throat Clearing

Hi, yeah, wow, where the hell have I been and why silent? Not easy to explain, other than problems with my mouth. Been in distracting pain since my visit to the dental clinic down in Los Algodones, Mexico. I also accidentally got a look at myself in a mirror — I thought I’d dumped or hidden them all then but…


Note: Today’s post is a reiteration of information I’ve brought up before. Thing is, In my essays and in the comments to them, we cover a wide range of subjects, and I can’t stress too strongly that what follows is the current subject of greatest import. (Plus, there may be new visitors here who are unfamiliar with these matters.) Also,…

A Zero Slide Show?

Good old ‘Miles Mathis’. I’d laid off him/them/it for quite a while, not sure why, maybe because the excruciating detail of my summation of what him/them/it  is (a psy op) pretty much left nothing unsaid. But not so. If you know how to parse him, i.e., pluck the needles of wisdom from the haystacks of misdirection, Miles (assume the scare…

Interesting Times, My Ass

I’m not real familiar with the Catholic Church, especially it’s more arcane aspects — it always seemed over the line of The Occult with its bizarre liturgies/catechisms/rituals — so take this as you will if you feel the same, but I came across (via a Voo link) an interview with a full-blown Bishop of the Church and found myself fascinated…

‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’

Long silence, eh? A few of you have asked What’s up? and Am I all right?  First, been on the road for a bit, meandering south from the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and so forth (by god those names still have an almost mythic ring!) and am back at Alamo Lake, Arizona. Arrived here a bit little early in terms…

Dances With Wounded Knee?

Alternate title: Dance With My Knee at Wounded Heart? On the road now, headed south on my seasonal migration, not at all in a hurry, as September/October, even in the high desert, is uncomfortably hot. So yesterday I only did about 150 miles, about the same the day before, when I left my ‘home town’ of Spearfish, South Dakota. (Still…

Herzog Lowers the Boom

Just two things today, the second one being what goosed me into doing this post.  First: I’ve legally moved my act to South Dakota, right? You know this, I think. Several reasons for doing this, one being that it may someday (soon) be important what state you reside in, i.e., there may be a division of power coming and being…

‘Hate Speech’ and ‘History’ (the era of the scare quotes)

I’m not sure exactly when this happened but recently Youtube deleted one of my videos, labeling it ‘hate speech.’ Some of you have seen it: The interview I did with my Montauk friend, Sports Illustrated photog Walter Iooss. Maybe the 20th ‘anniversary’ of the 9/11 false flag attacks had something to do with the deletion, but in any event the…

Mandela is Back

Friday, third of September (8 AM) finds me in the town of Spotted Horse, Wyoming, human population 12 (at the moment), about 50 goats, one dog, assorted chickens and so forth, although it (the pop) will shrink to 3 or 4 (humans) come dead of winter. Being partial to small towns (in this case small) — and having buddied up…