The Global Reset

Checkers from the appropriately titled The Omen.

Haven’t been feeling too well lately. Had a few days with serious shortness of breath — no other symptoms, no fever, no cough, so it’s not COVID or anything like it. Don’t know what it was. Better now.

I’ve also been too disgusted to write much. I mean the way it’s going where do you even start? And what’s the point if I make an observation no one else sees? How many readers will even remember it in a couple of days? I mean, how many of you that hear friends talking about how amazing Spacex is even think to mention it’s all fake plus already been done back when Allan had a pimple problem? 

Look at the comments (if you can stand it). There are some incisive ones, yes, but on average, not so much. Here’s the latest:

From Hanna, a transhumanist flick, and pretty good too.

Soooooooooo, everyone still think Covid-19 is a fake and/or harmless thing? Are one of YOU a super-spreader? So many run around full of self confidence and deluded ideas about science. They are probably full of non symptomatic covid-19, too. “I don’t need no mask!” It’s all a big conspiracy to take over, blah, blah. Just like in 1918, right? No.

I don’t know if this guy (or female), Chris, is working for the other side of just flat out dumb. With his (assume it’s a male) comments, if he isn’t trying to mislead you with this sort of crap, he tries to annoy me. Have any of you noticed this? If not, good (you are not wasting time), but this means you’re maybe not noticing anything written on this blog.

If you have noticed what this person is up to, then you are wasting your time. This is also bad. 

So now you know how people who make comments like this (or those who hire him) are motivated. No matter what happens, it’s bad, for me, for us. Lose-lose-lose-lose kind of a thing.

Addendum: If you think I got COVID wrong, you are not remembering/thinking clearly. I followed the evidence as it arose, waiting to see what would happen. Recall my reminder after most posts: ‘

Bottom line is that the ‘numbers’ don’t matter, bogus or not, the ‘tests’ don’t matter, bogus or not, nothing the media says, bogus or not, matters. (Ditto, me.) If hospitals are being overrun and doctors dying, we have a pandemic, with Mad Max revving his Charger just up the block. [No overrun hospitals = no actual deadly pandemic]

Batman Returns, as does the checkerboard calling card.

No hospitals were overrun, yet the evidence for a new pathogen is very strong (logic based on PTB past behavior also tells us they set loose a new flu bug). The evidence that COVID is a black op (combined with the ‘George Floyd’ fabricated event) is overwhelming. They set loose a relatively minor bug, so they would have control of its effect, via the media.

We are in the midst of a global reset.

Anyone who doesn’t see this is on the wrong web page.

Out my door.

By the way, anyone who doesn’t understand that the above comment (from ‘Chris’) is dangerous, look at this regarding masks.  Masks are not only ineffective, but dangerous to your health. (I don’t take down comments like the above because I assume you all are smart enough to know an agenda when you see it, and I don’t want to add to the garbage by being accused of censorship.)

Logan sent me a link you should view.  Go ahead and check your phone, as I did, and I indeed found the snoop app up top on my apps list, along with a notification that the app is not yet activated. It also says, ‘To activat turn on Bluetooth.’ 

Doesn’t basically everyone turn on Bluetooth at some point? I assume so. This way they have you turning on the app ‘voluntarily,’ without knowing you did so. 

Thing is, they already have a tracking capability so this is probably just a back up, or a way to ‘tell us’ what they are doing, like they’re supposed to. Like knowing we never read the Terms Agreement of any of their illegal devices/back doors, etc.

They could put this ‘app’ on our phone surreptitiously, i.e., no notification, and instantly activated. That’s easy. So why tell us at all? The usual, probably, their ‘karma’ bullshit. Also, they no doubt find it very amusing. In the end they want us to beg for this kind of shit (‘contact tracing), anything to get us back to ‘normal.’

Whatever this is, it’s going 5 times faster than a commercial jetliner.

Assume the next COVID wave will be a biggie, maybe actually a virulent bug that kills more than the flu average; the present COVID-19 kills about half of regular flu. (If you’re thinking there is no COVID-19 bug at all, fine, but don’t put that in a comment. I’m tired of it that sort of stupidity.)

