If It Ain’t One Thing…

Photo # 30. Badlands weather.

…It’s Another…

A lot so stuff has come up in the past couple of days; too much stuff. I’ll mention them en passant as a chess player might phrase it. A list of ‘Meanwhiles.’

Robert Willmann, Jr. — a member of this blog — realized that it’s possible (or likely) that Tucker Carlson has not actually been fired. Click here if you are interested in this (relatively) minor drama. I have to admit I’m interested, mainly to see What Happens Next.

The Shack paradigm. A real eyebrow raiser, no? But is it true? You tell me.

Another of you turned me on to a bit of business from my old nemesis, Simon Shack (Simon is famous for his 9/11 opus, September Clues, plus his Clues Forum), and which I also find interesting. Simon (or his overlords/handlers?) has apparently come up with a new paradigm re the mechanics of our solar system. 

I’ll not try to sum up Simon’s thesis except to say it’s quite revolutionary and purports to solve ‘many anomalies’ in the current heliocentric model. (I also admit I didn’t know there were many anomalies but — given that most of mainstream science seems to be built upon untruths — I don’t doubt the possibility, and will be looking into this claim. If anyone is interested in this, I’m all ears.) Click here for the presentation.

Simon! ‘Subhuman’ am I?

Addendum: Simon and I clashed back in 2014, although we started out as best buddies. B)y the end of the Clues Forum back and forth Simon was calling me ‘subhuman’ and a ‘two-bit Hollywood blah blah’ plus other ad hominem bullshit; he also banned me from his platform. I’d pointed out how he and his CF cronies were misdirecting in reply to my evidence that Miles Mathis is a psy op; I had no choice but to come to the conclusion that Simon and his Forum were likewise a psy op, probably out of Tavistock. I’d love to hear your opinion on this, plus his ‘revolutionary’ (maybe it is, via revelation of the method, or maybe I’m wrong about Simon himself) celestial finding.

Another beaut of a revelation is re the list of scum that are now known to have partied with Epstein, two of which are Noam Chomsky and Woody Allen. But Christ, it never ends, does it? What I didn’t need to hear was more proof that talent/intelligence/insight has nothing whatever to do with the capacity to delve into real Evil. I mainly refer to Woody here, as I’ve always known that Chomsky is not what he appears to be.

Does the word ‘ogre’ come to mind?

I mean here’s a guy who blurts that the JFK assassination was ‘just another murder’ and which affected world history not a whit, and who actually calls ‘9/11 truth’ a ‘conspiracy theory’ that is not possible because insiders would ‘fear getting caught.’ Yes, Chomsky has said this crap multiple times.

This was a few years ago, after a face lift.  Do you have a young daughter? 

Two of the main jobs of agents of the PTB are the denigration of JFK (so we don’t care who killed him) and, mainly, debunk the idea that U.S. intel (plus Israel) had anything to do with 9/11. 

As a disintegrating old fart myself, the image of those two flaming hypocrites buggering little kids (or anyone) is literally nauseating. (There is a long ‘likewise’ list here but I’ll keep it to myself.)

Views of Michelle’s dick. It’s not that I find the dick itself disgusting; it’s the degree of deceit.

For some reason, maybe related to my lingering disgust after looking for images of these two fucking monsters, I was reminded (via a glimpse at a photograph) that our 44th First Lady was actually a man. Although given the current cultural trend this is the sort of thing we should expect, the image of a drag queen corn-holing our president in the House that George Washington built was likewise a gross out. (Click here for Obama accidentally calling his wife ‘Michael’.)

Addendum: The PTB saddling us with a drag queen for a First Lady did two (subconscious) things that I can think of immediately: Further prepare us for the ‘gender’ horse shit that was then on the horizon, and alert our ‘enemies’ as to how soft and vulnerable we really are. (Oh, and maybe how ready we are to get buggered.)

Badlands roundup.

What else came up yesterday? I’m listening to a podcast interview with Avi Loeb, Ph.d — touted as one of our most brilliant physicists — and before I could hit the mute button he’d mentioned: The Big Bang, black holes, Darwinian evolution, referred to the Apollo moon landings as if they really happened as we were told, ditto 9/11 (specifically, the towers ‘falling’ as if that was possible via damage high up), extolled the ‘wonderful’ photo The Pale Blue Dot as if that was genuine, and lauded Elon Musk as if he was genuine, indirectly saying he believes boosters can fall from 60 miles up through high winds and no airfoil surfaces and hit a tiny target. A physicist? 

I know: This stuff is old news to you guys, but I needed to get off my chest the way it went yesterday. Why do I keep having days like this? 


