Some Throat Clearing

Hi, yeah, wow, where the hell have I been and why silent?

My version of a smile these days.

Not easy to explain, other than problems with my mouth. Been in distracting pain since my visit to the dental clinic down in Los Algodones, Mexico. I also accidentally got a look at myself in a mirror — I thought I’d dumped or hidden them all then but stumbled across one that was angled just right to get a good look at myself, before I could look away.

I’m also eating a slew of pills and one night managed to black out and on my way towards the floor put a deep hole in my head. Woke up with blood everywhere, a freaked out dog (licking my wound) and so forth. I could not remember why I wasn’t in bed.

But let me sum up the actual bad part: Since my Mexican sojourn about a month ago I have a total of six teeth left (an upper front right side cluster, all but one already dead via root canals, but they are hanging in) and will have to wait another five months before I get my set of replacements, at which time the doc will yank the six now remaining and we start over again (post-yank, six months of healing, and so forth); so I’m looking at going on a year before I’ll be able to grin sardonically, as in days of old (minus the theme from Deliverance twanging in the background). 

[It’s cheaper to have your remaining teeth yanked and all replaced, than sticking new ones in one by one. The dentist (in Mexico) makes about $2,000 an hour, I figure. In the states, it’s more like $10,000. Think maybe they have an agreement, at least on implants?]

Older, uglier, stupider, occasionally unable to walk without falling down and perforating my melon…

In case you don’t know: Flying your flag upside down is a sign of distress.

…and none of this counts towards the real problem, i.e., the state of the planet for us humans. That there is a handful of you that are curious about my view on how the world really works, what it all means, and so forth, is both encouraging and  discouraging. 

But more on this to come. I’ve decided that quitting this blog (over a month of silence is close to quitting) would be a form of suicide, which I’m not quite ready for. So please hang in. I’ll try to come up with something within the next few days.

My main problem has been picking a subject. No matter where I look I’m seeing armageddon, and I’d rather not dwell on that. Please forgive the uselessness of this post; I really needed to clear my throat. 

Oh, and should you get this on December 25, and believe in that crapola, I hope you get through the day all right. 


If you haven’t already, I strongly urge you to subscribe to William Engdahl’s newsletter and spend some time on his website; and hey, read his damn books. This is a very smart man! 

  37 comments for “Some Throat Clearing

  1. Barry Williams
    December 26, 2021 at 9:16 pm

    Ya, I’m glad you’re back Allan. Your bullshit seems to be closer to the bullshit truth I call reality and your method of outing bullshit is way more interesting than me listening to my own out and out bullshit. Soo glad…

  2. December 26, 2021 at 8:17 pm

    Hiya Allan!, good to hear you are alive and kicking still, – I did send you an email enquiring after you and Gus’s well being about 3 weeks ago.
    Mark Passio reckons anger is suppressed & peeps turned into brainless docile sheep too of course….here he lets off steam about the Plandemic >
    BTW I swear (I know) my daily swig of colloidal silver looks after me AND my TEETH.
    ” We still don”t know of even ONE rona victim, but scores of people who have been blackmailed out of their jobs, and 3 suicides. 27,000 business’s gone, and countless job losses.

  3. Richard
    December 26, 2021 at 12:41 am

    Hello Allan, Nice to hear from you. Hope that you’re not in too much discomfort, been through similar trauma myself had a couple of incompetent dentists just to make the experience “peak”: injury is completed with added insult ha ha.
    Have a happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

  4. Eric
    December 26, 2021 at 12:09 am

    Hi Allan,
    Good to hear from you. So sorry for your travails of late.
    I wish you better times ahead and a brighter future for us all in which we may more
    clearly understand the truth of the existential situation in which we find ourselves.
    Your thought and voice are like a torch in the night on this journey.
    Many thanks for staying the course

  5. Kyle
    December 26, 2021 at 12:03 am

    Merry Christmas & a healthy & happy New Year!
    Love you xo

  6. Josie
    December 25, 2021 at 10:41 pm

    Gona throw this out there, tho I think it won’t be well received. It started to feel to me that all the various conspiracies etc seem too big for mere men to carry out over the (at least hundreds of years that we know of) so I wondered if all this effort to drag humans down to a degraded place might be generated by actual reality itself? Or if this is all some kind of simulation… anyway, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed & I don’t understand physics & such but I do have pretty strong gut feelings and I have a really strong one that this whole thing is way way bigger than a bunch of power hungry maniacal men always getting in our business.. so I stumbled on the quantum of conscience channel, I really don’t know how, or even how long ago to be honest, but damn his thoughts on everything really make a lot of sense to me. We seem to waste so much damn time and valuable emotion going down endless conspiratorial rabbit holes and maybe that’s what ‘they’ or ‘it’ has always wanted of us? Anyway I just thought I’d throw it out there because I’ve gained so much peace of mind and actual contentment listening to Matt.. He doesn’t pretend to know everything that’s going on, but as far as I’m concerned he’s on the money regarding sooo much. Sorry about your teeth Alan, they seem to be the most faulty part of the human design I reckon!