If I recall, at least two of you guys took my advice and stocked up on food and other supplies, which means this blog is not totally useless. (I have about 200 subscribers who pay attention, so this is 1%, an important number. Important because there might be one other person who will take my advice seriously. Someone who was on the edge (of listening to me) before and who might get nudged, now that he/she understands that I’m pretty much right about all the important stuff. One percent is worth it to me. The work I mean.

Still my backyard.

If you care about yourself and your family, assume you’ll need at least a year’s worth of supplies, not just a few months. The storm is coming, like at the end of the movie Take Shelter, with Michael Shannon (from Bug). By next fall. At the very least prices (especially food) will soar, due to supply chain interruptions. At worst, you’ll see Mad Max in your neighborhood.

The reason for the ‘defund the police’ movement is simple: They know that many local police will not go along with what’s coming (like disarming us), so they hope to get rid of them, especially small town sheriffs, who are elected locally. This agenda — and the support of the media — means they are getting close to the end game.

The global reset we are in the midst of will change everything, and none of it will be good. The reason it’s taken so long (after 9/11) is because of the planning involved. The ‘unrest’ in the streets — supposedly related to race issues (like the George Floyd fabrication) — was timed to coincide with the COVID op. This must have taken years to coordinate, given the number of people involved.

I have some other things to say but am not feeling up to it right now. 


  61 comments for “The Global Reset

  1. July 2, 2020 at 11:44 pm

    (Note from ACW: This is my buddy Joachim, who you saw in a video a while back – it was taken down, so assume it was the truth.)
    Hi bro,
    as for the unprecedented situation
    we are facing, i am breaking my silence.
    I owe you greatly for having the
    incredible patience from 2003-2014
    in pushing to „wake me up“
    Consider this my way of
    showing my respect and appreciation
    of you incredible work and
    As of the scarcity of time,
    i can only answer to serious
    requests in order to help
    out in trying to describe the
    most likely developments
    that we can expect short-mid- and long term.
    Anybody having questions about
    the ongoing pandemic, science behind
    SARS-Cov-2, environmental health damage,
    Glyphosate, Treatment options,
    Central banking, Global Reset, Ur-Lodges
    and similar topics,
    can take this route to address questions.
    I’ll do whatever possible to
    answer them in
    a qualified manner.
    Let’s get going,
    time is running out!
    big hug

    • Azzy
      July 3, 2020 at 5:33 pm

      Thanks, FF. My question is: do you think the whole COVID thing was a biological warfare attack on China and, possibly, the US, as well as other European locations by forces as yet unknown– at least officially?

      • July 5, 2020 at 3:28 pm

        Joachim replied but it disappeared, we dunno why. Here is what he said:

        in my opinion this
        has been planned for a very long time and whoever is behind it cannot be tied to any national interest. it is a global program, designed to bring humanity as a whole to its knees. these people want to implement a complete restructured world order, or as they name it the great reset.
        so the question is not so much about if this virus is as bad as they make it look or if it is made in a lab, as it is only an instrument to bring
        about the changes they have in mind. it’s a global threat that needs a global response, pretty much like climate change.
        there have only been two major resets in the last hundred years, involving Geo political, political, systemic, currency and other fundamental changes. that was after World War I and World War II. something comparable is not about to happen.

        • Azzy
          July 5, 2020 at 4:52 pm

          Thanks much, gents.
          Disappering comments usually mean somebody is over the target. (Or has pissed off Allan, heh heh)
          Strange times.
          Looking fwd to other Qs + As after the holiday weekend.
          On the plus side, there’s much about this fawked up world that needs resetting, I guess. It’s on whose terms and definitions that we should worry about.
          Killing off our old folk is not a promising start, though, that’s fo’ sho.