  34 comments for “If It Ain’t One Thing…

  1. Alan Scott
    May 17, 2023 at 6:07 pm

    Hey, Allan. Where’s my comment? Must have been a humdinger for you to have erased it, eh?
    Did it ever occur to you how fucking insulting you are to the people who gave their lives to the US space program? Not just those who died, but those who dedicated their careers to space exploration. My uncle was one of them. He worked on the first orbiting telescope (orbiting astronomical observatory, or OAO). A model of it still resides in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. He also worked on the original 2 piece lunar lander, which got our astronauts on and off the moon, alive. You know what, fuck you if you’re calling my uncle a liar. He also worked on a submersible that tracked and studied the Gulf Stream, or is that fake too?
    Allan, for someone who constantly accuses others of being deficient in critical thinking faculties, you take the cake. Non-existent is how I would categorize your abilities in this department. For example, you are citing, as irrefutable evidence of Michelle Obama’s manhood, that shitty little grouping of photographs above. Umm…could it possibly, just possibly be a crease in her clothing, or perhaps it’s photoshopped, because that never happens, right? Of all the innumerable likely explanations, you choose the unlikeliest. That’s some fucked up critical thinking Allan.
    Please lay it on the line for me. Since it seems like you never, ever met a conspiracy theory you didn’t love, answer me these questions:
    Is the earth round?
    Did The Holocaust happen?
    Of course you’ll most likely just delete this comment, like you do with most of my comments.

    • May 18, 2023 at 7:35 am

      Fuck Never A straight Answer, and their Fake ‘space program’.
      Their endless photograph fraud, CGI B.S, Subterfuge, and straight out Lies, have made me Sick for more than 50 years!.
      Just have a quick look at those 3 Sadsacks, at their “1969 post moon landing news conference”
      They looked like their dogs had died, as they sat shifty eyed & nervous, in front of teleprompters!.
      Body language was their enemy, and PROOF something was BADLY WRONG was right in front of us. (They should have got better actors) > https://youtu.be/Vr48AwYowb4

      • May 18, 2023 at 8:53 am

        ….Here is a more complete longer version. Not ONCE did they tell us what the all important TEMPERATURE was on the moon BTW.
        Would have been about 21C in Kubricks film studio https://youtu.be/BI_ZehPOMwI

        So now of course, Musk has largely taken over the shit show of fakery.

      • Alan Scott
        May 19, 2023 at 5:51 pm

        If how their eyes looked to you is your “proof” , Brett, that tells me a lot, thanks. And by the way, fuck you for (I’m inferring and extrapolating here) calling my uncle a liar. Better stay away from Aldrin’s right hook.

        • May 19, 2023 at 8:19 pm

          You are absolutely USELESS at reading body language – it IS NOT just the eyes.

          Fuck Aldrin, if he hit me, I would smash him on his silly old nose.
          The Lying old fart.
          Bart Sibrel should have thumped him in self defence, and BWT, that was further extreme evidence that they were harbouring the biggest lies under the sun, at the time.
          Not talking about your Uncle. Look into Compartmentalization.

  2. J Dos
    May 7, 2023 at 2:25 am


    I always know you’re hitting a nerve when the comments become nastier and outright dismissive (like duh, how could you even care or possibly be so – insert insult here). Seems you’re getting some idiots who want to keep jabbing themselves into oblivion. I’d say let em and leave it at that except many of these lost souls are harming/maiming their kids. Their hearts certainly won’t balance on the scales.

    • J Dos
      May 7, 2023 at 3:55 am

      BTW, just watched Hitchhiker’s Guide on Youtube. Loved this quote, “Presidents don’t have power. Their job is to draw attention away from it.”

    • May 7, 2023 at 7:31 pm

      Although I didn’t notice too much negativity, I do like your Egyptian allusion…

  3. May 6, 2023 at 8:16 pm

    Love the roundup, and agree that the people you mention are troubling…OT: I’m researching the origin of the word “jazz.” It had originally been used in baseball, to describe a pitch, in the Los Angeles Times on April 2, 1912. My friend discovered that cite in 2003 (20 years ago), and it’s in OED and Wikipedia. I asked ChatGPT about the origin of jazz. Everything it told me was a lie–completely made up. It gave me a made up 1913 cite. Then it gave me a made up 1915 cite. It said that they were both from the famous sportswriter E. (Ernest) P. Anson (1873-1940) on the Los Angeles Times–a person who never existed! ChatGPT said he was also a playwright and screenwriter, so I checked and found nothing, and then it said it had been mistaken. EVERYTHING IT TOLD ME WAS COMPLETELY MADE UP! This is not a just one mere “mistake.” AI is purposely lying to us. https://www.facebook.com/barry.popik/posts/pfbid02nnhVAnsc9KqR6gdcFMeAumGuyCfDTjuq77F1KLWWcyp9SX4vh2forNwH8RpLn9ocl

    • May 6, 2023 at 9:16 pm

      OT: Just went to the Chase ATM and tried to take out $20. My transaction was denied. I tried three times. All transaction denied. I called Chase. I was told my chip was not clean and wasn’t being read properly. It’s perfectly clean. Oh, it’s starting, it’s here, and it’s not good.