  7. December 25, 2021 at 7:12 pm

    What I’m going to write about is RFK, Jr.’s book, ‘The Real Fauci,’ which is worth reading but is also ultimately misleading and discouraging. I do urge you all to read the thing, although I’ll not write the post assuming you have done so. (I’ve read it once and a half and will go through it again today. Give me a few days to get the post right.)

    • Ea
      December 26, 2021 at 5:56 pm

      “i’ll not” is a Britishism. Allan Weisbecker is Miles Mathis !!

  8. Jean-François Aubry
    December 25, 2021 at 6:52 pm

    The tooth, key for a healthy human being. Take care Allan. BTW merry X-Mas if those words make any sense anymore.

  9. Paul
    December 25, 2021 at 5:41 pm

    The world runs on deception. “Dopey” gave his speech on the Winter Solstice. He said some form of “vaccines” 48 times. Mentioned boosters 21 times. Even managed to work in a 666 between minute 4 and 5. Tautological with exponents. And its not even a vaccine?!! They love the numbers and to mock us. We live a very twisted existence. Some of us have been awake for a long, long, time (Club of Rome, Iron Mountain, Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars, the two Agendas…..) yet we all share a similar problem: in the time we have left how do we awaken the sleeping? Can the deceived comprehend they’ve been deceived? My hunch is no. Empirical evidence supports the assertion. Nevertheless, my outrage and frustration and the idea of doing nothing keep me trying. You are a catalyst and energizer in my journey. As you consider topics for future analysis (expose ) is there a way to further combine inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning (placing the parts back into a whole-part-whole narrative that can be delivered in a clear, compelling and cogent manner? A “resonating” and “irrefutable” summary of the shit-show? Does starting with H+ and GRINS technologies present the most realistic template? Or Good versus Evil, and tack biblically? Dystopia and Mad Max in our midst yet we fail to see? Humanity is a death cult? SO many have taken their 30 pieces of silver….. Is a 2000 word tour-de-force possible? Desirable? Would 5,000 words be better? I know I’ve tried. With little success. They’ve used rhetoric diabolically to confuse, divide and insight us. Is there a way to respond in kind? I read what you write because it interests me, appeals to my intellect, and also provides insights to further my own observations. Thanks for your many contributions (I will visit the website you suggested) to the common good! In closing, years ago I had a bridge and four implants placed into my jaw. Process took a couple of years. It was worth it. Stay vertical. Keep writing, please.

  10. jnan
    December 25, 2021 at 5:13 pm

    Merry Christmas Allan, glad to hear your voice once again, you have been missed.
    Sporting a mouthful of crud myself …. I feel your pain.
    Don’t hold out much hope anymore, but it is the train wreck I can’t look away from. To that end, I recommend the work of Cathrine Austin Fitts and The Solari Report for some very good insights.
    As always, looking forward to your next transmission … peace be with you.

    • December 25, 2021 at 6:55 pm

      Thanks, jean. Likewise, encouraging words. Re Ms Fitts, though — as with most limited hangouts, I do keep an eye on her for info, meanwhile not trusting her a whit. Here’s a post explaining why:

      There’s more. But again, I’m not saying you shouldn’t keep track of her. Just be fore-warned. Those are her own words in the above post….

  11. jw
    December 25, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    oh boy.
    I am very sorry to hear about your dental troubles.
    Hope you can get past that soon.

    Late in life the English mathematician G.H. Hardy had all the mirrors removed from his house.
    A few years back, I understood why he did it.

    As my mother once said- “Old age is not for sissies.”
    Best wishes.

  12. Krustysurfer
    December 25, 2021 at 4:33 pm

    Merry (The official Roman Holiday in observance of the birth of God in the flesh Jesus the Messiah sent to redeem mankind) Christmas to you Allan!
    Blessings and aloha from West Michigan

  13. Ea
    December 25, 2021 at 4:22 pm

    Merry Christmas. i ll never believe you’re getting stupider, except in the sense that we all are,
    bombarded by waves and unnourished by what we eat. May i speak for a certain plurality of commentors here and say We love you ! ?