          • July 5, 2020 at 7:05 pm

            Blog friend ‘Philip’, brought us an excellent link to their plans back on July 1st 2020….An absolute monster of a website that has been in the making (at our expense of course) for many years.
            Let’s not forget it’s all about rolling in Agenda21, which seems to have morphed into Agenda2030 today.
            We seem to be constantly screwed by Banksters who want this planet as theirs only – with the 500 million Slaves to keep it operating of course.
            Honest to God they simply can’t be human (and they seem to eat cash for breakfast) …. have a look for yourselves folks >

          • Azzy
            July 5, 2020 at 7:17 pm

            Indeedy, Brett. And it’s that 500 million number that gives me pause to consider: they wouldn’t dare!?
            Would they?
            That’s a whooole lotta chumps facing the chop, right there, otherwise.
            Now be a dear please and come up with a barnstorming question for our very kind guest poster above.

  2. July 2, 2020 at 9:23 pm

    I’m pleased that the general tenor of the comments has… I dunno… improved, with good links and contents, mostly. I especially appreciate your all’s concern for my well being. My energy level is about half what it was last year at this time and I worry that my posts will start showing it, if they haven’t already. I’m going to try to write a bit at a time, rather than wait for something I consider ‘important’. For instance, in my ‘checker’ search I came across Fight Club, which I’d seen but didn’t really look into. It’s the ‘soap issue’ that got my attention; if you’ve seen the film you might get my drift. Gimme a couple days.

    Also, I’ll write something about Dr. Steven Greer’s Unacknowledged, about the UFO issue. I’m at a loss as to what to think of it, given that Greer himself is almost certainly not one of us. On the other hand, the film itself is quite stunning, and I can’t imagine what its agenda is, if it IS part of a black op. Be advised that I’ll be asking your opinion of the film (free on Netflix, $4 on YT), and of Greer himself. He’s a big Apollo believer and brags that his uncle worked on the lunar module. Keep in mind that they have ‘lost’ the plans to the LM, the Saturn, and lost all the telemetry and video tapes from all the missions; some 10,000 tapes. Aside from everything else! (See How could any space researcher believe that bullshit.)

    There’s a good reading of McGowan’s Wagging the Moondoggie on YT:

    • Azzy
      July 2, 2020 at 10:16 pm

      And if I may, a friend just mailed me recently and suggested I take a day to read Report From Iron Mountain (ya know, that “hoax” satire from the 1960s?
      I took the day. Yesterday.
      And two words came to mind:
      Jesus C.
      I’m still a tad reeling to be honest.
      Not only is the WEF telling us what is GOING to happen. They TOLD us what was going to happen decades ago.
      But Wikipedia says it’s all a big joke.
      Check it out if y’all haven’t already.
      You might be rather unpleasantly surprised.
      (Some of us quirkies are in to that dontcha know. )

      • July 3, 2020 at 4:13 pm

        If you paid just a little more attention to the blog part of this page, you’d know I recommended Report From Iron Mountain several times, and wrote about what it means. Not only is it not a hoax but It in fact doesn’t matter even if it were a hoax, because everything in it is based on verified papers and so forth.

        Well, Azzy, welcome to reality.

        • Azzy
          July 3, 2020 at 7:47 pm

          Doh!! 🤭
          I knew that text rang a bell!

      • July 3, 2020 at 4:20 pm

        Hey, here’s a whole post on Report, from October last year. I guess you were too busy trying to aggravate me to notice it then. Now you’re recommending it to everyone?

        I include a free pdf download.

        • Azzy
          July 3, 2020 at 7:50 pm

          Ok, Ive been suitably chastened. Ya got me.
          I guess this is the wrong time to bring up the Flat Earth? 😂
          Thanks for the link. I am reading it right now, ALLAN.

  3. Larry C
    July 2, 2020 at 8:39 pm

    Virus or not, here’s Greg Caton’s Essential Self Defense.

  4. Larry C
    July 2, 2020 at 8:35 pm
    • July 2, 2020 at 9:05 pm

      Not that I know of. Why? Can fracking result in shortness of breath? Via some sort of leakage? I’ve been looking up at heavy metals wafting down on me for years. More likely that, altho this applies to all of us.

