Kentucky COVID Numbers Analysis

To be safe, I’m going to have to nix my last post. I am not getting the same results as of today and last night. It’s certainly possible that an A.I. caught on to my doings and in effect nullified the algorithm, either just for my searches or globally (the latter being unlikely), and I didn’t get enough feedback from you guys to be sure either way.

I really thought I’d caught them but my ignorance of how algorithms actually work is a problem. Possibly ‘Chris’ is correct in his comment that the websites themselves use an algorithm to create more traffic. I just don’t know.

So never mind.

Addendum: I’m not nixing the prediction that as the world goes digital and hard copies (of anything) are fazed out, history will be routinely re-written a la Orwell’s 1984, except with a vengeance.

The rest of this post will be Logan’s work on the Kentucky (where he is) COVID data, which clearly exposes an aspect of the COVID black op. He has sent this info to various media outlets, both mainstream and alt. We’ll see what kind of reaction he gets:

Please see the attached analysis compiled using data from Governor Beshear’s daily emails and the state website.  The COVID-19 mortality rates have been in a steep and steady decline for over 100 days now.  Further, the risk to those under the age of 50 is minimal at worst.  Please see the charts and key data in the two page document attached.  Why are restrictions increasing when there is an obvious inverse correlation with higher case counts and lower mortality rates?  Clearly true exposure rates are higher than just those who have been tested to date.  So actual mortality rates are far lower that even those reflected in the attached analysis.  Isn’t this important information for your viewers?
Thank you for your consideration.

I’ve embedded his graphs and further info. Please look at it, and if you agree forward this post to whomever might benefit.




These are the footnotes.











Addendum: Although this has come up before, Jon Rappoport’s current newsletter bears a look. Rappoport doesn’t believe AIDS or Ebola or COVID are caused by actual external pathogens. His claim is that environmental factors are the cause of the illnesses. I don’t buy it. 

Plus, billions have been spent over many decades on bio-weapon development. Surely they are creating ‘something’ aside from environmental factors to kill us. (COVID is a classic example of this, as I’ve written about in past posts.)

Logan and I have discussed this. Here’s my email to him re todays Rappoport newsletter:

I agree that it’s very… incriminating that Gallo et al didn’t isolate the HIV virus, and the same goes (apparently) for the COVID (and others). But as I’ve said before, that doesn’t mean that a pathogen does not exist. Rappoport’s view that, for example, AIDS is caused by various environmental factors doesn’t wash. It might work for poor africans (he’s blamed ‘poppers’ for the gay epidemic) but AIDS, as it turned out, was demographically neutral. An associate of mine died of it; he wasn’t gay or poor or subject to any of the factors Rappoport lists; he was athletic and very health-conscious. He just fucked the wrong woman, apparently.
And then there’s the billions spent on bioweapons. Surely they were/are engineering ‘something’ aside from environmental factors to kill people.
So something is definitely fishy, with COVID, HIV, ebola and etc (there is evidence that they were all engineered diseases), and it is incriminating that no one has isolated these viruses, but you can’t write off the existence of specific pathogens (‘germs’) with the evidence Rappoport has come up with.
I highly recommend Leonard Horowitz’s book, The Emerging Viruses; Nature, Accident or Intentional.

Does HIV exist? An explosive interview

  16 comments for “Kentucky COVID Numbers Analysis

  1. Metatoast
    August 13, 2020 at 10:44 pm

    Kentucky Covid,

    Context switching is useful for those who want to shift the subject somewhat while respecting the primary subject, even as what the primary is at any given time, is itself shifting and trading places in priority. It’s also useful for distracting into matters of much less importance.

    BTW, I found the info on the manipulation of search data returned for random numbers for case or death on Covid was good to know. Checked it out with a couple hits.

    Context switch: “The unshakable belief that there is one microbe for every illness is so ingrained as the “controlling medical idea for the Western world” that competing ideas about disease causation still have difficulty gaining traction. Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.

    Deliberately damaged environments, are literally a bioweapon. But that isn’t the kind of bioweapon that’s usually meant, when the subject is about the specific threat of “viral causation”.

    ACW says, “Surely they are creating ‘something’ aside from environmental factors to kill us.” I agree. However, the singular viral cause, is a meme that must elide over every instance of pollution, diet, over refinement of foods, GMOs, impacted matter in the digestive tract, poison, fluorine combinations, harmful EM frequencies, unknown program carriers, and poor psychology, as possible co-factors. But even co-factoring, when the dominant factor is false, fails to encompass the entirety of possible causation of what appears to be contagion.

    There’s more, but I thought to test the waters first.

  2. August 13, 2020 at 4:19 pm

    Dave tried to post this but it didn’t work:

    I attempted posting about the Google Covid number issue.

    I entered 5 3-digit numbers in Chrome; ALL came back with “newspaper” sites matching the numbers.

    I too share the belief that the BigAI can do, and does do, whatever it wants… alters web pages, fake video – horrible shit.


    I post elsewhere on the web. One other blog I was being blocked from turned out to be because of my referenced HotMail address. I changed to my ProtonMail address and everything worked as expected – no blocking/filtering. Given that, I will be sending you this message from my ProtonMail account as well.