  14. Krustysurfer
    December 25, 2021 at 4:13 pm

    “This ship is going down, so desperately I made a sound, a song to sing so we, can carry on”…… Jack Johnson
    Allan sorry to hear your losing all your old friends,at least when it’s over it won’t hurt to smile.
    We’re all in this leaky boat together just outside the breakers watching this slow motion Trainwreck occurring on the shore just off in the distance. It’s truly hard to watch and equally hard to turn our gaze away… Prayers are sometimes fervent when the true horrifying reality sinks in but alas I find myself in painful denial of the whole bloody mess that Babylon has foisted upon a gullible humanity training mankind or I should say appealing to mankind’s appetite for destruction. Herein will lay a massive learning lesson that each soul will have to bear partial responsibility for… A mouth full of bitter ashes washed down with tears of sorrow… Did we see this coming as children born into this unholy festival? I guess the signs of the great malfeasance have surrounded us in historical record, culture art and ensuing litiny of wars and rumors of wars, all of this coddling humanity into a shallow fitful sleep with a soothing lullaby of 500+ cable channels never going off air as a network of satellites traverse the starry skies above singing it’s going to be alright children of stay tuned into for tomorrow’s show………
    Allan it’s a bitter pill I really choose not to swallow at this time, it’s the best and worst of times, the state of luxury and convenience is unsurpassed in human history, yet mankind finds itself very dissatisfied at the moment even though there are a few smug trillionaires saying to themselves ‘”well done chap’s well done” I think we all know deep down inside that Eden is lost.
    This brings some to tears yet many are completely oblivious, and just like prophets of doom of old sent by the force of Love to remind everyone to turn back from their march towards the abyss before it’s too late are slain outside the temple where crowds celebrate their passing because they were shitting in the party punchbowl Tyler Durden style……
    The wrecking ball is warming up and getting into position, as we sit outside the debris zone with tubs of popcorn and fizzy drinks in hand awaiting for it to all come smashing down, on that day, I will not weep for Babylon.

  15. Aaron Fransen
    December 25, 2021 at 4:04 pm

    Merry Christmas Allan, for what peace you can derive under the circumstances. Probably not your thing, but I am praying for you.

    It’s funny how you said everything looks like the apocalypse. My wife and I talked yesterday how this is the first time in our lives where we’ve said that no matter what happens next, certain politicians, doctors, rich folks are going to be answering for all this bullshit. Nothing will stop that now. Whether violence will be involved or not, I don’t know.

    Peace man.

    • December 25, 2021 at 7:02 pm

      But holy shit I hope you’re right about them answering for their actions. I have to admit I have a vengeful side….

  16. Ron
    December 25, 2021 at 3:33 pm

    Glad yer still around Al. Been kinda b’low the radar m’self tho not as notorious as yerself so noone cares. Hope your “tooth fairy” comes thru for ya asap and you can give a full grin agin. Feel yer pain there, had a full set installed a few years ago. Hope all goes well wherever you travel. Watch yer 3-6-9-and12… aho

    • December 25, 2021 at 7:04 pm

      I’m with you on the ‘no one cares’ bit. But we’re exchanging words, ain’t we? There is some ‘care’ there.

  17. Jeff Akers
    December 25, 2021 at 3:16 pm

    Good to hear from you Allan.
    I’m hopeful that things will turn better for you soon.
    Be well,

  18. Frank Meyer
    December 25, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    Allan, a Merry Christmas, and get better better soon !
    There is a lot of personal responsibilities involved in reagards to health, the allopathic pharma & medical business is out to torture and kill you (and make plenty of bucks on the way).
    Took me some while and some scars to realize this …

  19. December 25, 2021 at 7:05 am

    Oh my. Best of health to you, if that is still possible…Since you’ve been gone, we’ve had Omicron, and more lockdowns and restrictions. It is all a game. NYC has had masking and vaccination passports and vaccination requirements for businesses, and cases have gone way up. (Yeah, blame Omicron.) Maybe the goal of !00% vaccination (and fascism) was not the way to health? Maybe someone can point out to outgoing NYC Mayor de Blasio that Florida has none of this, and people are not dying? New mayor Eric Adams hasn’t said a word, so it’s clear that he’s going to continue the entire fascist program…NYC, LA, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and New Orleans now all have vaccination apartheid…Miles Mathis’s latest paper is crud. He’s been churning them out, but it’s been pedestrian. He offers no answers. The paper on Vermeer fake paintings was somewhat interesting, but is that what everyone needs to read right now?…President Biden wished a Merry Christmas to the vaccinated. To the unvaccinated, Biden said we’ll have sickness and death. I’ve never seen such a disgraceful Christmas message. It’s clear now that the government’s way to “health” is boosters that never, ever stop. And vaccine passports leading to the digital ID, and digital money, and social credit scores, and the monitoring of everyone. It’s not going to stop unless we stop it now…Merry Christmas.

    • December 25, 2021 at 7:07 pm

      But damn, Barry, your comments always indicate you’re either not paying attention. THERE IS NO CORONAVIRUS! If you disagree, please link me to a study wherein they isolate it.

      • December 26, 2021 at 7:40 am

        That’s what you got out of everything I said about the new mandates?…Well, there is the flu…A member of my family, who works in a private business in New York City, will probably be fired on Monday. I don’t know how de Blasio’s dictates are constitutional, but the courts are shit. How can you just dictate that someone who works in a private business must put mRNA in their body?

        • December 26, 2021 at 8:28 am

          I suspect that’s your main criticism of RFK Jr.’s book…My wife, sister-in-law and mother-in-law all got sick (allegedly with Covid) and recovered. I will not say that it is nothing, because they were sick. There were flu-like symptoms…Deborah Tavares said that inter-state travel will be restricted next.

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