      • Andrew
        July 3, 2020 at 8:34 am

        Maybe the fires in AZ are the cause?

        Mercury and other metals held within the burning material are released back into the air and can cause a sort of ‘mercury flu’

      • Larry C
        July 3, 2020 at 9:27 pm

        “I’ve been looking up at heavy metals wafting down on me for years.”

        I’m in the upper midwest. For the past three months of so, Chemtrails have gone AWOL, for the most part. Rather than feeling relief, I’m feeling a twinge of concern for reasons I can’t quite grasp.?

        • July 3, 2020 at 9:42 pm

          ….Maybe those rotten hard pressed pilots have finally woken up to their SINS, and are refusing to do it anymore.
          Maybe stocks of aluminium, barium, and strontium etc are running low.
          Maybe it’s to do with air flights slashed to the bone.
          Hey, the very weird (I have personally seen it) “Ghost Plane” seems to have disappeared. The off white coloured crap that poured out of that thing had to be seen to be believed – far surpassing your ordinary jet liner.

          • Larry C
            July 5, 2020 at 9:10 pm

            There’s speculation, that the next false flag event will be an EMP. An electro magnetic pulse would fry pretty much the electrical grid, thrusting us back to the 1850s overnight – technologically speaking. I find myself wondering lately: would an EMP – detonated high up in an atmosphere SATURATED with heavy-METAL particulate (sourced from Chemtrails) – actually *ignite* the entire atmosphere. Maybe the Deep State is literally clearing the air, before they pull off this stunt.

            Or maybe it’s just indigestion…

  5. Metatoast
    July 2, 2020 at 4:29 am

    “If you’re thinking there is no COVID-19 bug at all, fine, but don’t put that in a comment. I’m tired of it that sort of stupidity”

    The COVERT 19 bug is a fictional etiological variable that is varied according to the threat level necessary for controlling the pretext scenario of pandemic as a global ruse. We of course, are not talking about any sort of real bug, or germ, virus, exosome, or bacteria. It isn’t real, it’s Memorex; a recording that resonates with all the predictive programming that we’ve been willingly subjecting ourselves to. Tell me World War Z doesn’t fit the bill.

    It’s not about whether these entities exist or not, or that one or more is actually in play. Their literal existence is irrelevant to the fabrication of a pandemic as long their existence is plausible. We’ve been told that it’s a virus, but the real capability of the threat level is not to be found in science, but rather in conspiracy. Oh, they have more ways to kill than you can shake a stick at. And, though they often eliminate or minimize the body count in their false flags and bad operations, for the purpose of minimizing real investigation from real, motivated, pissed off relations of the victims, they are not above ‘collateral damage’ and murder for their ‘higher cause’.

    But, the message to note is: the illusionist always wants you to look where the trick isn’t. The fact of those biological weapons arsenals are not the trick, it’s merely the misdirection. However, the likely future outcome of mass genocidal population reduction will never be sidetracked as long as so many look at the misdirection of fucking bugs while many verbally persecute those on fire with dire warnings of conspiracy.

    And now for some good news: “We now have mortality data for the first few months of 2020 for many countries, and, as you might expect, there were steep increases associated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in each one.

    Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin before the lockdowns were imposed, but after.

    • July 2, 2020 at 4:28 pm

      Your comparisons to memorex and to stage magicians is not useful; it’s confusing. I had to read your comment 3 times to get your drift. Just say what you mean, please. Like this:

      ‘However, the likely future outcome of mass genocidal population reduction will never be sidetracked as long as so many look at the misdirection of fucking bugs while many verbally persecute those on fire with dire warnings of conspiracy.’

      What does this mean? Do you actually think there is no conspiracy here? You think there is no virus at all? I don’t understand.

      By the way, if there is no bug, why would they concoct the numbers in the way claimed in the link. I mean since they are making them up out of whole cloth (rather than just fucking with them), why not do it right? These people are not stupid. Genome studies indicate that there is a new bug; it’s just no worse than the ‘regular’ flu. Forget the testing, tho. As I’ve said many times, it’s the most rigged aspect of the whole hoax.

