Some Throat Clearing

Hi, yeah, wow, where the hell have I been and why silent?

My version of a smile these days.

Not easy to explain, other than problems with my mouth. Been in distracting pain since my visit to the dental clinic down in Los Algodones, Mexico. I also accidentally got a look at myself in a mirror — I thought I’d dumped or hidden them all then but stumbled across one that was angled just right to get a good look at myself, before I could look away.

I’m also eating a slew of pills and one night managed to black out and on my way towards the floor put a deep hole in my head. Woke up with blood everywhere, a freaked out dog (licking my wound) and so forth. I could not remember why I wasn’t in bed.

But let me sum up the actual bad part: Since my Mexican sojourn about a month ago I have a total of six teeth left (an upper front right side cluster, all but one already dead via root canals, but they are hanging in) and will have to wait another five months before I get my set of replacements, at which time the doc will yank the six now remaining and we start over again (post-yank, six months of healing, and so forth); so I’m looking at going on a year before I’ll be able to grin sardonically, as in days of old (minus the theme from Deliverance twanging in the background). 

[It’s cheaper to have your remaining teeth yanked and all replaced, than sticking new ones in one by one. The dentist (in Mexico) makes about $2,000 an hour, I figure. In the states, it’s more like $10,000. Think maybe they have an agreement, at least on implants?]

Older, uglier, stupider, occasionally unable to walk without falling down and perforating my melon…

In case you don’t know: Flying your flag upside down is a sign of distress.

…and none of this counts towards the real problem, i.e., the state of the planet for us humans. That there is a handful of you that are curious about my view on how the world really works, what it all means, and so forth, is both encouraging and  discouraging. 

But more on this to come. I’ve decided that quitting this blog (over a month of silence is close to quitting) would be a form of suicide, which I’m not quite ready for. So please hang in. I’ll try to come up with something within the next few days.

My main problem has been picking a subject. No matter where I look I’m seeing armageddon, and I’d rather not dwell on that. Please forgive the uselessness of this post; I really needed to clear my throat. 

Oh, and should you get this on December 25, and believe in that crapola, I hope you get through the day all right. 


If you haven’t already, I strongly urge you to subscribe to William Engdahl’s newsletter and spend some time on his website; and hey, read his damn books. This is a very smart man! 

  37 comments for “Some Throat Clearing

  1. December 28, 2021 at 4:06 pm

    I am two months away from my 60th birthday and just had a back molar crack and break. So getting a crown. Not the wholesale problem you are facing, but I can certainly relate. I did a website for my dentist. I met him when I first moved to Colorado. I was at another dentist’s office, where he informed me I needed gum surgery to the tune of several grand. Being the wise-ass that I am, I said, “I’m sensing a couple of ex-wives or a boat payment.” The dentist turned an apocalyptic shade of red, before literally shoving me out the door. I wandered down the hall to another dentist’s office, and asked if he had a moment for a second opinion. He examined me, told me I didn’t need gum surgery. Been going to him ever since. When I was doing his website, I was quizzing him on when they started using gloves in dentistry. Seems like a no-brainer that they use gloves today. But they only started using gloves in the early ’90s, cause of the HIV outbreaks. Before that, the profession was called “wet hand dentistry.” Charming, eh?

    Keep the rubber side down, Allan. Protect that bright brain of yours. And give Gus a belly rub for me.

  2. Cory
    December 27, 2021 at 11:03 pm

    $2000??? I have a pair of vice grips, and I would have done for $500. Some kid at the skate park down the street that would take of your pain!

  3. FatHaole
    December 27, 2021 at 7:35 pm

    Good to hear from you Alan. I was considering driving down from Phoenix and searching the Yuma desert and border parking lot to make sure your dog was not locked in your rig with you locked up in Mexico.

    Future topics? It might be interesting to consider what comes in the aftermath for whoever of us remain. Uncrowded surf at least…

    This from the Aussie Max Igan is grounding though unsettling.

  4. Ea
    December 27, 2021 at 9:21 am

    Joe Atwill and ‘Tim Kelly’ discuss the book and response / reaction to the book, and the limitations (or limited-hang-out-hood) of RFK, and the defense by Ron Unz of him and his book against that reaction :

    (topic begins around minute 40)

  5. Voo
    December 27, 2021 at 4:49 am

    Good to read you again, Allen, even with your present woes. been
    halfway suicidal myself. I’m pitiful, plumb pitiful. My birthday is Dec 30th….
    woo boy! Not even “Always Look on the Sunny Side of Life” by Monty Python
    can cheer me up. Now that’s sad!!! Voo ha!

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