A good example of what’s going on. I’ve been trying to wake up the few people back at Montauk I’m still in touch with. Hearing nothing back after sending them good information on this COVID operation, I emailed them about masks, then went to Facebook and tried to post the link I’d send my friends, a really important link; the…
Author: Allan Weisbecker
Kentucky COVID Numbers Analysis
To be safe, I’m going to have to nix my last post. I am not getting the same results as of today and last night. It’s certainly possible that an A.I. caught on to my doings and in effect nullified the algorithm, either just for my searches or globally (the latter being unlikely), and I didn’t get enough feedback from…
The Beginning of the New Digital Reality?
Final Note: Regrettably, I’m going to have to nix this post. I’m leaving it up, however, in case someone with real cyber smarts wants to do a serious analysis of search engine corruption re the COVID black op. Anyone who does this can contact me at allan at banditobooks dot com. Addendum (Monday, August 10): In trying to verify this…
A Minor Miracle?
Note: Thanks to Metatoast for turning us on to the ‘Color of Law’ document. It’s very important. I’m about to send the following, or some version thereof, to the local (NM) TV station, plus the photo embedded. I’m thinking of leaving out the Fauci info, which might scare them. (I’d bring it up on camera, of course.) I’m hoping for…
A Bad Feeling
Just got back from an attempted walk with Gus. We were on our way to the footpath that circles the lake when the local New Mexico Park Ranger stops us. I’d gotten friendly with him over the past month; he’s a dog guy and had brought Gus back one time when she’d slipped her chain and wandered down to the…
How’s It Feel To Be Soap?
‘You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying, organic matter as everything else.’ If this sounds vaguely familiar, it should; it’s the scientism/ /materialism/reductionism view of biology and the universe in general — phrased more blatantly than do PTB puppets like de Grasse Tyson, (the late) Carl Sagan, and so…
The Global Reset
Haven’t been feeling too well lately. Had a few days with serious shortness of breath — no other symptoms, no fever, no cough, so it’s not COVID or anything like it. Don’t know what it was. Better now. I’ve also been too disgusted to write much. I mean the way it’s going where do you even start? And what’s the…
Checkers Anyone?
I’m in no rush to publish Part Two of my exposé on the H-wood/PTB system of mind control, even after listening to the Friedkin’s ‘Director’s Commentary’ on the Bug DVD, and delving into a few other director’s histories, to see how wide and deep the corruption goes, notwithstanding that I pretty much already knew. To those actively (in comments) clamoring…
The Spacex Ruse Continues
Although I’ve done this time and again, I’m going to prove that the May 31st ‘manned Spacex mission’ is a fraud. Any one of the proofs I’ll show you is sufficient to prove fraud, so even if one is somehow ‘wrong,’ we still have a Q.E.D. for fakery. So, please, if you think you found a mistake, don’t claim it…
I’m Asking For Help
While I’m digging into the PTB/H-wood system of culture creation/mind control I also need some help. I’m hoping that you all will pitch in and help spread around the Net my Open Letter to William Friedkin & Tracy Letts (Authors of ‘Bug’). Now that I’ve properly edited the piece, cut it down in length and sharpened it up (which I…