      • Metatoast
        July 2, 2020 at 6:36 pm

        Metatoast: “…while many verbally persecute those on fire with dire warnings of conspiracy.” I mean to say that those who are doing the persecuting are doing so against those who are attempting to shift the conversation to the subject of conspiracy, because I absolutely think that conspiracy is the paramount issue which includes the problem of the mixed veracity of every aspect that’s used to support a fabricated pandemic.

        The word conspiracy for which there is no substitute, has been hammered on and degraded through the sarcastic use of conspiracy theory, to the point of a far reaching fear to use it. I know you know that, as I’m just reiterating.

        Under the rubric of Covid 19 there is a bug that is plausible, and due to the fact that we who have evidence of fraud in the science, and we who are struggling to understand what is real about sub-microbiology, are having a crises of confidence in what knowledgeable sounding and certified experts are saying.

        However, under the rubric of COVERT 19 the narrative is split off from a context that is controlled from above, namely Covid 19, to one which is at least speculatively accessible to us commoners.

        ACW: By the way, if there is no bug, why would they concoct the numbers in the way claimed in the link. I mean since they are making them up out of whole cloth (rather than just fucking with them), why not do it right?

        M: As I understand it, the precipitous rise in deaths attributed to Covid 19 came after the orders of lockdown. People are suffering and dying due to the lockdown, and the charts show this in spite of the inflated attribution to Covid 19, of any deaths, regardless of the real cause or cofactors, where the bogus test was positive for Covid, where some crap containing fragments of DNA/RNA was tested by cycles of doubling, amplified to an arbitrary cut off, and then pretended to be a whole genome sequence. What’s confusing about that?

        • July 2, 2020 at 8:52 pm

          I dunno. Maybe I’m just getting a bit slow in old age. Is Meta’s prose clear to you all? I’m concerned about my thought processes. Be bad if I got stupider still.

          • Metatoast
            July 2, 2020 at 9:54 pm

            Writing in comments sometimes requires, to some degree, a density that sacrifices clarity. When I wrote …Whats confusing about that… I was laughing hard. I can easily see how confusing it can be and how what seems like well constructed thinking on my part, may sound like gobbledygook to some others. It’s the nature of the op to be inundated with confusion. I didn’t mean anything more than the usual double duty. What’s confusing? All of it maybe. A goad; something to keep that spark of conflict alive. Certainly, no bad intention.

            There is a subject that keeps looming as important but can’t be adequately addressed until the subject gets fixed. It’s corrupted context on the scale of culture. This functions on the subconscious level. It is the reason for so much misunderstanding. If our contexts/culture don’t sufficiently match, we are destined to never know, deeply enough, what the other is saying. So, don’t think it’s old age. We are dealing with some gnarly.

  6. Kyle
    July 2, 2020 at 1:34 am

    Thank you Allan for all you do to enlighten us. Keep going! We need you.💋❤️

  7. Christiana
    July 2, 2020 at 1:06 am

    Yup. It’s bleak and the desire to really explain it to the asleep who don’t get it fades fast when one realizes how much they will have to absorb and their unwillingness up until now. (I totally feel your frustration. Sigh.)

    My only observation is that those who have read this blog faithfully like myself are better prepared than almost anyone on the planet to grasp the amount of subterfuge and craven lies that bombard us daily. I think and understand everything differently since I started following you Allan when I heard you interviewed on James Tracey’s interview show years ago. Your output in books and movies and this blog is the best compilation of truth serums that I have run across. Not to mention the all out humanness of all of it. Bravo and, if it means anything, thank you.

    • Maggie
      July 2, 2020 at 9:25 am

      again… what she said.

    • July 2, 2020 at 4:30 pm

      Thanks, Christiana (and Kyle). I appreciate your encouragement. Really. I’m tired lately and need a nudge once in a while.