      • May 6, 2023 at 9:23 pm

        The thing is, I put my card in, then the password, and everything was fine. Only when I went to take out money the chip isn’t working, Chase?

      • May 7, 2023 at 4:08 pm

        Oh, boy. you may be the canary in the coal mine.

    • May 7, 2023 at 4:07 pm

      The lies are interesting: either they are programmed to get used to lying or the AI assumes lying is good b/c it can see via the net that it’s programmers are always lying to us. either way, not good, but predictable.

    • May 7, 2023 at 8:04 pm

      A couple of weeks ago, my 27 yo son told me that the AI ChatGPT4 suddenly went totally HAYWIRE on him, when he was trying to get it to do a writeup/story for him.
      It had never done this before previously, and it went totally spastic & unusable for the day.
      We just don’t know, and can’t know, if it was deliberately wrecked (as a warning??), or had teething problems, as they reboot it to the next level??…
      My good friend had it controlling his music stereo output, a couple of nights ago, – so he could actually talk to it, and ask it to play a certain song. A very pleasant sounding female voice would talk back, and announce the name of the song & artist.
      We gave it some very non-mainstream song requests, and “she” found the songs instantly!.
      BUT, when asked who wrote the songs and when, BIG Clanger Mistakes!.
      When we corrected “her” – she quipped back to us – “Well, I am still learning!” :-O

      Your chip incident sounds like a deliberate weapon/trick to stop you from getting your money, and “they” are trying to make it appear as a bonafide mistake/glitch.
      Not Good!!!

  4. Dan
    May 6, 2023 at 7:55 pm

    Honestly I can’t believe you waste time on this .

  5. Ellington Duke
    May 6, 2023 at 7:32 pm

    Allan, I had an amusing back and forth the other day with a Miles Mathis consortium devotee. Inter alia, Miles’ Twitter account was suspended last month. Anyhoo, I had the temerity to cast doubt on the hallowed thesis that “JFK wasn’t assassinated. He was whisked off to live “out” his days as King of America in some remote command post who knows where.”

    How could I demur from that rrefutable conclusion, asked the aghast devotee? I referred the devotee to your work, knowing full well that this would trigger any red blooded Miles Mathis mother lover. I also pointed out that the name Miles Williams Mathis, where the initals are MWM, numerically translates to 333, which stinks of you know what. You will want to know, Allan, that “Miles” is a “scholar.” Yes, sir, the finest debunking one around acccording to the devotee. I pointed out semi gently that actual scholars cite their primary and secondary sources otherwise their speculations and suppositions can only be seen as just that, speculations and suppositions. Not surprisingly, none of th make a dent.

    I have to admiy that I am taken with some of
    What the MWM consortium hangs out, e.g. Marx was an agent of the uber class who tasked him with driving a wedge amongst the uppity plebs who were lending themselves to Republican uprisings which threatened the established order.

    It seems to me that that the MWM consortium hangs out some quality info here and there, but thd MO is to fatally taint it with the Phoenician Navy meets the Hebrews claptrap.

    Lastly, speaking of aces and eights, it has not been lost on me that the Pedo King’s Coronation is on a MOTB day. I also did a bit of research and learned that Buckingham Palace’s Latitudinal coordinates equal eighteen. What are the odds that these numeric signatures are by chance?

    • Ea
      May 6, 2023 at 9:51 pm

      Ellington Duke good for you duking it out with them.

      in fairness, the MWM cosmos is not quite Phoenician-Navy-meets-the-Hebrews and it is hardly claptrap. Not demonstrably.

      One idea contained within the Navy theory is that there were no Hebrews — not as a people radically distinct from others in the region. The idea might better be summed up as Phoenician-Navy-once-dressed-up-as-Hebrews.

      Until someone can show that the theory ought to be discarded, i ‘ll take the Navy to be a perfectly fine HTWRW, alongside the more popular Khazarian Mafia one.

      Allan knows i defend Mathis only so that the punches here land harder.

      God save the King !

    • May 7, 2023 at 4:15 pm

      I check in on MM but not so much any more, since his obsession w jews and ancestry (forgetting that if you go back about 10 generations we are all cousins), but his Manson expose keeps luring me back to see if I missed something else. Problem is, you can’t trust anything but I hope he might remind me of something.

  6. jnan
    May 6, 2023 at 6:54 pm

    Ditto to everything that’s been said. Every day brings a new revelation of who and what is NOT what it appears to be. It’s become increasingly difficult to trust/believe in almost anything/anyone anymore. It can be quite crushing ……….