    • August 13, 2020 at 8:06 pm

      Shocking and astonishing to say the least, and now I know almost certainly BigAI killed or hacked my good email address I had for about 18 years I think.
      I thought it was you blocking the emails Allan! 😀

      The madness here goes from doing OK (not being one of the poor businesses that bit the dust in the 1st round), to more insane madness.
      Part of the country (N.Z) is back on level 3 bullshit, and the rest on level 2 bullshit.
      A ton of people tried to escape the L3 area in their cars, and got turned back at lot’s of road blocks they set up. We always have lived in a low decile prison, and now it it is so much worse.
      On the hypnotizing box (TV) , they are starting to wave masks around – with suggestions.
      Scaredy Cat pod people have definitely multiplied out there now….all of them fine, and too scared to cough in public – which is the only amusing detail in the NWO Scourge.

  3. August 12, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    If you’re trying to comment and can’t, email me at allan at Include the comment and I’ll post it.

  4. August 12, 2020 at 8:29 pm

    I’m starting to realize that comments are not making it onto the blog. I’m not notified like I used to, not at all. Logan tried to post what follows and it says ‘awaiting moderation’ so something is wrong, folks.

    Here is Logan’s comment:

    I am going to link three videos below that I think are important, along with an excerpt of an email reply to a friend who asked me a question about the PCR test and Dr. Kary Mullis’s assertion that the test he invented cannot be used to diagnose disease. The first video is a remarkable interview with the late Dr. Mullis (he died last year). Just after I sent that video to my friend yesterday Jon Rappaport’s enewsletter showed up in my inbox and it was very relevant to the topic. The second video is Sayer Ji from 3 months ago discussing the very complex and nuanced nature of what we call viruses. I have been researching viruses for about 8 years now, and what he shares is important. The third video is SAyer from last week giving his current assessment of what is really going on. This video best describes my overall view at this time. You’ll note at the end that he definitely entertains the possibility of biowarfare as Allan references as very real. It is not an either/or situation.
    My reply to my friend:
    I will send you a link to a video Sayer Ji released where he speaks of the science of the rtPCR. I am very familiar with it from the Lyme disease community. I will also send you some links from a fellow researcher named Sol Luckman. In order to more fully understand the nature of the test, you have to take a little dive into the nature of a virus and Sol has good info there as well. You probably know that a virus is not a living biological organism, but rather a piece of genetic information. But mainstream medicine refers to them as akin to bacteria, or protozoa or fungi. I will send some links later today. I will also send you a link to a video of Dr. Mullis himself describing the day he came to understand the nature and depth of the fraud surrounding HIV…another virus that to this day has never been isolated in a lab an hence never met the standard of Koch’s postulate. One of the key reasons the PCR cannot diagnose disease is that it cannot detect viral load, but merely infers the presence of a piece of genetic material (AKA virus). So that is why they always report “cases” vs. infections. A case at best determines exposure, not active disease. Here is the video of him describing his experience with HIV.
    Interview with Dr. Mullis:

    Sayer Ji on Viruses:

    Sayer Ji’s recent overall assessment.

    Lastly, I would encourage you to read Rappaport’s recent piece. The research history he shares is accurate.

    • Todd
      August 13, 2020 at 10:17 pm

      Great links – thanks for posting Logan’s info.. And agree with Sayer Ji’s general position on this Cvd19 topic.

      I would also like to equate Sayer Ji’s quantum biology with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance and Dr. Dean Radin’s quantum physics works….

      There is much more to this topic.

      Best wishes to all.

    • Larry C
      August 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

      COVID-19, is even more insidious than I’d suspected: Clearly it goes straight to the brains of politicians, a testament both to its lethality and it’s vanishingly minute size.

  5. August 12, 2020 at 8:21 pm

    I got an email from a guy who does a podcast who picked up on my last post (google and ‘new cases’), who had an expert on to analyze my findings. See if you guys understand what he said (I think he missed my point about google using real websites). Go to about 1;35;00 in. He even shows the blog, which is nice:

    It’s a good show too. Worth subscribing to.

  6. Tim Rusling
    August 12, 2020 at 4:42 pm

    I just used my 9/52 birth month and year and got exactly the same result as using random numbers:

    1 day ago – Based on the information included in the provincial summary, there are 952 active cases of COVID-19 in Ontario, including 60 individuals who are …

  7. Ea
    August 12, 2020 at 12:51 pm

    “tested positive” but “a-symptomatic.”


    corona CoViD

    Fauci Fauci Fauci

  8. Scott
    August 12, 2020 at 12:12 pm

    Allan, you might want to read Peter Duesberg’s book Inventing the AIDS Virus.

  9. August 11, 2020 at 7:51 pm

    Thanks Allan.
    Have you got a story for us about your local cops?…are they still waiting in the wings with the threat of arrest?? (for existing & walking Gus)….
    What is on the cards for the future where you are?.

    • August 11, 2020 at 9:58 pm

      I bolted from NM the next day, having had it with everyone in the area. I’m in Arizona, in the wilderness. More to come on this in a what-I’m-Doing kinda post.

      • August 11, 2020 at 11:40 pm

        Awesome, good on you Allan! :-)….looking forward to more story on what you and Gus are up too…

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