      • Maggie
        July 3, 2020 at 2:06 am

        Here’s a bit of a nudge. I received your email that asked me to be a bit more specific about what I thought were good points.

        Well, to be honest, I am like everyone here, stunned that this is all happening before our very eyes and I was so disturbed by your commentary about BUG I watched the damn thing again to determine if the helicopter thing ruined the “suspense of disbelief” for me.

        It didn’t entirely, but it was a bad thing to leave hanging for any reason other than to leave the whole thing ambiguous.

        So, yes, Allan, I think your thinking and style is somewhat eclectic and sometimes almost too blunt (biting and barking all at once) for a late Boomer like me (1961). I like the Gen X crowd to be honest. I think ObeWon can save us.

  8. Todd
    July 1, 2020 at 9:18 pm

    Glad you are feeling better.

    I’ve thought about autism (less cases) in children a few month ago and I am now seeing it come up in a few blogs. This is really one of the few positives in this entire mess.

    Children are dying less and I’m going to predict there will be less autism in them (at least somewhat). We had a brief glimpse of reality when the lock-down kept parents away from their pediatricians. I’ve seen another article elsewhere but check out Rappoport to get the gist of it.

  9. Philip
    July 1, 2020 at 8:42 pm

    This link is quite long with many others links included but the point is, I think it backs up Allan very well and certainly shows us our intended future

  10. BJW Nashe
    July 1, 2020 at 5:52 pm

    Allan, why do you think the George Floyd killing was a “fabricated event?”

    • July 1, 2020 at 7:59 pm

      Why do you think it was a real event? Because you saw it on television? Everything about it is preposterous. If I have to list the absurdities you are probably on the wrong Web page.

  11. Brian
    July 1, 2020 at 4:18 pm

    Hi Allen,
    I’ve read all your books and been reading this blog off and on for some time. Not sure how I feel about the current state of the zeitgiest on here but it’s interesting, so I keep reading it. I suppose I really just wonder about your predictions for how this all shakes out. As an educated man I feel like often times as we grow older and more cynical many people secretly want/wish for the world to end in their lifetime. Hence the Book of Revalations, most dooms day cults and this blog. But the world just keeps on. Perhaps you just need to get back to surfing and tap into the flow of the good positive energy that comes with it again. Maybe I’m an optimist or maybe I just miss the writing you did on the only sport/past time I’ve ever truly loved. Either way take please take care of yourself out there and know I’m rooting for you.

    • July 1, 2020 at 8:04 pm

      I’m getting old so all the evidence I’ve presented here must be incorrect? How about you get specific and show me where I’m wrong. You say:

      ‘Maybe I’m an optimist or maybe I just miss the writing you did on the only sport/past time I’ve ever truly loved. ‘

      Do you have any idea at all how fucking stupid that sentence is?

      I’m soooo fucking sorry that I moved on from a personal matter to HTWRW.

      • Maggie
        July 2, 2020 at 9:29 am

        Geesh! you are so mean!

        • Ea
          July 2, 2020 at 12:22 pm

          ‘Mean’ ?
          impatient, maybe. (and who said we had a lot of time to get this right, anyway?)
          Cantankerous at worst.
          No one putting in time to communicate truthfully is mean.

  12. July 1, 2020 at 3:07 pm

    Glad you are feeling better, Allan. I am still following your advice on stock piling food and supplies. I am working on a few e-books to help people navigate this global reset, including finding housing, harvesting and storing wild food, how-to side hustles to make money during this rolling depression. Help people AND make money? Win-win. I suspect as you do too, that they have even more virulent pathogens waiting in the wings. The goal being to stress the global populace so much, they want to give up. But give up to what is the question? Definitely will check out that video on that tracking app. Keep that faith brother! Even the most master planned man-made disasters can go awry in ways they cannot predict or control. So hope for the best, plan for the worst.

  13. Maggie
    July 1, 2020 at 2:13 pm

    What he said.. we care. Just worry you might bark and bite.

    • July 1, 2020 at 8:06 pm

      What are you going on about?