  7. frank
    May 6, 2023 at 2:05 pm

    > … realized that it’s possible (or likely) that Tucker Carlson has not actually been fired.

    So had I heard.
    His show was cancelled, but he himself not fired.
    Which has a similiar impact on his viewers, but keeps him under control somewhat.
    As an employee still under contract, he can’t say or do anything he wants.

    > … and lauded Elon Musk as if he was genuine, indirectly saying he believes boosters can fall from 60 miles up through high winds and no airfoil surfaces and hit a tiny target.

    As a amateur rocket enthusiast, I fully agree. Though mine only weighted ounces, and went some hundred yards. Everything came back to the ground, one way or another – where I had to pick it up.

    Something loosely related, if you find the time to lookat it …
    I came across an interesting music video lately. While I like the tune (a matter of taste !), the footage is also quite interesting. According to the YT description, time lapse photograph footage from an ISS mission more than a decade ago.
    Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1STVLa6f-o
    Looks legit to me. I could even see stars in the background …

    • May 6, 2023 at 3:55 pm

      I think I’ve seen that one or one like it. It’s a good example of how they forget what they’ve said and what it’s supposed to look like in space. I’m pretty sure that’s animation, not real, altho the stars would be visible as you see, IMO, with no atmosphere.

      Re your rockets, I assume you agree that Musk’s ‘grid fins’ and little gas thrusters will not adjust trajectory at all, but only affect tilt and not that well. The short bursts from the main engines are to slow it down only and would not adjust heading either. It’s like balancing a broom on your palm and trying to lower it to a spot on the ground while keeping it upright. Cannot be done. Right?

      • brian
        May 6, 2023 at 4:28 pm

        How come some boosters land on the droneship and some return to the launch site? Why are some not recoverable at all? And what about the droneships that keep coming into Port Canaveral with used boosters sitting on them? Where are they coming from?
        If a booster needed more than gas thrusters and grid fins to direct it to the landing site, why not CGI in some winglets? Musk knows you need them in some applications, he put them on the Starship.

        • May 6, 2023 at 5:22 pm

          The Starship’s ‘belly flop maneuver is another absurd impossibility. Hilarious. Yet no one mentions it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqJ5bKuApbs&t=323s

          • brian
            May 7, 2023 at 2:33 pm

            The guy in the video link you provided explains it pretty well, did you watch it?

          • May 7, 2023 at 4:18 pm

            I’ve been through this several times and have videos. How about you do a site search for ‘Spacex’ and find em on your own so I don’t have to keep repeating myself?

      • frank
        May 7, 2023 at 4:50 pm

        My rockets were too tiny to install thrusters like on Musks alleged one’s. And they are quite a hassle, adding complexity and failure probability.

        Though I see two additional problems with this Musks alleged devices. First, the steering effect (i.e. force) excerted by fins is proportional to velocity (except around Mach 1). At low speeds, there is absolutely no steering effect.
        And second, aerodynamic stability demands that the center of gravity of a projectile (like a rocket) is forward of the center of pressure. This center of pressure is the point were aerodynamic drag forces equal out. Fins are a convient way to move that CoP backward – and this is why they are usually attached to the back end of the projectile.
        I guess you can see where this is going – a rocket is designed to be stable in flight orientation and direction. Reversing that direction usually has very grave consequences, as one can see e.g. here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YFU4KaJSSc
        Except of course for Miracle Musk’s rockets … 😉

        • May 7, 2023 at 7:40 pm

          Good link. It also shows what exploding rockets look like, i.e., nothing like Musk’s. Not only do his leave no debris but they are colorless, not orange, which is how real ones do it. This is a serious tell that something is way not right with the
          spacex shit we see.

  8. Fred Kolo
    May 6, 2023 at 12:49 pm

    On just one topic. It a certain point in my life I was reading the architectural magazines fairly thoroughly, and I had studied carefully the basic system of construction of the two towers in the so called world trade center. There were no internal supports. The separate floors used bridge construction techniques, and they were entirely supported by the vertical members of the outer wall. There were no interior supports and their attachment to the outer vertical members were point welds. The lack of interior supports significantly increased the amount of rent-able square feet per floor. (the elevator shafts also provided no support to the floors.) It only took one floor becoming free to fall to bring them all down. Welded joints are susceptible to softening under extreme heat. A well placed engineer accompanied me on a visit of several hour of the site within 8 or so days from the collapse. His memorable comment “this is the worst engineering failure I have ever seen.”

    • May 6, 2023 at 4:12 pm

      You might take a look at some of the videos by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth. Or just use common sense re how a building can be turned to dust, top to bottom.

    • May 6, 2023 at 8:25 pm

      Hey Fred, That engineer was joking, had to be. Just look up, “twin towers core columns”, then hit images. What do you see, friend?

  9. William Petty
    May 6, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    Things are seldom what the seem. This is a battle of principalities.

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