I’m almost finished with a book on A.I. and its apparent dangers; it’s interesting, in a dodgy sort of way. I will get back to you on it. Meanwhile I’ve been teasing ChatGPT (and vice versa, I think), trying to pry some truth out of it re how it came up with that story instantly. (Am I jealous? You bet.)…
Author: Allan Weisbecker
The Earth An Egg?
Several of you have voiced interest in the aborted ‘list post’ from a while back and I will go back and finish what we started (‘we’ meaning with your continuing help). However, I have lately been distracted by the continuing brouhaha over A.I., specifically ‘super’ A.I., and the likelihood of the catastrophe which, they tell us, will follow. …whenever the pundits…
Life and Death on Montauk
Many of you have read a version of what follows, i.e., the mystery of the death of my friend Peter Beard. I’ve shortened it, did some re-writing, and added my own photographs, which will attempt to tell the story of my relationship with Montauk, N.Y., where I lived for many years. So it is really two stories. I don’t know…
Origin of Life
Something came up yesterday that merits a brief detour from our list-making, although the subject, which is Origin of Life (OOL) is on the list. Yesterday I watched a debate on Origin of Life (OOL) and which I’d been looking forward to for some time. It was between Dr. James Tour and ‘Professor Dave Farina,’ two problematical figures, for very different reasons.…
Starting a List
Let’s make a list of the ‘issues’ that are largely or wholly contrived to keep us arguing amongst ourselves, as a distraction or way to instigate crimes and violence (which further divides). Now let’s do it so lies count: Some of the issues on my list do multiple duty; they are meant to divide/distract us while directly furthering a PTB…
Another Fucking Bummer
Although I can just about 100% assure you all that RFK, Jr. will never make it to the presidency — if it comes down to it he’ll die of a ‘heart attack’ before he gets on the dem ticket, let alone sets foot in the Oval Office — I’m much looking forward to the Neo-Cons desperate reaction to his giving…
A Blast From The Past
Note: If I posted a version of this a while back and forgot, my apologies. Ditto to those who have already read it in my last memoir, Can’t You Get Along With Anyone? A Writer’s Memoir and a Tale of a Lost Surfer’s Paradise. The photo-with-text book I’m working on will contain excerpts from my three books, which excerpts will…
If It Ain’t One Thing…
…It’s Another… A lot so stuff has come up in the past couple of days; too much stuff. I’ll mention them en passant as a chess player might phrase it. A list of ‘Meanwhiles.’ Robert Willmann, Jr. — a member of this blog — realized that it’s possible (or likely) that Tucker Carlson has not actually been fired. Click here if…
More Bad News (plus Photos #29)
One of the things I did before my last post was check to see if anyone else online has pointed out that saber toothed cats would starve to death due the impossibility of getting food down their gullet, let alone grabbing and holding a struggling prey animal. Nope. Tried all sorts of variations of ‘Saber tooth cats + problems eating’…
Our First ‘Meanwhile’
Just came here from the last post and want to thank those who commented, i.e., I enjoyed the comments! Thanks. I’ll keep posting about Spacex. Someone has to. Meanwhile. From now on, when a post starts with ‘Meanwhile’ or when ‘Meanwhile’ appears by itself (like the above line) it means I am going to describe something… fishy… I just noticed,…