      • Maggie
        July 2, 2020 at 9:31 am

        Not going on. Just saying that you provide interesting insight but your methodology of barking and biting at people who raise points they care about limits my desire to comment. Prolly a good thing since I’m simply here in the Missouri hills getting rained on almost daily.

  14. James
    July 1, 2020 at 1:26 pm

    Yes i agree this is the roll-out of the evil elites end game namely UN Agenda 21/30 which is a communist one world government ie The New World Order that we have known about for years now, only we were hoping it just wouldn’t come but it is here now.
    There is a mural on a wall at the Denver Airport which shows people wearing the ridiculous masks which has now become a reality. A Pakistani doctor here has been struck off the medical register for stating that the covid bug is a total fake.
    Also samples of bodily excretions from alive and dead alike have been analysed by top scienific labs since march and no covid traces have been identified, these labs have said they are calling the search off if they don’t find the evidence by july 22nd. They along with some very high up scientists are then going to take the UK government to the High Court for fraud, top barristers and wealthy well known people are paying for this case. Also very many of the Judiciary have said the Government have broken the law. Concerning breathing problems i have had similar symptoms and am convinced that chem trails and electro magnetic microwave frequencies are exacerbating the problem, as the city i live near has been sprayed to fuck and most days are blocking out the sun causing a whiteout.
    With regard to the cretin Chris fuck knows who he really is and does anyone really care? All he does is trot out the fake coronavirus pandemic propaganda psyop. I am personally convinced it is tied in with the 5G Rollout+chemtrails, i wonder if many people have seen the film 5g Apocalypse by Sacha Stone on YouTube.

  15. Jean-François Aubry
    July 1, 2020 at 12:35 pm

    Statistic and probabilities… personally Im not a social popular type…but I know a couple of them and I asked to all of them if they know somebody wich got the virus and for now nobody I know know somebody wich got the virus, I asked also to people like my mechanic, people where I send my resume…and again nobody know somebody wich got the virus, I have a girl friend in Moldave and her aunt live in a small village, at the national news they say 20 citizen from this village was infected, so because the village is like 100 of pop everybody called their neighbors to check who was infected and they found NOBODY was infected… finally I found odd that Tom Hank got the virus and seem to be very happy in quarantine and the wife of Trudeau got the virus the first week when not even 200 Canadian were infected but Trudeau didn’t catch the bug…very odd…but right now the economy is slowly collapsing for good, we must follow arrow at the grocery and some drive with a mask alone in their car…you should check Event 201 and check in your relative if they know somebody wich got the bug… because number on a board can be made of nothing

  16. Robert Hansteen
    July 1, 2020 at 12:18 pm

    Hey Allan
    Hope you are feeling better if not normal. Are you in the high desert of New Mexico ?
    Altitude will do it to me on occasion.
    Be well

    • July 2, 2020 at 4:43 pm

      Yeah, I’m at 8,400 feet, but hadn’t had a problem for over a month. Then boom. Now it’s better. Might be a cumulative chemtrail effect. I dunno. Takes me about an hour to wake up in the AM.

  17. Kevin Taylor
    July 1, 2020 at 2:37 am

    I am sorry you have been feeling unwell for awhile. My prayers are with you. You are a remarkable journalist. You have a gut instinct that is rare….plus you care. You have the ability to churn out an incredible amount of writing….without a staff or funding. Take Care of yourself.

    • July 1, 2020 at 8:09 pm

      Thanks. I wish I had it in me to write more/better. I’m not the same writer I was just a few years ago.

  18. July 1, 2020 at 12:19 am

    Allan, – yes the Global Reset is an apt title.
    I would bet good money you have high blood pressure causing that – commonest thing in the world, I control mine with a small amount of Cayenne Pepper with each meal (about 500mg in a capsule). If you ever get crook, feeling like you are having a heart attack, quickly down a glass of water with a teaspoon of C.P stirred into it, it can save your life (makes the arteries expand).
    Did you ever get a bonafide report from a real coroner, on buddy Peter B.? (only if you want to talk about it).
    Wishing you the best of health real soon Allan.

    • July 1, 2020 at 2:19 am

      I have slightly lower than normal blood pressure, but thanks for the thought. Re PB, I can’t even find out if the case is still active. No one seems to care either. I tried his daughter and his widow but have not heard back. The two other Montaukers I’ve asked won’t answer. I’m sure that if something like that happened to me, it would be the same. Who cares?

      • July 1, 2020 at 3:23 am

        Many many more than you realize care Allan, all the people who read your blog and books, all the people who have watched your movies – and heard the excellent scripts from Miami Vice back in the day etc. I care, we all care.
        Your talent outweighs the occasional growl & gruffness 1000 fold Mr!.
        Very sorry to hear it’s brick wall territory around Peter B.
        Hmmm….have you a known & trusted Doctor to consult?.

        • July 1, 2020 at 8:11 pm

          Nobody, not doctors, lawyers or mutual friends of PB and me will even answer my questions. Neither will his daughter and widow. No one cares what happened to that amazing human.

        • Azzy
          July 2, 2020 at 3:56 pm

          Dude, I’ve yet to come across a general consensus on Miami Vice that yields positive fruit to this very day, ya’ll.
          But hey. What do I know.
          Agree with everything you say, otherwise.
          And whether or not con-vid was, well, one big con is irrelevant given that we’re in the run up to war in the south China Sea later this summer.
          And if that escalates, a mysterious virus will be the least of our worries. And most definitely history with a capital H.
          Keep em comin, Allen.
          Any chance of Bug II? Although perhaps another look at Take Shelter would indeed be apt given what seems to be ramping up next.
          Stay safe ya’ll
          P.S The Floyd hoax laid out in all its wickedness for any doubting chumps still out there:

          The fakest fucking shit ever thete were. Cmon guys, wake up.

          • July 2, 2020 at 4:42 pm

            I didn’t get thru the whole thing but it’s good to see a few people realize what a transparent fake the Floyd death was. Add it to the list, the Boston bombing, sandy hook, you name it. Expect more of the same in the near future.

          • July 2, 2020 at 8:04 pm

            There are glowing jewels of praise giving a big thumbs up for Allan’s scripts, to be found in the public comments on the net.
            Hey you too, would have been a big fan of Don Johnson secretly – Yes?! (who still looks fantastic today).
            I truly love this blog the most out of the lot, there is more of a feeling of a real human behind his keyboard.
            Allan is the most knowledgeable & Entertaining blogger around of the lot! :-D, often makes me LOL.
            BTW Azzy, you are always spelling Allan’s name wrong – which would be contributing to Allan feeling a bit tired IMO.

          • Azzy
            July 2, 2020 at 8:27 pm

            It’s a long article, fo’ sho. But the faked image of Floyd with a Corona Beer poster on the wall behind kind of summarises the whole thing.
            They are laughing at us.
            Brett, point taken. And we’re all getting worn out at this stage.
            The WEF site tells us everything that’ll be coming our way over the next decade, or so. It is truly all there,– and a long read.
            Minus of course the false flags, war and chaos also planned to help things along.
            Planned chaos. Whoever woulda thought.
            Good luck, y’all. It’s gonna be a funy summer.
            BTW Crockett is indeed tha main, Brett.
            Provided he’s also Colin the Farrell 🥰
            WTF Mandela moment BTW. I thought Don was dead!! This shit gets weirder by the day.

  19. Sheena
    June 30, 2020 at 10:19 pm

    Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.
    I read that Peter Beard’s wife is trying to get back all the photographs he gifted to friends, so be careful.

    • July 1, 2020 at 2:21 am

      I/m not concerned about the Beard photo. When someone writes ‘For Allan, Christmas 86’ it would be tough to make a legal move. Besides, Nejma knows the circumstances; it wasn’t like he was paying a bar bill.

  20. Chuck
    June 30, 2020 at 9:39 pm

    World Economic Forum (whoever they are):

    The great reset comes twice a great year.

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